Copy the lms logos in

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Tessa Kelly 2022-01-18 11:39:52 -08:00
parent c8f9b74fbe
commit 6c691d34f1
2 changed files with 93 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
module Nri.Ui.Logo.V1 exposing
( noredink
, facebook, twitter, clever, cleverC, googleClassroom, googleG
, canvas, schoology
@docs noredink
@docs facebook, twitter, clever, cleverC, googleClassroom, googleG
@docs canvas, schoology
@ -184,3 +186,69 @@ googleG =
, Svg.g [ Attributes.class "googleG-icon-clip-path-class" ] [ Svg.path [ Attributes.fill "#4285f4", Attributes.d "M46,46,15,22l-4-3L46,9Z" ] [] ]
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
canvas : Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.Svg
canvas =
[ Attributes.viewBox "200 250 400 115"
, Attributes.width "auto"
, Attributes.height "100%"
, Attributes.fill "#E72429"
[ Svg.g []
[ Svg.g []
[ Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M220.1,306.8c0-7-5.2-12.7-12-13.5c-1.1,4.3-1.7,8.8-1.7,13.5c0,4.7,0.6,9.2,1.7,13.5 C214.9,319.5,220.1,313.7,220.1,306.8z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M228,302.5c-2.4,0-4.3,1.9-4.3,4.3c0,2.4,1.9,4.3,4.3,4.3c2.4,0,4.3-1.9,4.3-4.3 C232.3,304.4,230.4,302.5,228,302.5z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M287,306.8c0,7,5.2,12.7,12,13.5c1.1-4.3,1.7-8.8,1.7-13.5c0-4.7-0.6-9.2-1.7-13.5 C292.2,294.1,287,299.8,287,306.8z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M279,302.5c-2.4,0-4.3,1.9-4.3,4.3c0,2.4,1.9,4.3,4.3,4.3c2.4,0,4.3-1.9,4.3-4.3 C283.3,304.4,281.4,302.5,279,302.5z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M253.4,340.3c-7,0-12.7,5.2-13.5,12c4.3,1.1,8.8,1.7,13.5,1.7c4.7,0,9.2-0.6,13.5-1.7 C266.1,345.6,260.4,340.3,253.4,340.3z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M253.4,328.1c-2.4,0-4.3,1.9-4.3,4.3c0,2.4,1.9,4.3,4.3,4.3c2.4,0,4.3-1.9,4.3-4.3 C257.7,330.1,255.8,328.1,253.4,328.1z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M253.4,273.4c7,0,12.7-5.2,13.5-12c-4.3-1.1-8.8-1.7-13.5-1.7c-4.7,0-9.2,0.6-13.5,1.7 C240.7,268.2,246.5,273.4,253.4,273.4z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M253.4,277.1c-2.4,0-4.3,1.9-4.3,4.3c0,2.4,1.9,4.3,4.3,4.3c2.4,0,4.3-1.9,4.3-4.3 