Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into restore-used-modules

This commit is contained in:
Brian Hicks 2020-04-10 15:05:10 -05:00
commit 31c2501559
7 changed files with 402 additions and 286 deletions

src/ClickableAttributes.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
module ClickableAttributes exposing
( ClickableAttributes
, href
, init
, linkExternal
, linkExternalWithTracking
, linkSpa
, linkWithMethod
, linkWithTracking
, onClick
, toButtonAttributes
, toLinkAttributes
{-| -}
import AttributeExtras exposing (targetBlank)
import EventExtras.Styled as EventExtras
import Html.Styled exposing (Attribute)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Json.Decode
{-| -}
type alias ClickableAttributes msg =
{ linkType : Link
, url : String
, onClick : Maybe msg
type Link
= Default
| WithTracking
| SinglePageApp
| WithMethod String
| External
| ExternalWithTracking
{-| -}
init : ClickableAttributes msg
init =
{ linkType = Default
, url = "#"
, onClick = Nothing
{-| -}
onClick : msg -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
onClick msg clickableAttributes =
{ clickableAttributes | onClick = Just msg }
{-| -}
href : String -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
href url clickableAttributes =
{ clickableAttributes | url = url }
{-| -}
linkSpa : String -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
linkSpa url clickableAttributes =
{ clickableAttributes | linkType = SinglePageApp, url = url }
{-| -}
linkWithMethod : { method : String, url : String } -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
linkWithMethod { method, url } clickableAttributes =
{ clickableAttributes | linkType = WithMethod method, url = url }
{-| -}
linkWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
linkWithTracking { track, url } _ =
{ linkType = WithTracking, url = url, onClick = Just track }
{-| -}
linkExternal : String -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
linkExternal url clickableAttributes =
{ clickableAttributes | linkType = External, url = url }
{-| -}
linkExternalWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg
linkExternalWithTracking { track, url } _ =
{ linkType = ExternalWithTracking, url = url, onClick = Just track }
{-| -}
toButtonAttributes : ClickableAttributes msg -> List (Attribute msg)
toButtonAttributes clickableAttributes =
case clickableAttributes.onClick of
Just handler ->
[ Events.onClick handler ]
Nothing ->
{-| -}
toLinkAttributes : ClickableAttributes msg -> ( String, List (Attribute msg) )
toLinkAttributes clickableAttributes =
case clickableAttributes.linkType of
Default ->
( "link"
, [ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
, "_self"
SinglePageApp ->
( "linkSpa"
, case clickableAttributes.onClick of
Just handler ->
[ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
, EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref handler
Nothing ->
[ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url ]
WithMethod method ->
( "linkWithMethod"
, [ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
, Attributes.attribute "data-method" method
WithTracking ->
( "linkWithTracking"
, case clickableAttributes.onClick of
Just track ->
[ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
, Events.preventDefaultOn "click"
(Json.Decode.succeed ( track, True ))
Nothing ->
[ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url ]
External ->
( "linkExternal"
, Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
:: targetBlank
ExternalWithTracking ->
( "linkExternalWithTracking"
, case clickableAttributes.onClick of
Just handler ->
[ Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
, Events.onClick handler
, Events.on "auxclick" (Json.Decode.succeed handler)
++ targetBlank
Nothing ->
Attributes.href clickableAttributes.url
:: targetBlank

