
1054 lines
39 KiB

#include "Test.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "dialogs/ExternalToolsDialog.h"
#include "ui/DiffView/HunkWidget.h"
#include "ui/DiffView/FileWidget.h"
#include "ui/MainWindow.h"
#include "ui/DiffView/DiffView.h"
#include "ui/RepoView.h"
#include <QString>
#include "git/Reference.h"
#include "git/Diff.h"
#include "git/Commit.h"
#include "git/Tree.h"
#define INIT_REPO(repoPath, /* bool */ useTempDir) \
QString path = Test::extractRepository(repoPath, useTempDir); \
QVERIFY2(!path.isEmpty(), qPrintable("Extracting repository failed")); \
mRepo = git::Repository::open(path); \
QVERIFY2(mRepo.isValid(), qPrintable("Unable to open repository")); \
Test::initRepo(mRepo); \
MainWindow window(mRepo); \; \
QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&window)); \
git::Reference head = mRepo.head(); \
git::Commit commit =; \
git::Diff stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */ \
RepoView *repoView = window.currentView(); \
Test::refresh(repoView); \
DiffView diffView = DiffView(mRepo, repoView); \
auto diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
#define BITSET(value, bit) ((value & (1 << bit)) == (1 << bit))
#define checkEditorMarkers(editor, unstagedAddition, stagedAddition, \
unstagedDeletion, stagedDeletion) \
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) { \
QString line = editor->line(i); \
int markers = editor->markers(i); \
QString state = ""; \
if (BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition)) \
state = "Addition"; \
else if (BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion)) \
state = "Deletion"; \
else if (BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Context)) \
state = "Unchanged"; \
else \
state = QString::number(markers); \
Debug("Index: " << i << ", State: " << state << ", Staged: " \
<< BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker) \
<< line); \
if (unstagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) { \
/* unstaged addition */ \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
} else if (stagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) { \
/* staged addition */ \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
} else if (unstagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) { \
/* unstaged deletion */ \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
} else if (stagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) { \
/* staged deletion */ \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
} else { \
QVERIFY2(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
QVERIFY2(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker), \
qPrintable("Line index: " + QString::number(i))); \
} \
* git diff HEAD: to get the diff shown in the editor
* git diff --cached: to get the staged diff
using namespace QTest;
class TestEditorLineInfo : public QObject {
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
// void editorLineMarkers1();
void editorLineSingleHunkAdditionStaged();
void editorLineSingleHunkDeletionStaged();
void editorLineSingleHunkChangeStaged();
void editorLineSingleHunkChange_onlyAdditionStaged();
void editorLineSingleHunkChange_onlyDeletionStaged();
void singleHunk_multipleDeletions();
void singleHunk_multipleAdditions();
void multipleHunks_multipleDeletions();
void multipleHunks_multipleAdditions();
void multipleHunks_misc1();
void singleHunk_additionsOnly_secondStagedPatch();
void singleHunk_deletionsOnly_secondStagedPatch();
void multipleHunks_StageSingleLines();
void multipleHunks_StageSingleLines2();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
void windowsCRLF();
#endif // Q_OS_WIN
void windowsCRLFMultiHunk();
void sameContentRemoveLine();
void sameContentAddLine();
void discardCompleteDeletedContent();
void discardCompleteAddedContent();
// void deleteCompleteContent();
int closeDelay = 0;
git::Repository mRepo;
void TestEditorLineInfo::initTestCase() {}
void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineSingleHunkAdditionStaged() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
if (i == 3) {
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3.5\n");
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineSingleHunkDeletionStaged() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
if (i == 2) {
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3\n");
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineSingleHunkChangeStaged() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
switch (i) {
case 2:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3\n");
case 3:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3.5\n");
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineSingleHunkChange_onlyAdditionStaged() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
switch (i) {
case 2:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3\n");
case 3:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3.5\n");
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineSingleHunkChange_onlyDeletionStaged() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
switch (i) {
case 2:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3\n");
case 3:
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
QCOMPARE(line, "3.5\n");
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::singleHunk_multipleDeletions() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 4, 7, 8, 10});
