Adds question box v2

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2022-12-20 16:02:09 -07:00
parent c91a5e83b2
commit 34617d3941
6 changed files with 549 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ Nri.Ui.Balloon.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.Block.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V6,upgrade to V7
Nri.Ui.Mark.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6,upgrade to V7

1 Nri.Ui.Balloon.V1 upgrade to V2
2 Nri.Ui.Block.V1 upgrade to V2
3 Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V6 upgrade to V7
4 Nri.Ui.Mark.V1 upgrade to V2
5 Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V1 upgrade to V2
6 Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6 upgrade to V7

View File

@ -60,6 +60,7 @@

View File

@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ hint = 'upgrade to V8'
hint = 'upgrade to V8'
hint = 'upgrade to V2'
hint = 'upgrade to V2'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
module Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V2 exposing
( view, Attribute
, id, markdown, actions, character
, standalone, pointingTo, anchoredTo
, containerCss
, AnchoredBoxMeasurements, initAnchoredBoxMeasurements, decodeAnchoredBoxMeasurements
@docs view, Attribute
@docs id, markdown, actions, character
@docs standalone, pointingTo, anchoredTo
@docs containerCss
## Anchored box measurements
@docs AnchoredBoxMeasurements, initAnchoredBoxMeasurements, decodeAnchoredBoxMeasurements
import Css
import Css.Global
import Dict
import Dict.Extra
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import List.Extra
import Nri.Ui.Balloon.V2 as Balloon
import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
import Nri.Ui.CharacterIcon.V1 as CharacterIcon
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra exposing (nriDescription)
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
{-| -}
type Attribute msg
= Attribute (Config msg -> Config msg)
type alias Config msg =
{ id : Maybe String
, markdown : Maybe String
, actions : List { label : String, onClick : msg }
, type_ : QuestionBoxType msg
, character : Maybe { name : String, icon : Svg }
, containerCss : List Css.Style
defaultConfig : Config msg
defaultConfig =
{ id = Nothing
, markdown = Nothing
, actions = []
, type_ = Standalone
, character = Just { name = "Panda", icon = CharacterIcon.panda }
, containerCss = [ Css.maxWidth (Css.px 440) ]
{-| -}
id : String -> Attribute msg
id id_ =
Attribute (\config -> { config | id = Just id_ })
{-| -}
markdown : String -> Attribute msg
markdown content =
Attribute (\config -> { config | markdown = Just content })
{-| -}
actions : List { label : String, onClick : msg } -> Attribute msg
actions actions_ =
Attribute (\config -> { config | actions = actions_ })
{-| -}
character : Maybe { name : String, icon : Svg } -> Attribute msg
character details =
Attribute (\config -> { config | character = details })
{-| -}
containerCss : List Css.Style -> Attribute msg
containerCss styles =
Attribute (\config -> { config | containerCss = config.containerCss ++ styles })
setType : QuestionBoxType msg -> Attribute msg
setType type_ =
Attribute (\config -> { config | type_ = type_ })
type QuestionBoxType msg
= Standalone
| PointingTo (List (Html msg))
| AnchoredTo AnchoredBoxMeasurements
{-| This is the default type of question box. It doesn't have a programmatic or direct visual relationship to any piece of content.
standalone : Attribute msg
standalone =
setType Standalone
{-| This type of `QuestionBox` has an arrow pointing to the relevant part of the question.
Typically, you would use this type of `QuestionBox` type with a `Block`.
pointingTo : List (Html msg) -> Attribute msg
pointingTo =
setType << PointingTo
{-| This type of `QuestionBox` is only rendered after measurements of the DOM are made.
Tessa does not know when it's appropriate to use this type of QuestionBox -- sorry!
anchoredTo : AnchoredBoxMeasurements -> Attribute msg
anchoredTo measurements =
setType (AnchoredTo measurements)
{-| -}
type AnchoredBoxMeasurements
= Measuring
| WithOffset Float
{-| Initially, the anchored box will be rendered in the "Measuring" state.
While in the Measuring state, the anchored box will have visibility hidden. This will cause the box to take up vertical space but not show to the user until measurements have been taken.t
initAnchoredBoxMeasurements : AnchoredBoxMeasurements
