convert styles to elm css

This commit is contained in:
brookeangel 2019-12-02 14:53:49 -08:00
parent 830b7c07ee
commit 490395d4a7

View File

@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ viewIf viewFn condition =
viewTooltip : Maybe String -> Tooltip msg -> Html msg
viewTooltip maybeTooltipId (Tooltip config) =
Html.div (containerPositioningForArrowPosition config.position)
Html.div [ css <| containerPositioningForArrowPosition config.position ]
[ Html.div
([ css
([ Css.borderRadius (Css.px 8)
@ -426,33 +427,32 @@ tooltipColor =
{-| This returns an absolute positioning style attribute for the popout container for a given arrow position.
containerPositioningForArrowPosition : Position -> List (Attribute msg)
containerPositioningForArrowPosition : Position -> List Style
containerPositioningForArrowPosition arrowPosition = (\( k, v ) -> k v) <|
case arrowPosition of
OnTop ->
[ ( "left", "50%" )
, ( "top", "calc(-" ++ String.fromFloat arrowSize ++ "px - 2px)" )
, ( "position", "absolute" )
case arrowPosition of
OnTop ->
[ Css.left (Css.pct 50)
, (Css.calc (Css.px (negate arrowSize)) Css.minus (Css.px 2))
, Css.position Css.absolute
OnBottom ->
[ ( "left", "50%" )
, ( "bottom", "calc(-" ++ String.fromFloat arrowSize ++ "px - 2px)" )
, ( "position", "absolute" )
OnBottom ->
[ Css.left (Css.pct 50)
, Css.bottom (Css.calc (Css.px (negate arrowSize)) Css.minus (Css.px 2))
, Css.position Css.absolute
OnLeft ->
[ ( "top", "50%" )
, ( "left", "calc(-" ++ String.fromFloat arrowSize ++ "px - 2px)" )
, ( "position", "absolute" )
OnLeft ->
[ (Css.pct 50)
, Css.left (Css.calc (Css.px (negate arrowSize)) Css.minus (Css.px 2))
, Css.position Css.absolute
OnRight ->
[ ( "top", "50%" )
, ( "right", "calc(-" ++ String.fromFloat arrowSize ++ "px - 2px)" )
, ( "position", "absolute" )
OnRight ->
[ (Css.pct 50)
, Css.right (Css.calc (Css.px (negate arrowSize)) Css.minus (Css.px 2))
, Css.position Css.absolute
pointerBox : Position -> Attribute msg