mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 19:09:01 +03:00
Switch to FocusManager type
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Nri.Ui.Modal.V9 exposing
, Msg, update, subscriptions
, open, close
, info, warning
, multipleFocusableElementView, onlyFocusableElementView
, FocusManager(..)
{-| Changes from V8:
@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ module Nri.Ui.Modal.V9 exposing
@docs info, warning
### Focusable
@docs multipleFocusableElementView, onlyFocusableElementView
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (..)
@ -141,170 +136,53 @@ close =
CloseModal Other
{-| -}
info :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
({ viewContent : { content : List (Html msg), footer : List (Html msg) } -> Html msg
, closeButton : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
-> Attribute msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
info config getFocusable model =
appliedAttrs =
List.foldl (\(Attribute f) acc -> f acc)
{ visibleTitle = config.visibleTitle
, overlayColor = Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 Colors.navy
, wrapMsg = config.wrapMsg
, modalStyle = modalStyle
, titleString = config.title
, titleStyles = titleStyle Colors.navy config.visibleTitle
, autofocusOn = Default
, content = \_ -> text ""
[ getFocusable
{ viewContent = viewContent config.visibleTitle
, closeButton = closeButton config.wrapMsg
view config.wrapMsg config.title appliedAttrs model
{-| -}
warning :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
({ viewContent : { content : List (Html msg), footer : List (Html msg) } -> Html msg
, closeButton : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
-> Attribute msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
warning config getFocusable model =
appliedAttrs =
List.foldl (\(Attribute f) acc -> f acc)
{ visibleTitle = config.visibleTitle
, overlayColor = Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 Colors.gray20
, wrapMsg = config.wrapMsg
, modalStyle = modalStyle
, titleString = config.title
, titleStyles = titleStyle Colors.red config.visibleTitle
, autofocusOn = Default
, content = \_ -> text ""
[ getFocusable
{ viewContent = viewContent config.visibleTitle
, closeButton = closeButton config.wrapMsg
view config.wrapMsg config.title appliedAttrs model
type alias Config msg =
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, overlayColor : Color
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, modalStyle : Style
, titleString : String
, titleStyles : List Style
, autofocusOn : Autofocus
, content :
{ onlyFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, firstFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, autofocusOn : Html.Attribute msg
-> Html msg
{-| -}
type FocusManager msg
= MultipleFocusableElements
({ firstFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
, autofocusElement : Attribute msg
, closeButton : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
{ content : List (Html msg)
, footer : List (Html msg)
| OneFocusableElement
({ onlyFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
, closeButton : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
{ content : List (Html msg)
, footer : List (Html msg)
modalStyle : Style
modalStyle : List Style
modalStyle =
[ -- Border
borderRadius (px 20)
, border3 (px 2) solid (rgb 127 0 127)
, boxShadow5 zero (px 1) (px 10) zero (rgba 0 0 0 0.35)
[ position relative -- Border
, borderRadius (px 20)
, border3 (px 2) solid (rgb 127 0 127)
, boxShadow5 zero (px 1) (px 10) zero (rgba 0 0 0 0.35)
-- Spacing
, margin2 (px 50) auto
, padding (px 20)
-- Spacing
, margin2 (px 50) auto
, padding (px 20)
-- Size
, minHeight (vh 40)
, width (px 600)
, backgroundColor Colors.white
-- Size
, minHeight (vh 40)
, width (px 600)
, backgroundColor Colors.white
-- the modal should grow up to the viewport minus a 50px margin
, maxHeight (calc (pct 100) minus (px 100))
{-| -}
type Attribute msg
= Attribute (Config msg -> Config msg)
{-| -}
multipleFocusableElementView :
({ firstFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, autofocusElement : Html.Attribute msg
-> Html msg
-> Attribute msg
multipleFocusableElementView f =
(\config ->
{ config
| content =
\{ firstFocusableElement, lastFocusableElement, autofocusOn } ->
{ firstFocusableElement = firstFocusableElement
, lastFocusableElement = lastFocusableElement
, autofocusElement = autofocusOn
{-| -}
onlyFocusableElementView :
({ onlyFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
-> Html msg
-> Attribute msg
onlyFocusableElementView f =
(\config ->
{ config
| content =
\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
{ onlyFocusableElement = onlyFocusableElement
, autofocusOn = Last
-- the modal should grow up to the viewport minus a 50px margin
, maxHeight (calc (pct 100) minus (px 100))
titleStyle : Color -> Bool -> List Style
@ -337,13 +215,48 @@ titleStyle titleColor visibleTitle =
view :
(Msg -> msg)
-> String
-> Config msg
{-| -}
info :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, focusManager : FocusManager msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
view wrapMsg ti config model =
info config =
view config
{ overlayColor = Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 Colors.navy