C257.7,279,255.8,277.1,253.4,277.1z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M277.1,330.5c-4.9,4.9-5.3,12.6-1.1,18c7.9-4.6,14.5-11.2,19.1-19.1C289.8,325.2,282,325.6,277.1,330.5z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M268.5,321.8c-1.7,1.7-1.7,4.4,0,6c1.7,1.7,4.4,1.7,6,0c1.7-1.7,1.7-4.4,0-6 C272.9,320.2,270.2,320.2,268.5,321.8z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M229.8,283.2c4.9-4.9,5.3-12.6,1.1-18c-7.9,4.6-14.5,11.2-19.1,19.1C217.2,288.4,224.9,288.1,229.8,283.2z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M232.4,285.7c-1.7,1.7-1.7,4.4,0,6c1.7,1.7,4.4,1.7,6,0c1.7-1.7,1.7-4.4,0-6 C236.8,284.1,234.1,284.1,232.4,285.7z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M277.1,283.1c4.9,4.9,12.6,5.3,18,1.1c-4.6-7.9-11.2-14.5-19.1-19.1C271.8,270.5,272.2,278.2,277.1,283.1z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M274.5,291.7c1.7-1.7,1.7-4.4,0-6c-1.7-1.7-4.4-1.7-6,0c-1.7,1.7-1.7,4.4,0,6 C270.1,293.4,272.8,293.4,274.5,291.7z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M229.8,330.4c-4.9-4.9-12.6-5.3-18-1.1c4.6,7.9,11.2,14.5,19.1,19.1C235.1,343.1,234.7,335.3,229.8,330.4z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M232.4,321.8c-1.7,1.7-1.7,4.4,0,6c1.7,1.7,4.4,1.7,6,0c1.7-1.7,1.7-4.4,0-6 C236.8,320.1,234,320.1,232.4,321.8z" ] []
, Svg.g []
[ Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M363.1,326.7c0,9.2-6,12.7-15.1,12.7h-0.2c-9.1,0-15.1-3.3-15.1-12.7v-35.9c0-8.9,6-12.7,15.1-12.7h0.2 c9.1,0,15.1,3.8,15.1,12.7v7.1h-9.9v-5.6c0-4.2-2.1-5.5-5.2-5.5s-5.2,1.3-5.2,5.5v32.8c0,4.2,2.1,5.5,5.2,5.5s5.2-1.3,5.2-5.5v-7 h9.9V326.7z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M398.2,325.3h-10.9l-2.1,13.3h-9.6l11.1-59.9h12.5l11.3,59.9h-10.1L398.2,325.3z M397,317.1l-4.2-26.6 l-4.2,26.6H397z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M424,338.7v-59.9h9.9l12.6,37v-37h9.1v59.9h-9.4l-13.1-38.9v38.9H424z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M491.3,338.7h-10.9l-11.3-59.9h10.1l6.9,44.4l6.9-44.4h9.6L491.3,338.7z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M532.2,325.3h-10.9l-2.1,13.3h-9.6l11.1-59.9h12.5l11.3,59.9h-10.1L532.2,325.3z M530.9,317.1l-4.2-26.6 l-4.2,26.6H530.9z" ] []
, Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M575.7,296.3v-4.5c0-3.8-2.1-5.1-5-5.1c-2.9,0-5,1.4-5,5.1v4.1c0,3.1,1,4.4,3.8,6.1l7,3.9 c5.7,3.3,9.2,5.9,9.2,12.3v8.6c0,9.2-5.7,12.5-14.8,12.5h-0.2c-9.1,0-14.8-3.2-14.8-12.5v-6.3h9.8v5c0,3.7,2.1,5.3,5.1,5.3 s5.1-1.6,5.1-5.3v-4.7c0-3.1-0.9-4.6-3.9-6.2l-6.9-3.9c-5.8-3.3-9.2-6.1-9.2-12.3v-7.9c0-8.9,6.5-12.3,14.7-12.3h0.2 c8.2,0,14.7,3.4,14.7,12.3v5.9H575.7z" ] []
