AboutDialog About %1 关于 %1 Understand your history! 了解您的提交历史! Changelog 变更日志 Acknowledgments 致谢 Privacy 隐私 Usage reporting has been disabled. Restart the application for changes to take effect. 使用情况报告已被禁用。请重启应用程序以使更改生效。 Usage Reporting Disabled 使用情况报告已禁用 Account Connection failed 连接失败 <b>Note:</b> Basic authentication is not supported if you have two-factor authentication enabled. Use a <a href='https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/'>personal access token</a> in the password field instead. <b>注意:</b> 如果启用了双重身份验证,则不支持基本身份验证。在密码字段中使用<a href='https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/'>个人访问令牌</a>代替。 <b>Note:</b> Only Basic authentication is currently supported <b>Note:</b> Basic authentication is not supported. Use a <a href='https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html'>personal access token</a> in the password field instead. <b>注意:</b> 不支持基本身份验证。在密码字段中使用<a href='https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html'>个人访问令牌</a>代替。 Authentication failed 验证失败 AccountDialog Add Remote Account 添加远程帐户 Host: 主机: Username: 用户名: Password: 密码: Advanced: 高级: URL: 地址URL: Replace? 确定替换吗? An account of this type already exists. 此类型的帐户已存在。 Would you like to replace the previous account? 您要替换以前的帐户吗? Replace 替换 Cancel 取消 Connection Failed 连接失败 AddRemoteDialog Add Remote 添加远程仓库 Name: 名称: URL: 地址URL: AdvancedButton Advanced Search 高级搜索 AdvancedSearchWidget Author: 作者: Author name 作者姓名 Email: 电子邮件: Author email 作者电子邮件 Message: 信息: Commit message 提交讯息 Date: 日期: Specific commit date 具体提交日期 After: 之后: Commits after date 在此日期之后提交 Before: 之前: Commits before date 在此日期之前提交 File: 文件: File name 文件名称 Path: 路径: File path 文件路径 Scope: 范围: Hunk header text 补丁片段的头信息 Context: 内容: Diff context (white) 差异内容(白色) Addition: 追加: Diff addition (green) 差异追加(绿色) Deletion: 删除: Diff deletion (red) 差异删除(红色) Comment: 注释: Source code comment 源代码注释 String: 字符串: Source code string literal 源代码字符串文字 Identifier: 识别: Source code identifier 源代码标识符 Search 搜索 Return 返回 AmendDialog Author Committer Commit Message: Amend 修改 Cancel 取消 Application SSL Errors SSL错误 Failed to set up SSL session. Do you want to ignore these errors? 无法设置SSL会话。您要忽略这些错误吗? AuthorCommitterDate Author/Committer: Author: Committer: Beanstalk Connection failed 连接失败 Bitbucket Connection failed 连接失败 BlameEditor Untitled 无标题 Not Tracked 未追踪 HEAD Working Copy 工作副本 Save File 保存文件 BlameMargin Not Committed 未提交 Invalid Signature 签名无效 BranchTableModel Name 名称 Upstream 上游 Rebase 变基(Rebase) CheckoutDialog Detach HEAD 游离的头 References: 参考文献: Checkout 检出 ClearButton Clear 清除 CloneDialog Initialize Repository 初始化仓库 Clone Repository 克隆仓库 Initialized empty repository into '%1' 将空仓库初始化为'%1' Cloned repository from '%1' into '%2' 将仓库从'%1'克隆到'%2' Initialize 初始化 Clone 克隆 ClonePage Clone Progress 克隆进度 The new repository will open after the clone finishes. 克隆完成后,将打开新的仓库。 Clone 克隆 clone 克隆 Clone canceled. 克隆已取消。 Failed to %1 into '%2' - %3 %1克隆到'%2'失败 - %3 CommitDetail Copy 复制 Range: 范围: Id: ID: initial commit 初次提交 Parents: 父: CommitDialog Merge commit message 合并提交消息 Stash commit message 隐藏提交消息 Revert commit message 还原提交消息 Cherry-pick commit message 拣选操作提交消息 Merge 合并 Abort 中止 Stash 进度保存 Revert 还原 Cherry-pick 拣选操作 CommitEditor T <b>Commit Message:</b> <b>提交消息:</b> Spell Check Language 拼写检查语言 The dictionary '%1' is invalid 字典 '%1' 无效 Spell checking is disabled. 拼写检查被禁用。 The choosen dictionary '%1.dic' is not a valid hunspell dictionary. 选定的字典 '%1.dic' 不是有效的 hunspell 字典。 Invalid dictionary '%1.dic' 无效的字典 '%1.dic' Edit User Dictionary 编辑用户字典 Stage All 全部暂存 Unstage All 全部取消暂存 Commit 提交 Abort rebasing Continue rebasing Abort Merge 中止合并(Merge) %1 %1 %1 and %2 %1, %2, and %3 Merge 合并 Revert 还原 Cherry-pick 拣选操作 Rebase Abort %1 中止%1 Commit Rebase Update %1 更新%1 Update %1 and %2 更新%1和%2 Update %1, %2, and %3 更新%1,%2和%3 Update %1, %2, and %3 more files... 更新%1,%2和%3多个文件... Nothing staged 没有暂存 %1 of %2 file staged 已暂存%2个文件中的%1个 %1 of %2 files staged 已暂存%2个文件中的%1个 %1 file partially staged %1文件已部分暂存 %1 files partially staged 部分暂存了%1个文件 %1 unresolved conflict %1个未解决的冲突 %1 unresolved conflicts %1个未解决的冲突 all conflicts resolved 所有冲突已解决 Commit Merge 提交合并 CommitList Remove Untracked Files 删除未跟踪的文件 Apply 应用 Pop 填充(Pop) Drop 丢弃(Drop) Unstar 取消星标 Star 星标 Add Tag... 添加标签... New Branch... 新建分支... Delete Tag %1 删除标签%1 Delete Branch %1 删除分支%1 Rename Branch Delete Branch Delete Tag 删除标签 Merge... 合并... Rebase... 变基... Squash... 