initAnchoredBoxMeasurements =
{-| -}
type alias Measurements =
{ anchors : List Element
, container : Element
, box : Element
{-| -}
type alias Element =
{ x : Float
, y : Float
, width : Float
, height : Float
{-| Decodes JSON in the format:
"anchors" = [ { "x" = 1.2, "y" = .3, "width" = 300.0, "height" = 325.5 } ],
"container" = { "x" = 1.2, "y" = .3, "width" = 300.0, "height" = 325.5 },
"box" = { "x" = 1.2, "y" = .3, "width" = 300.0, "height" = 325.5 }
Produces an `AnchoredBoxMeasurement` for use with `anchoredTo`
decodeAnchoredBoxMeasurements : Decode.Value -> Result Decode.Error AnchoredBoxMeasurements
decodeAnchoredBoxMeasurements =
Decode.decodeValue ( updateAnchoredBoxState decodeMeasurements_)
decodeMeasurements_ : Decoder Measurements
decodeMeasurements_ =
Decode.map3 Measurements
(Decode.field "anchors" (Decode.list decodeElement))
(Decode.field "container" decodeElement)
(Decode.field "box" decodeElement)
decodeElement : Decoder Element
decodeElement =
Decode.map4 Element
(Decode.field "x" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "y" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "width" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "height" Decode.float)
{-| Pass measurements (which you will need to set up a port/subscription to acquire) in order to construct an anchored box state.
container.x targetMid
<> Target
<> QuestionBox
Scaffolding Container
Viewport maxOffset questionBox.width
updateAnchoredBoxState : Measurements -> AnchoredBoxMeasurements
updateAnchoredBoxState measurements =
-- the middle of the anchor. this is what the box should
-- be aligned to ideally.
targetMid =
alignTarget measurements
-- the offset that leaves the box perfectly aligned with
-- anchorMid. we might need to tweak it a bit to ensure
-- that the box will remain inside the container.
centeredBoxOffset =
targetMid - ( / 2)
-- this is the maximum offset we can use. going beyond
-- this offset means that part of the box will fall out
-- of the container.
maxOffset =
measurements.container.width -
WithOffset (clamp 0 maxOffset centeredBoxOffset)
{-| Computes a final horizontal alignment point based on a bunch of elements
elements (relative to the container).
This needs to care of highlights that:
- consist of more than one segment (potentially discontinuous!)
- span one or more lines
We do this heuristically by first reducing the problem to the single-line
case and then picking the middle point of that region. To reduce it to the
single-line case, we pick the line with the longest distance between the
start and end of the union of all highlighted content within the line.
word word word wordword
word , woooord word . [1] pick this line
[2] aim to align the box to the middle of this region
Note that this may not work great if we expect multiple discontinuous highlights
that are very far apart!
word word word wordword
Monopic file to edit ascii diagrams using Monodraw:
alignTarget : Measurements -> Float
alignTarget { anchors, container } =
{- -}
endOf element =
element.x + element.width
startEnd elementsInLine =
(\element ( currentMin, currentMax ) ->
( min currentMin element.x, max currentMax (endOf element) )
( container.x + container.width, 0 )
-- group elements by line (ie. their vertical position)
|> Dict.Extra.groupBy .y
|> Dict.values
-- get the beginning and ending of each line
|> (\line -> startEnd line)
-- grab the line with the biggest horizontal span of highlighted content
-- (note this wont make much sense for disjoint highlights that are very
-- far apart)
|> List.Extra.maximumBy (\( highlightStart, highlightEnd ) -> highlightEnd - highlightStart)
|> Maybe.withDefault ( 0, 0 )
-- get the midpoint between the start and end of the highlighted region
|> (\( highlightStart, highlightEnd ) -> (highlightStart + highlightEnd) / 2 - container.x)
[ QuestionBox.markdown "**WOW**, great component!"
view : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
view attributes =
config =
List.foldl (\(Attribute f) a -> f a) defaultConfig attributes
case config.type_ of
Standalone ->
viewStandalone config
AnchoredTo measurements ->
viewAnchored config measurements
PointingTo content ->
viewPointingTo config content
{-| -}
viewStandalone : Config msg -> Html msg
viewStandalone config =
[ AttributesExtra.maybe
, css config.containerCss
, nriDescription "standalone-balloon-container"
[ viewBalloon config
[ Balloon.nriDescription "standalone-balloon"
{-| -}