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
schoology : Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.Svg
schoology =
[ Attributes.viewBox "0 0 928 163"
, Attributes.width "auto"
, Attributes.height "100%"
[ Svg.g [ Attributes.fillRule "nonzero" ]
[ Svg.path
[ Attributes.d "M81.5 163C36.6 163 0 126.4 0 81.5S36.6 0 81.5 0 163 36.6 163 81.5c0 45-36.5 81.5-81.5 81.5zm0-149.4c-37.5 0-68 30.5-68 68s30.5 68 68 68 68-30.5 68-68c0-37.6-30.5-68-68-68z"
, Attributes.fill "#50ade1"
, Svg.path
[ Attributes.d "M78.2 86.3c-13.4-3.2-29.9-6.9-29.9-24.2 0-15.2 12.9-24.8 32.2-24.8 15.9 0 32.9 7.6 35.7 27.2l-15.2 2c-.2-5.1-.5-9.2-6-13.5-5.5-4.2-11.8-4.9-16.1-4.9-11 0-16.4 6.5-16.4 12.2 0 8 9 10.4 20 13.1l8 1.9c9.9 2.3 27.8 6.6 27.8 24.1 0 13.6-12 26.3-35 26.3-9.4 0-19.1-1.9-25.8-6.7-2.7-2-10.8-8.7-12.4-22.6L61 93.9c-.2 3.7-.2 10.8 6.2 16.3 4.9 4.2 11.2 4.8 16.8 4.8 12.4 0 19.6-4.8 19.6-13.8 0-9.5-7.2-11.3-17.3-13.3l-8.1-1.6z"
, Attributes.fill "#333"
, Svg.g [ Attributes.fill "#333", Attributes.fillRule "nonzero" ]
[ Svg.path [ Attributes.d "M814.9 98.5h-23v-9.2H830v43.2h-9.5v-10s1.5-1.8 0 .1c-6.9 8.1-16.8 11.7-28.9 11.7-29.7 0-40.3-22.1-40.3-42 0-23 12.2-43.7 39.1-43.7 13 0 32.1 4.6 37.4 27.1l-15.1 1.4c-.5-3.3-3.4-18.5-21.8-18.5-23.5 0-24.5 25.5-24.5 32.7 0 8.8 1.7 16.3 5.3 21.8 4.6 7.4 11.6 10.8 20.1 10.8 19.7 0 21.9-16.1 22.8-22.5l.3-2.9zM241.2 96.7c-13-3.1-29-6.7-29-23.5 0-14.8 12.5-24 31.2-24 15.4 0 31.9 7.4 34.6 26.4l-14.7 1.9c-.2-5-.5-8.9-5.8-13.1-5.3-4.1-11.5-4.8-15.6-4.8-10.7 0-16 6.3-16 11.8 0 7.7 8.7 10.1 19.4 12.7L253 86c9.6 2.2 26.9 6.4 26.9 23.3 0 13.2-11.7 25.5-33.9 25.5-9.1 0-18.5-1.9-25-6.5-2.6-1.9-10.5-8.4-12-22l15.4-2.4c-.2 3.6-.2 10.5 6 15.8 4.8 4.1 10.8 4.6 16.3 4.6 12 0 19-4.6 19-13.4 0-9.2-7-11-16.8-12.9l-7.7-1.3zM366.1 103.2c-.5 3.3-1.4 7.7-4.6 13.7-6.7 12.3-18.2 17.8-33.1 17.8-29.7 0-40.3-22.1-40.3-42 0-23 12.2-43.8 39.1-43.8 13 0 32.1 4.6 37.4 27.1l-15.1 1.4c-.5-3.3-3.4-18.5-21.8-18.5-23.5 0-24.5 25.6-24.5 32.8 0 8.7 1.7 16.3 5.3 21.8 4.6 7.4 11.7 10.8 20.1 10.8 19.7 0 21.9-16.1 22.8-22.5l14.7 1.4zM374.3 11.1h13.9v48.5C396.8 50.5 405 49 412.7 49c17.8 0 24.9 10 27.3 17.9 1.6 5.1 1.6 10.5 1.6 18.5v47h-13.9V89.7c0-10.6 0-16.8-3.3-21.8-3.4-5-8.9-6.9-14.2-6.9-8.8 0-18.2 4.8-20.9 