聚合(Squash)... Revert 还原 Cherry-pick 拣选操作 Checkout %1 检出%1 Checkout 检出 Local branch is already checked out 本地分支已检出 This is a bare repository 这是一个纯仓库 Reset 重置 Soft 软性 Mixed 混合 Hard 硬性 CommitModel Uncommitted changes 未提交的更改 Checking for uncommitted changes 检查未提交的更改 CommitToolBar Show All Branches 显示所有分支 Show Selected Branch 显示选定的分支 Sort by Date 按日期排序 Sort Topologically 拓扑排序 Show Graph 显示图 Show Clean Status 显示清理状态 Compact Mode 紧凑模式 Show Author Show Date Show Id ConfigDialog Esc 退出 General 一般 Diff 比较 Remotes 远程 Branches 分支 Submodules 子模块 Search 搜索 Plugins 插件 LFS LFS Edit Config File... 编辑配置文件... DateSelectionGroupWidget Datetime source Current Manual Original DefaultWidget Clone repository 克隆仓库 Open existing repository 打开现有仓库 Open Repository 打开仓库 Initialize new repository 初始化新的仓库 Add %1 account 添加%1个帐户 View getting started videos 查看入门视频 Contact us for support 联系我们以获得支持 DeleteBranchDialog Are you sure you want to delete local branch '%1'? 您确定要删除本地分支'%1'吗? Delete Branch? 删除分支? Also delete the upstream branch from its remote 同时删除其远程上游分支 Delete 删除 delete '%1' from '%2' 从'%2'中删除'%1' Push 推送 Push canceled. 推送已取消。 Unable to push to %1 - %2 无法推送到%1-%2 The branch is not fully merged. Deleting it may cause some commits to be lost. 分支未完全合并。删除它可能会导致某些提交丢失。 DeleteTagDialog Are you sure you want to delete tag '%1'? 您确定要删除标签'%1'吗? Delete Tag? 删除标签? Also delete the upstream tag from %1 同时从%1删除上游标签 Delete 删除 delete '%1' from '%2' 从'%2'中删除'%1' Push 推送 Push canceled. 推送已取消。 Unable to push to %1 - %2 无法推送到%1-%2 Delete Tag 删除标签 delete tag 删除标签 DetailView Author: 作者: reset 重置 Here you can set the author used for committing These settings will not be saved permanently Email: 电子邮件: DiffPanel lines 线 System Locale 系统区域设置 Context lines: 内容行: Character Encoding: 字符编码: Ignore Whitespace (-w) 忽略空格(-w) Added files 添加的文件 Deleted files 删除的文件 Whitespace: 空格: Auto Collapse: 自动收合: DiffTool External Diff 外部比较 DiffTreeModel Submodule 子模块 DiffView Add new file 追加新文件 Or drag files here to copy into the repository 或将文件拖到此处以复制到仓库中 DoubleTreeWidget Blame Show Blame Editor Diff 比较 Show Diff View 显示差异视图 Single Tree View List View Hide Untracked Files DownloadDialog Update %1 更新%1 Downloading %1... 正在下载%1 ... Download Complete! 下载完成! Install and Restart 安装并重启 EditButton Edit Working Copy 编辑工作副本 Edit New Revision 编辑新修订 Edit Old Revision 编辑旧修订 EditTool Edit in External Editor 在外部编辑器中编辑 EditorPanel Tabs 标签页 Spaces 空间 Show heat map 显示热图 Font: 字体: Font size: 字体大小: Indent using: 缩进使用: Indent width: 缩进宽度: Tab width: 标签页宽度: Blame margin: 追踪边际: EditorWindow '%1' has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? '%1'已被修改。您要保存更改吗? Save Changes? 您要保存更改吗? ExternalToolsDialog Configure External Tools 配置外部工具 Detected Tools 检测工具 User Defined Tools 用户定义工具 Select Executable 选择可执行文件 ExternalToolsModel Name 名称 Command 命令 Arguments 参数 FileContextMenu Revision Not Found 找不到修订 The selected file doesn't have a %1 revision. 所选文件没有%1版本。 Bash Not Found 找不到Bash Bash was not found on your PATH. 在您的PATH上找不到Bash。 Bash is required to execute external tools. Bash是执行外部工具所必需的。 Stage 暂存 Unstage 取消暂存 Discard Changes 放弃更改 Discard Changes? 您确定要放弃更改吗? Are you sure you want to discard changes in the selected files? 您确定要放弃所选文件中的更改吗? This action cannot be undone. 此操作无法撤消。 (Submodule) %1 files %1个文件 Discard 丢弃 discard 丢弃 Remove Untracked Files 删除未跟踪的文件 Ignore 忽略 Checkout 检出 Unlock 解除锁定 Lock 锁定 Copy File Name 复制文件名 Filter History 筛选记录 Navigate to 导航至 Next Revision 下一个修订 next 下一个 Previous Revision 上一个修订 previous 上一个 Unset Executable 未设置可执行文件 Set Executable 设置可执行 Save Selected Version as ... Select new file directory Saving files Saving files of selected version to disk Save file Invalid Blob Open this version Opening file Open open file Blob is invalid. Unable to checkout bare repositories Unable to open files from bare repository The file is already in the current working directory edit 编辑 diff 比较 merge 合并 External Tool Not Found 找不到外部工具 Failed to execute external %1 tool. 无法执行外部%1工具。 FileList Sort By 排序方式 Select 选择 Name 名称 Status 状态 Ignore Whitespace (-w) 忽略空格(-w) Added 添加的 Deleted 删除的 Modified 修改的 Renamed 更名的 Copied 复制的 Ignored 忽略的 Untracked 未追踪的 Unreadable 不可读 Conflicted 矛盾的 Unmodified 未修改的 Type Change 类型变更 FileWidget LFS LFS Unlock 解除锁定 Lock 锁定 Show Object 显示对象 Edit File 编辑文件 Discard File 丢弃文件 Directory 目录 File 文件 Remove %1? 删除%1? Discard Changes? 您确定要放弃更改吗? Are you sure you want to remove '%1'? 您确定要删除'%1'吗? Are you sure you want to discard all changes in '%1'? 您确定要放弃'%1'中的所有更改吗? This action cannot be undone. 此操作无法撤消。 