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2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
module Examples.Tooltip exposing (example, State, Msg)
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
@docs example, State, Msg
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Accessibility.Styled.Key as Key
import Category exposing (Category(..))
2022-03-18 03:30:50 +03:00
import CommonControls
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
import Css
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
2021-10-28 18:57:25 +03:00
import Debug.Control.Extra as ControlExtra
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
import Debug.Control.View as ControlView
import EllieLink
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
import Example exposing (Example)
2022-04-26 03:59:24 +03:00
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, id)
2022-04-26 02:28:06 +03:00
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Key(..))
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
import Markdown
2021-05-28 04:59:03 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V2 as ClickableSvg
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.Table.V5 as Table
2022-04-26 01:42:25 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V3 as Tooltip
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
version : Int
version =
2022-04-26 01:42:25 +03:00
moduleName : String
moduleName =
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = moduleName
, version = version
2021-11-12 01:54:56 +03:00
, categories = [ Messaging ]
2022-04-26 02:28:06 +03:00
, keyboardSupport =
[ { keys = [ Esc ]
2022-04-26 03:07:12 +03:00
, result = "Hitting escape while focusing a tooltip trigger closes all tooltips. Note that hovered-but-not-focused tooltips can't be closed this way."
2022-04-26 02:28:06 +03:00
, { keys = [ Space ]
, result = "While focusing a tooltip trigger, opens/closes the tooltip. May trigger the underlying action too."
, { keys = [ Enter ]
, result = "While focusing a tooltip trigger, opens/closes the tooltip. May trigger the underlying action too."
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
2021-11-06 00:17:14 +03:00
, preview =
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.marginTop (Css.px 60)
, Css.alignSelf
[ Tooltip.view
{ id = "preview-tooltip"
, trigger =
\attributes ->
ClickableSvg.button "example-preview-tooltip-icon"
[ ClickableSvg.custom attributes
, ClickableSvg.small
, ClickableSvg.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
2021-11-06 00:17:14 +03:00
[ Tooltip.plaintext "This is a tooltip."
, True
, Tooltip.onTop
, Tooltip.smallPadding
, Tooltip.fitToContent
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
, view = view
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
type alias State =
{ openTooltip : Maybe TooltipId
, staticExampleSettings : Control (List ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never ))
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
init : State
init =
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
{ openTooltip = Nothing
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
, staticExampleSettings = initStaticExampleSettings
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
type TooltipId
= PrimaryLabel
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
| AuxillaryDescription
| LearnMore
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
| Disclosure
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
type Msg
= ToggleTooltip TooltipId Bool
| SetControl (Control (List ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )))
| Log String
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
update msg model =
case msg of
ToggleTooltip type_ isOpen ->
if isOpen then
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
( { model | openTooltip = Just type_ }, Cmd.none )
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
( { model | openTooltip = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
SetControl settings ->
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
( { model | staticExampleSettings = settings }, Cmd.none )
Log message ->
2022-05-03 00:31:03 +03:00
( Debug.log "Tooltip Log:" |> always model, Cmd.none )
2019-08-17 01:26:51 +03:00
view : EllieLink.Config -> State -> List (Html Msg)
view ellieLinkConfig model =
[ viewCustomizableExample ellieLinkConfig model.staticExampleSettings
, Table.view
[ Table.string
{ header = "Attribute"
, value = .name
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, width = Css.pct 15
, cellStyles = always []
, Table.custom
{ header = Html.text "About"
, view = .description >> Markdown.toHtml Nothing >> Html.fromUnstyled >> Html.span []
, width = Css.px 200
, cellStyles = always []
, Table.custom
{ header = Html.text "view"
, view = .view
, width = Css.px 50
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, cellStyles = always [ Css.textAlign ]
[ { name = "Tooltip.primaryLabel"
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, description =
Used when the content of the tooltip is identical to the accessible name.
For example, when using the Tooltip component with the ClickableSvg component, the Tooltip is providing
extra information to sighted users that screenreader users already have.
This is the default.
, view = viewPrimaryLabelTooltip model.openTooltip
, tooltipId = PrimaryLabel
2022-05-02 19:54:14 +03:00
, { name = "Tooltip.auxiliaryDescription"
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, description =
Used when the content of the tooltip provides an "auxiliary description" for its content.
An auxiliary description is used when the tooltip content provides supplementary information about its trigger content.
, view = viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip model.openTooltip
, tooltipId = AuxillaryDescription
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
, { name = "Tooltip.disclosure"
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, description =
Sometimes a "tooltip" only _looks_ like a tooltip, but is really more about hiding and showing extra information when the user asks for it.
If clicking the "tooltip trigger" only ever shows you more info (and especially if this info is rich or interactable), use this attribute.
