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synced 2024-12-01 00:34:27 +03:00
Add more legit toggletip
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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Example usage:
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Attribute, Html, text)
import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css exposing (Color, Style)
import Css.Global as Global
import EventExtras.Styled as Events
@ -57,6 +58,8 @@ import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Svg.Styled as Svg exposing (Svg, circle, g, svg)
import Svg.Styled.Attributes exposing (cx, cy, d, fill, fillRule, height, r, stroke, strokeWidth, viewBox, width)
{-| A standard NoRedInk tooltip, which appears around its parent element.
@ -211,18 +214,57 @@ auxillaryDescription =
{-| Supplementary information triggered by a "?" icon
A toggle tip is always triggered by a click.
toggleTip :
{ trigger : Trigger
, triggerHtml : Html msg
, onTrigger : Bool -> msg
{ onTrigger : Bool -> msg
, isOpen : Bool
, id : String
, id : String -- TODO: We might not need this here
-> Tooltip msg
-> Html msg
toggleTip =
view PrimaryLabel
toggleTip { isOpen, onTrigger, id } tooltip_ =
Nri.Ui.styled Html.div
[ Html.button
[ Widget.label "More information"
, css
([ Css.width (Css.px 20)
, Css.height (Css.px 20)
, Css.color Colors.azure
++ buttonStyleOverrides
, Events.onClickStopPropagation (onTrigger True)
[ iconHelp ]
, viewIf (\_ -> viewCloseTooltipOverlay (onTrigger False)) isOpen
, Html.span
[ -- This adds aria-live polite & also aria-live atomic, so our screen readers are alerted when content appears
[ -- Popout is rendered after the overlay, to allow client code to give it
-- priority when clicking by setting its position
viewIf (\_ -> viewTooltip id tooltip_) isOpen
{-| Made with <https://levelteams.com/svg-to-elm>
iconHelp : Svg msg
iconHelp =
svg [ width "20px", height "20px", viewBox "0 0 25 25" ]
[ g [ stroke "none", strokeWidth "1", fill "none", fillRule "evenodd" ]
[ circle [ stroke "#146AFF", strokeWidth "2", cx "12.5", cy "12.5", r "11.5" ] []
, Svg.path [ d "M12.6825,6.6275 C13.3866702,6.6275 14.0095806,6.74395717 14.55125,6.976875 C15.0929194,7.20979283 15.5154151,7.53749789 15.81875,7.96 C16.1220849,8.38250211 16.27375,8.86458063 16.27375,9.40625 C16.27375,9.98041954 16.1329181,10.470623 15.85125,10.876875 C15.5695819,11.283127 15.1579194,11.7408308 14.61625,12.25 C14.1937479,12.6508353 13.8768761,12.9866653 13.665625,13.2575 C13.4543739,13.5283347 13.3216669,13.8262484 13.2675,14.15125 L13.18625,14.6875 L11.74,14.6875 L11.74,13.875 C11.74,13.3116639 11.8402073,12.8458352 12.040625,12.4775 C12.2410427,12.1091648 12.5362481,11.6975023 12.92625,11.2425 C13.2079181,10.9174984 13.419166,10.6385428 13.56,10.405625 C13.700834,10.1727072 13.77125,9.91541808 13.77125,9.63375 C13.77125,9.30874838 13.6602094,9.0595842 13.438125,8.88625 C13.2160406,8.7129158 12.8991687,8.62625 12.4875,8.62625 C11.7074961,8.62625 10.9437537,8.85916434 10.19625,9.325 L10.19625,7.29375 C10.9112536,6.84958111 11.7399953,6.6275 12.6825,6.6275 Z M11.17125,18.34375 L11.17125,15.7275 L13.82,15.7275 L13.82,18.34375 L11.17125,18.34375 Z", fill "#146AFF" ]
@ -248,10 +290,7 @@ view :
view purpose { trigger, triggerHtml, onTrigger, isOpen, id } tooltip_ =
Nri.Ui.styled Html.div
[ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
, Css.textAlign Css.left
, Css.position Css.relative
[ Html.button
([ case purpose of
@ -260,23 +299,7 @@ view purpose { trigger, triggerHtml, onTrigger, isOpen, id } tooltip_ =
AuxillaryDescription ->
Aria.describedBy [ id ]
, css
[ Css.cursor Css.pointer
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.border Css.zero
, Css.backgroundColor Css.transparent
, Css.fontSize Css.inherit
, Css.fontFamily Css.inherit
, Css.color Css.inherit
, Css.margin Css.zero
, Css.padding Css.zero
, Css.focus
[ -- TODO: Removing focus outline is poor accessibility practice
-- Consider fixing this by making focus outlines appear site-wide only on keyboard
-- navigation to meet design's needs -- hackday project, perhaps?