View File

@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ module Nri.Ui.Button.V10 exposing
# Patch changes:
- uses ClickableAttributes
# Changes from V9:
- Explicitly zeroes out all margin
@ -60,22 +65,18 @@ module Nri.Ui.Button.V10 exposing
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import AttributeExtras exposing (targetBlank)
import ClickableAttributes exposing (ClickableAttributes)
import Css exposing (Style)
import Css.Global
import EventExtras.Styled as EventExtras
import Html.Styled as Styled
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Json.Decode
import Markdown.Block
import Markdown.Inline
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath as AssetPath exposing (Asset)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra as ColorsExtra
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as NriSvg exposing (Svg)
import Svg
import Svg.Attributes
@ -164,25 +165,26 @@ css styles =
setClickableAttributes :
(ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg)
-> Attribute msg
setClickableAttributes apply =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes | clickableAttributes = apply attributes.clickableAttributes }
{-| -}
onClick : msg -> Attribute msg
onClick msg =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | onClick = Just msg })
type Link
= Default
| WithTracking
| SinglePageApp
| WithMethod String
| External
| ExternalWithTracking
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.onClick msg)
{-| -}
href : String -> Attribute msg
href url =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | url = url })
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.href url)
{-| Use this link for routing within a single page app.
@ -194,71 +196,31 @@ See <> for details on this implementa
linkSpa : String -> Attribute msg
linkSpa url =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = SinglePageApp
, url = url
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkSpa url)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to
some url, and it's an HTTP request (Rails includes JS to make this use the given HTTP method)
{-| -}
linkWithMethod : { method : String, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithMethod { method, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = WithMethod method
, url = url
linkWithMethod config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithMethod config)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to some url.
This should only take in messages that result in a Msg that triggers Analytics.trackAndRedirect.
For buttons that trigger other effects on the page, please use Nri.Button.button instead.
{-| -}
linkWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithTracking { track, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = WithTracking
, url = url
, onClick = Just track
linkWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithTracking config)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to
some url and have it open to an external site
{-| -}
linkExternal : String -> Attribute msg
linkExternal url =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = External
, url = url
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternal url)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to some url and have it open to an external site.
{-| -}
linkExternalWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkExternalWithTracking { track, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = ExternalWithTracking
, url = url
, onClick = Just track
linkExternalWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternalWithTracking config)
@ -450,9 +412,7 @@ set with =
build : ButtonOrLink msg
build =
{ onClick = Nothing
, url = "#"
, linkType = Default
{ clickableAttributes = ClickableAttributes.init
, size = Medium
, style = primaryColors
, width = WidthUnbounded
@ -469,9 +429,7 @@ type ButtonOrLink msg
type alias ButtonOrLinkAttributes msg =
{ onClick : Maybe msg
, url : String
, linkType : Link
{ clickableAttributes : ClickableAttributes msg
, size : ButtonSize
, style : ColorPalette
, width : ButtonWidth
@ -512,10 +470,8 @@ renderButton ((ButtonOrLink config) as button_) =
Nri.Ui.styled Html.button
(styledName "customButton")
[ buttonStyles config.size config.width buttonStyle_ config.customStyles ]
(( Events.onClick config.onClick
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
:: Attributes.disabled isDisabled
(ClickableAttributes.toButtonAttributes config.clickableAttributes
++ Attributes.disabled isDisabled
:: Attributes.type_ "button"
:: config.customAttributes
@ -528,65 +484,14 @@ renderLink ((ButtonOrLink config) as link_) =
colorPalette =
getColorPalette link_
linkBase linkFunctionName extraAttrs =
( linkFunctionName, attributes ) =
ClickableAttributes.toLinkAttributes config.clickableAttributes
Nri.Ui.styled Styled.a
(styledName linkFunctionName)
[ buttonStyles config.size config.width colorPalette config.customStyles ]
(Attributes.href config.url :: extraAttrs)
(attributes ++ config.customAttributes)
[ viewLabel config.icon config.label ]
case config.linkType of
Default ->
linkBase "link"
( "_self" :: config.customAttributes)
SinglePageApp ->
linkBase "linkSpa"
(( EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref config.onClick
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
:: config.customAttributes
WithMethod method ->
linkBase "linkWithMethod"
(Attributes.attribute "data-method" method
:: config.customAttributes
WithTracking ->
(\msg ->
Events.preventDefaultOn "click"
(Json.Decode.succeed ( msg, True ))
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
:: config.customAttributes
External ->
linkBase "linkExternal"
(targetBlank ++ config.customAttributes)
ExternalWithTracking ->
linkBase "linkExternalWithTracking"
[ targetBlank
, config.onClick
(\onClickMsg ->
[ Events.onClick onClickMsg
, Events.on "auxclick" (Json.Decode.succeed onClickMsg)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
, config.customAttributes

