Gaël Reyrol 0a30179f00 Add support for updating buildComposerProject's vendorHash
Update tests/testpkgs/default.nix
2024-01-16 11:06:16 +01:00

196 lines
5.7 KiB

import json
import os
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from textwrap import dedent, indent
from typing import Any, Literal
from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse
from .errors import UpdateError
from .options import Options
from .utils import run
from .version.version import Version, VersionPreference
class Position:
file: str
line: int
column: int
class CargoLock:
class NoCargoLock(CargoLock):
class CargoLockInSource(CargoLock):
def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
self.path = path
class CargoLockInStore(CargoLock):
class Package:
attribute: str
import_path: InitVar[str]
name: str
old_version: str
filename: str
line: int
urls: list[str] | None
url: str | None
src_homepage: str | None
changelog: str | None
rev: str
hash: str | None
go_modules: str | None
go_modules_old: str | None
cargo_deps: str | None
npm_deps: str | None
yarn_deps: str | None
composer_deps: str | None
tests: list[str]
has_update_script: bool
raw_version_position: InitVar[dict[str, Any] | None]
raw_cargo_lock: InitVar[Literal[False] | str | None]
parsed_url: ParseResult | None = None
new_version: Version | None = None
version_position: Position | None = field(init=False)
cargo_lock: CargoLock = field(init=False)
diff_url: str | None = None
def __post_init__(
import_path: str,
raw_version_position: dict[str, Any] | None,
raw_cargo_lock: Literal[False] | str | None,
) -> None:
url = self.url or (self.urls[0] if self.urls else None)
if url:
self.parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if raw_version_position is None:
self.version_position = None
self.version_position = Position(**raw_version_position)
if raw_cargo_lock is None:
self.cargo_lock = NoCargoLock()
elif raw_cargo_lock is False:
self.cargo_lock = CargoLockInStore()
elif not os.path.realpath(raw_cargo_lock).startswith(import_path):
self.cargo_lock = CargoLockInStore()
self.cargo_lock = CargoLockInSource(raw_cargo_lock)
def eval_expression(
escaped_import_path: str, attr: str, flake: bool, system: str | None
) -> str:
system = f'"{system}"' if system else "builtins.currentSystem"
if flake:
let_bindings = f"""
inherit (builtins) getFlake stringLength substring;
currentSystem = {system};
flake = getFlake {escaped_import_path};
pkg = flake.packages.${{currentSystem}}.{attr} or flake.{attr};
inherit (flake) outPath;
outPathLen = stringLength outPath;
sanitizePosition = {{ file, ... }}@pos:
assert substring 0 outPathLen file != outPath
-> throw "${{file}} is not in ${{outPath}}";
pos // {{ file = {escaped_import_path} + substring outPathLen (stringLength file - outPathLen) file; }};
let_bindings = f"""
pkgs = import {escaped_import_path};
args = builtins.functionArgs pkgs;
inputs = (if args ? system then {{ system = {system}; }} else {{}}) //
(if args ? overlays then {{ overlays = [ ]; }} else {{}});
pkg = (pkgs inputs).{attr};
sanitizePosition = x: x;
has_update_script = (
"false" if flake else "pkg.passthru.updateScript or null != null"
return f"""
{indent(dedent(let_bindings), " ")}
raw_version_position = sanitizePosition (builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "version" pkg);
position = if pkg ? isRubyGem then
else if pkg ? isPhpExtension then
sanitizePosition (builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "src" pkg);
in {{
name =;
old_version = pkg.version or (builtins.parseDrvName;
inherit raw_version_position;
filename = position.file;
line = position.line;
urls = pkg.src.urls or null;
url = pkg.src.url or null;
rev = pkg.src.rev or null;
hash = pkg.src.outputHash or null;
go_modules = pkg.goModules.outputHash or null;
go_modules_old = pkg.go-modules.outputHash or null;
cargo_deps = pkg.cargoDeps.outputHash or null;
raw_cargo_lock =
if pkg ? cargoDeps.lockFile then
inherit (pkg.cargoDeps) lockFile;
res = builtins.tryEval (sanitizePosition {{
file = toString lockFile;
if res.success then res.value.file else false
composer_deps = pkg.composerRepository.outputHash or null;
npm_deps = pkg.npmDeps.outputHash or null;
yarn_deps = pkg.offlineCache.outputHash or null;
tests = builtins.attrNames (pkg.passthru.tests or {{}});
has_update_script = {has_update_script};
src_homepage = pkg.src.meta.homepage or null;
changelog = pkg.meta.changelog or null;
def eval_attr(opts: Options) -> Package:
expr = eval_expression(
opts.escaped_import_path, opts.escaped_attribute, opts.flake, opts.system
cmd = [
] + opts.extra_flags
res = run(cmd)
out = json.loads(res.stdout)
package = Package(attribute=opts.attribute, import_path=opts.import_path, **out)
if opts.override_filename is not None:
package.filename = opts.override_filename
if opts.url is not None:
package.parsed_url = urlparse(opts.url)
if opts.version_preference != VersionPreference.SKIP and package.old_version == "":
raise UpdateError(
f"Nix's builtins.parseDrvName could not parse the version from {}"
return package