2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
module Examples.ClickableText exposing (Msg, State, example)
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2019-03-28 22:47:20 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
@docs Msg, State, example
2019-03-28 22:47:20 +03:00
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2021-11-06 00:35:09 +03:00
import Accessibility.Styled.Key as Key
2020-03-24 03:33:42 +03:00
import Category exposing (Category(..))
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
import CommonControls
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
import Css exposing (middle, verticalAlign)
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
import Debug.Control.Extra as ControlExtra
import Debug.Control.View as ControlView
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
import Example exposing (Example)
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, id)
2020-06-20 00:45:32 +03:00
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Direction(..), Key(..))
2019-07-30 22:13:09 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText
2019-10-24 20:49:49 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
2021-10-27 20:42:23 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text
2019-10-24 20:49:49 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
{-| -}
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
example : Example State Msg
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
example =
2020-09-09 21:43:10 +03:00
{ name = "ClickableText"
, version = 3
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, state = init
, update = update
2020-03-31 22:48:26 +03:00
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
2021-11-05 22:16:52 +03:00
, preview =
[ ClickableText.link "Small"
[ ClickableText.icon UiIcon.link
, ClickableText.small
2021-11-06 00:35:09 +03:00
, ClickableText.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
2021-11-05 22:16:52 +03:00
, ClickableText.link "Medium"
[ ClickableText.icon UiIcon.link
, ClickableText.medium
2021-11-06 00:35:09 +03:00
, ClickableText.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
2021-11-05 22:16:52 +03:00
, ClickableText.link "Large"
[ ClickableText.icon UiIcon.link
, ClickableText.large
2021-11-06 00:35:09 +03:00
, ClickableText.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
2021-11-05 22:16:52 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, view = \state -> [ viewExamples state ]
, categories = [ Buttons ]
2020-06-20 00:45:32 +03:00
, keyboardSupport = []
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
{-| -}
type State
= State (Control (Settings Msg))
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
{-| -}
2019-10-24 20:49:49 +03:00
init : State
init =
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
Control.record Settings
2019-02-16 01:33:26 +03:00
|> Control.field "label" (Control.string "Clickable Text")
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
|> Control.field "attributes"
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItemDefaultChecked "icon"
(Control.map (\( name, icon ) -> ClickableText.icon icon)
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
|> State
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
type alias Settings msg =
{ label : String
, attributes : List (ClickableText.Attribute msg)
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
{-| -}
type Msg
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
= SetState (Control (Settings Msg))
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
| ShowItWorked String String
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
{-| -}
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
case msg of
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
SetState controls ->
( State controls, Cmd.none )
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
ShowItWorked group message ->
_ =
Debug.log group message
( state, Cmd.none )
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
viewExamples : State -> Html Msg
viewExamples (State control) =
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
settings =
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
Control.currentValue control
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
[ Control.view SetState control
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
|> fromUnstyled
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
, buttons settings
2021-10-27 21:54:14 +03:00
, Text.smallBody
[ Text.html
[ text "Sometimes, we'll want our clickable links: "
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
, ClickableText.link settings.label
(ClickableText.small :: settings.attributes)
2021-10-27 21:54:14 +03:00
, text " and clickable buttons: "
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
, ClickableText.button settings.label
:: ClickableText.onClick (ShowItWorked "ClickableText" "in-line button")
:: settings.attributes
2021-10-27 21:54:14 +03:00
, text " to show up in-line."
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
2019-03-28 22:47:20 +03:00
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
|> div []
2019-07-30 22:13:09 +03:00
sizes : List ( ClickableText.Attribute msg, String )
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
sizes =
2019-07-30 22:13:09 +03:00
[ ( ClickableText.small, "small" )
, ( ClickableText.medium, "medium" )
, ( ClickableText.large, "large" )
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
buttons : Settings Msg -> Html Msg
buttons settings =
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
sizeRow label render =
row label (List.map render sizes)
2019-02-15 21:51:19 +03:00
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
table []
[ sizeRow "" (\( size, sizeLabel ) -> th [] [ text sizeLabel ])
, sizeRow ".link"
(\( size, sizeLabel ) ->
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
ClickableText.link settings.label
(size :: settings.attributes)
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
|> exampleCell
, sizeRow ".button"
(\( size, sizeLabel ) ->
2022-03-05 01:49:45 +03:00
ClickableText.button settings.label
:: ClickableText.onClick (ShowItWorked "ClickableText" sizeLabel)
:: settings.attributes
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
|> exampleCell
2019-03-28 22:47:20 +03:00
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
row : String -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
row label tds =
tr [] (th [] [ td [] [ text label ] ] :: tds)
2019-07-30 22:13:09 +03:00
2019-07-30 22:28:35 +03:00
exampleCell : Html msg -> Html msg
exampleCell view =
td [ css [ verticalAlign middle, Css.width (Css.px 200) ] ] [ view ]