Message.V1 replaces BannerAlert.V6.alert

This commit is contained in:
Aaron VonderHaar 2020-04-27 16:30:09 -07:00
parent 8f2e5b08ef
commit 3efc6fcf8f
5 changed files with 221 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ module MessageV1 exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Message.V1 as Message
-- Nri.Ui.Alert.V4
upgrade_Nri_Ui_Alert_V4_error content =
Message.tiny Message.Error (Message.Markdown content)
@ -24,3 +30,18 @@ upgrade_Nri_Ui_Alert_V4_success content =
upgrade_Nri_Ui_Alert_V4_somethingWentWrong errorMessageForEngineers =
Message.somethingWentWrong errorMessageForEngineers
-- Nri.Ui.BannerAlert.V6
upgrade_Nri_Ui_BannerAlert_V6_alert content maybeOnDismiss =
Message.banner Message.Warning
(Message.Html content)
(List.filterMap identity
[ Message.onDismiss maybeOnDismiss

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@

View File

@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
module Nri.Ui.Message.V1 exposing
( tiny
, Theme(..), Content(..)
( tiny, banner
, Theme(..), Content(..), BannerAttribute
, onDismiss
, somethingWentWrong
@docs tiny
@docs Theme, Content
@docs tiny, banner
@docs Theme, Content, BannerAttribute
@docs onDismiss
@docs somethingWentWrong
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Global
import Html.Styled exposing (fromUnstyled, styled)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick)
import Markdown
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.SpriteSheet as SpriteSheet
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as NriSvg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
{-| `Error` / `Warning` / `Tip` / `Success`
@ -45,7 +50,22 @@ type Theme
type Content msg
= Plain String
| Markdown String
| Html (Html msg)
| Html (List (Html msg))
contentToHtml : Content msg -> List (Html msg)
contentToHtml content =
case content of
Plain stringContent ->
[ text stringContent ]
Markdown markdownContent ->
Markdown.toHtml Nothing markdownContent |> fromUnstyled
Html html ->
{-| Shows a tiny alert message. We commonly use these for validation errors and small hints to users.
@ -100,6 +120,126 @@ tiny theme content =
type BannerAttribute msg
= BannerAttribute (BannerConfig msg -> BannerConfig msg)
{-| Adds a dismiss ("X" icon) to a banner which will produce the given `msg` when clicked.
onDismiss : msg -> BannerAttribute msg
onDismiss msg =
BannerAttribute <|
\config ->
{ config | onDismiss = Just msg }
type alias BannerConfig msg =
{ onDismiss : Maybe msg
bannerConfigFromAttributes : List (BannerAttribute msg) -> BannerConfig msg
bannerConfigFromAttributes attr =
List.foldl (\(BannerAttribute set) -> set)
{ onDismiss = Nothing }
{-| Shows a banner alert message. This is even more prominent than `Message.large`.
We commonly use these for flash messages at the top of pages.
import Nri.Ui.Message.V1 as Message
view =
Message.banner Message.Success (Message.Plain "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt has been dropped from First Period English.")
banner : Theme -> Content msg -> List (BannerAttribute msg) -> Html msg
banner theme content attr =
config =
case theme of
Warning ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.sunshine
, color =
, icon =
{ backgroundColor = Colors.ochre
, color = Colors.white
, height = Css.px 25
, icon = UiIcon.attention
_ ->
Debug.todo "other themes"
attributes =
bannerConfigFromAttributes attr
styled div
[ displayFlex
, justifyContent center
, alignItems center
, backgroundColor config.backgroundColor
, color config.color
[ styled span
[ alignItems center
, displayFlex
, justifyContent center
, padding (px 20)
, width (Css.pct 100)
, Css.Global.children
[ Css.Global.button
[ position relative
, right (px 15)
[ styled div
[ width (px 50)
, height (px 50)
, marginRight (px 20)
[ config.icon ]
, Nri.Ui.styled div
[ fontSize (px 20)
, fontWeight (int 700)
, lineHeight (px 27)
, maxWidth (px 600)
, Fonts.baseFont
, Css.Global.descendants
[ Css.Global.a
[ textDecoration none
, color
, borderBottom3 (px 1) solid
, visited [ color ]
(contentToHtml content)
, case attributes.onDismiss of
Nothing ->
text ""
Just msg ->
bannerDismissButton msg
{-| Shows an appropriate error message for when something unhandled happened.
import Nri.Ui.Message.V1 as Message
@ -186,18 +326,6 @@ iconContainer styles icon =
alertString : ColorValue compatible -> Content msg -> Html msg
alertString textColor content =
children =
case content of
Plain stringContent ->
[ text stringContent ]
Markdown markdownContent ->
Markdown.toHtml Nothing markdownContent |> fromUnstyled
Html html ->
[ html ]
Nri.Ui.styled div
[ color textColor
@ -224,4 +352,52 @@ alertString textColor content =
(contentToHtml content)
inCircle :
{ backgroundColor : Css.Color
, color : Css.Color
, height : Css.Px
, icon : Svg
-> Html msg
inCircle config =
styled div
[ borderRadius (pct 50)
, height (pct 100)
, backgroundColor config.backgroundColor
, displayFlex
, alignItems center
, justifyContent center
[ config.icon
|> NriSvg.withColor config.color
|> NriSvg.withHeight config.height
|> NriSvg.toHtml
bannerDismissButton : msg -> Html msg
bannerDismissButton msg =
Nri.Ui.styled div
[ padding (px 25)
[ styled button
[ borderWidth zero
, backgroundColor unset
, color
, width (px 30)
, height (px 30)
, padding2 zero (px 7)
, cursor pointer
[ onClick msg
, Widget.label "Dismiss banner"
[ NriSvg.toHtml UiIcon.x

View File

@ -62,7 +62,10 @@ example =
[ h3 [] [ text "alert" ]
, BannerAlert.alert [ text "Dismiss this alert message to see a success message!" ] (Just Dismiss)
, Message.banner Message.Warning
(Message.Html [ text "Dismiss this alert message to see a success message!" ])
[ Message.onDismiss Dismiss
, pre [] [ text "BannerAlert.alert [ text \"Dismiss this alert message to see a success message!\" ] (Just Dismiss)" ]

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@