Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into lab/adds-gd-tda-icons

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2020-06-10 15:10:59 -07:00
commit 61dbc7ad31
4 changed files with 169 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 exposing
, width, height
, disabled
, custom, css
, withTooltipAbove, withTooltipBelow
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 exposing
# Post-release patches
- uses ClickableAttributes
- adds tooltip helpers
# Create a button or link
@ -42,6 +44,11 @@ module Nri.Ui.ClickableSvg.V1 exposing
@docs custom, css
## Tooltips
@docs withTooltipAbove, withTooltipBelow
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
@ -51,6 +58,7 @@ import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.Tooltip.V1 as Tooltip exposing (Tooltip)
{-| -}
@ -205,6 +213,65 @@ css styles =
type alias TooltipSettings msg =
{ position : Tooltip.Position
, isOpen : Bool
, onShow : Bool -> msg
, id : String
showTooltip : String -> Maybe (TooltipSettings msg) -> Html msg -> Html msg
showTooltip label maybeSettings buttonOrLink =
case maybeSettings of
Just { position, onShow, isOpen, id } ->
tooltipSettings =
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnHover
, onTrigger = onShow
, isOpen = isOpen
, triggerHtml = buttonOrLink
, extraButtonAttrs = []
, id = id ++ "__clickable-svg-tooltip"
Tooltip.tooltip [ Html.text label ]
|> Tooltip.withPosition position
|> Tooltip.withWidth Tooltip.FitToContent
|> Tooltip.withPadding Tooltip.SmallPadding
|> Tooltip.primaryLabel tooltipSettings
Nothing ->
withTooltip : Tooltip.Position -> { id : String, isOpen : Bool, onShow : Bool -> msg } -> Attribute msg
withTooltip position { id, isOpen, onShow } =
(\config ->
{ config
| tooltip =
Just { position = position, id = id, isOpen = isOpen, onShow = onShow }
{-| -}
withTooltipAbove : { id : String, isOpen : Bool, onShow : Bool -> msg } -> Attribute msg
withTooltipAbove =
withTooltip Tooltip.OnTop
{-| -}
withTooltipBelow : { id : String, isOpen : Bool, onShow : Bool -> msg } -> Attribute msg
withTooltipBelow =
withTooltip Tooltip.OnBottom
@ -226,6 +293,7 @@ build label icon =
, disabled = False
, customAttributes = []
, customStyles = []
, tooltip = Nothing
@ -242,6 +310,7 @@ type alias ButtonOrLinkAttributes msg =
, disabled : Bool
, customAttributes : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, customStyles : List Style
, tooltip : Maybe (TooltipSettings msg)
@ -262,6 +331,7 @@ renderButton ((ButtonOrLink config) as button_) =
|> Svg.withHeight config.height
|> Svg.toHtml
|> showTooltip config.label config.tooltip
type Link
@ -298,6 +368,7 @@ renderLink ((ButtonOrLink config) as link_) =
|> Svg.withHeight config.height
|> Svg.toHtml
|> showTooltip config.label config.tooltip
buttonOrLinkStyles : ButtonOrLinkAttributes msg -> List Style

View File

@ -306,7 +306,10 @@ viewEntry entry_ =
Html.text ""
{-| Display an icon button consistent with menu button
{-| Display an icon button consistent with menu button.
Prefer to use ClickableSvg with the `withTooltipAbove` helper.
iconButton :
{ icon : Svg.Svg
@ -431,6 +434,9 @@ iconButtonWithMenu config =
{-| Display an icon link consistent with menu button styles.
Prefer to use ClickableSvg with the `withTooltipAbove` helper.
iconLink :
{ icon : Svg.Svg

