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synced 2024-12-11 09:04:01 +03:00
200 lines
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200 lines
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// Good defaults.
@toc-side: left;
@toc-size: 33; // Percent of the width of the screen. NO units.
@toc-max-width: @toc-size/100 * @screen-lg;
@toc-expando-size: 1rem;
@toc-color: #eee;
@toc-active-color: darken(@toc-color, 10%);
@__toc-vw: @toc-size * 1vw;
// Why is the toggle class `toc-toggle` rather than `toc-hidden` or a more
// meaningful one?
// Simple! The toggle state is different depending on the width of the display!
// The initial state on narrow display is to *hide* the TOC.
// The initial state on wide displat is to *show* the TOC.
// It is assumed that we don't want to detect the width at load to set an
// initial state. (We don't.)
// The *only* drawback of having this inverted toggle state is that on
// transition from a wide window with the TOC hidden, to a narrow window, the
// TOC will show up, and vice versa, on transition from a narrow window with
// the TOC, to a wide window, the TOC will scurry away.
// It is fixed by the user toggling the TOC.
// It is much less fraught with peril than trying to guesstimate the initial
// state in JavaScript.
#global_toc {
@_indent: @gutter/2;
position: fixed;
top: @header-height;
@{toc-side}: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: @toc-color;
display: flex;
& > .toc {
overflow: auto;
.toc > p {
display: none;
span.current-page {
font-weight: bold;
li:not(.current-section) ul {
display: none;
ul, li {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
a {
display: block;
dl > dt {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
a {
line-height: 2.5;
dl {
margin-left: -@gutter;
margin-right: -@gutter;
dl > dd {
padding-left: @gutter;
padding-right: @gutter;
// Links have padding
ul > li,
dl > dt {
a {
padding-left: @gutter;
padding-right: @gutter;
dl > dd > dl {
border-left: @_indent solid @toc-active-color;
// This doesn't play well with single-sub-chapter categories.
// It looks weirdly broken while it isn't
// li .current-page {
// border-left-color: @color-blue-light;
// }
.active {
background: @toc-active-color;
body.with-javascript {
.chapter {
& > .toc {
display: none;
body.with-javascript {
padding-@{toc-side}: @toc-expando-size + @gutter;
#global_toc {
max-width: @toc-max-width;
body:not(.toc-toggle) #global_toc > .toc {
width: 0;
body.toc-toggle #global_toc > .toc {
width: 0;
body.with-javascript:not(.toc-toggle) {
padding-@{toc-side}: calc(@__toc-vw + @gutter * 1);
body:not(.toc-toggle) {
#global_toc {
width: @__toc-vw;
body.with-javascript:not(.toc-toggle) {
padding-@{toc-side}: calc(@toc-max-width + @gutter * 1);
max-width: @screen-lg;
body:not(.toc-toggle) {
#global_toc {
width: @toc-max-width;
#global_toc .toc-expando {
width: @toc-expando-size;
overflow: hidden;
text-indent: -999em;
position: relative;
background: @toc-color;
color: inherit;
border: 0;
text-transform: none;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
&:hover, &:focus {
background: @toc-active-color;
&::after {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
right: 0;
transform: translateY(-50%);
text-indent: 0;
// Selects the right symbol depending on the way the TOC toggles.
content: "»";
.toc-toggle & {
content: "«";
content: "«";
.toc-toggle & {
content: "»";