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module Nri.Ui.CssFlexBoxWithVendorPrefix exposing
( displayFlex, displayInlineFlex, flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems, alignSelf, flexBasis
, flexGrow, flexShrink, row, rowReverse, column, columnReverse, flexStart, flexEnd, baseline, stretch, center, spaceBetween, spaceAround, flexWrap, nowrap, wrap, wrapReverse
@docs displayFlex, displayInlineFlex, flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems, alignSelf, flexBasis
@docs flexGrow, flexShrink, row, rowReverse, column, columnReverse, flexStart, flexEnd, baseline, stretch, center, spaceBetween, spaceAround, flexWrap, nowrap, wrap, wrapReverse
import Css exposing (Style, batch, property)
{-| -}
displayFlex : Style
displayFlex =
[ property "display" "-webkit-box" -- OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
, property "display" "-moz-box" -- OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works)
, property "display" "-ms-flexbox" -- TWEENER - IE 10
, property "display" "-webkit-flex" -- NEW - Chrome
, property "display" "flex" -- NEW, Spec - Opera 12.1, Firefox 20+
{-| -}
displayInlineFlex : Style
displayInlineFlex =
[ property "display" "-webkit-inline-box" -- OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6
, property "display" "-moz-inline-box" -- OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works)
, property "display" "-ms-inline-flexbox" -- TWEENER - IE 10
, property "display" "-webkit-inline-flex" -- NEW - Chrome
, property "display" "inline-flex" -- NEW, Spec - Opera 12.1, Firefox 20+
{-| -}
flexDirection : Direction -> Style
flexDirection direction =
addPrefix "flex-direction" <|
case direction of
Row ->
RowReverse ->
Column ->
ColumnReverse ->
type Direction
= Row
| RowReverse
| Column
| ColumnReverse
{-| Direction row.
row : Direction
row =
{-| Direction rowReverse.
rowReverse : Direction
rowReverse =
{-| Direction column.
column : Direction
column =
{-| Direction columnReverse.
columnReverse : Direction
columnReverse =
{-| -}
justifyContent : Alignment JustifyContent a -> Style
justifyContent =
addPrefix "justify-content" << alignmentToString
{-| -}
alignItems : Alignment a AlignItems -> Style
alignItems =
addPrefix "align-items" << alignmentToString
{-| -}
alignSelf : Alignment a AlignItems -> Style
alignSelf =
addPrefix "align-self" << alignmentToString
{-| -}
flexBasis : Css.Length compatible units -> Style
flexBasis =
addPrefix "flex-basis" << .value
{-| -}
flexGrow : Float -> Style
flexGrow value =
addPrefix "flex-grow" (toString value)
{-| -}
flexShrink : Float -> Style
flexShrink value =
addPrefix "flex-shrink" (toString value)
{-| -}
flexWrap : Wrap -> Style
flexWrap value =
addPrefix "flex-wrap" <|
case value of
Nowrap ->
Wrap ->
WrapReverse ->
type Wrap
= Nowrap
| Wrap
| WrapReverse
{-| flex-wrap nowrap
nowrap : Wrap
nowrap =
{-| flex-wrap wrap
wrap : Wrap
wrap =
{-| flex-wrap wrapReverse
wrapReverse : Wrap
wrapReverse =
type Alignment justify align
= FlexStart justify align
| FlexEnd justify align
| Center justify align
| SpaceBetween justify
| SpaceAround justify
| Baseline align
| Stretch align
alignmentToString : Alignment a b -> String
alignmentToString value =
case value of
FlexStart _ _ ->
FlexEnd _ _ ->
Center _ _ ->
SpaceBetween _ ->
SpaceAround _ ->
Baseline _ ->
Stretch _ ->
type JustifyContent
= JustifyContent
type AlignItems
= AlignItems
{-| align-items/justify-content flexStart
flexStart : Alignment JustifyContent AlignItems
flexStart =
FlexStart JustifyContent AlignItems
{-| align-items/justify-content flexEnd
flexEnd : Alignment JustifyContent AlignItems
flexEnd =
FlexEnd JustifyContent AlignItems
{-| align-items/justify-content center
center : Alignment JustifyContent AlignItems
center =
Center JustifyContent AlignItems
{-| justify-content spaceBetween
spaceBetween : Alignment JustifyContent Never
spaceBetween =
SpaceBetween JustifyContent
{-| justify-content spaceAround
spaceAround : Alignment JustifyContent Never
spaceAround =
SpaceAround JustifyContent
{-| align-items baseline
baseline : Alignment Never AlignItems
baseline =
Baseline AlignItems
{-| align-items stretch
stretch : Alignment Never AlignItems
stretch =
Stretch AlignItems
addPrefix : String -> String -> Style
addPrefix propertyName value =
[ property ("-webkit-" ++ propertyName) value
, property propertyName value
, property ("-ms-" ++ propertyName) value