{ pkgs, ... }: /* * This file has been generated by autoport. * **Do not** open a Pull Request without having verified the port works. */ { mobile.device.name = "sony-pioneer"; mobile.device.identity = { name = "Xperia XA2"; manufacturer = "Sony"; }; mobile.hardware = { soc = "qualcomm-sdm660"; ram = 1024 * 0/* (in MB) To be filled by the user */; screen = { width = 0/* To be filled by the user */; height = 0/* To be filled by the user */; }; }; mobile.boot.stage-1 = { kernel.package = pkgs.callPackage ./kernel { kernelPatches = pkgs.defaultKernelPatches; }; }; mobile.system.android = { /* The detection for ab_partitions is really not great. * Verify your device "has slots" with fastboot. * The most likely value has been selected. */ ab_partitions = true; /* Your kernel knows about `skip_initramfs`. * - Remove the following lines from this file if your device **does use** * the A/B partition scheme. * - If your device **does not** use the A/B partition scheme (does not * have slots) the following values should be set to true if the * bootloader adds `skip_initramfs` to the kernel command line options. */ # boot_as_recovery = true; # has_recovery_partition = true; bootimg.flash = { offset_base = "0x00000000"; offset_kernel = "0x00008000"; offset_ramdisk = "0x01000000"; offset_second = "0x00f00000"; offset_tags = "0x00000100"; pagesize = "4096"; }; }; /* If your device has A/B partitions, the partition label is "vendor_a". * Otherwise it's "vendor". * The most likely value has been selected. */ mobile.system.vendor.partition = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/vendor_a"; boot.kernelParams = [ # Extracted from an Android boot image "androidboot.hardware=qcom" "user_debug=31" "msm_rtb.filter=0x37" "ehci-hcd.park=3" "lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1" "sched_enable_hmp=1" "sched_enable_power_aware=1" "service_locator.enable=1" "swiotlb=1" "firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware_mnt/image" "loop.max_part=7" "panic_on_err=1" "loop.max_part=7" "buildvariant=user" "veritykeyid=id:7178c839cde12f22cc9da21c692827e699dff45b" ]; mobile.system.type = "android"; mobile.usb.mode = "gadgetfs"; /* To be changed by the author, though those may or may work with any device. */ # Google mobile.usb.idVendor = "18D1"; # "Nexus 4" mobile.usb.idProduct = "D001"; mobile.usb.gadgetfs.functions = { /* The following is a common valid value for rndis. Uncomment it and try it out. */ #rndis = "gsi.rndis"; }; }