View File

@ -33,63 +33,99 @@ example =
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view =
\state ->
[ Html.div [ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ ClickableSvg.button "Back"
[ viewExample "ClickableSvg.button \"Back\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.onClick OnClickMsg ]" <|
ClickableSvg.button "Back"
[ ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the back button!") ]
, viewCode
"ClickableSvg.button \"Back\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.onClick OnClickMsg ]"
, Html.div [ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ "Back" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.linkSpa "some_link" ]
, viewCode
" \"Back\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.linkSpa \"some_link\" ]"
, Html.div [ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ ClickableSvg.button "Disabled" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]
, viewCode
"ClickableSvg.button \"Disabled\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]"
, Html.div [ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ "Disabled" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]
, viewCode
" \"Disabled\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]"
, Html.div [ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ ClickableSvg.button "Go to tutorial"
, viewExample " \"Back\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.linkSpa \"some_link\" ]" <| "Back" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.linkSpa "some_link" ]
, viewExample "ClickableSvg.button \"Disabled\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]" <|
ClickableSvg.button "Disabled" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]
, viewExample " \"Disabled\" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]" <| "Disabled" UiIcon.arrowLeft [ ClickableSvg.disabled True ]
, viewExample
ClickableSvg.button "Go to tutorial"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 30)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 30)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the tutorials button!")
, ClickableSvg.custom [ "clickable-svg-customized-example-id" ]
, ClickableSvg.css [ Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.dashed ]
ClickableSvg.button "Go to tutorial"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 80)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 80)
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 30)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 30)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the tutorials button!")
, ClickableSvg.custom [ "clickable-svg-customized-example-id" ]
, ClickableSvg.css
[ Css.border3 (Css.px 3) Css.dashed Colors.purple
, ClickableSvg.css [ Css.border3 (Css.px 1) Css.dashed ]
, viewCode
ClickableSvg.button "Go to tutorial"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 80)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 80)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the tutorials button!")
, ClickableSvg.custom [ "clickable-svg-customized-example-id" ]
, ClickableSvg.css
[ Css.border3 (Css.px 3) Css.dashed Colors.purple
, viewExample
ClickableSvg.button "Preview"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the preview button!")
, ClickableSvg.withTooltipAbove { id = "preview", isOpen = state.tooltipPreview, onShow = SetPreviewTooltip }
ClickableSvg.button "Preview"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the preview button!")
, ClickableSvg.withTooltipAbove
{ id = "preview"
, isOpen = state.tooltipPreview
, onShow = SetPreviewTooltip
, viewExample
ClickableSvg.button "Share"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the Share button!")
, ClickableSvg.withTooltipBelow { id = "share", isOpen = state.tooltipShareTo, onShow = SetShareTooltip }
ClickableSvg.button "Share"
[ ClickableSvg.width (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.height (Css.px 20)
, ClickableSvg.onClick (ShowItWorked "You clicked the share button!")
, ClickableSvg.withTooltipBelow
{ id = "share"
, isOpen = state.tooltipShareTo
, onShow = SetShareTooltip
viewExample : String -> Html.Html msg -> Html.Html msg
viewExample code html =
[ Attributes.css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.alignItems ] ]
[ html
, viewCode code
viewCode : String -> Html.Html msg
viewCode renderStrategy =
[ Attributes.css
[ Css.width (Css.px 400)
, Css.marginRight (Css.px 20)
, Css.marginLeft (Css.px 20)
[ Html.pre [] [ Html.text renderStrategy ] ]
@ -97,18 +133,24 @@ viewCode renderStrategy =
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ tooltipPreview : Bool
, tooltipShareTo : Bool
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ tooltipPreview = False
, tooltipShareTo = False
{-| -}
type Msg
= ShowItWorked String
| SetPreviewTooltip Bool
| SetShareTooltip Bool
{-| -}
@ -121,3 +163,9 @@ update msg state =
Debug.log "ClickableSvg" message
( state, Cmd.none )
SetPreviewTooltip bool ->
( { state | tooltipPreview = bool }, Cmd.none )
SetShareTooltip bool ->
( { state | tooltipShareTo = bool }, Cmd.none )

View File

@ -98,26 +98,6 @@ view state =
, entries = []
, Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "Row with buttons and menus" ]
, Html.div []
[ Menu.iconButton
{ icon = UiIcon.performance
, label = "Menu.iconButton: I'm a button!"
, isTooltipOpen = Set.member "Performance" state.openTooltips
, onShowTooltip = ShowTooltip "Performance"
, onClick = ConsoleLog "Clicked the Performance button!"
, isDisabled = False
, id = "performance"
, Menu.iconLink
{ icon = UiIcon.document
, label = "Menu.iconLink: I link elsewhere!"
, isTooltipOpen = Set.member "Document" state.openTooltips
, onShowTooltip = ShowTooltip "Document"
, linkUrl = ""
, isDisabled = False