17.3-1 4.5-1 8.8-1 14.7v39.3h-14V11.1zM494.7 134.7c-28 0-39.8-20.9-39.8-42.2 0-18 8.9-43.6 40.3-43.6 26.8 0 39.1 20.8 38.9 42.9-.1 24.6-14.7 42.9-39.4 42.9zm23.7-54.2c-3.1-15.9-13.5-20.6-22.8-20.6-18.4 0-25.7 14.2-25.7 32.8 0 17 7 31 24.7 31 22.8 0 24.5-23.7 24.7-31.9.1-5.1-.4-8.9-.9-11.3zM583.4 134.7c-28 0-39.8-20.9-39.8-42.2 0-18 8.9-43.6 40.3-43.6 26.8 0 39.1 20.8 39 42.9-.3 24.6-14.8 42.9-39.5 42.9zM607 80.5c-3.1-15.9-13.5-20.6-22.8-20.6-18.4 0-25.7 14.2-25.7 32.8 0 17 7 31 24.7 31 22.8 0 24.5-23.7 24.7-31.9.2-5.1-.3-8.9-.9-11.3zM636.7 11.2h13.2v121.1h-13.2zM703.4 134.7c-27.9 0-39.8-20.9-39.8-42.2 0-18 8.9-43.6 40.3-43.6 26.8 0 39.1 20.8 38.9 42.9-.1 24.6-14.7 42.9-39.4 42.9zm23.7-54.2c-3.1-15.9-13.6-20.6-22.8-20.6-18.4 0-25.7 14.2-25.7 32.8 0 17 7 31 24.7 31 22.8 0 24.5-23.7 24.7-31.9.1-5.1-.4-8.9-.9-11.3zM900.8 50.4h-13l-20.9 33-20.4-33h-15.1l28.9 44.4v37.5h13.1V94.8l29.5-44.4h-2.1zM927.2 58.3c0 5-4 8.9-9.1 8.9s-9.1-3.9-9.1-8.9 4.1-8.8 9.2-8.8c5-.1 9 3.8 9 8.8zm-15.9 0c0 3.9 3 7.1 6.9 7.1 3.8.1 6.7-3.1 6.7-7s-2.9-7.1-6.9-7.1c-3.8-.1-6.7 3.1-6.7 7zm5.4 4.6h-2V54c.8-.1 1.9-.3 3.4-.3 1.7 0 2.4.3 3 . 1 .9 1.9 0 1.1-.8 1.8-1.8 2.1v.1c.9.3 1.3 1 1.6 2.2.3 1.3.5 1.8.6 2.2h-2.2c-.3-.3-.4-1.1-.7-2.2-.2-.9-.7-1.4-1.8-1.4h-1v3.6zm.1-5h1c1.1 0 2-.4 2-1.3 0-.8-.6-1.4-1.9-1.4-.5 0-.9.1-1.1.1v2.6z" ] []
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml

View File

@ -57,13 +57,12 @@ example =
, IconExamples.viewWithCustomStyles "Social Media & SSO"
[ ( "facebook"
, Logo.facebook
, defaults
, IconExamples.viewWithCustomStyles "Social Media"
[ ( "facebook", Logo.facebook, defaults )
, ( "twitter", Logo.twitter, defaults )
, ( "clever"
, IconExamples.viewWithCustomStyles "Clever"
[ ( "clever"
, Logo.clever
, [ Css.height (Css.px 25)
, Css.width (Css.px 100)
@ -71,17 +70,29 @@ example =
, Css.color
, ( "cleverC"
, Logo.cleverC
, defaults
, ( "google classroom"
, ( "cleverC", Logo.cleverC, defaults )
, IconExamples.viewWithCustomStyles "Google"
[ ( "googleClassroom"
, Logo.googleClassroom
, defaults
, ( "googleG"
, Logo.googleG
, defaults
, ( "googleG", Logo.googleG, defaults )
, IconExamples.viewWithCustomStyles "LMS"
[ ( "canvas"
, Logo.canvas
, [ Css.height (Css.px 25)
, Css.width (Css.px 100)
, Css.margin (Css.px 4)
, ( "schoology"
, Logo.schoology
, [ Css.height (Css.px 25)
, Css.width (Css.px 100)
, Css.margin (Css.px 4)