🎨 begin refactoring the square styles

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2018-06-20 10:47:55 -07:00
parent 26e8c67834
commit 24f8d71c24

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@ -134,38 +134,49 @@ buildCheckbox assets modifierClasses model labelContent =
squareLabelStyles assets model colorTheme =
baseStyles =
[ -- Postioning
display inlineBlock
, padding2 (px 13) zero
, paddingLeft (px (29 + 6)) -- checkbox width + padding
, verticalAlign middle
-- Text
, color Colors.gray20
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 16)
, Css.batch <|
case colorTheme of
Gray ->
[ color Colors.gray45 ]
Default ->
-- Focus & Hover
, outline none
-- Icon
, backgroundRepeat noRepeat
, property "background-position" "left center"
, case model.selected of
Selected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxChecked_svg
NotSelected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxUnchecked_svg
PartiallySelected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxCheckedPartially_svg
[ backgroundRepeat noRepeat
, color Colors.gray20
, if model.disabled then
cursor auto
cursor pointer
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 16)
, outline none
, padding2 (px 13) zero
, paddingLeft (px (29 + 6)) -- checkbox width + padding
, property "background-position" "left center"
, verticalAlign middle
, display inlineBlock
, case model.selected of
Selected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxChecked_svg
NotSelected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxUnchecked_svg
PartiallySelected ->
backgroundImage assets.checkboxCheckedPartially_svg
, Css.batch <|
case colorTheme of
Gray ->
[ color Colors.gray45 ]
Default ->
(if model.disabled then
[ cursor auto ] ++ baseStyles
[ cursor pointer ] ++ baseStyles
lockLabelStyles image model =