#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -p ruby -i ruby require "shellwords" ROOT = File.join(__dir__, "..") def usage() puts "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [--only-save] " end # Poor approximation to arguments parsing. params, other_args = ARGV.partition { |s| s.match(/^--/) } if other_args.empty? $stderr.puts "Device name required." usage exit 1 end DEVICE = other_args.shift FILE = # Is the device a path? if DEVICE.match(%r{/}) Dir.glob(File.join(DEVICE, "kernel", "config.*")).sort.first else Dir.glob(File.join(Dir.pwd, "devices", DEVICE, "kernel", "config.*")).sort.first end ONLY_SAVE = !!params.delete("--only-save") unless params.empty? $stderr.puts "Unknown parameters #{params.join(", ")}." usage exit 1 end unless other_args.empty? $stderr.puts "Unexpected arguments #{other_args.join(", ")}." usage exit 1 end unless FILE $stderr.puts "Could not find kernel configuration file for #{DEVICE}." usage exit 1 end arg = # Is the device a path? if DEVICE.match(%r{/}) ["--arg", "device", DEVICE] else ["--argstr", "device", DEVICE] end Dir.chdir(ROOT) do tool = File.join(`#{[ "nix-build", "--no-out-link", *arg, "-A", "config.mobile.boot.stage-1.kernel.package.menuconfig" ].shelljoin}`.strip, "bin/nconf") if ONLY_SAVE # Equivalent to F9,Enter `echo -e "[20~\n" | #{[tool, FILE].shelljoin}` else system(tool, FILE) end # Force normalize at the end. Otherwise recent kernels (5.8+) will have the wrong compiler data. exec(File.join(ROOT, "bin", "kernel-normalize-config"), *ARGV) end # vim: ft=ruby