For more information, please read [Sarah Higley's "Tooltips in the time of WCAG 2.1" post](
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
, view = viewDisclosureToolip model.openTooltip
, tooltipId = Disclosure
2022-05-02 20:03:04 +03:00
, { name = "Tooltip.viewToggleTip"
2022-05-03 00:51:56 +03:00
, description =
Supplementary information triggered by a "?" icon.
This is a helper for setting up a commonly-used `disclosure` tooltip. Please see the documentation for `disclosure` to learn more.
, view = viewToggleTip model.openTooltip
, tooltipId = LearnMore
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
viewPrimaryLabelTooltip : Maybe TooltipId -> Html Msg
viewPrimaryLabelTooltip openTooltip =
{ id = "tooltip__primaryLabel"
, trigger =
\eventHandlers ->
ClickableSvg.button "Download"
[ ClickableSvg.custom eventHandlers
, ClickableSvg.onClick (Log "Fake content totally downloaded!")
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
[ Tooltip.plaintext "Download"
, Tooltip.primaryLabel
, Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip PrimaryLabel)
, (openTooltip == Just PrimaryLabel)
, Tooltip.smallPadding
, Tooltip.fitToContent
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip : Maybe TooltipId -> Html Msg
viewAuxillaryDescriptionToolip openTooltip =
2022-05-02 19:54:14 +03:00
{ id = "tooltip__auxiliaryDescription"
, trigger =
\eventHandlers ->
ClickableSvg.button "Period 1"
[ ClickableSvg.custom eventHandlers
, ClickableSvg.onClick (Log "You totally started managing Periud 1.")
[ Tooltip.plaintext "Manage class and students"
2022-05-02 19:54:14 +03:00
, Tooltip.auxiliaryDescription
, Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip AuxillaryDescription)
, (openTooltip == Just AuxillaryDescription)
, Tooltip.smallPadding
, Tooltip.fitToContent
2022-05-03 00:57:39 +03:00
, Tooltip.onLeftForMobile
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
viewDisclosureToolip : Maybe TooltipId -> Html Msg
viewDisclosureToolip openTooltip =
2022-04-26 03:59:24 +03:00
triggerId =
lastId =
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
{ id = "tooltip__disclosure"
, trigger =
\eventHandlers ->
ClickableSvg.button "Previously mastered"
(Svg.withColor UiIcon.starFilled)
[ ClickableSvg.custom eventHandlers
2022-04-26 03:59:24 +03:00
, triggerId
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
[ Tooltip.html
[ Html.text "You mastered this skill in a previous year! Way to go! "
, Html.a
2022-04-26 03:59:24 +03:00
[ id lastId
, href ""
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
[ Html.text "Learn more about NoRedInk Mastery" ]
2022-04-26 03:59:24 +03:00
, Tooltip.disclosure { triggerId = triggerId, lastId = Just lastId }
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
, Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip Disclosure)
, (openTooltip == Just Disclosure)
, Tooltip.smallPadding
2022-05-03 00:57:39 +03:00
, Tooltip.alignEndForMobile (Css.px 148)
2022-04-26 03:13:39 +03:00
viewToggleTip : Maybe TooltipId -> Html Msg
viewToggleTip openTooltip =
2022-05-02 20:03:04 +03:00
Tooltip.viewToggleTip { label = "What is mastery?", lastId = Nothing }
[ Tooltip.plaintext "Students master topics by correctly answering a series of questions of varying difficulty and scope."
, Tooltip.onHover (ToggleTooltip LearnMore)
, (openTooltip == Just LearnMore)
2022-05-03 00:57:39 +03:00
, Tooltip.alignEndForMobile (Css.px 144)
2020-09-03 20:26:48 +03:00
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
initStaticExampleSettings : Control (List ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never ))
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
initStaticExampleSettings =
2021-10-28 18:57:25 +03:00
|> ControlExtra.listItem "content" controlContent
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "direction" controlDirection
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "direction -- mobile" controlDirectionForMobile
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "alignment" controlAlignment
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "alignment -- mobile" controlAlignmentForMobile
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
|> ControlExtra.optionalBoolListItem "withoutTail" ( "Tooltip.withoutTail", Tooltip.withoutTail )
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "width" controlWidth
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "padding" controlPadding
2022-05-02 20:05:52 +03:00
|> CommonControls.css { moduleName = moduleName, use = Tooltip.css }
|> CommonControls.mobileCss { moduleName = moduleName, use = Tooltip.mobileCss }
|> CommonControls.quizEngineMobileCss { moduleName = moduleName, use = Tooltip.quizEngineMobileCss }
|> CommonControls.notMobileCss { moduleName = moduleName, use = Tooltip.notMobileCss }
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
