# Gittyup Plugin API --- ## Overview Plugins allow the application to be extended to flag errors in diffs. Plugins are Lua scripts that detect one or more error kind. The name of the script defines the name of the plugin category in the settings interface. Plugins should be saved to one of the following locations: * (Windows) - %APPDATA%\Gittyup\plugins * (Linux) - ~/.config/Gittyup/plugins * (macOS) - ~/Library/Application Support/Gittyup/plugins --- ## Conventions Indexes are 1-based following the Lua convention. Several APIs require `key` arguments to define and query values. Keys should be strings that are unique for the given kind of object. Line positions refer to the position of characters within a line without regard to tab expansion. Column numbers take tab expansion into account using the diff editor's current tab width. --- ## Plugin Format Plugins should define the following global functions to be invoked by the application: **`options (opts)`** - Define options that the user can set in the application. (optional) * `opts` - the `Options` object to define user options **`kinds (kinds, opts)`** - Define error kinds that can be added to diff lines. (required) * `kinds` - the `Kinds` object to define error kinds * `opts` - the actual options set by the user **`hunk (hunk, opts)`** - Invoked once for each hunk in the diff as it is loaded. (required) * `hunk` - the `Hunk` object that provides information about the hunk * `opts` - the actual options set by the user *Example:* function options (opts) -- define options end function kinds (kinds, opts) -- define kinds end function hunk (hunk, opts) -- handle one hunk end --- ## APIs ### Options **`script_dir ()`** - Get the directory where the plugin script is located. *Example:* local file = opts:script_dir() .. "/resource_file.txt" **`define_boolean (key, text [, value])`** - Define a check box option. * `text` - the text of the check box * `value` - the default boolean state of the check box (false) *Example:* opts:define_boolean("blank", "Allow blank lines", true) **`define_integer (key, text [, value])`** - Define an integer spin box option. * `text` - the text of the spin box label * `value` - the default integer value of the spin box (0) *Example:* opts:define_integer("column", "Line length limit", 80) **`define_string (key, text [, value])`** - Define a text field option. * `text` - the text of the field label * `value` - the default string value of the text field ("") *Example:* opts:define_string("keywords", "Keywords", "FIXME TODO TBD") **`define_list (key, text, list [, index])`** - Define a popup list option. * `text` - the text of the popup list label * `list` - an ordered list of option strings * `index` - the default index of the popup list (1) *Example:* opts:define_list("tabs", "Disallow tabs", {"In indentation", "Everywhere"}, 2) **`value (key)`** - Get the value of an option by key. *Example:* local column = opts:value("column") ### Kinds **`define_note (key, name, msg, desc [, enabled])`** - Define a note kind. **`define_warning (key, name, msg, desc [, enabled])`** - Define a warning kind. **`define_error (key, name, msg, desc [, enabled])`** - Define an error kind. * `name` - the kind name to display in the settings interface * `msg` - the message to display at each instance of the error * `desc` - the kind description to display in the settings interface * `enabled` - the default state of this kind (false) *Example:* kinds:define_error( "trailing", "Trailing", "trailing whitespace added" "Trailing whitespace is not allowed.", true -- enabled by default ) Note that the severity of the kind (note, warning, error) is a default value. It can be overridden by the user in plugin settings. ### Hunk **`lines ()`** - Get an ordered list of `Line` objects. *Example:* for _, line in ipairs(hunk:lines()) do -- handle each line end **`lexer ()`** - Get the name of the lexer for the hunk editor. *Example:* -- This plugin only applies to C/C++. if hunk:lexer() ~= "cpp" then return end **`tab_width ()`** - Get the current tab width of the hunk editor. ### Line **`text ()`** - Get line text. Includes any end-of-line characters. **`origin ()`** - Get line origin character. Will be one of ' ' (context), '-' (deletion), or '+' (addition). *Example:* if line:origin() == "+" then -- handle added line end **`lexemes ()`** - Get an ordered list of `Lexeme` objects in the line. *Example:* for _, lexeme in ipairs(line:lexemes()) do -- handle each lexeme in line end **`add_error (key, pos, len [, replacement])`** - Add an error to the line by key. * `pos` - the start position of the diagnostic * `len` - the length of the diagnostic * `replacement` - replacement text to fix the violation If `replacement` is not given (or nil), the fix button will be disabled. Pass the empty string ("") to remove the given range. *Example:* local len = last:text():len() line:add_error("trailing", line:text():len() - len, len, "") **`column (pos)`** - Get the tab-expanded column for the given line position. **`column_pos (column)`** - Get the position for the given tab-expanded column. ### Lexeme **`pos ()`** - Get the position of the lexeme in the line. **`text ()`** - Get the lexeme text. **`kind ()`** - Get the lexeme kind string. **`is_kind (kind)`** - Check if the lexeme is of the given kind. * `kind` - the kind string to test Lexeme kind will be one of: * 'nothing' * 'whitespace' * 'comment' * 'string' * 'number' * 'keyword' * 'identifier' * 'operator' * 'error' * 'preprocessor' * 'constant' * 'variable' * 'function' * 'class' * 'type' * 'label' * 'regex' * 'embedded' Note that not all lexeme kinds are available for all languages. Documents for which syntax highlighting is not available will have a single lexeme for each line with the kind set to 'nothing'. *Example:* if lexeme:is_kind("comment") then -- handle comment end --- ## Example Plugin function options (opts) opts:define_list("tabs", "Disallow tabs", {"In indentation", "Everywhere"}, 1) opts:define_boolean("blank", "Ignore blank lines", false) end function kinds (kinds, opts) kinds:define_warning( "tabs", "Tabs", "tab character added", "Tab characters are not allowed." ) kinds:define_error( "trailing", "Trailing", "trailing whitespace added", "Trailing whitespace is not allowed.", true -- enabled by default ) end function hunk (hunk, opts) if hunk:lexer() == "null" then return end local blank = opts:value("blank") local indent = opts:value("tabs") == 1 for _, line in ipairs(hunk:lines()) do local lexemes = line:lexemes() local _, first = next(lexemes) if line:origin() == "+" and first then -- Check for tabs. local text = indent and first:text() or line:text() if text:find("\t") then local replacement = text:gsub("\t", string.rep(" ", hunk:tab_width())) line:add_error("tabs", 1, text:len(), replacement) end -- Check for trailing whitespace. local last = lexemes[#lexemes] if last:is_kind("whitespace") and (not blank or first ~= last) then local len = last:text():len() local line_len = line:text():gsub("[\r\n]+$", ""):len() line:add_error("trailing", line_len - len + 1, len, "") end end end end