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Merge pull request #887 from NoRedInk/bat/segmented-control
Bat/segmented control
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,14 +11,19 @@ module Examples.SegmentedControl exposing
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css
import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control)
import Debug.Control.View as ControlView
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Key(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra exposing (withAlpha)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V14 as SegmentedControl
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V2 as Tooltip
@ -27,23 +32,70 @@ import String exposing (toLower)
import Task
moduleName : String
moduleName =
version : Int
version =
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "SegmentedControl"
, version = 14
{ name = moduleName
, version = version
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, preview = []
, preview = [ viewPreview ]
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig state ->
options =
Control.currentValue state.optionsControl
pageOptions =
List.take options.count (buildOptions options state.pageTooltip)
radioOptions =
List.take options.count (buildRadioOptions options state.radioTooltip options.content)
[ Control.view ChangeOptions state.optionsControl
|> Html.fromUnstyled
[ ControlView.view
{ name = moduleName
, version = version
, update = ChangeOptions
, settings = state.optionsControl
, toExampleCode =
\settings ->
[ { sectionName = "view"
, code =
[ moduleName ++ ".view "
, " { focusAndSelect = FocusAndSelectPage"
, " , options = " ++ ControlView.codeFromList pageOptions
, " , selected = \"" ++ Debug.toString state.page ++ "\""
, " , positioning = " ++ Tuple.first options.positioning
, " , toUrl = Nothing"
, " }"
|> String.join "\n"
, { sectionName = "viewRadioGroup"
, code =
[ moduleName ++ ".viewRadioGroup"
, " { onSelect = SelectRadio"
, " , options = " ++ ControlView.codeFromList radioOptions
, " , selected = " ++ Debug.toString state.optionallySelected
, " , positioning = " ++ Tuple.first options.positioning
, " , legend = \"SegmentedControls 'viewSelectRadio' example\""
, " }"
|> String.join "\n"
, Html.h3 [ css [ Css.marginBottom Css.zero ] ]
[ Html.code [] [ Html.text "view" ] ]
, Html.p [ css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 1) ] ]
@ -51,9 +103,9 @@ example =
, SegmentedControl.view
{ focusAndSelect = FocusAndSelectPage
, selected = state.page
, positioning = options.positioning
, positioning = Tuple.second options.positioning
, toUrl = Nothing
, options = List.take options.count (buildOptions options state.pageTooltip)
, options = List.map Tuple.second pageOptions
, Html.h3 [ css [ Css.marginBottom Css.zero ] ]
[ Html.code [] [ Html.text "viewRadioGroup" ] ]
@ -62,9 +114,9 @@ example =
, SegmentedControl.viewRadioGroup
{ legend = "SegmentedControls 'viewSelectRadio' example"
, onSelect = SelectRadio
, options = List.take options.count (buildRadioOptions options state.radioTooltip options.content)
, options = List.map Tuple.second radioOptions
, selected = state.optionallySelected
, positioning = options.positioning
, positioning = Tuple.second options.positioning
, categories = [ Layout, Inputs ]
@ -82,6 +134,45 @@ example =
viewPreview : Html msg
viewPreview =
[ Role.img
, Widget.hidden True
, css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.justifyContent Css.stretch
, Css.color Colors.navy
, Fonts.baseFont
, Css.fontSize (Css.px 15)
, Css.fontWeight Css.bold
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.padding2 (Css.px 6) (Css.px 15)
, Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid Colors.azure
, Css.borderTopLeftRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.borderBottomLeftRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.backgroundColor Colors.glacier
, Css.boxShadow5 Css.inset Css.zero (Css.px 3) Css.zero (withAlpha 0.2 Colors.gray20)
[ Html.text "Abc" ]
, Html.div
[ css
[ Css.padding2 (Css.px 6) (Css.px 15)
, Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid Colors.azure
, Css.borderTopRightRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.borderBottomRightRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.backgroundColor Colors.white
, Css.boxShadow5 Css.inset Css.zero (Css.px -2) Css.zero Colors.azure
[ Html.text "Def" ]
type Page
= Flag
| Sprout
@ -93,16 +184,38 @@ type Page
| Activity
buildOptions : { options | content : Content, longContent : Bool, tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Page -> List (SegmentedControl.Option Page Msg)
buildOptions : { options | content : Content, longContent : Bool, tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Page -> List ( String, SegmentedControl.Option Page Msg )
buildOptions { content, longContent, tooltips } openTooltip =
buildOption value icon_ =