View File

@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 exposing
# Post-release patches
- uses ClickableAttributes
# Create a button or link
@docs button, link
@ -40,15 +45,11 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 exposing
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import AttributeExtras exposing (targetBlank)
import ClickableAttributes exposing (ClickableAttributes)
import Css exposing (Style)
import EventExtras.Styled as EventExtras
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Json.Decode
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
@ -77,16 +78,26 @@ link name icon attributes =
setClickableAttributes :
(ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg)
-> Attribute msg
setClickableAttributes apply =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes | clickableAttributes = apply attributes.clickableAttributes }
{-| -}
onClick : msg -> Attribute msg
onClick msg =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | onClick = Just msg })
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.onClick msg)
{-| -}
href : String -> Attribute msg
href url =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | url = url })
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.href url)
{-| Use this link for routing within a single page app.
@ -98,71 +109,31 @@ See <> for details on this implementa
linkSpa : String -> Attribute msg
linkSpa url =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = SinglePageApp
, url = url
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkSpa url)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to
some url, and it's an HTTP request (Rails includes JS to make this use the given HTTP method)
{-| -}
linkWithMethod : { method : String, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithMethod { method, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = WithMethod method
, url = url
linkWithMethod config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithMethod config)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to some url.
This should only take in messages that result in a Msg that triggers Analytics.trackAndRedirect.
For buttons that trigger other effects on the page, please use Nri.Button.button instead.
{-| -}
linkWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithTracking { track, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = WithTracking
, url = url
, onClick = Just track
linkWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithTracking config)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to
some url and have it open to an external site
{-| -}
linkExternal : String -> Attribute msg
linkExternal url =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = External
, url = url
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternal url)
{-| Wrap some text so it looks like a button, but actually is wrapped in an anchor to some url and have it open to an external site.
{-| -}
linkExternalWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkExternalWithTracking { track, url } =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes
| linkType = ExternalWithTracking
, url = url
, onClick = Just track
linkExternalWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternalWithTracking config)
@ -247,9 +218,7 @@ set with =
build : String -> Svg -> ButtonOrLink msg
build label icon =
{ onClick = Nothing
, url = "#"
, linkType = Default
{ clickableAttributes = ClickableAttributes.init
, label = label
, icon = icon
, height = Css.px 17
@ -265,9 +234,7 @@ type ButtonOrLink msg
type alias ButtonOrLinkAttributes msg =
{ onClick : Maybe msg
, url : String
, linkType : Link
{ clickableAttributes : ClickableAttributes msg
, label : String
, icon : Svg
, height : Css.Px
@ -285,10 +252,9 @@ renderButton ((ButtonOrLink config) as button_) =
, Attributes.type_ "button"
, Attributes.css (buttonOrLinkStyles config ++ config.customStyles)
, Attributes.disabled config.disabled
, Events.onClick config.onClick
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
, Widget.label config.label
++ ClickableAttributes.toButtonAttributes config.clickableAttributes
++ config.customAttributes
[ config.icon
@ -310,19 +276,21 @@ type Link
renderLink : ButtonOrLink msg -> Html msg
renderLink ((ButtonOrLink config) as link_) =
linkBase linkFunctionName extraAttrs =
( linkFunctionName, extraAttrs ) =
ClickableAttributes.toLinkAttributes config.clickableAttributes
([ Attributes.class ("Nri-Ui-Clickable-Svg-" ++ linkFunctionName)
, if not config.disabled then
Attributes.href config.url
, Attributes.css (buttonOrLinkStyles config ++ config.customStyles)
, Widget.disabled config.disabled
, Widget.label config.label
++ extraAttrs
++ (if not config.disabled then
++ config.customAttributes
[ config.icon
@ -330,46 +298,6 @@ renderLink ((ButtonOrLink config) as link_) =
|> Svg.withHeight config.height
|> Svg.toHtml
case config.linkType of
Default ->
linkBase "link" [ "_self" ]
SinglePageApp ->
linkBase "linkSpa"
|> (\msg -> [ EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref msg ])
|> Maybe.withDefault []
WithMethod method ->
linkBase "linkWithMethod" [ Attributes.attribute "data-method" method ]
WithTracking ->
|> (\msg -> [ Events.preventDefaultOn "click" (Json.Decode.succeed ( msg, True )) ])
|> Maybe.withDefault []
External ->
linkBase "linkExternal" targetBlank
ExternalWithTracking ->
linkBase "linkExternalWithTracking"
[ targetBlank
, config.onClick
(\onClickMsg ->
[ Events.onClick onClickMsg
, Events.on "auxclick" (Json.Decode.succeed onClickMsg)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
buttonOrLinkStyles : ButtonOrLinkAttributes msg -> List Style