Remove %1 删除%1 Discard Changes 放弃更改 Discard 丢弃 discard 丢弃 Collapse File 收合文件 Expand File 展开文件 Show Pointer 显示指针 FindWidget Search 搜索 Done 完成 Esc 退出 Not found 未找到 %1 match %1个匹配 %1 matches %1个匹配 GeneralPanel Fetch every 获取每个 minutes Push after each commit 每次提交后推送 Update submodules after pull 拉取后更新子模块 Prune when fetching 获取时清除 No translation 没有翻译 Store credentials in secure storage 将凭证存储在安全存储中 Allow collection of usage data 允许收集使用情况数据 Update submodules after pull and clone <a href='view'>View privacy policy</a> <a href='view'>查看隐私政策</a> User name: 用户名: User email: 用户电子邮件: Automatic actions: 自动动作: Language: 语言: Credentials: 证书: Credential store type: Only allow a single running instance Single instance: Usage reporting: 使用情况报告: GitHub Connection failed 连接失败 Failed to authenticate with GitHub! 无法通过GitHub进行身份验证! Successfully authenticated with GitHub! 已通过GitHub成功认证! GitLab Connection failed 连接失败 Authentication failed 验证失败 Header Filter %1 筛选%1 HostModel Connecting 连接中 HotkeyModel Action Keys HunkWidget Save 保存 Undo 撤消 Use Ours 使用我们的 Use Theirs 用他们的 Edit Hunk 编辑补丁片段 Discard Hunk 放弃补丁片段 Discard selected lines? Are you sure you want to discard the changes in hunk from line %1 to %2 in '%3'? Discard selected lines Discard Hunk? 您确定要放弃补丁片段吗? Are you sure you want to remove '%1'? 您确定要删除'%1'吗? Are you sure you want to discard the hunk starting at line %1 in '%2'? 您确定要舍弃'%2'中从行%1开始的块吗? This action cannot be undone. 此操作无法撤消。 Collapse Hunk 收合补丁片段 Expand Hunk 展开补丁片段 Esc 退出 Fix 固定 Edit 编辑 No newline at end of file 文件末尾没有换行符 IgnoreDialog Ignore Pattern Images <b>Size:</b> %1 <b>大小:</b>%1 InfoBox Name: Email: 电子邮件: Commit date: KeybindDialog The selected key is the same for the following actions: %1 Please press the desired hotkey LfsPanel Initialize LFS 初始化LFS Specify a glob pattern for tracking large files. Generally, large files are greater than 500kB, change frequently, and do not compress well with git. This includes binary or video files which are already highly compressed. Examples *.png *.[pP][nN][gG] /images/* 指定用于跟踪大文件的全局模式。 通常,大文件大于500kB,经常更改, 并且用 git 不能很好地压缩。这包括二进制或视频 已经高度压缩的文件。 例: * .png *.[pP] [nN] [gG] /images/* Pattern: 模式: Track 跟踪 days Fetch LFS objects from all references for the past 从过去的所有引用中获取LFS对象 reference days or 参照天数或 commit days 提交天数 View Environment 查看环境 git-lfs env (read only) git-lfs env(只读) Deinitialize LFS 取消初始化LFS Deinitialize LFS? 您确定要取消初始化LFS吗? Are you sure you want uninstall LFS from this repository? 您确定要从此仓库卸载LFS吗? Deinitialize 取消初始化 Server URL: 服务器地址URL: Prune Offset: 清除偏移: Fetch Recent: 获取最近: Advanced: 高级: Included patterns: Excluded patterns: Location %1 | %2 %1 | %2 NC NC Not Committed 未提交 LocationPage Repository Location 仓库位置 Choose the name and location of the new repository. A new directory will be created if it doesn't already exist. 选择新仓库的名称和位置。如果尚不存在新目录,则会创建一个新目录。 Initialize 初始化 Clone 克隆 ... ... Choose Directory 选择目录 Name: 名称: Directory: 目录: Advanced: 高级: Create a bare repository 创建一个纯仓库 The new repository will be created at:<p style='text-indent: 12px'><b>%1</b></p> 新的仓库将在以下位置创建:<p style='text-indent:12px'><b>%1</b></p> LogView Copy 复制 MainWindow Invalid Git Repository 无效的Git仓库 %1 does not contain a valid git repository. %1没有包含有效的git仓库。 %1 - %2 %1 - %2 ahead: %1 前进:%1 behind: %1 后面:%1 up-to-date 最新 %1 (%2) %1 (%2) MERGING 合并 REVERTING 还原 CHERRY-PICKING 拣选操作 REBASING 变基 MenuBar File 文件 New File 新建文件 New Window 新建窗口 Ctrl+Meta+N Ctrl+Meta+N Clone Repository... 克隆仓库... Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+N Initialize New Repository... 初始化新仓库... Ctrl+Alt+N Ctrl+Alt+N Open Repository... 打开仓库... Open Repository 打开仓库 Open Recent 打开最近 Close 关闭 Save 保存 Exit 退出 Edit 编辑 Undo 撤消 Redo 重做 Cut 剪切 Copy 复制 Paste 粘贴 Select All 全选 Find... 查找... Find Next 查找下一个 Find Previous 查找上一个 Use Selection for Find 查找选择的内容 Show Double Tree View Ctrl+E Ctrl + E View 查看 Refresh 刷新 Show Log 显示日志 Normal Maximize Show Tree View 显示树状视图 Hide Menu Bar Repository 仓库 Configure Repository... 配置仓库... Stage All 暂存全部 Ctrl++ Ctrl++ Unstage All 取消暂存全部 Ctrl+- Ctrl+- Commit 提交 Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+C Amend Commit 修改提交 Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+A Git LFS Git LFS Remove all locks 移除所有锁定 Initialize 初始化 Remote 远程 Configure Remotes... 配置远程... Fetch 获取 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F Fetch All 获取全部 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A Fetch From... 获取自... Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Pull 拉取 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L Pull From... 拉取自... Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+Shift+L Push 推送 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Push To... 推送至... Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Branch 分支 Configure Branches... 配置分支... New Branch... 新建分支... Rename Branch Checkout Current 检出(Checkout)当前 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H Checkout... 检出(Checkout)... Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H Merge... 合并(Merge)... Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+M Rebase... 变基(Rebase)... Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+R Squash... 聚合(Squash)... Ctrl+Shift+Q Ctrl+Shift+Q Abort Merge 中止合并(Merge) Submodule 子模块 Configure Submodules... 配置子模块... Update All 更新全部 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+U Ctrl+Shift+Alt+U Update... 更新... Ctrl+Shift+U Ctrl+Shift+U Open 打开 Stash 贮藏 Show Stashes 显示贮藏区备份 Stash... 备份未提交修改到贮藏区 Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+T Pop Stash 应用备份并从贮藏区删除 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T History 历史 Back 退回 Forward 前进 Window 窗口 Show Previous Tab 显示上一个标签页 Show Next Tab 显示下一个标签页 Show Repository Chooser... 显示仓库选择器... Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+Shift+O Tools 工具 Options... 选项... Help 帮助 About %1 关于%1 Check For Updates... 检查更新... Plugin Documentation... 插件文档... Support us via Liberapay Debug 除错 Abort 中止 Log Indexer Progress 日志索引器进度 Log Credential Helper 日志凭证助手 Log Remote Connection 记录远程连接 Log Debug Messages Load All Diffs 加载所有差异 Walk Commits 遍历提交 Hide Log 隐藏日志 Show Diff View 显示差异视图 Merge 合并 Revert 还原 Cherry-pick 拣选操作 Rebase 变基 Abort %1 中止%1 MergeDialog Merge 合并 Rebase 变基 Squash 聚合(Squash) Merge (No Fast-forward) 合并(无快进) Merge (Fast-forward Only) 合并(仅快进) No commit 没有提交 Reference: 引用: Action: 动作: Choose a reference to merge into '%1'. 选择一个引用合并到'%1'。 Choose a reference to rebase '%1' on. 选择一个引用'%1'变基。 Choose a reference to squash into '%1'. 选择一个引用以聚合(Squash)入'%1'。 MergeTool External Merge 外部合并 MiscPanel Path to SSH config file: SSH配置文件的路径: Path to default / fallback SSH key file: 默认/后备SSH密钥文件的路径: NewBranchDialog Checkout branch 检出分支 Name: 名称: Start Point: 起点: Advanced: 高级: Upstream: 上游: Create Branch 新建分支 PathspecWidget Filter by Path 按路径过滤 PluginsPanel Name 名称 Kind Description 描述 Options 选项 %1 Options %1选项 Note 注意 Warning 警告 Error 错误 Popup Show Advanced Search 显示高级搜索 PreviewWidget Added 添加 Modified 修改 PullRequestButton Create Pull Request 新建拉取请求 PullRequestDialog Create Pull Request 新建拉取请求 Title 标题 Body 内容 Maintainer can modify 维护者可以修改 From: 从: owner/repository 所有者/仓库 branch 分支 To: 至: Create 新建 QObject Expand all Collapse all Staged Files Unstaged Files Committed Files Workdir Files Your global GIT configuration is invalid, Gittyup won't run properly until this is fixed RebaseConflictDialog Rebase conflict Abort rebase Continue The rebase caused a merge conflict. Would you like to fix the merge conflict and continue? Reference HEAD detached at %1 HEAD在%1处分离 ReferenceList Commit 提交 ReferenceModel Branches 分支 Remotes 远程 Tags 标签 ReferenceView Branch 分支 Remote 远程 Tag 标签 Checkout 检出 Rename 重命名 Delete 删除 Push Tag to %1 将标签推送到%1 New Local Branch 新建本地分支 Merge... 合并... Rebase... 变基... Squash... 聚合(Squash)... RefreshButton Refresh 刷新 RemoteButton 999+ 999+ RemoteCallbacks remote: %1 远程:%1 failed to execute pre-push hook: bash not found 无法执行pre-push钩子:未找到bash failed to execute pre-push hook: %1 无法执行pre-push钩子:%1 HTTPS Credentials HTTPS凭证 SSH Passphrase SSH密码 Username: 用户名: Password: 密码: Passphrase: 密码短语: authentication canceled 身份验证已取消 From %1 从%1 To %1 至%1 RemoteDialog Push all tags 推送所有标签 Update existing tags 更新现有标签 Merge 合并 Rebase 变基 Merge (No Fast-forward) 合并(无快进) Merge (Fast-forward Only) 合并(仅快进) Set upstream 设置上游 Force 强制 Remote Reference: 远程引用: Prune references 清除引用 Fetch 获取 Pull 拉取 Push 推送 Remote: 远程: Reference: 引用: Action: 动作: Advanced: 高级: RemotePage Remote Repository URL 远程仓库URL Choose protocol to authenticate with the remote. 选择协议以对远程进行身份验证。 Enter the URL of the remote repository or browse for a local directory 输入远程仓库的URL或浏览本地目录 ... ... Choose Directory 选择目录 Examples of valid URLs include:<table cellspacing='8'><tr><td align='right'><b>HTTPS</b></td><td>https://hostname/path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><b>SSH</b></td><td>git@hostname:path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><b>Git</b></td><td>git://hostname/path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><b>Local</b></td><td>/path/to/repo, C:\path\to\repo</td></tr></table> 有效URL的示例包括:<table cellspacing='8'><tr><td align='right'><b>HTTPS</b></td><td>https://hostname/path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align ='right'><b>SSH</b></td><td>git@hostname:path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><b>Git</b></td><td>git://hostname/path/to/repo.git</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><b>本地</b></td><td>/path/to/repo, C:\path\to\repo</td></tr></table> Protocol: 协议: URL: 地址URL: RemoteTableModel Name 名称 URL 地址URL RemotesPanel Delete Remote? 您确定要删除远程吗? Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? 