Adds actual hrefs to the next and previous links

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2023-01-03 12:28:18 -07:00
parent f417b1fa95
commit 15c138047e
3 changed files with 68 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Css
import Css.Transitions as Transitions
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import List.Extra
import Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 as ClickableText
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Html.V3 exposing (viewIf)
{-| -}
view : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> List a -> Html msg
view : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> List String -> Html msg
view goToPage currentPageIndex pages =
viewIf (\_ -> view_ goToPage currentPageIndex pages)
(List.length pages > 1)
view_ : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> List a -> Html msg
view_ : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> List String -> Html msg
view_ goToPage currentPageIndex pages =
lastPageIndex =
@ -40,7 +41,9 @@ view_ goToPage currentPageIndex pages =
, Aria.label "pagination"
[ previousPageLink goToPage currentPageIndex
[ previousPageLink goToPage
(List.Extra.getAt (currentPageIndex - 1) pages)
, List.range 0 lastPageIndex
(\page ->
@ -94,25 +97,37 @@ view_ goToPage currentPageIndex pages =
, Css.padding
, nextPageLink goToPage lastPageIndex currentPageIndex
, nextPageLink goToPage
(List.Extra.getAt (currentPageIndex + 1) pages)
previousPageLink : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Html msg
previousPageLink goToPage currentPageIndex =
ClickableText.button "Previous\u{00A0}Page"
previousPageLink : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Maybe String -> Html msg
previousPageLink goToPage currentPageIndex maybeUrl = "Previous\u{00A0}Page" <|
[ ClickableText.small
, ClickableText.disabled (currentPageIndex == 0)
, ClickableText.onClick (goToPage (currentPageIndex - 1))
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 10) ]
++ linkAttributes (goToPage (currentPageIndex - 1)) maybeUrl
nextPageLink : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Int -> Html msg
nextPageLink goToPage lastPageIndex currentPageIndex =
ClickableText.button "Next\u{00A0}Page"
nextPageLink : (Int -> msg) -> Int -> Maybe String -> Html msg
nextPageLink goToPage currentPageIndex maybeUrl = "Next\u{00A0}Page" <|
[ ClickableText.small
, ClickableText.disabled (currentPageIndex == lastPageIndex)
, ClickableText.onClick (goToPage (currentPageIndex + 1))
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginLeft (Css.px 10) ]
++ linkAttributes (goToPage (currentPageIndex + 1)) maybeUrl
linkAttributes : msg -> Maybe String -> List (ClickableText.Attribute msg)
linkAttributes msg maybeUrl =
case maybeUrl of
Just url ->
[ ClickableText.onClick msg
, ClickableText.linkSpa url
Nothing ->
[ ClickableText.disabled True ]

View File

@ -57,7 +57,11 @@ example =
, toExampleCode = \_ -> []
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.plaintext "Example" ]
, Pagination.view SelectPage model.currentPage (List.range 1 settings.pages)
, Pagination.view SelectPage
(List.range 1 settings.pages
|> (\i -> "#page" ++ String.fromInt i)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Spec.Nri.Ui.Pagination exposing (spec)
import Accessibility.Aria as Aria
import Expect
import Html.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled
import Nri.Ui.Pagination.V1 as Pagination
import Test exposing (..)
@ -20,13 +21,13 @@ spec =
|> Query.hasNot [ Selector.tag "nav" ]
, test "With 1 page, does not render a nav without active links" <|
\() ->
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ () ]
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ "#" ]
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.hasNot [ Selector.tag "nav" ]
, test "With more than 1 page, renders a nav with the current page indicated" <|
\() ->
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ (), () ]
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ "#", "#" ]
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.has
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ spec =
, test "Uses anchor tags rather than buttons" <|
\() ->
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ (), () ]
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ "#", "#" ]
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Expect.all
@ -51,22 +52,39 @@ spec =
, test "Marks 'previous' link as disabled when on the first page" <|
\() ->
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ (), () ]
Pagination.view (always ()) 0 [ "#first", "#second" ]
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.has
|> Expect.all
[ Query.has
[ Selector.all
[ Selector.tag "a"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "Previous" ]
, Selector.attribute (Aria.disabled True)
, Query.has
[ Selector.all
[ Selector.tag "a"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "Next" ]
, Selector.attribute (Attributes.href "#second")
, test "Marks 'next' link as disabled when on the last page" <|
\() ->
Pagination.view (always ()) 1 [ (), () ]
Pagination.view (always ()) 1 [ "#first", "#second" ]
|> Html.Styled.toUnstyled
|> Query.fromHtml
|> Query.has
|> Expect.all
[ Query.has
[ Selector.all
[ Selector.tag "a"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "Previous" ]
, Selector.attribute (Attributes.href "#first")
, Query.has
[ Selector.all
[ Selector.tag "a"
, Selector.containing [ Selector.text "Next" ]
@ -74,3 +92,4 @@ spec =