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 exposing
, link
, Attribute
, small, medium, large
, href, onClick
, onClick
, href, linkSpa, linkExternal, linkWithMethod, linkWithTracking, linkExternalWithTracking
, icon
, custom, css
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 exposing
# Post-release patches
- uses ClickableAttributes
- adds `css` helper
- add bottom border on hover instead of text decoration
@ -46,21 +48,30 @@ HTML `<a>` elements and are created here with `*Link` functions.
# Attributes
@docs Attribute
## Sizing
@docs small, medium, large
@docs href, onClick
## Behavior
@docs onClick
@docs href, linkSpa, linkExternal, linkWithMethod, linkWithTracking, linkExternalWithTracking
@docs icon
@docs custom, css
import ClickableAttributes exposing (ClickableAttributes)
import Css exposing (Style)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as NriSvg exposing (Svg)
@ -127,16 +138,66 @@ css styles =
setClickableAttributes :
(ClickableAttributes msg -> ClickableAttributes msg)
-> Attribute msg
setClickableAttributes apply =
(\attributes ->
{ attributes | clickableAttributes = apply attributes.clickableAttributes }
{-| -}
onClick : msg -> Attribute msg
onClick msg =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | onClick = Just msg })
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.onClick msg)
{-| -}
href : String -> Attribute msg
href url =
set (\attributes -> { attributes | url = url })
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.href url)
{-| Use this link for routing within a single page app.
This will make a normal <a> tag, but change the Events.onClick behavior to avoid reloading the page.
See <> for details on this implementation.
linkSpa : String -> Attribute msg
linkSpa url =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkSpa url)
{-| -}
linkWithMethod : { method : String, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithMethod config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithMethod config)
{-| -}
linkWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkWithTracking config)
{-| -}
linkExternal : String -> Attribute msg
linkExternal url =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternal url)
{-| -}
linkExternalWithTracking : { track : msg, url : String } -> Attribute msg
linkExternalWithTracking config =
setClickableAttributes (ClickableAttributes.linkExternalWithTracking config)
{-| Creates a `<button>` element
@ -154,10 +215,8 @@ button label_ attributes =
Nri.Ui.styled Html.button
(dataDescriptor "button")
(clickableTextStyles ++ config.customStyles)
(( Events.onClick config.onClick
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
:: config.customAttributes
(ClickableAttributes.toButtonAttributes config.clickableAttributes
++ config.customAttributes
[ viewContent config ]
@ -173,11 +232,14 @@ link label_ attributes =
config =
(label label_ :: attributes)
|> List.foldl (\(Attribute attribute) l -> attribute l) defaults
( name, clickableAttributes ) =
ClickableAttributes.toLinkAttributes config.clickableAttributes
Nri.Ui.styled Html.a
(dataDescriptor "link")
(dataDescriptor name)
(clickableTextStyles ++ config.customStyles)
(Attributes.href config.url :: config.customAttributes)
(clickableAttributes ++ config.customAttributes)
[ viewContent config ]
@ -269,11 +331,10 @@ dataDescriptor descriptor =
type alias ClickableTextAttributes msg =
{ label : String
{ clickableAttributes : ClickableAttributes msg
, label : String
, size : Size
, icon : Maybe Svg
, onClick : Maybe msg
, url : String
, customAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, customStyles : List Style
@ -281,8 +342,7 @@ type alias ClickableTextAttributes msg =
defaults : ClickableTextAttributes msg
defaults =
{ onClick = Nothing
, url = "#"
{ clickableAttributes = ClickableAttributes.init
, size = Medium
, label = ""
, icon = Nothing

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Nri.Ui.Divider.V2 exposing (view)
{-| <>
{-| Patch changes:
- Title is navy, Muli, fontWeight 600
@docs view
@ -9,12 +11,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.Divider.V2 exposing (view)
import Css exposing (..)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
type alias Config =
{ lineColor : Css.Color
, textColor : Css.Color
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
{-| -}
@ -63,5 +60,7 @@ titleStyles =
[ margin2 zero (px 5)
, fontSize (px 12)
, color Colors.gray45
, color
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontWeight (int 600)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Examples.ClickableSvg as ClickableSvg
import Examples.ClickableText as ClickableText
import Examples.Colors as Colors
import Examples.DisclosureIndicator as DisclosureIndicator
import Examples.Divider as Divider
import Examples.Dropdown as Dropdown
import Examples.Fonts as Fonts
import Examples.Heading as Heading
@ -246,6 +247,25 @@ all =
DisclosureIndicatorState childState ->
Just childState
_ ->
, Divider.example
|> Example.wrapMsg DividerMsg
(\msg ->
case msg of
DividerMsg childMsg ->
Just childMsg
_ ->
|> Example.wrapState DividerState
(\msg ->
case msg of
DividerState childState ->
Just childState
_ ->
@ -720,6 +740,7 @@ type State
| ClickableTextState ClickableText.State
| ColorsState Colors.State
| DisclosureIndicatorState DisclosureIndicator.State
| DividerState Divider.State
| DropdownState Dropdown.State
| FontsState Fonts.State
| HeadingState Heading.State
@ -758,6 +779,7 @@ type Msg
| ClickableTextMsg ClickableText.Msg
| ColorsMsg Colors.Msg
| DisclosureIndicatorMsg DisclosureIndicator.Msg
| DividerMsg Divider.Msg
| DropdownMsg Dropdown.Msg
| FontsMsg Fonts.Msg
| HeadingMsg Heading.Msg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Examples.Divider exposing (Msg, State, example)
@docs Msg, State, example
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import Css
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled as Html
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import Nri.Ui.Divider.V2 as Divider
{-| -}
type alias State =
{-| -}
type alias Msg =
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Divider.V2"
, categories = [ Layout ]
, state = {}
, update = \_ state -> ( state, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view = \state -> [ Divider.view "Dividing Line" ]