Adds a preview for checkbox

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2022-05-21 20:13:12 -07:00
parent 1bee8b9a66
commit 65d5831332
3 changed files with 385 additions and 340 deletions

src/CheckboxIcons.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
module CheckboxIcons exposing
( checked
, checkedPartially
, lockOnInside
, unchecked
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 exposing (Svg)
import Svg.Styled as Svg
import Svg.Styled.Attributes as SvgAttributes
unchecked : String -> Svg
unchecked idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checked : String -> Svg
checked idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g []
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#D4F0FF"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(3.600000, 3.600000)"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#146AFF"
[ Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M7.04980639,17.8647896 C6.57427586,17.8647896 6.11539815,17.6816086 5.77123987,17.3513276 L0.571859358,12.3786105 C-0.167340825,11.672716 -0.193245212,10.5014676 0.513574487,9.7631926 C1.21761872,9.02491757 2.38979222,8.99808803 3.12899241,9.70490773 L6.96746745,13.3750043 L16.7917062,2.73292703 C17.4855737,1.98077465 18.6558969,1.93451682 19.4061989,2.62745917 C20.1574262,3.32132667 20.2046091,4.49164987 19.5116668,5.24195193 L8.4097867,17.2689887 C8.07210452,17.6344256 7.60397524,17.8481368 7.10716611,17.8638644 C7.08866297,17.8647896 7.06923468,17.8647896 7.04980639,17.8647896"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkedPartially : String -> Svg
checkedPartially idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M22.2879231,10.8937777 C22.4823276,11.0881822 22.5430781,11.3676344 22.4701764,11.7321429 C22.1785697,13.2630784 21.6196651,14.4294879 20.793446,15.2314064 C19.9672268,16.033325 18.9830688,16.4342783 17.8409423,16.4342783 C16.9175209,16.4342783 16.073089,16.3006272 15.3076213,16.033321 C14.5421536,15.7660148 13.612671,15.3772116 12.5191457,14.8668998 C11.668626,14.4537903 10.9821454,14.1500378 10.4596833,13.9556333 C9.93722115,13.7612288 9.40869184,13.664028 8.87407945,13.664028 C7.53754849,13.664028 6.68704155,14.3201333 6.32253311,15.6323637 C6.27393198,15.8267682 6.17065614,15.9907946 6.01270248,16.1244477 C5.85474882,16.2581008 5.66642228,16.3249263 5.44771721,16.3249263 C5.20471159,16.3249263 4.9860098,16.2277255 4.7916053,16.033321 C4.59720079,15.8389165 4.5,15.6202147 4.5,15.3772091 C4.5,14.6238916 4.71262674,13.8705855 5.13788659,13.117268 C5.56314644,12.3639506 6.1342011,11.7503706 6.85106771,11.2765096 C7.56793431,10.8026486 8.32731551,10.5657217 9.12923409,10.5657217 C10.076956,10.5657217 10.933538,10.6993728 11.6990058,10.966679 C12.4644735,11.2339852 13.3939561,11.6227884 14.4874814,12.1331002 C15.3380011,12.5462097 16.0244817,12.8499622 16.5469438,13.0443667 C17.0694059,13.2387712 17.5979352,13.335972 18.1325476,13.335972 C18.8129634,13.335972 19.2868173,13.2266211 19.5541234,13.0079161 C19.8214296,12.789211 20.1008819,12.4004078 20.3924887,11.8414949 C20.4653904,11.6470904 20.5747413,11.4162385 20.7205446,11.1489323 C20.9149491,10.7844239 21.2065515,10.6021724 21.5953605,10.6021724 C21.8626667,10.6021724 22.0935186,10.6993732 22.2879231,10.8937777 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#146AFF"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkboxBackground attrs =
([ SvgAttributes.x "0"
, SvgAttributes.y "0"
, SvgAttributes.width "27"
, SvgAttributes.height "27"
, SvgAttributes.rx "4"
++ attrs
{-| -}
lockOnInside : String -> Svg
lockOnInside idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(4.050000, 4.050000)"
[ Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(3.040000, 0.271429)"
[ Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M10.8889406,8.4420254 L10.8889406,5.41406583 C10.8889406,2.93752663 8.90203465,0.922857143 6.46010875,0.922857143 C4.01774785,0.922857143 2.03105941,2.93752663 2.03105941,5.41406583 L2.03105941,8.4420254 L1.39812057,8.4420254 C0.626196192,8.4420254 0,9.0763794 0,9.85917577 L0,17.0399925 C0,17.8227889 0.626196192,18.4571429 1.39812057,18.4571429 L11.5223144,18.4571429 C12.2942388,18.4571429 12.92,17.8227889 12.92,17.0399925 L12.92,9.85939634 C12.92,9.07659997 12.2942388,8.4420254 11.5223144,8.4420254 L10.8889406,8.4420254 Z M6.8875056,13.8949112 L6.8875056,15.5789491 C6.8875056,15.8187066 6.69588391,16.0128066 6.46010875,16.0128066 C6.22389859,16.0128066 6.0322769,15.8187066 6.0322769,15.5789491 L6.0322769,13.8949112 C5.54876383,13.7173539 5.20271376,13.2490877 5.20271376,12.6972262 C5.20271376,11.9933932 5.76561607,11.4221217 6.46010875,11.4221217 C7.15394892,11.4221217 7.71772125,11.9933932 7.71772125,12.6972262 C7.71772125,13.2497494 7.37101867,13.7180156 6.8875056,13.8949112 L6.8875056,13.8949112 Z M9.21176142,8.4420254 L3.70823858,8.4420254 L3.70823858,5.41406583 C3.70823858,3.87538241 4.94279558,2.62343759 6.46010875,2.62343759 C7.97720442,2.62343759 9.21176142,3.87538241 9.21176142,5.41406583 L9.21176142,8.4420254 L9.21176142,8.4420254 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#E68900"
, Svg.rect
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#FFFFFF"
, SvgAttributes.x "0.922857143"
, SvgAttributes.y "10.1514286"
, SvgAttributes.width "10.1514286"
, SvgAttributes.height "5.53714286"
, Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M10.8889406,7.51916826 L10.8889406,4.49120869 C10.8889406,2.01466949 8.90203465,0 6.46010875,0 C4.01774785,0 2.03105941,2.01466949 2.03105941,4.49120869 L2.03105941,7.51916826 L1.39812057,7.51916826 C0.626196192,7.51916826 0,8.15352226 0,8.93631863 L0,16.1171353 C0,16.8999317 0.626196192,17.5342857 1.39812057,17.5342857 L11.5223144,17.5342857 C12.2942388,17.5342857 12.92,16.8999317 12.92,16.1171353 L12.92,8.9365392 C12.92,8.15374283 12.2942388,7.51916826 11.5223144,7.51916826 L10.8889406,7.51916826 Z M6.8875056,12.9720541 L6.8875056,14.6560919 C6.8875056,14.8958495 6.69588391,15.0899495 6.46010875,15.0899495 C6.22389859,15.0899495 6.0322769,14.8958495 6.0322769,14.6560919 L6.0322769,12.9720541 C5.54876383,12.7944967 5.20271376,12.3262305 5.20271376,11.774369 C5.20271376,11.0705361 5.76561607,10.4992645 6.46010875,10.4992645 C7.15394892,10.4992645 7.71772125,11.0705361 7.71772125,11.774369 C7.71772125,12.3268922 7.37101867,12.7951584 6.8875056,12.9720541 L6.8875056,12.9720541 Z M9.21176142,7.51916826 L3.70823858,7.51916826 L3.70823858,4.49120869 C3.70823858,2.95252527 4.94279558,1.70058044 6.46010875,1.70058044 C7.97720442,1.70058044 9.21176142,2.95252527 9.21176142,4.49120869 L9.21176142,7.51916826 L9.21176142,7.51916826 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#FEC900"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 exposing
import Accessibility.Styled as Html
import Accessibility.Styled.Style
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import CheckboxIcons
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Global
import Html.Styled
@ -42,8 +43,6 @@ import Json.Decode
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 exposing (Svg)
import Svg.Styled as Svg
import Svg.Styled.Attributes as SvgAttributes
{-| -}
@ -133,13 +132,13 @@ buildCheckbox model labelView =
icon =
case model.selected of
Selected ->
checkboxChecked model.identifier
CheckboxIcons.checked model.identifier
NotSelected ->
checkboxUnchecked model.identifier
CheckboxIcons.unchecked model.identifier
PartiallySelected ->
checkboxCheckedPartially model.identifier
CheckboxIcons.checkedPartially model.identifier
if model.disabled then
viewDisabledLabel model labelView icon
@ -320,339 +319,7 @@ viewIcon styles icon =
checkboxUnchecked : String -> Svg
checkboxUnchecked idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkboxChecked : String -> Svg
checkboxChecked idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g []
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#D4F0FF"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(3.600000, 3.600000)"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#146AFF"
[ Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M7.04980639,17.8647896 C6.57427586,17.8647896 6.11539815,17.6816086 5.77123987,17.3513276 L0.571859358,12.3786105 C-0.167340825,11.672716 -0.193245212,10.5014676 0.513574487,9.7631926 C1.21761872,9.02491757 2.38979222,8.99808803 3.12899241,9.70490773 L6.96746745,13.3750043 L16.7917062,2.73292703 C17.4855737,1.98077465 18.6558969,1.93451682 19.4061989,2.62745917 C20.1574262,3.32132667 20.2046091,4.49164987 19.5116668,5.24195193 L8.4097867,17.2689887 C8.07210452,17.6344256 7.60397524,17.8481368 7.10716611,17.8638644 C7.08866297,17.8647896 7.06923468,17.8647896 7.04980639,17.8647896"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkboxCheckedPartially : String -> Svg
checkboxCheckedPartially idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.7%"
, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M22.2879231,10.8937777 C22.4823276,11.0881822 22.5430781,11.3676344 22.4701764,11.7321429 C22.1785697,13.2630784 21.6196651,14.4294879 20.793446,15.2314064 C19.9672268,16.033325 18.9830688,16.4342783 17.8409423,16.4342783 C16.9175209,16.4342783 16.073089,16.3006272 15.3076213,16.033321 C14.5421536,15.7660148 13.612671,15.3772116 12.5191457,14.8668998 C11.668626,14.4537903 10.9821454,14.1500378 10.4596833,13.9556333 C9.93722115,13.7612288 9.40869184,13.664028 8.87407945,13.664028 C7.53754849,13.664028 6.68704155,14.3201333 6.32253311,15.6323637 C6.27393198,15.8267682 6.17065614,15.9907946 6.01270248,16.1244477 C5.85474882,16.2581008 5.66642228,16.3249263 5.44771721,16.3249263 C5.20471159,16.3249263 4.9860098,16.2277255 4.7916053,16.033321 C4.59720079,15.8389165 4.5,15.6202147 4.5,15.3772091 C4.5,14.6238916 4.71262674,13.8705855 5.13788659,13.117268 C5.56314644,12.3639506 6.1342011,11.7503706 6.85106771,11.2765096 C7.56793431,10.8026486 8.32731551,10.5657217 9.12923409,10.5657217 C10.076956,10.5657217 10.933538,10.6993728 11.6990058,10.966679 C12.4644735,11.2339852 13.3939561,11.6227884 14.4874814,12.1331002 C15.3380011,12.5462097 16.0244817,12.8499622 16.5469438,13.0443667 C17.0694059,13.2387712 17.5979352,13.335972 18.1325476,13.335972 C18.8129634,13.335972 19.2868173,13.2266211 19.5541234,13.0079161 C19.8214296,12.789211 20.1008819,12.4004078 20.3924887,11.8414949 C20.4653904,11.6470904 20.5747413,11.4162385 20.7205446,11.1489323 C20.9149491,10.7844239 21.2065515,10.6021724 21.5953605,10.6021724 C21.8626667,10.6021724 22.0935186,10.6993732 22.2879231,10.8937777 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#146AFF"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkboxBackground attrs =
([ SvgAttributes.x "0"
, SvgAttributes.y "0"
, SvgAttributes.width "27"
, SvgAttributes.height "27"
, SvgAttributes.rx "4"
++ attrs
{-| -}
checkboxLockOnInside : String -> Svg
checkboxLockOnInside idSuffix =
filterId =
"filter-2" ++ idSuffix
filterUrl =
"url(#" ++ filterId ++ ")"
[ SvgAttributes.width "27px"
, SvgAttributes.height "27px"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 27 27"
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.x "-3.7%"
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, SvgAttributes.width "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.height "107.4%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
, filterId
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dx "0"
, SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.stroke "none"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "1"
, SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
[ Svg.g
[ Svg.g
[ checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#EBEBEB"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "evenodd"
, checkboxBackground
[ SvgAttributes.fill "black"
, SvgAttributes.fillOpacity "1"
, SvgAttributes.filter filterUrl
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(4.050000, 4.050000)"
[ Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.transform "translate(3.040000, 0.271429)"
[ Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M10.8889406,8.4420254 L10.8889406,5.41406583 C10.8889406,2.93752663 8.90203465,0.922857143 6.46010875,0.922857143 C4.01774785,0.922857143 2.03105941,2.93752663 2.03105941,5.41406583 L2.03105941,8.4420254 L1.39812057,8.4420254 C0.626196192,8.4420254 0,9.0763794 0,9.85917577 L0,17.0399925 C0,17.8227889 0.626196192,18.4571429 1.39812057,18.4571429 L11.5223144,18.4571429 C12.2942388,18.4571429 12.92,17.8227889 12.92,17.0399925 L12.92,9.85939634 C12.92,9.07659997 12.2942388,8.4420254 11.5223144,8.4420254 L10.8889406,8.4420254 Z M6.8875056,13.8949112 L6.8875056,15.5789491 C6.8875056,15.8187066 6.69588391,16.0128066 6.46010875,16.0128066 C6.22389859,16.0128066 6.0322769,15.8187066 6.0322769,15.5789491 L6.0322769,13.8949112 C5.54876383,13.7173539 5.20271376,13.2490877 5.20271376,12.6972262 C5.20271376,11.9933932 5.76561607,11.4221217 6.46010875,11.4221217 C7.15394892,11.4221217 7.71772125,11.9933932 7.71772125,12.6972262 C7.71772125,13.2497494 7.37101867,13.7180156 6.8875056,13.8949112 L6.8875056,13.8949112 Z M9.21176142,8.4420254 L3.70823858,8.4420254 L3.70823858,5.41406583 C3.70823858,3.87538241 4.94279558,2.62343759 6.46010875,2.62343759 C7.97720442,2.62343759 9.21176142,3.87538241 9.21176142,5.41406583 L9.21176142,8.4420254 L9.21176142,8.4420254 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#E68900"
, Svg.rect
[ SvgAttributes.fill "#FFFFFF"
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, SvgAttributes.y "10.1514286"
, SvgAttributes.width "10.1514286"
, SvgAttributes.height "5.53714286"
, Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.d "M10.8889406,7.51916826 L10.8889406,4.49120869 C10.8889406,2.01466949 8.90203465,0 6.46010875,0 C4.01774785,0 2.03105941,2.01466949 2.03105941,4.49120869 L2.03105941,7.51916826 L1.39812057,7.51916826 C0.626196192,7.51916826 0,8.15352226 0,8.93631863 L0,16.1171353 C0,16.8999317 0.626196192,17.5342857 1.39812057,17.5342857 L11.5223144,17.5342857 C12.2942388,17.5342857 12.92,16.8999317 12.92,16.1171353 L12.92,8.9365392 C12.92,8.15374283 12.2942388,7.51916826 11.5223144,7.51916826 L10.8889406,7.51916826 Z M6.8875056,12.9720541 L6.8875056,14.6560919 C6.8875056,14.8958495 6.69588391,15.0899495 6.46010875,15.0899495 C6.22389859,15.0899495 6.0322769,14.8958495 6.0322769,14.6560919 L6.0322769,12.9720541 C5.54876383,12.7944967 5.20271376,12.3262305 5.20271376,11.774369 C5.20271376,11.0705361 5.76561607,10.4992645 6.46010875,10.4992645 C7.15394892,10.4992645 7.71772125,11.0705361 7.71772125,11.774369 C7.71772125,12.3268922 7.37101867,12.7951584 6.8875056,12.9720541 L6.8875056,12.9720541 Z M9.21176142,7.51916826 L3.70823858,7.51916826 L3.70823858,4.49120869 C3.70823858,2.95252527 4.94279558,1.70058044 6.46010875,1.70058044 C7.97720442,1.70058044 9.21176142,2.95252527 9.21176142,4.49120869 L9.21176142,7.51916826 L9.21176142,7.51916826 Z"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#FEC900"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
checkboxLockOnInside =

View File

@ -7,15 +7,19 @@ module Examples.Checkbox exposing (Msg, State, example)
import Category exposing (Category(..))
import CheckboxIcons
import Css
import Example exposing (Example)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import KeyboardSupport exposing (Key(..))
import Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 as Checkbox
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Data.PremiumDisplay as PremiumDisplay
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.PremiumCheckbox.V8 as PremiumCheckbox
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ example =
, state = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, preview = []
, preview = preview
, view =
\ellieLinkConfig state ->
[ viewInteractableCheckbox "styleguide-checkbox-interactable" state
@ -59,6 +63,32 @@ example =
preview : List (Html Never)
preview =
renderPreview ( icon, label_ ) =
[ css
[ Css.color
, Css.fontSize (Css.px 15)
, Fonts.baseFont
, Css.fontWeight ( 600)
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems
[ Svg.toHtml (Svg.withCss [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 8) ] icon)
, text label_
[ ( CheckboxIcons.lockOnInside "lockOnInside-preview-lockOnInside", "Locked" )
, ( CheckboxIcons.unchecked "unchecked-preview-unchecked", "Unchecked" )
, ( CheckboxIcons.checkedPartially "checkedPartially-preview-checkedPartially", "Part checked" )
, ( CheckboxIcons.checked "checkbox-preview-checked", "Checked" )
|> renderPreview
{-| -}
init : State
init =