QVector<int> staged({5, 6, 9});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::singleHunk_multipleAdditions() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 6, 7, 10});
QVector<int> staged({4, 5, 8, 9, 11});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::multipleHunks_multipleDeletions() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 6, 7});
QVector<int> staged({4, 5});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
// Second hunk
auto hw2 = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 1, false, false,
hw2.load(stagedPatch, true);
editor = hw2.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 4, 7, 8});
QVector<int> staged({5, 6});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::multipleHunks_multipleAdditions() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 4, 7, 8});
QVector<int> staged({5, 6, 9});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
// Second hunk
auto hw2 = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 1, false, false,
hw2.load(stagedPatch, true);
editor = hw2.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstaged({3, 6, 7, 8, 10});
QVector<int> staged({4, 5, 9, 11});
if (unstaged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (staged.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::singleHunk_additionsOnly_secondStagedPatch() {
// Testing the finding of the staged patch index
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstagedAddition({2});
QVector<int> stagedAddition({6});
if (unstagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (stagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::singleHunk_deletionsOnly_secondStagedPatch() {
// Testing the finding of the staged patch index
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstagedDeletion({1});
QVector<int> stagedDeletion({4});
if (unstagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (stagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
void TestEditorLineInfo::multipleHunks_misc1() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
auto editor = hw.editor();
for (int i = 0; i < editor->lineCount(); i++) {
QString line = editor->line(i);
int markers = editor->markers(i);
QVector<int> unstagedAddition({6, 9, 19, 23});
QVector<int> stagedAddition({24, 25});
QVector<int> unstagedDeletion({3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22});
QVector<int> stagedDeletion({});
if (unstagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (stagedAddition.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged addition
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (unstagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// unstaged deletion
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else if (stagedDeletion.indexOf(i) != -1) {
// staged deletion
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
} else {
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Deletion));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::Addition));
QVERIFY(!BITSET(markers, TextEditor::Marker::StagedMarker));
// void TestEditorLineInfo::editorLineMarkers1() {
// //INIT_REPO("")
//// QString path =
/// Test::extractRepository(""); /
/// QVERIFY(!path.isEmpty()); / mRepo = git::Repository::open(path); /
/// QVERIFY(mRepo.isValid()); / auto window = new MainWindow(mRepo);
//// git::Reference head = mRepo.head();
//// git::Commit commit =;
//// git::Diff stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); // correct
//// QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
//// RepoView *view = window->currentView();
//// //Test::refresh(view);
//// auto diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
/////commit.diff(git::Commit(), -1, false); / QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0); /
/// git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0); / auto stagedPatch =
/// stagedDiff.patch(0); / DiffView diffView = DiffView(mRepo, view);
//// auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false,
/// false, view); / hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
void TestEditorLineInfo::multipleHunks_StageSingleLines() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11}), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({14, 19, 29}), QVector<int>());
// Stage single lines>stageSelected(5, 6); // stage line 5
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
// It is important that all hunks are loaded!!!!
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11}),
QVector<int>({5}), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({14, 19, 29}), QVector<int>());>stageSelected(4, 5); // stage line 4
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QCOMPARE(hunks.count(), 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 11}),
QVector<int>({4, 5}), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({14, 19, 29}), QVector<int>());
void TestEditorLineInfo::multipleHunks_StageSingleLines2() {
* Staging the last line, first only the deleted one
* and then the added line
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11}), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({14, 19, 29}), QVector<int>());
// Stage single lines>stageSelected(29, 30);
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
// It is important that all hunks are loaded!!!!
