Add helpers for the shared styles

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2018-06-20 12:56:56 -07:00
parent d72aaca767
commit 661251f4d8

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Json.Decode
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath exposing (Asset(..))
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath.Css
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as ExtraAttributes
import Nri.Ui.Html.V2 as HtmlExtra
@ -132,23 +131,10 @@ squareLabelStyles : { b | disabled : Bool } -> Asset -> Html.Styled.Attribute ms
squareLabelStyles model image =
baseStyles =
[ -- Postioning
display inlineBlock
, padding2 (px 13) zero
, paddingLeft (px (29 + 6)) -- checkbox width + padding
, verticalAlign middle
-- Text
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 16)
-- Focus & Hover
[ positioning
, textStyle
, outline none
-- Icon
, backgroundRepeat noRepeat
, property "background-position" "left center"
, backgroundImage image
, addIcon image
@ -163,25 +149,10 @@ lockLabelStyles : { b | disabled : Bool } -> Asset -> Html.Styled.Attribute msg
lockLabelStyles model image =
baseStyles =
[ -- Positioning
display inlineBlock
, padding2 (px 13) zero
, paddingLeft (px 35)
, verticalAlign middle
-- Text
, color Colors.gray20
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 16)
-- Focus & Hover
[ positioning
, textStyle
, outline none
-- Icon
, backgroundImage image
, backgroundRepeat noRepeat
, backgroundSize (px 24)
, property "background-position" "left center"
, addIcon image
@ -192,6 +163,34 @@ lockLabelStyles model image =
positioning : Style
positioning =
[ display inlineBlock
, padding2 (px 13) zero
, paddingLeft (px (29 + 6)) -- checkbox width + padding
, verticalAlign middle
textStyle : Style
textStyle =
[ Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 16)
addIcon : Asset -> Style
addIcon icon =
[ backgroundImage icon
, backgroundRepeat noRepeat
, backgroundSize (px 24)
, property "background-position" "left center"
labelClass : IsSelected -> Html.Styled.Attribute msg
labelClass isSelected =
case isSelected of