class ProgressBar < LVGUI::Widget def initialize(parent) super( get_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN).dup().tap do |style| set_style(LVGL::CONT_STYLE::MAIN, style) style.body_main_color = 0x00000000 style.body_grad_color = 0x00000000 style.body_border_width = 0 style.body_radius = 0 end # Add an LVObject we'll use to render a rectangle for the background of the # progress bar. @background = @background.get_style().dup.tap do |style| @background.set_style(style) style.body_main_color = 0xFF000000 style.body_grad_color = 0xFF000000 style.body_radius = 5 style.body_border_color = 0xFFFFFFFF style.body_border_width = 3 style.body_border_opa = 255 end # Add an LVObject we'll use to render a rectangle for the current progress. @progress = @progress.set_width(0) @background.get_style().dup.tap do |style| @progress.set_style(style) style.body_main_color = 0xFFFFFFFF style.body_grad_color = 0xFFFFFFFF style.body_border_width = 0 end self.progress = 0 refresh_sizes end def refresh_sizes() width = get_width() [@background].each do |component| component.set_width(width) end height = get_height() [@background, @progress].each do |component| component.set_height(height) end refresh_progress() end def set_width(width) super(width) refresh_sizes() end def set_height(height) super(height) refresh_sizes() end def progress=(val) @changed = true @progress_amount = val refresh_progress() end def progress() @progress_amount end def refresh_progress() if @changed new_width = @progress_amount/100.0 * get_width() do |anim| anim.set_exec_cb(@progress, :lv_obj_set_width) anim.set_time(PROGRESS_UPDATE_LENGTH, 0) anim.set_values(@progress.get_width, new_width) anim.set_path_cb(LVGL::LVAnim::Path::EASE_OUT) # Launch the animation anim.create() end @changed = false end end end