( icon, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content icon_ (Html.text (Debug.toString value))
( maybeIcon, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content icon_ (Debug.toString value)
valueStr =
"\"" ++ Debug.toString value ++ "\""
{ icon = icon
, label = label
( [ "{ icon = " ++ Debug.toString (Maybe.map Tuple.first maybeIcon)
, ", label = text " ++ valueStr
, ", value = " ++ valueStr
, ", idString = String.toLower " ++ valueStr
, ", attributes = []"
, ", tabTooltip = "
++ (if tooltips then
("\n\t\t[ Tooltip.plaintext " ++ valueStr)
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.onHover (OpenTooltip " ++ valueStr ++ ")")
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.open (openTooltip == Just " ++ valueStr ++ ")")
++ "\n\t\t]"
, ", content = text \"...\""
, "}"
|> String.join "\n\t "
, { icon = Maybe.map Tuple.second maybeIcon
, label = Html.text label
, value = value
, idString = toLower (Debug.toString value)
, attributes = []
@ -132,31 +245,50 @@ buildOptions { content, longContent, tooltips } openTooltip =
Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value
[ buildOption Flag UiIcon.flag
, buildOption Sprout UiIcon.sprout
, buildOption Star UiIcon.star
, buildOption Sapling UiIcon.sapling
, buildOption Attention <| Svg.withColor Colors.greenDark UiIcon.attention
, buildOption Tree UiIcon.tree
, buildOption Premium UiIcon.premiumLock
, buildOption Activity <| Svg.withColor Colors.purple UiIcon.activity
[ buildOption Flag ( "UiIcon.flag", UiIcon.flag )
, buildOption Sprout ( "UiIcon.sprout", UiIcon.sprout )
, buildOption Star ( "UiIcon.star", UiIcon.star )
, buildOption Sapling ( "UiIcon.sapling", UiIcon.sapling )
, buildOption Attention ( "UiIcon.attention", Svg.withColor Colors.greenDark UiIcon.attention )
, buildOption Tree ( "UiIcon.tree", UiIcon.tree )
, buildOption Premium ( "UiIcon.premiumLock", UiIcon.premiumLock )
, buildOption Activity ( "UiIcon.activity", Svg.withColor Colors.purple UiIcon.activity )
buildRadioOptions : { options | tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Int -> Content -> List (SegmentedControl.Radio Int Msg)
buildRadioOptions : { options | tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Int -> Content -> List ( String, SegmentedControl.Radio Int Msg )
buildRadioOptions options currentlyHovered content =
buildOption : Int -> ( String, Svg ) -> SegmentedControl.Radio Int Msg
buildOption : Int -> ( String, Svg ) -> ( String, SegmentedControl.Radio Int Msg )
buildOption value ( text, icon ) =
( icon_, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content
(Html.text ("Source " ++ Debug.toString (value + 1)))
("Source " ++ Debug.toString (value + 1))
{ icon = icon_
, label = label
( [ "{ icon = " ++ Debug.toString (Maybe.map (\_ -> "UiIcon." ++ toLower label) icon_)
, ", label = Html.text " ++ label
, ", value = " ++ String.fromInt value
, ", idString = String.fromInt " ++ String.fromInt value
, ", tooltip = "
++ (if options.tooltips then
("\n\t\t[ Tooltip.plaintext " ++ String.fromInt value)
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.onHover (OpenTooltip " ++ String.fromInt value ++ ")")
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.open (openTooltip == Just " ++ String.fromInt value ++ ")")
++ "\n\t\t]"
, ", attributes = []"
, "}"
|> String.join "\n\t "
, { icon = icon_
, label = Html.text label
, value = value
, idString = String.fromInt value
, tooltip =
@ -180,6 +312,7 @@ buildRadioOptions options currentlyHovered content =
, attributes = []
List.indexedMap buildOption
[ ( "Leaderboard", UiIcon.leaderboard )
@ -215,7 +348,7 @@ init =
type alias Options =
{ positioning : SegmentedControl.Positioning
{ positioning : ( String, SegmentedControl.Positioning )
, content : Content
, count : Int
, longContent : Bool
@ -228,9 +361,24 @@ optionsControl =
Control.record Options
|> Control.field "positioning"
[ ( "Left (FitContent)", Control.value (SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent) )
, ( "Left (FillContainer)", Control.value (SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer) )
, ( "Center", Control.value SegmentedControl.Center )
[ ( "Left (FitContent)"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent"
, SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent
, ( "Left (FillContainer)"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer"
, SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer
, ( "Center"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Center"
, SegmentedControl.Center
|> Control.field "content" controlContent
@ -257,14 +405,14 @@ controlContent =
getIconAndLabel : Content -> svg -> Html msg -> ( Maybe svg, Html msg )
getIconAndLabel : Content -> icon -> String -> ( Maybe icon, String )
getIconAndLabel content icon_ value =
case content of
TextAndIcon ->
( Just icon_, value )
Icon ->
( Just icon_, Html.text "" )
( Just icon_, "" )
Text ->
( Nothing, value )
Reference in New Issue
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