2023-08-29 17:39:40 +02:00

12 lines
974 B

# add release notes to the appdata file
# it is not allowed to have multiple texts without being in an environment
# So the description will be used for it
string(REGEX REPLACE "<p>([^<]*)<\\/p>" "\\1" RELEASES ${HTML_CHANGELOGS}) # remove paragraph environment
string(REGEX REPLACE "<h4>([A-Za-z0-9]*)<\\/h4>" "<p>\\1</p>" RELEASES ${RELEASES}) # h4 is unknow to appdata so change it to a paragraph environment
string(REPLACE "\n" "\n\t" RELEASES ${RELEASES}) # add tabulator
# For Dev Version "vX.X.X - <current date> (WIP)" can be used to show in the changelog the current progress
string(REGEX REPLACE "<h3>((v[1-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9])|(vX\\.X\\.X)) - ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9])( \\(DEV\\)){0,1}<\\/h3>" "<release version='\\1' date='\\2'>\n\t<description>" RELEASES ${RELEASES})
string(REGEX REPLACE "<hr \\/>" "</description>\n\t</release>" RELEASES ${RELEASES})
configure_file(${APPDATA_CONF} ${APPDATA})