您确定要删除'%1'吗? Delete 删除 RenameBranchDialog Name: Rename Branch RepoModel Connecting 连接中 open 打开 recent 最近 remote 远程 none Clone Repository 克隆仓库 Open Existing Repository 打开现有仓库 Initialize New Repository 初始化新仓库 RepoView Indexing... 索引... Search 搜索 The indexer worker process crashed. If this problem persists please contact us at support@gitahead.com. 索引器工作进程崩溃。如果此问题仍然存在,请通过support@gitahead.com与我们联系。 Indexer Crashed 索引器崩溃 Stage Directory? 您确定要暂存目录吗? Are you sure you want to stage '%1'? 您确定要暂存'%1'吗? This will result in the addition of %1 files. 这将导致添加%1个文件。 more than 100 超过100 Stage Directory 暂存目录 Stop prompting to stage directories 停止提示暂存目录 Stage Large File? 暂存大文件? Are you sure you want to stage '%1' with a size of %2? 您确定要暂存大小为%2的'%1'吗? Stage 暂存 Track with LFS 使用LFS跟踪 This repository has LFS enabled. Do you want to track the file with LFS instead? 该仓库已启用LFS。您是否要使用LFS跟踪文件? Stop prompting to stage large files 停止提示暂存大文件 Esc 退出 stage 暂存 Git LFS was not found on the PATH. <a href='https://git-lfs.github.com'>Install Git LFS</a> to use LFS integration. 在PATH上找不到Git LFS。 <a href='https://git-lfs.github.com'>安装Git LFS </a>以使用LFS集成。 untracked file 未跟踪的文件 untracked files 未跟踪的文件 Remove Untracked Files 删除未跟踪的文件 Remove %1 %2? 移除 %1 %2? This action cannot be undone. 此操作无法撤消。 Remove 删除 Certificate Error SSL verification disabled for this repository [http] sslVerify = false was added to %1/config SSL verification disabled for all git repositories [http] sslVerify = false was added to %1 Pull Request 拉取请求 Create 新建 create pull request 新建拉取请求 Git LFS Git LFS Initialize 初始化 initialize 初始化 Git LFS initialized. Git LFS已初始化。 Deinitialize 取消初始化 deinitialize 取消初始化 Git LFS Deinitialized. Git LFS已初始化。 Lock 锁定 Unlock 解除锁定 Unable to %1 '%2' - %3 无法%1'%2'-%3 Unable to %1 - %2 无法%1-%2 %1 remotes %1个远程 Fetch All 获取全部 Fetch 获取 <i>no remote</i> <i>没有远程</i> Unable to fetch. No upstream is configured for the current branch, and there isn't a remote called 'origin'. 无法获取。当前分支未配置上游,也没有名为“origin”的远程服务器。 Fetch canceled. 获取已取消。 fetch from 获取自 You may disable ssl verification <a href='action:sslverifyrepo'>for this repository</a> or overall disable ssl verification <a href='action:sslverifygit'>for all repositories</a>. Everything up-to-date. 一切都是最新的。 <i>no branch</i> <i>没有分支</i> %1 from %2 来自%2的%1 Pull 拉取 <i>no upstream</i> <i>没有上游</i> Merge 合并 %1 into %2 %1到%2 Fast-forward 快进 %2 to %1 %2至%1 Rebase 变基 %2 on %1 %1上的%2 The repository is empty. 该库为空。 The current branch '%1' has no upstream branch. 当前分支'%1'没有上游分支。 Already up-to-date. 已经是最新的。 Unable to fast-forward. 无法快进。 fast-forward 快进 You may be able to reconcile your changes with the conflicting files by <a href='action:stash'>stashing</a> before you <a href='%1'>fast-forward</a>. Then <a href='action:unstash'>unstash</a> to restore your changes. 在<a href='%1'>快进</a>之前,您可以通过<a href='action:stash'>备份未提交修改到贮藏区</a>来协调更改与冲突的文件。然后用<a href='action:unstash'>应用备份并从贮藏区删除</a>来恢复您的更改。 If you want to create a new merge commit instead of fast-forwarding, you can <a href='%1'>merge without fast-forwarding </a> instead. 如果要创建新的合并提交而不是快进,则可用<a href='%1'>合并而不快进</a>代替。 merge 合并 You may be able to rebase by <a href='action:stash'>stashing</a> before trying to <a href='action:merge'>merge</a>. Then <a href='action:unstash'>unstash</a> to restore your changes. 在尝试<a href='action:mash'>合并</a>之前,您可以通过<a href='action:stash'>备份未提交修改到贮藏区</a>进行调整。然后用<a href='action:unstash'>应用备份并从贮藏区删除</a>来恢复您的更改。 Abort 中止 Some merged files have unstaged changes 某些合并的文件具有未暂存的更改 abort merge 中止 revert 还原 cherry-pick 拣选操作 rebase 变基 Continue ongoing rebase Invalid head. You may be able to rebase by <a href='action:stash'>stashing</a> before trying to <a href='action:rebase'>rebase</a>. Then <a href='action:unstash'>unstash</a> to restore your changes. 在尝试<a href='action:rebase'>变基</a>之前,您可以通过<a href='action:stash'>备份未提交修改到贮藏区</a>进行调整。然后用<a href='action:unstash'>应用备份并从贮藏区删除</a>来恢复您的更改。 %1/%2 %1/%2 %1 - %2 %1 - %2 Apply 应用 There was a merge conflict. The rebase has been aborted 有合并冲突。 变基已中止 %1 - %2 <i>already applied</i> %1 - %2 <i>已应用</i> %1 - %2 as %3 %1 - %2作为%3 squash 聚合(Squash) Revert 还原 Revert "%1" This reverts commit %2. 还原"%1" 这将还原提交%2。 <i>detached HEAD</i> <i>游离的头</i> %1 on %2 %2上的%1 Cherry-pick 拣选操作 Force Push? 强制推送? Are you sure you want to force push? 您确定要强制推送吗? The remote will lose any commits that are reachable only from the overwritten reference. Dropped commits may be unexpectedly reintroduced by clones that already contain those commits locally. 远程将丢失所有只能从覆盖的引用访问的提交。已在本地包含那些提交的克隆可能会意外地重新引入已删除的提交。 Force Push 强制推送 <i>no reference</i> <i>没有引用</i> Push 推送 Push (Force) 推送(强制) %1 to %2 %1至%2 You are not currently on a branch. 您目前不在一个分支上。 