controlContent : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
controlContent =
2022-03-18 03:30:50 +03:00
{ moduleName = "Tooltip"
, plaintext = Tooltip.plaintext
, markdown = Nothing
, html = Tooltip.html
, httpError = Nothing
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
controlDirection : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
2020-09-03 20:52:46 +03:00
controlDirection =
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
CommonControls.choice "Tooltip"
[ ( "onTop", Tooltip.onTop )
, ( "onBottom", Tooltip.onBottom )
, ( "onLeft", Tooltip.onLeft )
, ( "onRight", Tooltip.onRight )
2020-09-03 20:52:46 +03:00
controlDirectionForMobile : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
controlDirectionForMobile =
CommonControls.choice "Tooltip"
[ ( "onTopForMobile", Tooltip.onTopForMobile )
, ( "onBottomForMobile", Tooltip.onBottomForMobile )
, ( "onLeftForMobile", Tooltip.onLeftForMobile )
, ( "onRightForMobile", Tooltip.onRightForMobile )
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
controlAlignment : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
2020-09-04 01:28:58 +03:00
controlAlignment =
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
[ ( "alignMiddle (default)", Control.value ( "Tooltip.alignMiddle", Tooltip.alignMiddle ) )
, ( "alignStart"
(\float ->
( "Tooltip.alignStart (Css.px " ++ String.fromFloat float ++ ")"
, Tooltip.alignStart (Css.px float)
(ControlExtra.float 0)
, ( "alignEnd"
(\float ->
( "Tooltip.alignEnd (Css.px " ++ String.fromFloat float ++ ")"
, Tooltip.alignEnd (Css.px float)
(ControlExtra.float 0)
2020-09-04 01:28:58 +03:00
controlAlignmentForMobile : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
controlAlignmentForMobile =
[ ( "alignMiddleForMobile (default)", Control.value ( "Tooltip.alignMiddleForMobile", Tooltip.alignMiddleForMobile ) )
, ( "alignStartForMobile"
(\float ->
( "Tooltip.alignStartForMobile (Css.px " ++ String.fromFloat float ++ ")"
, Tooltip.alignStartForMobile (Css.px float)
(ControlExtra.float 0)
, ( "alignEndForMobile"
(\float ->
( "Tooltip.alignEndForMobile (Css.px " ++ String.fromFloat float ++ ")"
, Tooltip.alignEndForMobile (Css.px float)
(ControlExtra.float 0)
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
controlWidth : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
2020-09-03 20:56:07 +03:00
controlWidth =
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
[ ( "exactWidth (default is 320)"
(\int ->
( "Tooltip.exactWidth " ++ String.fromInt int, Tooltip.exactWidth int )
( 320)
, ( "fitToContent", Control.value ( "Tooltip.fitToContent", Tooltip.fitToContent ) )
2020-09-03 20:56:07 +03:00
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
controlPadding : Control ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )
2020-09-03 20:57:55 +03:00
controlPadding =
2022-03-18 03:45:16 +03:00
[ ( "normalPadding (default)", Control.value ( "Tooltip.normalPadding", Tooltip.normalPadding ) )
, ( "smallPadding", Control.value ( "Tooltip.smallPadding", Tooltip.smallPadding ) )
, ( "customPadding"
(\float ->
( "Tooltip.customPadding " ++ String.fromFloat float
, Tooltip.customPadding float
(ControlExtra.float 0)
2020-09-03 20:57:55 +03:00
viewCustomizableExample : EllieLink.Config -> Control (List ( String, Tooltip.Attribute Never )) -> Html Msg
viewCustomizableExample ellieLinkConfig controlSettings =
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00
Html.div []
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
[ ControlView.view
{ ellieLinkConfig = ellieLinkConfig
, name = moduleName
, version = version
, update = SetControl
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
, settings = controlSettings
, mainType = "RootHtml.Html msg"
2022-04-13 03:32:46 +03:00
, extraImports = []
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
, toExampleCode =
\controls ->
[ { sectionName = "Example"
, code =
String.join "\n"
[ "Tooltip.view"
, " { trigger ="
, " \\popupTriggerAttributes ->"
, " ClickableSvg.button \"Up\""
, " UiIcon.arrowTop"
, " [ ClickableSvg.custom popupTriggerAttributes"
, " ]"
, " , id = \"an-id-for-the-tooltip\""
, " }"
, " [ "
++ String.join "\n , "
(" True" :: Tuple.first controls)
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
, " ]"
2020-09-04 01:28:58 +03:00
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.justifyContent
, Css.alignItems
, Css.height (Css.px 300)
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
[ Tooltip.view
{ trigger =
\eventHandlers ->
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
ClickableSvg.button "Up"
[ ClickableSvg.custom eventHandlers
2022-03-18 03:25:51 +03:00
, id = "an-id-for-the-tooltip"
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
( True
:: Tuple.second (Control.currentValue controlSettings)
2020-09-03 20:50:42 +03:00
|> never
2020-09-03 20:33:31 +03:00