, titleStyles = titleStyle Colors.navy config.visibleTitle
{-| -}
warning :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, focusManager : FocusManager msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
warning config =
view config
{ overlayColor = Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 Colors.gray20
, titleStyles = titleStyle Colors.red config.visibleTitle
view :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, focusManager : FocusManager msg
-> { overlayColor : Color, titleStyles : List Style }
-> Model
-> Html msg
view config styles model =
case model of
Opened _ ->
@ -359,10 +272,8 @@ view wrapMsg ti config model =
, zIndex (int 1)
[ viewBackdrop config
, div
[ css [ position relative, config.modalStyle ] ]
[ viewModal config ]
[ viewBackdrop config.wrapMsg styles.overlayColor
, div [ css modalStyle ] [ viewModal config styles ]
, Root.node "style" [] [ Root.text "body {overflow: hidden;} " ]
@ -370,10 +281,8 @@ view wrapMsg ti config model =
text ""
viewBackdrop :
{ a | wrapMsg : Msg -> msg, overlayColor : Color }
-> Html msg
viewBackdrop config =
viewBackdrop : (Msg -> msg) -> Color -> Html msg
viewBackdrop wrapMsg overlayColor =
-- We use Root html here in order to allow clicking to exit out of
-- the overlay. This behavior is available to non-mouse users as
@ -383,70 +292,58 @@ viewBackdrop config =
[ position absolute
, width (pct 100)
, height (pct 100)
, backgroundColor config.overlayColor
, backgroundColor overlayColor
, onClick (config.wrapMsg (CloseModal OverlayClick))
, onClick (wrapMsg (CloseModal OverlayClick))
viewModal : Config msg -> Html msg
viewModal config =
viewModal :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, focusManager : FocusManager msg
-> { a | titleStyles : List Style }
-> Html msg
viewModal config styles =
[ Role.dialog
, Aria.labeledBy modalTitleId
[ h1 [ id modalTitleId, css config.titleStyles ] [ text config.titleString ]
, config.content
(case config.autofocusOn of
Last ->
{ onlyFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown
[ Key.tabBack (Focus firstId)
, Key.tab (Focus firstId)
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, firstFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tabBack (Focus autofocusId) ]
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, lastFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tab (Focus firstId) ]
, id autofocusId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, autofocusOn =
id autofocusId
|> Attributes.map config.wrapMsg
[ h1 [ id modalTitleId, css styles.titleStyles ] [ text config.title ]
, viewContent config.visibleTitle <|
case config.focusManager of
OneFocusableElement toContentAndFooter ->
{ onlyFocusableElement =
List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
[ Key.onKeyDown
[ Key.tabBack (Focus autofocusId)
, Key.tab (Focus autofocusId)
, id autofocusId
, closeButton = closeButton config.wrapMsg
_ ->
{ onlyFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown
[ Key.tabBack (Focus firstId)
, Key.tab (Focus firstId)
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, firstFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tabBack (Focus lastId) ]
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, lastFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tab (Focus firstId) ]
, id lastId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, autofocusOn =
id autofocusId
|> Attributes.map config.wrapMsg
MultipleFocusableElements toContentAndFooter ->
{ firstFocusableElement =
List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tabBack (Focus lastId) ]
, id firstId
, lastFocusableElement =
List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tab (Focus firstId) ]
, id lastId
, autofocusElement =
Attributes.map config.wrapMsg (id autofocusId)
, closeButton = closeButton config.wrapMsg
@ -586,7 +483,7 @@ viewFooter children =
{-| -}
closeButton : (Msg -> msg) -> List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
closeButton : (Msg -> msg) -> List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs =
(Widget.label "Close modal"
@ -25,9 +25,28 @@ import Nri.Ui.Text.V4 as Text
{-| -}
type alias State =
{ infoModal : Modal.Model
, warningModal : Modal.Model
, visibleTitle : Bool
{ state : Modal.Model
, content : Content
, settings : Settings
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ state = Modal.init
, content = Info
, settings = initModalSettings
type Content
= Info
| Warning
type alias Settings =
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, showX : Bool
, showContinue : Bool
, showSecondary : Bool
@ -36,12 +55,9 @@ type alias State =
{-| -}
init : State
init =
{ infoModal = Modal.init
, warningModal = Modal.init
, visibleTitle = True
initModalSettings : Settings
initModalSettings =
{ visibleTitle = True
, showX = True
, showContinue = True
, showSecondary = True
@ -53,7 +69,7 @@ init =
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V8"
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V9"
, categories = [ Modals ]
, atomicDesignType = Organism
, keyboardSupport = []
@ -62,194 +78,169 @@ example =
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view =
\state ->
[ viewSettings state
[ viewSettings state.settings
, Button.button "Launch Info Modal"
[ Button.onClick (InfoModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-info-modal"))