Create a commit to add the default '%1' branch. 新建一个提交以添加默认的'%1'分支。 You can <a href='action:checkout'>checkout</a> a branch then <a href='action:push'>push</a> again, or <a href='action:push-to'>push to an explicit branch</a>. 您可以先<a href='action:checkout'>检出</a>分支,然后再次<a href='action:push'>推送</a>,或<a href='action:push-to'>推送到显式分支</a>。 The current branch '%1' has no default remote. 当前分支'%1'没有默认的远程分支。 You may want to <a href='action:add-remote?name=origin'>add a remote named 'origin'</a>. Then <a href='action:push?set-upstream=true'>push and set the current branch's upstream</a> to begin tracking a remote branch called 'origin/%1'. 您可能想要执行<a href='action:add-remote?name=origin'>添加一个名为“origin”的远程仓库</a>。然后<a href='action:push?set-upstream=true'>推送并设置为当前分支的上游</a>,以开始跟踪名为“origin/%1”的远程分支。 You can also <a href='action:push-to'>push to an explicit URL</a> if you don't want to track a remote branch. 如果您不想跟踪远程分支,也可以<a href='action:push-to'>推送到显式URL </a>。 To begin tracking a remote branch called '%1', <a href='action:push?set-upstream=true'>push and set the current branch's upstream</a>. 要开始跟踪名为'%1'的远程分支,请<a href='action:push?set-upstream=true'> 推送并设置当前分支的上游</a>。 To push without setting up tracking information, <a href='action:push?ref=%1'>push '%2'</a> explicitly. 要在不设置跟踪信息的情况下进行推送,请显式地<a href='action:push?ref=%1'>推送'%2'</a>。 Push canceled. 推送已取消。 push to 推送到 The tag update may cause the remote to lose commits. 标签更新可能会导致远程分支丢失提交。 If you want to risk the remote losing commits, you can <a href='action:push?ref=%1&to=%2&force=true'>force push</a>. 如果您想冒远程分支丢失提交的风险,可以<a href='action:push?ref=%1&to=%2&force=true'>强制推送</a>。 You may want to integrate remote commits first by <a href='action:pull'>pulling</a>. Then <a href='action:push'>push</a> again. 您可能想先通过<a href='action:pull'> pulling </a>集成远程分支上的提交。然后再次<a href='action:push'> 推送 </a>。 If you really want the remote to lose commits, you may be able to <a href='action:push?force=true'>force push</a>. 如果您确实希望远程分支丢失提交,则可以<a href='action:push?force=true'>强制推送</a>。 Commit? 提交? Are you sure you want to commit on a detached HEAD? 您确定要提交到游离的HEAD吗? <p>You are in a detached HEAD state. You can still commit, but the new commit will not be reachable from any branch. If you want to commit to an existing branch, checkout the branch first.</p> <p>您处于分离的HEAD状态。您仍然可以提交,但是新的提交将无法从任何分支访问。如果要提交到现有分支,请首先检出该分支。</p> Commit 提交 <i>no commit</i> <i>没有提交</i> commit 提交 This commit was signed with a generated user name and email. 该提交已使用生成的用户名和电子邮件进行了签名。 Consider setting the user name and email in <a href='action:config?global=true'>global settings</a>. 请考虑在<a href='action:config?global=true'>全局设置</a>中设置用户名和电子邮件。 If you want to limit the name and email settings to this repository, <a href='action:config'>edit repository settings</a> instead. 如果要限制此仓库的名称和电子邮件设置,请<a href='action:config'>编辑仓库设置</a>。 After settings have been updated, <a href='action:amend'> amend this commit</a> to record the new user name and email. 设置更新后,<a href='action:amend'>修改此提交</a>以记录新的用户名和电子邮件。 file 文件 files 多个文件 %1 - %2 %3 %1 - %2 %3 Checkout 检出 Checkout Detached HEAD? 检出游离的HEAD? Checkout Detached HEAD 检出游离的HEAD Checking out remote branch '%1' will result in a detached HEAD state. Do you want to reset the existing local branch '%2' to this commit instead? 检出远程分支'%1'将导致游离的HEAD状态。您是否想将现有的本地分支'%2'重置为此提交? Reset Local Branch 重置本地分支 Checking out remote branch '%1' will result in a detached HEAD state. Do you want to create a new local branch called '%2' to track it instead? 检出远程分支'%1'将导致游离的HEAD状态。您是否要新建一个名为'%2'的新本地分支来跟踪它? Create a local branch to start tracking remote changes and make new commits. Check out the detached HEAD to temporarily put your working directory into the state of the remote branch. 新建本地分支以开始跟踪远程更改并进行新的提交。检出游离的HEAD,以将您的工作目录暂时置于远程分支的状态。 Create Local Branch 新建本地分支 checkout 检出 You may be able to reconcile your changes with the conflicting files by <a href='action:stash'>stashing</a> before you <a href='action:checkout?%1'>checkout '%2'</a>. Then <a href='action:unstash'>unstash</a> to restore your changes. 在执行<a href='action:checkout?%1'>检出'%2'</a>之前,您可以通过<a href='action:stash'>备份未提交修改到贮藏区</a>使协调更改与冲突的文件。然后用<a href='action:unstash'>应用备份并从贮藏区删除</a>来恢复您的更改。 New Branch 新建分支 create new branch 创建新的分支 (no branch) (无分支) WIP on %1: %2 %3 WIP 在 %1:%2 %3 <i>working directory</i> <i>工作目录</i> Stash 贮藏 stash 贮藏 Apply Stash 应用备份 apply stash 应用备份 Drop Stash 从贮藏区删除备份 drop stash 从贮藏区删除备份 Pop Stash 应用备份并从贮藏区删除 pop stash 应用备份并从贮藏区删除 %1 as %2 %1作为%2 Tag 标签 tag 标签 Amend 修改 Amending commit %1 %1 to %2 update ref %1至%2 Reset 重置 Amend? 修改? Reset? 重置? Are you sure you want to amend '%1'? 您确定要修改'%1'吗? Are you sure you want to reset '%1' to '%2'? 