begin data = JSON.parse( $exit = false $code = data["code"] $color = data["color"] $delay = data["delay"] $message = data["message"] $status = data["status"] $title = data["title"] $color = $color.rjust(6, "0").rjust(8, "F").to_i(16) class UI # As this is not using BaseWindow, LVGUI::init isn't handled for us. LVGUI.init() def initialize() add_screen # First add the title bar, other elements will sit under. add_title_bar # Then, action pane, so we can get its height add_actions_pane # Finally, messages pane, which takes the remainder. add_messages_pane # Re-compute the layout relayout() end def add_screen() @screen = # Create a new style style = @screen.get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup @screen.set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.body_main_color = $color style.body_grad_color = $color end def add_title_bar() @title_bar = @title_bar.set_width(@screen.get_width()) @title_bar.set_height(16*unit) @title_bar.set_pos(0, 0) @title_bar.get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup.tap do |style| @title_bar.set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.body_main_color = 0x00000000 style.body_grad_color = 0x00000000 style.body_border_width = 0 style.body_radius = 0 style.body_opa = (255 * 0.30).to_i end add_sad_phone add_title end def add_actions_pane() @actions_pane = @actions_pane.set_width(get_pane_width()) # When horizontal, we know it's placed to the right, full height. if horizontal? @actions_pane.set_height(@screen.get_height() - @title_bar.get_height()) @actions_pane.set_pos(get_pane_width(), @title_bar.get_height()) end @actions_pane.get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup.tap do |style| @actions_pane.set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.body_main_color = 0x00000000 style.body_grad_color = 0x00000000 style.body_border_width = 0 style.body_radius = 0 style.body_opa = (255 * 0.20).to_i end add_time_left end def add_messages_pane() @messages_pane = @messages_pane.set_width(get_pane_width()) @messages_pane.set_pos(0, @title_bar.get_height()) # When horizontal, full height if horizontal? @messages_pane.set_height(@screen.get_height() - @title_bar.get_height()) end @messages_pane.get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup.tap do |style| @messages_pane.set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.body_main_color = 0x00000000 style.body_grad_color = 0x00000000 style.body_border_width = 0 style.body_radius = 0 style.body_opa = (255 * 0).to_i end add_message_title add_message end # Title elements def add_sad_phone() file = nil file = "/sad.svg" if File.exist?("/sad.svg") file = "sad.svg" if File.exist?("sad.svg") return unless file LVGL::Hacks::LVNanoSVG.resize_next_height(@title_bar.get_height - 2 * padding) @sad_phone = @sad_phone.set_src(file) @sad_phone.set_pos(2 * padding, padding) end def add_title() @title = new_text($code, parent: @title_bar) @title.set_align(LVGL::LABEL_ALIGN::LEFT) @title.set_x(@sad_phone.get_x()*2 + @sad_phone.get_width()) @title.set_y(@title_bar.get_height / 2 - @title.get_height / 2) @title.set_width(@title_bar.get_width() - @title.get_x()) end # Messages pane elements def add_message_title() @message_title = new_text($title, parent: @messages_pane) @message_title.set_align(LVGL::LABEL_ALIGN::LEFT) @message_title.set_pos( padding, padding, ) end def add_message() @message = new_text($message, parent: @messages_pane) @message.set_align(LVGL::LABEL_ALIGN::LEFT) @message.set_pos( padding, @message_title.get_height() + @message_title.get_y() + padding ) end # Actions pane elements def add_time_left() @time_left = new_text("", parent: @actions_pane) set_time_left($delay) @time_left.set_x(@actions_pane.get_width / 2 - @time_left.get_width / 2) @time_left.set_y(padding) end def set_actions(actions) @action_buttons ||= [] @action_buttons.each do |el| el.del() end y_position = @time_left.get_y() + @time_left.get_height() + padding() @action_buttons = do |action_pair| label, action = action_pair do |btn| LVGUI.focus_group.add_obj(btn) btn.glue_obj(true) btn.set_label(label) btn.set_y(y_position) btn.event_handler = ->(event) do case event when LVGL::EVENT::CLICKED end end # For the next item y_position = btn.get_y() + btn.get_height() + padding() end end relayout() end # Layout helpers def relayout() unless horizontal? @messages_pane.set_height( @screen.get_height() - @title_bar.get_height() - @actions_pane.get_height() ) # The actions pane has to be as high as required in vertical mode. last_element = @actions_pane.get_children.reduce do |a, b| if b a_end = a.get_y() + a.get_height() b_end = b.get_y() + b.get_height() if a_end > b_end a else b end else a end end @actions_pane.set_height( last_element.get_y() + last_element.get_height() + padding ) # Always push it as far down as possible! @actions_pane.set_pos(0, @screen.get_height() - @actions_pane.get_height()) end end # Misc. helpers # Creates a label with some useful defaults. def new_text(text, parent: nil) parent ||= @screen el = el.set_long_mode(LVGL::LABEL_LONG::BREAK) el.set_align(LVGL::LABEL_ALIGN::CENTER) el.set_width((parent.get_width - 2*padding).to_i) el.set_text(text) el end # Updates the UI with the time left. def set_time_left(value) if value @time_left.set_text("#{value} seconds left before crashing.") else @time_left.set_text("Select an option:") end end def hide_actions() @actions_pane.set_opa_scale_enable(true) @actions_pane.set_opa_scale(0) end def get_pane_width() if horizontal? @screen.get_width() / 2 else @screen.get_width() end end def unit() (if horizontal? @screen.get_height() else @screen.get_width() end) / 128 end def padding() 2 * unit end def horizontal?() @screen.get_height < @screen.get_width end end # Create the UI $ui = # Run tasks once to "realize" the UI. LVGL::Hacks::LVTask.handle_tasks def run(*cmd) $stderr.puts " $ " + cmd.join(" ") system(*cmd) unless LVGL::Introspection.simulator? end def cleanup_and_exit() $ui.hide_actions() # Ensure the next scheduled handle_tasks will run LVGL::Hacks::LVTask.handle_tasks sleep(0.1) # Refresh the UI one last time. LVGL::Hacks::LVTask.handle_tasks puts "Exiting error applet!" puts "exit(#{$status})" # Ensures console is flushed entirely. $stdout.flush() $stderr.flush() # Ensures all kernel work is done before it kernel panics at exit. sleep(0.1) # Exit, which will crash the kernel. exit $status end $ui.set_actions([[ "Cancel time-out", ->() do $delay = nil $ui.set_time_left(nil) $ui.set_actions([ ["Power off", ->() { run("poweroff") }], ["Kernel panic", ->() { $exit = true }], *(RebootModes.options), ]) end ]]) start = LVGUI.main_loop do if $delay elapsed = - start left = $delay - elapsed $ui.set_time_left(left.floor) if elapsed >= $delay $exit = true end end # We're using `$exit` as a flag to ensure we exit after all event handlers # have been completed. # This is because we will not be able to force a render of the UI during # an event handler. cleanup_and_exit() if $exit end # Handles outputing the error and, more importantly, flushing the output. # When simply existing, the system might not flush the output due to the # kernel panic. rescue => e $stderr.puts("") $stderr.puts("Unexpected error in error handler:") $stderr.puts("") $stderr.puts(e.inspect) $stderr.puts("") $stdout.flush() $stderr.flush() sleep(1) exit 128 end