Drop Icon support from the icon examples helpers

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2019-10-29 15:54:59 -07:00
parent 8b01eeebbf
commit 5139f49b8c
4 changed files with 64 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ module Examples.AssignmentIcon exposing (example)
import Examples.IconExamples as IconExamples
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.AssignmentIcon.V1 as AssignmentIcon
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V5 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
{-| -}
@ -20,18 +18,18 @@ example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.AssignmentIcon.V1"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ (IconExamples.view "Quiz engine icons" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
[ IconExamples.view "Quiz engine icons"
[ ( "diagnostic", AssignmentIcon.diagnostic )
, ( "practice", AssignmentIcon.practice )
, ( "quiz", AssignmentIcon.quiz )
, (IconExamples.view "Writing assignment icons" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Writing assignment icons"
[ ( "quickWrite", AssignmentIcon.quickWrite )
, ( "guidedDraft", AssignmentIcon.guidedDraft )
, ( "peerReview", AssignmentIcon.peerReview )
, ( "selfReview", AssignmentIcon.selfReview )
, (IconExamples.view "Peer Review sub-assignment icons" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Peer Review sub-assignment icons"
[ ( "submitting", AssignmentIcon.submitting )
, ( "rating", AssignmentIcon.rating )
, ( "revising", AssignmentIcon.revising )

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@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ module Examples.Icon exposing (example)
import Css
import Css.Global
import Examples.IconExamples as IconExamples
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath as AssetPath exposing (Asset(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V5 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text
{-| -}
@ -23,32 +24,32 @@ example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Icon.V5"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ IconExamples.view "Mastery Icons"
[ viewLarge "Mastery Icons"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.gardening { startingOffBadge_png = Asset "assets/images/starting-off-badge.png" }, background = Colors.blue, alt = "Gardening" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.highFive { level3Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-3-badge.png" }, background = Colors.blue, alt = "HighFive" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.okay { level2Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-2-badge.png" }, background = Colors.blue, alt = "Okay" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.thumbsUp { level1Badge_png = Asset "assets/images/level-1-badge.png" }, background = Colors.blue, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.masteryBadge { masteryBadge = "icon-mastery-badge" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Badge " }
, IconExamples.view "Student Assignment Actions"
, viewLarge "Student Assignment Actions"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonPrimary { assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-primary.svg" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start primary" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonSecondary { assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-secondary.svg" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Start secondary" }
, IconExamples.view "Social Media"
, viewLarge "Social Media"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.facebook { facebookBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/facebook-blue.svg" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Facebook" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.twitter { twitterBlue_svg = Asset "assets/images/twitter-blue.svg" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Twitter" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.clever { clever = "icon-clever" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Clever" }
, IconExamples.view "Bulbs and Tips"
, viewLarge "Bulbs and Tips"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.bulb { bulb = "icon-bulb" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Bulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lightBulb { hint_png = Asset "assets/images/hint.png" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "LightBulb" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.helpSvg { help = "icon-help" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Help" }
, IconExamples.view "Locks and keys"
, viewLarge "Locks and keys"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.key { key = "icon-key" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Key" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.lock { lock = "icon-lock" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Lock" }
, IconExamples.view "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
, viewLarge "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
[ deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.activity { activity = "icon-activity" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Activity" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.compassSvg { compass = "icon-compass" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, deprecatedIcon { icon = Icon.footsteps { footsteps = "icon-footsteps" }, background = Colors.frost, alt = "Footsteps" }
@ -61,6 +62,45 @@ example =
viewLarge :
-> List ( String, Html msg )
-> Html msg
viewLarge headerText icons =
Html.section [ css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 16) ] ]
[ Heading.h2 [] [ Html.text headerText ]
, Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ]
(List.map viewIcon icons)
viewIcon : ( String, Html msg ) -> Html msg
viewIcon ( name, assignmentIcon ) =
[ css
[ Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.width (Css.px 160)
, Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 5) (Css.px 5) Colors.navy
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.justifyContent Css.flexStart
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.color Colors.green
[ assignmentIcon
, Text.mediumBody [ Html.text name ]
deprecatedIcon : { alt : String, background : Css.Color, icon : Icon.IconType } -> ( String, Html msg )
deprecatedIcon { alt, background, icon } =
( alt

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@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, style, title)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text
view :
-> List ( String, Html msg )
-> Html msg
view : String -> List ( String, Svg.Svg ) -> Html msg
view headerText icons =
Html.section [ css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 16) ] ]
[ Heading.h2 [] [ Html.text headerText ]
@ -20,8 +18,8 @@ view headerText icons =
viewIcon : ( String, Html msg ) -> Html msg
viewIcon ( name, assignmentIcon ) =
viewIcon : ( String, Svg.Svg ) -> Html msg
viewIcon ( name, icon ) =
[ css
[ Css.margin (Css.px 10)
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ viewIcon ( name, assignmentIcon ) =
, Css.color Colors.green
[ assignmentIcon
[ Svg.toHtml icon
, Text.mediumBody [ Html.text name ]
, Text.smallBody [ Html.text name ]

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Examples.IconExamples as IconExamples
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V5 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ (IconExamples.view "Interface" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
[ IconExamples.view "Interface"
[ ( "seeMore", UiIcon.seeMore )
, ( "openClose", UiIcon.openClose )
, ( "download", UiIcon.download )
@ -28,37 +27,37 @@ example =
, ( "gear", UiIcon.gear )
, ( "sortArrow", UiIcon.sortArrow )
, (IconExamples.view "Actions" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Actions"
[ ( "unarchive", UiIcon.unarchive )
, ( "share", UiIcon.share )
, ( "preview", UiIcon.preview )
, (IconExamples.view "Humans & Class" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Humans & Class"
[ ( "person", UiIcon.person )
, ( "class", UiIcon.class )
, ( "leaderboard", UiIcon.leaderboard )
, ( "performance", UiIcon.performance )
, (IconExamples.view "Time" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Time"
[ ( "calendar", UiIcon.calendar )
, ( "clock", UiIcon.clock )
, (IconExamples.view "Writing Utensils" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Writing Utensils"
[ ( "edit", UiIcon.edit )
, ( "pen", UiIcon.pen )
, (IconExamples.view "Writing" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Writing"
[ ( "document", UiIcon.document )
, ( "newspaper", UiIcon.newspaper )
, (IconExamples.view "Sticky things" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Sticky things"
[ ( "arrowDown", UiIcon.arrowDown )
, ( "checkmark", UiIcon.checkmark )
, ( "x", UiIcon.x )
, ( "attention", UiIcon.attention )
, ( "exclamation", UiIcon.exclamation )
, (IconExamples.view "Notifs" << List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Svg.toHtml))
, IconExamples.view "Notifs"
[ ( "flag", UiIcon.flag )
, ( "star", UiIcon.star )
, ( "starOutline", UiIcon.starOutline )