better examples with grouped choices, batch attr to enable that example

This commit is contained in:
Alex Perkins 2023-02-27 14:11:49 -07:00
parent 1296c8fdcc
commit 05cab4764d
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 209 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -92,21 +92,22 @@ example =
This means that if the starting value is `Nothing` and there is no `defaultDisplayText`
then you cannot select the first item in the list without first selecting another one.
Use the "choices" selector above to get a feel for what that means.
""" |> String.lines
|> String.lines
|> String.trim
|> String.join " "
|> Text.markdown
, Text.smallBody
[ ("The current value is \""
[ ("The current value is "
++ (case state.selectedValue of
Just tm ->
"Just '" ++ choosableToString tm ++ "'"
"`Just " ++ choosableToCodeString tm ++ "`"
Nothing ->
++ "\"."
++ "."
|> Text.markdown
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ init : State
init =
{ control =
Control.record Settings
|> Control.field "label" (Control.string "Tortilla Selector")
|> Control.field "label" (Control.string "Thematically Incoherent Selector")
|> Control.field "attributes" initControls
, selectedValue = Nothing
@ -141,15 +142,7 @@ type alias Settings =
initControls : Control (List ( String, Select.Attribute Choosable ))
initControls =
|> ControlExtra.listItem "choices"
(\( code, choices ) ->
( "Select.choices choosableToString" ++ code
, Select.choices choosableToString choices
|> ControlExtra.listItem "choices" initChoices
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "hiddenLabel"
(Control.value ( "Select.hiddenLabel", Select.hiddenLabel ))
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "defaultDisplayText"
@ -159,7 +152,7 @@ initControls =
, Select.defaultDisplayText str
(Control.string "Select a tasty tortilla based treat!")
(Control.string "Select a tortilla-based treat, a 2020 81kg Olympic Weightlifter, or nothing at all")
|> ControlExtra.optionalListItem "containerCss"
@ -289,8 +282,8 @@ all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters =
help []
choosableToString : Choosable -> String
choosableToString tm =
choosableToLabel : Choosable -> String
choosableToLabel tm =
case tm of
Tacos ->
@ -326,41 +319,124 @@ choosableToString tm =
"Harrison Maurus"
TragicSingleton ->
"Tragic Singleton that cannot be selected"
"Tragic Singleton"
toOption : (a -> String) -> a -> { label : String, value : a }
toOption toString a =
{ label = toString a, value = a }
choosableToCodeString : Choosable -> String
choosableToCodeString choosable =
case choosable of
Tacos ->
Burritos ->
Enchiladas ->
NixtamalizedCorn ->
LüXiaojun ->
ZacaríasBonnat ->
AntoninoPizzolato ->
HarrisonMaurus ->
TragicSingleton ->
toOptionString : (a -> String) -> a -> String
toOptionString toString a =
str =
toString a
"{ label = \"" ++ str ++ "\", value = \"" ++ str ++ "\" } "
texMexLabel : String
texMexLabel =
initChoices : Control ( String, List (Choice Choosable) )
weightLifterLabel : String
weightLifterLabel =
"81 kg 2020 Olympic Weightlifters"
toOption : Choosable -> { label : String, value : Choosable }
toOption c =
{ label = choosableToLabel c, value = c }
grouped : List (Select.ChoicesGroup Choosable)
grouped =
[ { label = texMexLabel, choices = toOption allTexMex }
, { label = weightLifterLabel, choices = toOption all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters }
initChoices : Control ( String, Select.Attribute Choosable )
initChoices =
toChoice : List Choosable -> Control ( String, List { label : String, value : Choosable } )
toChoice choosables =
( "[" ++ String.join ", " ( (toOptionString choosableToString) choosables) ++ "]"
, (toOption choosableToString) choosables
|> Control.value
toOptionString : Choosable -> String
toOptionString c =
"{ value = " ++ choosableToCodeString c ++ ", label = \"" ++ choosableToLabel c ++ "\" } "
toValue : ( String, List Choosable ) -> ( String, Control ( String, List { label : String, value : Choosable } ) )
toChoice : List Choosable -> ( String, List { label : String, value : Choosable } )
toChoice choosables =
( """Select.choices
[ """
++ String.join "\n , " ( toOptionString choosables)
++ "\n ]"
, toOption choosables
toValue : List Choosable -> Control ( String, Select.Attribute Choosable )
toValue =
Tuple.mapSecond toChoice
toChoice >> Tuple.mapSecond (Select.choices choosableToLabel) >> Control.value
toOptionsString : List Choosable -> String
toOptionsString choosables =
"[ "
++ ( toOptionString choosables |> String.join "\n , ")
++ "\n ]"
in toValue
[ ( "Tex-Mex", allTexMex )
, ( "81 Kg 2020 Olympic Weightlifters", all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters )
, ( "Unselectable list with only one item", [ TragicSingleton ] ) identity
[ ( texMexLabel, toValue allTexMex )
, ( "81 Kg 2020 Olympic Weightlifters", toValue all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters )
, ( "Grouped Things"
, Control.value <|
( """Select.groupedChoices
[ { label = \""""
++ texMexLabel
++ "\"\n , choices = \n "
++ toOptionsString allTexMex
++ """
, { label = \""""
++ weightLifterLabel
++ "\"\n , choices = \n "
++ toOptionsString all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters
++ """
, Select.choices
[ """
++ toOptionString TragicSingleton
++ """ ]"""
, Select.batch
[ Select.groupedChoices choosableToLabel
[ { label = texMexLabel, choices = toOption allTexMex }
, { label = weightLifterLabel, choices = toOption all81kg2020OlympicWeightlifters }
, Select.choices choosableToLabel [ toOption TragicSingleton ]
, ( "Unselectable list with only one item", toValue [ TragicSingleton ] )
|> Control.choice

