💀 remove Page.V2

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2020-04-13 11:26:13 -07:00
parent 98fb26f83b
commit 16366e4719
4 changed files with 0 additions and 205 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ src/Nri/Ui/Tabs/V3.elm,Accessibility.Role,DEPRECATED

1 filename name version
6 src/Nri/Ui/Tabs/V3.elm Accessibility.Widget DEPRECATED
7 src/Nri/Ui/Page/V3.elm Nri.Ui.Button 5
8 src/Nri/Ui/Page/V3.elm Nri.Ui.Text 2
src/Nri/Ui/Page/V2.elm Nri.Ui.Button 5
src/Nri/Ui/Page/V2.elm Nri.Ui.Text 2
9 src/Nri/Ui/PremiumCheckbox/V3.elm Nri.Ui.Checkbox 4
10 src/Nri/Ui/PremiumCheckbox/V2.elm Nri.Ui.Checkbox 3
11 src/Nri/Ui/PremiumCheckbox/V1.elm Nri.Ui.Checkbox 3

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
module Nri.Ui.Page.V2 exposing (DefaultPage, broken, blocked, notFound, noPermission)
{-| A styled NRI issue page!
@docs DefaultPage, broken, blocked, notFound, noPermission
import Css exposing (..)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Nri.Ui.Button.V5 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Text.V2 as Text
{-| The default page information is for the button
which will direct the user back to the main page of
the SPA. Specify it's name and the message which will
navigate to the page.
type alias DefaultPage msg =
{ link : msg
, name : String
{-| For the not found page.
notFound : DefaultPage msg -> Html msg
notFound defaultPage =
{ emoji = "\u{1F914}"
, title = "We couldnt find that!"
, subtitle = "Feel free to browse around, or check out our help center."
, defaultPage = Just defaultPage
, details = Nothing
{-| For HTTP errors and other broken states.
broken : DefaultPage msg -> Html msg
broken defaultPage =
{ emoji = "😵"
, title = "There was a problem!"
, subtitle = "You can try again, or check out our help center."
, defaultPage = Just defaultPage
, details = Nothing
{-| For HTTP errors and other broken states, where link goes to "/".
blocked : String -> Html msg
blocked details =
{ emoji = "😵"
, title = "There was a problem!"
, subtitle = "You can try again, or check out our help center."
, defaultPage = Nothing
, details = Just details
{-| For pages the user does not have access to.
noPermission : DefaultPage msg -> Html msg
noPermission defaultPage =
{ emoji = "\u{1F910}"
, title = "You do not have access to this page!"
, subtitle = "Talk to a site administrator if you believe you should have access to this page."
, defaultPage = Just defaultPage
, details = Nothing
type alias Config msg =
{ emoji : String
, title : String
, subtitle : String
, defaultPage : Maybe (DefaultPage msg)
, details : Maybe String
view : Config msg -> Html msg
view config =
[ viewEmoji [ Html.text config.emoji ]
, Text.heading [ Html.text config.title ]
, Text.tagline [ Html.text config.subtitle ]
, viewButton
[ viewExit config ]
, viewButton
[ Button.linkExternal
{ label = "Get help!"
, icon = Nothing
, url = "https://noredink.zendesk.com/hc/en-us"
, size = Button.Large
, style = Button.Secondary
, width = Button.WidthExact 260
, case config.details of
Just details ->
viewButton [ viewDetails details ]
Nothing ->
Html.text ""
viewExit : Config msg -> Html msg
viewExit config =
case config.defaultPage of
Just defaultPage ->
{ onClick = defaultPage.link
, size = Button.Large
, style = Button.Primary
, width = Button.WidthExact 260
{ label = "Return to " ++ defaultPage.name
, state = Button.Enabled
, icon = Nothing
Nothing ->
{ label = "Return to dashboard"
, icon = Nothing
, url = "/"
, size = Button.Large
, style = Button.Primary
, width = Button.WidthExact 260
viewDetails : String -> Html msg
viewDetails detailsForEngineers =
Html.div []
[ Html.styled Html.details
[ margin (px 10)
, maxWidth (px 700)
[ Html.styled Html.summary
[ color (hex "8F8F8F") ]
[ Html.text "Details for NoRedInk engineers" ]
, Html.styled Html.code
[ display block
, whiteSpace normal
, overflowWrap breakWord
, textAlign left
, marginTop (px 10)
[ Html.text detailsForEngineers ]
viewContainer : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewContainer =
Html.styled Html.div
[ marginTop (px 80)
, displayFlex
, flexDirection column
, alignItems center
[ Attributes.attribute "data-page-container" "" ]
viewButton : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewButton children =
Html.styled Html.div
[ marginTop (px 15)
[ Html.styled Html.div
[ textAlign center ]
viewEmoji : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewEmoji =
Html.styled Html.div
[ fontSize (px 75)
, height (px 98)
, lineHeight (px 98)

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@