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11}), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({14, 19}), QVector<int>({29}));>stageSelected(30, 31);
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QCOMPARE(hunks.count(), 2);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11}), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>(), QVector<int>());
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23}),
QVector<int>({30}), QVector<int>({14, 19}), QVector<int>({29}));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// This test is only relevant on windows, because on linux this scenario does
// not happen. The problem with this repo on linux is that the repo was created
// on windows but git uses internally \n instead of \r\n so when opening this
// repo on linux, the diff shows more than it should, because all unchanged
// lines have \n and all changed lines have \r\n so the diff looks different.
// This cannot happen normaly, because when cloning, git converts automatically
// for the used OS
void TestEditorLineInfo::windowsCRLF() {
* Staging single lines in a file with CRLF instead of single LF
* The repository was created on windows
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 1);
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({3, 4, 5}), QVector<int>());
// Stage single lines
hunks[0]->stageSelected(3, 5);
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 1);
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({5}), QVector<int>({3, 4}));
#endif // Q_OS_WIN
void TestEditorLineInfo::windowsCRLFMultiHunk() {
* Staging single lines in a file with CRLF instead of single LF for multiple
* hunks. The CRLF file was created directly on linux and not on windows
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({3, 4}), QVector<int>());
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({3}), QVector<int>());
// Stage single lines
hunks[0]->stageSelected(3, 4); // stage first deletion
stagedDiff = mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()); /* correct */
diff = mRepo.status(mRepo.index(), nullptr, false);
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() == 1);
QVERIFY(diff.count() == 1); // one file changed
stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path, submodule);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 2);
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({4}), QVector<int>({3}));
checkEditorMarkers(>editor(), QVector<int>(), QVector<int>(),
QVector<int>({3}), QVector<int>({}));
void TestEditorLineInfo::sameContentRemoveLine() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
checkEditorMarkers(hw.editor(), QVector<int>({3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22}),
QVector<int>(), QVector<int>({11, 19, 20}),
void TestEditorLineInfo::sameContentAddLine() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
checkEditorMarkers(hw.editor(), QVector<int>({3, 4}), QVector<int>({9}),
QVector<int>({}), QVector<int>({}));
// void TestEditorLineInfo::deleteCompleteContent() {
// INIT_REPO("", true)
// QVERIFY(stagedDiff.count() > 0);
// QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
// git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// git::Patch stagedPatch = stagedDiff.patch(0);
// auto hw = HunkWidget(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, 0, false, false,
// repoView);
// hw.load(stagedPatch, true);
// checkEditorMarkers(
// hw.editor(), QVector<int>({24}), QVector<int>({}),
// QVector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
// 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22}),
// QVector<int>({23}));
void TestEditorLineInfo::discardCompleteDeletedContent() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule, repoView);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 1);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
QCOMPARE(>hunk(), QByteArray());>discardSelected(0, 1);
// Check that discard was successfull and the application does not crash
QFile f(path + "/File.txt");
QCOMPARE(f.readAll(), "Content\n");
void TestEditorLineInfo::discardCompleteAddedContent() {
INIT_REPO("", true)
QVERIFY(diff.count() > 0);
git::Patch patch = diff.patch(0);
// no staged lines yet, so no staged patch
QCOMPARE(mRepo.diffTreeToIndex(commit.tree()).count(), 0);
git::Patch stagedPatch = git::Patch();
QString name =;
QString path_ = mRepo.workdir().filePath(name);
bool submodule = mRepo.lookupSubmodule(name).isValid();
FileWidget fw(&diffView, diff, patch, stagedPatch, QModelIndex(), name,
path_, submodule, repoView);
auto hunks = fw.hunks();
QVERIFY(hunks.count() == 1);
for (auto *hunk : hunks)
hunk->load();>discardSelected(0, 1);
// Check that discard was successfull and the application does not crash
QFile f(path + "/Test.txt");
QCOMPARE(f.readAll(), "");
void TestEditorLineInfo::cleanupTestCase() { qWait(closeDelay); }
#include "EditorLineInfos.moc"