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Nri.Ui.Block.V3,upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V2,upgrade to V3
Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V3,upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.Select.V8,upgrade to V9
Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6,upgrade to V7

1 Nri.Ui.Block.V3 upgrade to V4
2 Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V2 upgrade to V3
3 Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V3 upgrade to V4
4 Nri.Ui.Select.V8 upgrade to V9
5 Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6 upgrade to V7

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.Select.V9 exposing
, custom, nriDescription, id, testId
, icon
, containerCss, noMargin
, batch
{-| Build a select input with a label, optional guidance, and error messaging.
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.Select.V9 exposing
@docs custom, nriDescription, id, testId
@docs icon
@docs containerCss, noMargin
@docs batch
@ -112,6 +114,13 @@ errorMessage =
Attribute << InputErrorAndGuidanceInternal.setErrorMessage
{-| Combine several attributes into one. A nice way to do nothing via batch []
batch : List (Attribute value) -> Attribute value
batch attrs =
List.foldl (\(Attribute update) composition -> composition >> update) identity attrs |> Attribute
{-| A guidance message shows below the input, unless an error message is showing instead.
guidance : String -> Attribute value

View File

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import Test.Html.Selector exposing (..)
spec : Test
spec =
describe "Nri.Ui.Select.V9"
[ test "allows selection" <|
[ test "allows selection when no grouping and default value" <|
\() ->
-- first option is selected automatically
|> ensureViewHas
[ id "nri-select-cat"
@ -33,11 +33,39 @@ spec =
, attribute (Attributes.value "My favorite animal is something else")
|> done
, test "allows selection when grouping" <|
\() ->
-- first option is selected automatically
|> ensureViewHas
[ id "nri-select-cat"
, selected True
, attribute (Attributes.value "Cat")
|> selectAnimal Dog
|> ensureViewHas
[ id "nri-select-dog"
, selected True
, attribute (Attributes.value "Dog")
|> selectAnimal Axolotl
|> ensureViewHas
[ id "nri-select-axolotl"
, selected True
, attribute (Attributes.value "Axolotl")
|> selectAnimal Other
|> ensureViewHas
[ id "nri-select-my-favorite-animal-is-something-else"
, selected True
, attribute (Attributes.value "My favorite animal is something else")
|> done
start : ProgramTest Model Msg ()
start =
ungrouped : ProgramTest Model Msg ()
ungrouped =
{ init = { favoriteAnimal = Nothing }
, update = update
@ -51,7 +79,7 @@ start =
, value = animal
(mammals ++ amphibians ++ [ Other ])
, Select.value model.favoriteAnimal
, selectId
@ -62,6 +90,35 @@ start =
|> ProgramTest.start ()
grouped : ProgramTest Model Msg ()
grouped =
toOption =
\animal ->
{ label = toString animal
, value = animal
{ init = { favoriteAnimal = Nothing }
, update = update
, view =
\model ->
Select.view "Favorite type of animal even slimy ones"
[ Select.choices toString [ toOption Other ]
, Select.groupedChoices toString
[ { label = "Mammals", choices = toOption mammals }
, { label = "Amphibians", choices = toOption amphibians }
, Select.value model.favoriteAnimal
, selectId
|> SelectFavorite
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> ProgramTest.start ()
selectAnimal : Animal -> ProgramTest a b c -> ProgramTest a b c
selectAnimal animal =
selectOption selectId "Favorite type of animal" (toString animal) (toString animal)
@ -72,15 +129,23 @@ selectId =
allAnimals : List Animal
allAnimals =
[ Cat, Dog, Pig, Other ]
mammals : List Animal
mammals =
[ Cat, Dog, Pig ]
amphibians : List Animal
amphibians =
[ Axolotl, Toad, Frog ]
type Animal
= Cat
| Dog
| Pig
| Axolotl
| Toad
| Frog
| Other
@ -96,6 +161,15 @@ toString animal =
Pig ->
Axolotl ->
Toad ->
Frog ->
Other ->
"My favorite animal is something else"