您确定要将“%1”重置为“%2”吗? <p>Some commits may become unreachable from the current branch.</p> <p>某些提交可能会从当前分支变为不可访问。</p> <p>Resetting will cause you to lose uncommitted changes. Untracked and ignored files will not be affected.</p> <p>重置将导致您丢失未提交的更改。未跟踪和忽略的文件不会受到影响。</p> <p>Your branch appears to be up-to-date with its upstream branch. Resetting may cause your branch history to diverge from the remote branch history.</p> <p>您的分支似乎是其上游分支的最新信息。重置可能会导致您的分支历史记录与远程分支历史记录有所不同。</p> amend 修改 reset 重置 %1 of %2 submodules %1个子模块(共%2个) Update 更新 update submodule 更新子模块 The indexer worker process crashed. If this problem persists please contact us at <TODO: replace.support@gitahead.com>. Please resolve conflicts before continue Conflict Rebase finished Force Push to %1? You may want to integrate remote commits first by <a href='action:pull'>pulling</a>. Then <a href='action:push?to=%1'>push</a> again. If you really want the remote to lose commits, you may be able to <a href='action:push?to=%1&force=true'>force push</a>. Reset canceled. Untouched Invalid Submodule Repository 无效的子模块仓库 The submodule '%1' doesn't have a valid repository. You may need to init and/or update the submodule to check out a repository. 子模块'%1'没有有效的仓库。您可能需要初始化和/或更新子模块以检出仓库。 No terminal executable found No terminal executable was found. Please configure a terminal in the configuration. Open Configuration There was a merge conflict. 发生合并冲突。 Resolve conflicts, then commit to conclude the %1. See <a href='expand'>details</a>. 解决冲突,然后提交以结束%1。请参见<a href='expand'>详细信息</a>。 Resolve conflicts in each conflicted (!) file in one of the following ways: 通过以下方式中任意一种来解决每个冲突(!)文件中的冲突: 1. Click the 'Ours' or 'Theirs' button to choose the correct change. Then click the 'Save' button to apply. 1.点击“我们的”或“他们的”按钮以选择正确的更改。然后点击“保存”按钮以应用。 2. Edit the file in the editor to make a different change. Remember to remove conflict markers. 2.在编辑器中编辑文件以进行其他更改。记住要删除冲突标记。 3. Use an external merge tool. Right-click on the files in the list and choose 'External Merge'. 3.使用外部合并工具。右键单击列表中的文件,然后选择“外部合并”。 After all conflicts in the file are resolved, click the check box to mark it as resolved. 解决文件中的所有冲突后,单击复选框将其标记为已解决。 After all conflicted files are staged, commit to conclude the %1. 暂存所有有冲突的文件后,提交以结束%1。 You can <a href='action:abort'>abort</a> the %1 to return the repository to its previous state. 您可以<a href='action:abort'>中止</a>%1以便将仓库恢复到之前的状态。 Repository Unknown error 未知错误 git-lfs not found 找不到git-lfs SearchField Search 搜索 SearchPanel Enable indexing 启用索引 terms 条款 lines Limit commits to: 限制提交到: Diff context: 差异内容: Remove Index 删除索引 Settings Prompt to edit stash message before stashing 在执行贮存操作前提示编辑贮存消息 Prompt to edit commit message before merging 合并前提示编辑提交消息 Prompt to edit commit message before reverting 还原前提示编辑提交消息 Prompt to edit commit message before cherry-picking 在拣选操作之前提示编辑提交消息 Prompt to stage directories 提示暂存目录 Prompt to stage large files 提示暂存大文件 SettingsDialog Esc 退出 Global git settings can be overridden for each repository in the corresponding repository configuration page. 可以在相应的仓库配置页面中为每个仓库覆盖全局git设置。 Edit Config File... 编辑配置文件... General 一般 Diff 比较 Tools 工具 Window 窗口 Editor 编辑器 Update 更新 Plugins 插件 Misc 其他 Hotkeys Terminal 终端 ShowTool Finder Finder Explorer 资源管理器 Default File Browser 默认文件浏览器 Show in %1 在%1中显示 SideBar Close 关闭 Remove 删除 Authorize 授权 Clone Repository 克隆仓库 Open Existing Repository 打开现有仓库 Open Repository 打开仓库 Initialize New Repository 初始化新仓库 Add %1 Account 添加%1帐户 <p>Are you sure you want to remove the remote repository association for %1?</p><p>The local clone itself will not be affected.</p> <p>确定要删除%1的远程仓库关联吗?</p><p>本地克隆本身不会受到影响。</p> Remove Repository Association? 删除仓库关联? Clear All Recent 清除所有最近的 Show Full Path 显示完整路径 Filter Non-existent Paths 过滤不存在​​的路径 Refresh Remote Accounts 刷新远程帐户 Show Full Name 显示全名 <p>Are you sure you want to remove the %1 account for '%2'?</p><p>Only the account association will be removed. Remote configurations and local clones will not be affected.</p> <p>确定要删除“%2”的%1个帐户吗?</p><p>仅会删除帐户关联。远程配置和本地克隆将不受影响。</p> Remove Account? 删除帐户? StartDialog Choose Repository 选择仓库 Understand your history! 了解您的历史! Clone Repository 克隆仓库 Open Existing Repository 打开现有仓库 Open Repository 打开仓库 Initialize New Repository 初始化新仓库 Clear All 全部清除 Show Full Path 显示完整路径 Filter Non-existent Paths 过滤不存在​​的路径 Repositories: 仓库: Refresh 刷新 Show Full Name 显示全名 Remote: 远程: View Getting Started Video 查看入门视频 Clone 克隆 Open 打开 <p>Are you sure you want to remove the %1 account for '%2'?</p><p>Only the account association will be removed. Remote configurations and local clones will not be affected.</p> <p>确定要删除“%2”的%1个帐户吗?</p><p>仅会删除帐户关联。