initial bundlers

This commit is contained in:
Tom Bereknyei 2021-10-31 14:15:16 -04:00
commit 9899904b5a
3 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions

default.nix Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
# These are some helpers for figuring out the derivations attributes of runtime
# dependencies of a derivation, in particular the function `runtimeReport`. At
# the bottom of the file you can see it used on `hello`. Spoiler: glibc is a
# runtime dependency.
# For more info see
# Let's call these "imports". They're functions used throughout the code.
# Nothing interesting here.
{ program, system, pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>{}}:
with rec
inherit (pkgs)
inherit (pkgs.lib)
inherit (builtins)
# Create a "runtime report" of the runtime dependencies of `drv`. A "runtime
# report" is made up of smaller "dependency reports". A "dependency report" is
# a string describing the dependency, made from the dependency's derivation
# attributes. Here we use `mkReport` to make the report of any particular
# dependency.
# NOTE: we use the following terms:
# * "buildtime" to mean basically any derivation involved in the build of
# `drv`.
# * "buildtime-only" for the "buildtime" dependencies that _are not_
# referenced anymore by `drv`'s store entry.
# * "runtime" for the rest.
# The "runtime report" is created in two steps:
# * Generate reports for all the _buildtime_ dependencies with
# `buildtimeReports`.
# * Filter out the reports for buildtime-only dependencies.
# Most of the "buildtime" reports won't even be used, because most buildtime
# dependencies are buildtime-only dependencies. However Nix does not give us a
# way of retrieving the derivation attributes of runtime dependencies, but we
# can twist its arm to:
# * Give us the store paths of runtime dependencies (see `cinfo`).
# * Give us the derivation attributes of all the buildtime dependencies (see
# `buildtimeDerivations`).
# Here's the hack: `buildtimeReports` tags the reports with the (expected)
# store path of the "buildtime" dependency, which we cross check against the
# list of runtime store paths. If it's a match, we keep it. Otherwise, we
# discard it.
runtimeReport = drv:
runCommand "${}-report" { buildInputs = [ jq ]; }
# XXX: This is to avoid IFD
echo " ---------------------------------"
echo " | requested by: the lawyers |"
echo " | written by: yours truly |"
echo " ---------------------------------"
echo "runtime dependencies of ${}:"
cat ${buildtimeReports drv} |\
jq -r --slurpfile runtime ${cinfo drv} \
' # First, we strip away (path-)duplicates.
# Then we map over each build-time derivation and use `select()`
# to keep only the ones that show up in $runtime
| map( # this little beauty checks if "obj.path" is in "runtime"
select(. as $obj | $runtime | any(.[] | . == $obj.path))
| .report)
| .[]'
) > $out
# Creates reports for all of `drv`'s buildtime dependencies. Each element in
# the list has two fields:
# * path = "/nix/store/..."
# * report = "some report based on the dependency's derivation attributes"
buildtimeReports = drv: writeText "${}-runtime" ( toJSON (
map (obj:
# unsafe: optimization to avoid downloading unused deps
{ # XXX: we discard the context of the dependencies' store paths because
# they're only ever used for lookup. This matters when fetching a
# prebuilt final report -- there's no point downloading all of `drv`'s
# buildtime dependencies.
path = unsafeDiscardStringContext obj.key;
report = mkReport obj.drv;
(buildtimeDerivations drv) # the heavy lifting is done somewhere else
# Returns a list of all of `drv0`'s inputs, a.k.a. buildtime dependencies.
# Elements in the list has two fields:
# * key: the store path of the input.
# * drv: the actual derivation object.
# There are no guarantees that this will find _all_ inputs, but it works well
# enough in practice.
buildtimeDerivations = drv0:
# We include all the outputs because they each have different outPaths
drvOutputs = drv:
# XXX: some derivations, like stdenv, don't have "outputs"
if hasAttr "outputs" drv
then map (output: drv.${output}) drv.outputs
else [ drv ];
# Recurse into the derivation attributes to find new derivations
drvDeps = attrs:
mapAttrsToList (k: v:
if isDerivation v then (drvOutputs v)
else if isList v
then concatMap drvOutputs (filter isDerivation v)
else []
) attrs;
# Walk through the whole DAG of dependencies, using the `outPath` as an
# index for the elements.
let wrap = drv: { key = drv.outPath ; inherit drv; }; in genericClosure
{ startSet = map wrap (drvOutputs drv0) ;
operator = obj: map wrap
( concatLists (drvDeps obj.drv.drvAttrs) ) ;
# make a report. Would could also output a json object and process everything
# later on.
mkReport = drv:
license =
if hasAttr "meta" drv && hasAttr "license" drv.meta then
if isList drv.meta.license then
concatStringsSep ", " (
map renderLicense drv.meta.license)
else renderLicense drv.meta.license
else "no license";
maintainer =
if hasAttr "meta" drv && hasAttr "maintainers" drv.meta
then concatStringsSep ", " (map (m: drv.meta.maintainers)
else "nobody";
in " - ${} (${license}) maintained by ${maintainer}";
# Basically pretty prints a license
renderLicense = license:
if isAttrs license then license.shortName
else if isString license then license
else abort "no idea how to handle license of type ${typeOf license}";
# This is a wrapper around nixpkgs' `closureInfo`. It produces a JSON file
# containing a list of the store paths of `drv`'s runtime dependencies.
cinfo = drv: runCommand "${}-cinfo"
{ buildInputs = [ jq ]; }
# NOTE: we avoid IFD here as well
cat ${closureInfo { rootPaths = [ drv ]; }}/store-paths |\
grep -v "^$" |\
jq -R -s -c 'split("\n")' |\
jq -c 'map(select( length > 0 ))' > $out
in runtimeReport program

flake.lock Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"nodes": {
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1634782485,
"narHash": "sha256-psfh4OQSokGXG0lpq3zKFbhOo3QfoeudRcaUnwMRkQo=",
"path": "/nix/store/p53cz6rh27q40g9i0q98k3vfrz6lm12w-source",
"rev": "34ad3ffe08adfca17fcb4e4a47bb5f3b113687be",
"type": "path"
"original": {
"id": "nixpkgs",
"type": "indirect"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
"root": "root",
"version": 7

flake.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
description = "nix-generators";
inputs.nix-utils.url = "github:juliosueiras-nix/nix-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nix-utils }: {
defaultBundler = self.bundlers.toReport;
bundlers = let
prog = program: with program; "${outPath}/bin/${if meta?mainProgram then meta.mainProgram else (builtins.parseDrvName name).name}";
in {
toRPM = {program,system}: nix-utils.bundlers.rpm {inherit system; program=prog program;};
toDEB = {program,system}: nix-utils.bundlers.deb {inherit system; program=prog program;};
toDockerImage = {program, system}: nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
name =;
tag = "latest";
contents = [ program ];
toReport = {program, system}:
import ./default.nix {
inherit program system;
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};};