Css.outline Css.none
, css buttonStyleOverrides
++ eventsForTrigger trigger onTrigger
@ -436,6 +459,33 @@ viewCloseTooltipOverlay msg =
tooltipContainerStyles : List Style
tooltipContainerStyles =
[ Css.display Css.inlineBlock
, Css.textAlign Css.left
, Css.position Css.relative
buttonStyleOverrides : List Style
buttonStyleOverrides =
[ Css.cursor Css.pointer
, Css.border Css.zero
, Css.backgroundColor Css.transparent
, Css.fontSize Css.inherit
, Css.fontFamily Css.inherit
, Css.color Css.inherit
, Css.margin Css.zero
, Css.padding Css.zero
, Css.focus
[ -- TODO: Removing focus outline is poor accessibility practice
-- Consider fixing this by making focus outlines appear site-wide only on keyboard
-- navigation to meet design's needs -- hackday project, perhaps?
Css.outline Css.none
@ -53,33 +53,34 @@ example msg model =
, content =
[ Text.mediumBody [ Html.text "These tooltips look similar, but serve different purposes when reading them via a screen-reader." ]
, Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "primaryLabel" ]
, Text.smallBody [ Html.text "A primary label is used when the tooltip content serves as the main label for its trigger content." ]
, Text.smallBody [ Html.text "A primary label is used when the tooltip content serves as the main label for its trigger content, e.g. when the trigger content is an icon." ]
, Tooltip.tooltip [ Html.text "Tooltip" ]
|> Tooltip.primaryLabel
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnClick
, triggerHtml = Html.text "Primary Label Trigger"
, onTrigger = ToggleTooltip PrimaryLabel >> msg
, isOpen = model.openTooltip == Just PrimaryLabel
, id = "primary label tooltip"
, Html.br [ css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ]
, Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "auxillaryDescription" ]
, Text.smallBody [ Html.text "An auxillary description is used when the tooltip content provides supplementary information about its trigger content." ]
, Tooltip.tooltip [ Html.text "Tooltip" ]
|> Tooltip.primaryLabel
|> Tooltip.auxillaryDescription
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnClick
, triggerHtml = Html.text "Auxillary Description Trigger"
, onTrigger = ToggleTooltip AuxillaryDescription >> msg
, isOpen = model.openTooltip == Just AuxillaryDescription
, id = "Auxillary description"
, Html.br [ css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 20) ] ]
, Heading.h3 [] [ Html.text "toggleTip" ]
, Text.smallBody [ Html.text "A Toggle Tip is triggered by the \"?\" icon and provides supplemental information for the page." ]
, Tooltip.tooltip [ Html.text "Tooltip" ]
|> Tooltip.toggleTip
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnClick
, triggerHtml = Html.text "Toggle Tip Trigger"
, onTrigger = ToggleTooltip ToggleTip >> msg
{ onTrigger = ToggleTooltip ToggleTip >> msg
, isOpen = model.openTooltip == Just ToggleTip
, id = "toggle tip"
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