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synced 2024-12-29 16:44:41 +03:00
Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6 now uses Html.Styled
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6 exposing (Config, CssClass, Icon, Option, styles, view)
module Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6 exposing (Config, Icon, Option, view)
@ -6,20 +6,18 @@ module Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6 exposing (Config, CssClass, Icon, Option, styl
import Accessibility exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Foreign exposing (Snippet, adjacentSiblings, children, class, descendants, each, everything, media, selector, withClass)
import Html
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra exposing (withAlpha)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.CssFlexBoxWithVendorPrefix as FlexBox
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V2 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Styles.V1
import View.Extra
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V3 as Icon
{-| -}
@ -46,14 +44,6 @@ type alias Icon =
focusedClass : a -> a -> CssClass
focusedClass value selected =
if value == selected then
{-| -}
view : Config a msg -> Html.Html msg
view config =
@ -61,80 +51,75 @@ view config =
|> List.map
(\option ->
[ Html.Attributes.id option.id
[ Attr.id option.id
, Role.tab
, Html.Events.onClick (config.onClick option.value)
, styles.class
[ Tab
, focusedClass option.value config.selected
, Events.onClick (config.onClick option.value)
, css sharedTabStyles
, css <|
if option.value == config.selected then
[ View.Extra.viewJust viewIcon option.icon
[ case option.icon of
Nothing ->
Html.text ""
Just icon ->
viewIcon icon
, Html.text option.label
|> div [ Role.tabList, styles.class [ SegmentedControl ] ]
|> div
[ Role.tabList
, css [ FlexBox.displayFlex, cursor pointer ]
viewIcon : Icon -> Html msg
viewIcon : Icon -> Html.Html msg
viewIcon icon =
[ styles.class [ IconContainer ] ]
[ css [ marginRight (px 10) ] ]
[ Icon.icon icon ]
{-| Classes for styling
type CssClass
= SegmentedControl
| Tab
| IconContainer
| Focused
| Unfocused
{-| -}
styles : Nri.Ui.Styles.V1.Styles Never CssClass msg
styles =
Nri.Ui.Styles.V1.styles "Nri-Ui-SegmentedControl-V6-"
[ Css.Foreign.class SegmentedControl
[ FlexBox.displayFlex
, cursor pointer
, Css.Foreign.class Tab
[ padding2 (px 6) (px 20)
, height (px 45)
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 15)
, color Colors.azure
, fontWeight bold
, lineHeight (px 30)
, firstChild
[ borderTopLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderLeft3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, lastChild
[ borderTopRightRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomRightRadius (px 8)
, border3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, borderLeft (px 0)
, boxSizing borderBox
, FlexBox.flexGrow 1
, textAlign center
, Css.Foreign.class IconContainer
[ marginRight (px 10)
, Css.Foreign.class Focused
[ backgroundColor Colors.glacier
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px 3) zero (withAlpha 0.2 Colors.gray20)
, color Colors.gray20
, Css.Foreign.class Unfocused
[ backgroundColor Colors.white
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px -2) zero Colors.azure
, color Colors.azure
sharedTabStyles : List Style
sharedTabStyles =
[ padding2 (px 6) (px 20)
, height (px 45)
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 15)
, color Colors.azure
, fontWeight bold
, lineHeight (px 30)
, firstChild
[ borderTopLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderLeft3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, lastChild
[ borderTopRightRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomRightRadius (px 8)
, border3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, borderLeft (px 0)
, boxSizing borderBox
, FlexBox.flexGrow 1
, textAlign center
focusedTabStyles : List Style
focusedTabStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.glacier
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px 3) zero (withAlpha 0.2 Colors.gray20)
, color Colors.gray20
unFocusedTabStyles : List Style
unFocusedTabStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.white
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px -2) zero Colors.azure
, color Colors.azure
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Examples.SegmentedControl
, State
, example
, init
, styles
, update
@ -21,7 +20,8 @@ module Examples.SegmentedControl
import Css
import Css.Foreign
import Html
import Html.Styled as Html
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6
import Nri.Ui.Styles.V1
@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ example parentMessage state =
{ filename = "Nri/Ui/SegmentedControl/V6.elm"
, category = Behaviors
, content =
[ Html.map parentMessage
(styles.div Container [ Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6.view state ])
[ Html.div [ css [ Css.width (Css.px 500) ] ]
[ Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V6.view state ]
|> Html.map parentMessage
|> Html.toUnstyled
@ -77,21 +79,6 @@ update msg state =
( { state | selected = id }, Cmd.none )
{-| -}
styles : Nri.Ui.Styles.V1.Styles a b c
styles =
[ Css.Foreign.class Container
[ Css.width (Css.px 500)
type Classes
= Container
@ -235,11 +235,10 @@ route location =
styles : List Stylesheet
styles =
[ -- NOTE: these will go away as the modules' styles are integrated with Nri.Css.Site.elm
[ -- NOTE: these will go away as the modules' styles are migrated to use autogenerated classes based on Html.Styled.Attributes.css
[ ModuleExample.styles
, (Examples.Page.styles |> .css) ()
, (Examples.SegmentedControl.styles |> .css) ()
, (Button.styles |> .css) assets
, (Nri.Ui.Dropdown.V1.styles |> .css) ()
, (Nri.Ui.Icon.V2.styles |> .css) ()
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