远程配置和本地克隆将不受影响。</p> Remove Account? 删除帐户? Remove 删除 <p>Are you sure you want to remove the remote repository association for %1?</p><p>The local clone itself will not be affected.</p> <p>确定要删除%1的远程仓库关联吗?</p><p>本地克隆本身不会受到影响。</p> Remove Repository Association? 删除仓库关联? SubmoduleTableModel Name 名称 URL 地址URL Branch 分支 Initialized 已初始化 Deinitializing '%1' will remove its working directory. Are you sure you want to deinitialize? 取消初始化'%1'将删除其工作目录。您确定要取消初始化吗? Deinitialize Submodule? 取消初始化子模块? The submodule working directory contains uncommitted changes that will be lost if you continue. 子模块工作目录包含未提交的更改,如果您继续,这些更改将丢失。 Deinitialize 取消初始化 TagDialog Create Tag 创建标签 Add a new tag at %1 在%1处添加新标签 Force (replace existing tag) 强制(替换现有标签) Push to %1 推送到%1 Annotated 带注解 Name 名称 TemplateDialog Name 名称 Content Add use %1 to declare the position of the cursor. use ${files:x} to add all updated file names, x (number) determines the number of maximum files shown Remove 删除 Up Down Import Export Open File Gittyup Templates (*%1) Save Templates Replace 替换 TerminalPanel Install 安装 Name: 名称: Location: 位置: Uninstall 卸载 TextEdit Replace... 替换... Replace All... 替换全部... Ignore 忽略 Ignore All 忽略全部 Add to User Dictionary 添加到用户字典 Do not Ignore 不忽略 ThemeDialog Native Theme 原生主题 A flexible look matching system colors 匹配系统颜色的灵活外观 Dark Theme 黑暗主题 Pick a theme for Gittyup Default Theme A consistent bright theme A consistent look optimal for reducing eye strain 始终如一的外观以减轻眼睛疲劳 System Theme ToolBar Show repository sidebar 显示仓库侧栏 Previous 退回 Next 前进 Fetch 获取 Pull 拉取 Merge 合并 Rebase 变基 Push 推送 Checkout 检出 Stash 备份未提交修改到贮藏区 Pop Stash 应用备份并从贮藏区删除 Open Terminal Open file manager Configure Settings 配置设定 Repository settings Application settings Show Log 显示日志 Double Tree View Diff View 差异视图 Tree View 树状视图 Show Starred Commits 显示加注星标的提交 Hide Log 隐藏日志 ToolsPanel Keep backup of merge files (.orig) 保留合并文件(.orig)的备份 External editor: 外部编辑器: External diff: 外部差异比较: External merge: 外部合并: Backup files: 备份文件: Terminal emulator command: File manager command: Configure 配置 TreeModel Submodule 子模块 TreeView Directory 目录 File 文件 Remove or discard %1? Are you sure you want to remove or discard all changes in '%1'? This action cannot be undone. 此操作无法撤消。 Discard 丢弃 discard 丢弃 TreeWidget Search: Regex Case Sensitive UpToDateDialog Already Up-to-date 已经是最新的 %1 is already up-to-date. You have version %2. %1已经是最新的。您拥有的版本是%2。 UpdateDialog Update %1 更新%1 <h3>A new version of %1 is available!</h3><p>%1 %2 is now available - you have %3. The new version will be soon available in your package manager. Just update your system.</p><b>Release Notes:</b> <h3>A new version of %1 is available!</h3><p>%1 %2 is now available - you have %3. Would you like to download it now?</p><b>Release Notes:</b> <h3>%1的新版本已可用!</h3><p>%1 %2现在可用 - 您拥有%3。您要立即下载吗?</p><b>发行说明:</b> <h3>A new version of %1 is available!</h3><p>%1 %2 is now available - you have %3.</p><p>If you downloaded the flatpak package over a package manager or from flathub.org <br/>you don't have to install manually a new version. It will be available within the next <br/>days during your system update: <code>flatpak update</code></p><b>Release Notes:</b> Automatically download and install updates 自动下载并安装更新 Install Update 安装更新 Remind Me Later 稍后提醒我 Skip This Version 跳过此版本 Ok Donate UpdatePanel Check for updates automatically 自动检查更新 Automatically download and install updates 自动下载并安装更新 Check Now 现在检查 Software Update: 软件更新: UpdateSubmodulesDialog Recursive 递归的 Init 在里面 Update 更新 Updater Installer failed to start 安装程序无法启动 The disk image failed to mount successfully 磁盘映像安装失败 The existing bundle could not be moved to the trash 现有的包无法移至垃圾箱 The new bundle could not be copied into place 新的包无法复制到位 Helper application failed to start 帮助应用程序无法启动 Update Failed 更新失败 Unable to check for updates 无法检查更新 Unable to download update 无法下载更新 Unable to open temporary file 无法打开临时文件 Unable to install update 无法安装更新 Some windows failed to close. You can download the binary manually from %1 Some windows failed to close 一些窗口无法关闭 Unknown install error 未知的安装错误 Installer script failed: %1 安装脚本失败:%1 WindowPanel Add New Theme 添加新主题 Edit Current Theme 编辑当前主题 Create Theme 创建主题 Theme Name 主题名称 Restart? 重启? The application must be restarted for the theme change to take effect. 必须重启应用程序,主题更改才能生效。 Do you want to restart now? 您要立即重启吗? Restart 重启 Later 推后 Show full repository path 显示完整的仓库路径 Hide automatically 自动隐藏 Open submodules in tabs 在标签页中打开子模块 Open all repositories in tabs 在标签页中打开所有仓库 Hide Menubar Show Avatars Theme: 主题: Title: 标题: Log: 日志: Tabs: 标签页: View: Prompt: 提示: _FileWidget::Header Use Theirs: Delete Use Ours: Delete both: %1 ours: %1 theirs: %1