module Mounting def self.auto_depend_mount_points(mount_points) mount_points.each do |_, target| mount_points.each do |_, higher| next if target == higher # We're using +#mount_point+ on the tasks to use the normalized mount point # names. # If the higher mount point is found at the start of the target mount point. # This will match /dev for /dev/shm, but not the reverse. if target.mount_point.index(higher.mount_point) == 0 then $logger.debug("#{target.mount_point} is under #{higher.mount_point}") target.add_dependency(:Mount, higher.mount_point) end end end end # Creates tasks to mount all special mount points. # Dependencies on other mount points is being handled here. def self.create_special_mount_points() # Create all mount points. mount_points = Configuration["nixos"]["boot"]["specialFileSystems"].map do |mount_point, config| task = mount_point, type: config["fsType"], options: config["options"], ) [mount_point, task] end.to_h auto_depend_mount_points(mount_points) end # Creates tasks to mount all mount points required for boot. # Dependencies on other mount points is being handled here. def self.create_boot_mount_points() mount_points = Configuration["bootFileSystems"].map do |mount_point, config| mount_point = File.join("/mnt", mount_point) device = if config["label"] "/dev/disk/by-label/#{config["label"]}" else config["device"] end options = config["options"].reject { |str| str.match(/^x-nixos\./) } task = device, mount_point, type: config["fsType"], options: options, ) # TODO: Handle failures gracefully # init_fail FFFF00 root_mount_failure "Could not mount root filesystem" # TODO: Add autoResize handling here! # (It will add a dependency on its own task, to the mount task.) # (Its own task is a new task type.) # Makes sure switching root waits until *all* mount points needed for # boot are fulfilled. Targets[:SwitchRoot].add_dependency(:Mount, mount_point) [mount_point, task] end.to_h auto_depend_mount_points(mount_points) end end