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module Examples.Tabs exposing
( example
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, State, Msg
@docs example
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
@docs State, Msg
2020-06-10 03:56:10 +03:00
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
import Example exposing (Example)
2022-03-15 21:06:13 +03:00
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (fromUnstyled)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Key(..))
2021-11-06 01:53:15 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.Tabs.V7 as Tabs exposing (Alignment(..), Tab)
2021-11-06 01:53:15 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text
2022-04-26 01:42:25 +03:00
import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V3 as Tooltip
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
2020-06-10 03:56:10 +03:00
import Task
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
type alias State =
{ selected : Id
, settings : Control Settings
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
, openTooltip : Maybe Id
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
init : State
init =
{ selected = First
, settings = initSettings
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
, openTooltip = Nothing
type alias Settings =
{ title : Maybe String
, alignment : Alignment
2020-06-10 04:08:33 +03:00
, customSpacing : Maybe Float
, labelledBy : Maybe String
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
initSettings : Control Settings
initSettings =
Control.record Settings
|> Control.field "title" (Control.maybe False (Control.string "Title"))
|> Control.field "alignment"
[ ( "Left", Control.value Left )
, ( "Center", Control.value Center )
, ( "Right", Control.value Right )
2020-06-10 04:08:33 +03:00
|> Control.field "customSpacing"
(Control.maybe False
[ ( "2", Control.value 2 )
, ( "3", Control.value 3 )
, ( "4", Control.value 4 )
, ( "8", Control.value 8 )
, ( "16", Control.value 16 )
|> Control.field "labelledBy" (Control.maybe False (Control.string "someId"))
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
type Id
= First
| Second
| Third
| Fourth
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
type Msg
2020-09-09 00:35:36 +03:00
= FocusAndSelectTab { select : Id, focus : Maybe String }
2020-06-10 03:56:10 +03:00
| Focused (Result Dom.Error ())
| SetSettings (Control Settings)
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
| ToggleTooltip Id Bool
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
2020-06-10 03:43:54 +03:00
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
update msg model =
case msg of
2020-09-09 00:35:36 +03:00
FocusAndSelectTab { select, focus } ->
( { model | selected = select }
, focus
|> (Dom.focus >> Task.attempt Focused)
|> Maybe.withDefault Cmd.none
2020-06-10 03:56:10 +03:00
Focused error ->
( model, Cmd.none )
SetSettings settings ->
2020-06-10 03:43:54 +03:00
( { model | settings = settings }, Cmd.none )
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
ToggleTooltip id openTooltip ->
( { model
| openTooltip =
if openTooltip then
Just id
, Cmd.none
exampleName : String
exampleName =
2020-03-31 23:20:03 +03:00
example : Example State Msg
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
example =
{ name = exampleName
, version = 7
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, categories = [ Layout ]
2020-06-20 00:50:47 +03:00
, keyboardSupport =
[ { keys = [ KeyboardSupport.Tab ]
2020-08-06 01:58:40 +03:00
, result = "Move focus to the currently-selected Tab's tab panel"
2020-06-20 00:50:47 +03:00
, { keys = [ Arrow KeyboardSupport.Left ]
, result = "Select the tab to the left of the currently-selected Tab"
, { keys = [ Arrow KeyboardSupport.Right ]
, result = "Select the tab to the right of the currently-selected Tab"
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
, state = init
2020-06-10 03:43:54 +03:00
, update = update
2020-03-31 22:48:26 +03:00
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
2021-11-06 01:53:15 +03:00
, preview =
[ -- faking a mini version of the Tabs component to give styleguide users a sense of what the
-- component might look like
Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ]
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.backgroundColor Colors.white
, Css.padding (Css.px 4)
, Css.borderRadius4 (Css.px 4) (Css.px 4)
, Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid
, Css.borderBottomWidth
[ Text.smallBody [ Text.plaintext "Tab 1" ] ]
, Html.div
[ css [ Css.width (Css.px 4), Css.borderBottom3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid ]
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.backgroundColor Colors.frost
, Css.padding (Css.px 4)
, Css.borderRadius4 (Css.px 4) (Css.px 4)
, Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid
[ Text.smallBody [ Text.plaintext "Tab 1" ] ]
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.width (Css.px 30)
, Css.borderBottom3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.paddingTop (Css.px 4)
, Css.minWidth (Css.px 100)
[ Text.caption [ Text.plaintext "Tab 1 content" ] ]
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig model ->
settings =
Control.currentValue model.settings
[ Control.view SetSettings model.settings |> fromUnstyled
2020-06-10 00:51:00 +03:00
, Tabs.view
{ title = settings.title
2020-06-10 02:23:15 +03:00
, alignment = settings.alignment
2020-06-10 04:08:33 +03:00
, customSpacing = settings.customSpacing
2020-09-09 00:35:36 +03:00
, focusAndSelect = FocusAndSelectTab
2020-06-10 01:53:46 +03:00
, selected = model.selected
, tabs = allTabs model.openTooltip settings.labelledBy
2020-03-31 22:43:32 +03:00
allTabs : Maybe Id -> Maybe String -> List (Tab Id Msg)
allTabs openTooltipId labelledBy =
2020-09-08 21:00:29 +03:00
bulbIcon =
|> Svg.withWidth (Css.px 40)
2020-09-08 21:22:17 +03:00
|> Svg.withHeight (Css.px 45)
|> Svg.withLabel "Bulb"
2020-09-08 21:00:29 +03:00
|> Svg.withCss [ Css.padding2 (Css.px 6) ]
|> Svg.toHtml
2020-09-08 20:56:29 +03:00
[ { id = First, idString = "tab-0" }
([ Tabs.tabString "1"
, Tabs.withTooltip
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
[ Tooltip.plaintext "Link Example"
2022-05-03 01:40:11 +03:00
, Tooltip.onToggle (ToggleTooltip First)
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
, Tooltip.alignStart (Css.px 75)
, Tooltip.primaryLabel
, (openTooltipId == Just First)
, Tabs.panelHtml (Html.text "First Panel")
++ (case labelledBy of
Nothing ->
Just labelledById ->
[ Tabs.labelledBy labelledById ]
2020-09-08 20:56:29 +03:00
, { id = Second, idString = "tab-1" }
[ Tabs.tabString "Second Tab (disabled)"
, Tabs.disabled True
2020-09-08 20:56:29 +03:00
, Tabs.panelHtml (Html.text "Second Panel")
, { id = Third, idString = "tab-2" }
2020-09-08 21:00:29 +03:00
[ Tabs.tabHtml bulbIcon
, Tabs.withTooltip
[ Tooltip.plaintext "The Electrifying Third Tab"
2022-05-03 01:40:11 +03:00
, Tooltip.onToggle (ToggleTooltip Third)
2020-09-08 21:00:29 +03:00
, Tooltip.primaryLabel
2020-09-08 21:55:09 +03:00
, (openTooltipId == Just Third)
2020-09-08 21:00:29 +03:00
2020-09-08 20:56:29 +03:00
, Tabs.panelHtml (Html.text "Third Panel")
, { id = Fourth, idString = "tab-3" }
[ Tabs.tabString "Fourth Tab"
, Tabs.panelHtml (Html.text "Fourth Panel")
2020-06-10 02:23:15 +03:00