viewAnchored : Config msg -> AnchoredBoxMeasurements -> Html msg
viewAnchored config state =
offset_ =
(case state of
Measuring ->
WithOffset o ->
-- Hack to remove left padding, ideally this would come from a variable
- 20
[ nriDescription "anchored-container"
, css
[ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
, case state of
Measuring ->
Css.visibility Css.hidden
WithOffset _ ->
Css.visibility Css.visible
, Css.position Css.relative
, Css.left (Css.px offset_)
, Css.batch config.containerCss
, AttributesExtra.maybe
[ viewBalloon config
[ Balloon.nriDescription "anchored-balloon"
{-| -}
viewPointingTo : Config msg -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewPointingTo config content =
[ css (Css.position Css.relative :: config.containerCss)
, nriDescription "pointing-to-container"
[ div
[ AttributesExtra.maybe
, css
[ Css.position Css.absolute
, (Css.pct 100)
, Css.left (Css.pct 50)
, Css.transform (Css.translateX (Css.pct -50))
, Css.minWidth (Css.px 300)
, Css.textAlign
[ viewBalloon config
[ Balloon.onBottom
, Balloon.nriDescription "pointing-to-balloon"
viewBalloon : Config msg -> List (Balloon.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
viewBalloon config attributes =
([ Balloon.html
(List.filterMap identity
[ (viewGuidance config.character) config.markdown
, viewActions config.character config.actions
, Balloon.customTheme { backgroundColor = Colors.glacier, color = Colors.glacier }
, Balloon.css [ Css.padding (Css.px 0), Css.boxShadow Css.none ]
++ attributes
viewGuidance : Maybe { name : String, icon : Svg } -> String -> Html msg
viewGuidance withCharacter markdown_ =
case withCharacter of
Just character_ ->
[ css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.justifyContent Css.flexEnd
, Css.margin (Css.px 8)
, Css.marginRight (Css.px 20)
, Css.position Css.relative
[ viewCharacter character_
, viewSpeechBubble
[ Balloon.markdown markdown_
, Balloon.onLeft
, Balloon.alignArrowEnd
Nothing ->
[ Balloon.markdown markdown_
, Balloon.css [ Css.margin2 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 20) ]
viewSpeechBubble : List (Balloon.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
viewSpeechBubble extraAttributes =
([ Balloon.nriDescription "guidance-speech-bubble"
, Balloon.white
, Balloon.css
[ Css.borderRadius (Css.px 16)
, Css.padding (Css.px 10)
, Css.boxShadow Css.none
, Css.Global.children [ Css.Global.p [ Css.margin ] ]
++ extraAttributes
viewCharacter : { name : String, icon : Svg } -> Html msg
viewCharacter { name, icon } =
|> Svg.withLabel (name ++ " says, ")
|> Svg.withWidth (Css.px 50)
|> Svg.withHeight (Css.px 70)
|> Svg.withCss
[ Css.position Css.absolute
, Css.bottom (Css.px -18)
, Css.right (Css.px -48)
|> Svg.toHtml
viewActions : Maybe character -> List { label : String, onClick : msg } -> Maybe (Html msg)
viewActions maybeCharacter actions_ =
containerStyles =
[ Css.backgroundColor Colors.frost
, Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.solid Colors.glacier
, Css.borderBottomRightRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.borderBottomLeftRadius (Css.px 8)
, Css.margin
, case maybeCharacter of
Just _ ->
Css.padding4 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 30) (Css.px 10) (Css.px 10)
Nothing ->
Css.padding2 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 20)
, Css.listStyle Css.none
, Css.displayFlex
, "gap" "10px"
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
case actions_ of
[] ->
{ label, onClick } :: [] ->
div [ css (Css.alignItems :: containerStyles) ]
[ Button.button label
[ Button.onClick onClick
, Button.unboundedWidth
, Button.small
|> Just
_ ->
ul [ css containerStyles ]
(\{ label, onClick } ->
li []
[ Button.button label
[ Button.onClick onClick
, Button.fillContainerWidth
, Button.small
|> Just

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Nri.Ui.Heading.V3 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V1 as Highlightable
import Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V1 as Highlighter
import Nri.Ui.HighlighterTool.V1 as Tool
import Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V1 as QuestionBox
import Nri.Ui.QuestionBox.V2 as QuestionBox
import Nri.Ui.Spacing.V1 as Spacing
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.Table.V6 as Table
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ moduleName =
version : Int
version =
{-| -}

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@