module Kernel alias_method :_exit, :exit # mruby-at_exit seems to not be complete :/ # Let's instead hijack exit... def exit(*args) # Restore the console at exit. VTConsole.map_console(1) _exit(*args) end end class UI attr_reader :screen attr_reader :progress_bar # As this is not using BaseWindow, LVGUI::init isn't handled for us. LVGUI.init() def initialize() add_screen # Biggest of horizontal or vertical; a percent. @unit = ([@screen.get_width, @screen.get_height].max * 0.01).ceil add_logo add_progress_bar add_label add_cover # last end def add_label() @label = @label.get_style(LVGL::LABEL_STYLE::MAIN).dup.tap do |style| @label.set_style(LVGL::LABEL_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.text_color = 0xFFFFFFFF end @label.set_long_mode(LVGL::LABEL_LONG::BREAK) @label.set_align(LVGL::LABEL_ALIGN::CENTER) @label.set_width(@screen.get_width * 0.9) @label.set_pos(*center(@label, 0, 5*@unit)) @label.set_text("") end def add_logo() # Try to find the logo, but don't fail if there isn't one. file = nil file = "/etc/logo.svg" if File.exist?("/etc/logo.svg") file = "./logo.svg" if File.exist?("./logo.svg") return unless file if @screen.get_height > @screen.get_width # 80% of the width LVGL::Hacks::LVNanoSVG.resize_next_width((@screen.get_width * 0.8).to_i) else # 15% of the height LVGL::Hacks::LVNanoSVG.resize_next_height((@screen.get_height * 0.15).to_i) end @logo = @logo.set_src(file) # Position the logo @logo.set_pos(*center(@logo, 0, -@logo.get_height)) end def add_progress_bar() @progress_bar = @progress_bar.set_height(3 * @unit) @progress_bar.set_width(@screen.get_width * 0.7) @progress_bar.set_pos(*center(@progress_bar)) end def add_screen() @screen = @screen.get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup.tap do |style| @screen.set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) # Background for the splash, assumed black. style.body_main_color = 0xFF000000 style.body_grad_color = 0xFF000000 end end # Used to handle fade-in/fade-out # This is because opacity handles multiple overlaid objects wrong. def add_cover() @cover = # Make it so we can use the opacity to fade in/out @cover.set_opa_scale_enable(1) @cover.set_width(@screen.get_width()) @cover.set_height(@screen.get_height()) @cover.get_style().dup.tap do |style| @cover.set_style(style) # Background for the splash, assumed black. style.body_main_color = 0xFF000000 style.body_grad_color = 0xFF000000 # Some themes will add a border to LVObject. style.body_border_width = 0 end end def set_progress(amount) progress_bar.progress = amount end def set_label(text) @label.set_text(text) end # Fade-in animation # Note that this looks like inverted logic because it is! # We're actually fading-out the cover! def fade_in() do |anim| anim.set_exec_cb(@cover, :lv_obj_set_opa_scale) anim.set_time(FADE_LENGTH, 0) anim.set_values(255, 0) anim.set_path_cb(LVGL::LVAnim::Path::EASE_OUT) # Launch the animation anim.create() end end # Fade-out animation # Note that this looks like inverted logic because it is! # We're actually fading-in the cover! def fade_out() do |anim| anim.set_exec_cb(@cover, :lv_obj_set_opa_scale) anim.set_time(FADE_LENGTH, PROGRESS_UPDATE_LENGTH) anim.set_values(0, 255) anim.set_path_cb(LVGL::LVAnim::Path::EASE_IN) # Launch the animation anim.create() end end def quit!() fade_out() set_progress(100) # TODO: Callback on a timer or on the fade_out animation end. # Though we **do** want to stop processing from the queue. # This is not a callback yet because we don't have an ergonomic way to # produce those callbacks for LVGL yet. exit_timestamp = + FADE_LENGTH/1000.0 + PROGRESS_UPDATE_LENGTH/1000.0 + 0.1 LVGUI.main_loop do if > exit_timestamp sleep(2) if LVGL::Introspection.simulator? exit(0) end end # (end TODO) end private def center(el, x = 0, y = 0) [ @screen.get_width / 2 - el.get_width / 2 + x, @screen.get_height / 2 - el.get_height / 2 + y, ] end end