[ Button.onClick (ModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-info-modal"))
, Button.custom [ Attributes.id "launch-info-modal" ]
, Button.css [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 16) ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, Button.button "Launch Warning Modal"
[ Button.onClick (WarningModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-warning-modal"))
[ Button.onClick (ModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-warning-modal"))
, Button.custom [ Attributes.id "launch-warning-modal" ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, let
params =
( state, InfoModalMsg, Button.primary )
Modal.info { title = "Modal.info", wrapMsg = InfoModalMsg, visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle }
(getFocusable params)
, let
params =
( state, WarningModalMsg, Button.danger )
Modal.warning { title = "Modal.warning", wrapMsg = WarningModalMsg, visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle }
(getFocusable params)
, case state.content of
Info ->
{ title = "Modal.info"
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, visibleTitle = state.settings.visibleTitle
, focusManager = makeFocusManager Button.primary state.settings
Warning ->
{ title = "Modal.warning"
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, visibleTitle = state.settings.visibleTitle
, focusManager = makeFocusManager Button.danger state.settings
--getFocusable :
-- ( State, Modal.Msg -> Msg, Button.Attribute Msg )
-- ->
-- { viewContent : { content : List (Html Msg), footer : List (Html Msg) } -> Html Msg
-- , closeButton : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> Html Msg
-- }
-- -> Modal.Focusable Msg
getFocusable ( state, wrapMsg, firstButtonStyle ) { viewContent, closeButton } =
case ( state.showX, state.showContinue, state.showSecondary ) of
makeFocusManager : Button.Attribute Msg -> Settings -> Modal.FocusManager Msg
makeFocusManager firstButtonStyle settings =
case ( settings.showX, settings.showContinue, settings.showSecondary ) of
( True, True, True ) ->
(\{ firstFocusableElement, autofocusElement, lastFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ closeButton firstFocusableElement
, viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.large
, Button.custom [ autofocusElement ]
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.large
, Button.custom [ modalOptions.autofocusElement ]
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom modalOptions.lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( True, False, True ) ->
(\{ firstFocusableElement, autofocusElement, lastFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ closeButton firstFocusableElement
, viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom (autofocusElement :: lastFocusableElement)
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.lastFocusableElement)
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( True, False, False ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
div []
(\{ onlyFocusableElement, closeButton } ->
{ content =
[ closeButton onlyFocusableElement
, viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer = []
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer = []
( True, True, False ) ->
(\{ firstFocusableElement, autofocusElement, lastFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ closeButton firstFocusableElement
, viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (autofocusElement :: lastFocusableElement)
, Button.large
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content =
[ modalOptions.closeButton modalOptions.firstFocusableElement
, viewModalContent settings.longContent
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.lastFocusableElement)
, Button.large
( False, True, True ) ->
(\{ firstFocusableElement, autofocusElement, lastFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (autofocusElement :: firstFocusableElement)
, Button.large
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
Modal.MultipleFocusableElements <|
\modalOptions ->
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom (modalOptions.autofocusElement :: modalOptions.firstFocusableElement)
, Button.large
, ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom modalOptions.lastFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( False, False, True ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom onlyFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ ClickableText.button "Close"
[ ClickableText.onClick ForceClose
, ClickableText.large
, ClickableText.custom onlyFocusableElement
, ClickableText.css [ Css.marginTop (Css.px 12) ]
( False, True, False ) ->
(\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom onlyFocusableElement
, Button.large
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer =
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom onlyFocusableElement
, Button.large
( False, False, False ) ->
(\_ ->
div []
[ viewContent
{ content = [ viewModalContent state.longContent ]
, footer = []
{ content = [ viewModalContent settings.longContent ]
, footer = []
@ -276,13 +267,13 @@ viewModalContent longContent =
viewSettings : State -> Html Msg
viewSettings state =
viewSettings : Settings -> Html Msg
viewSettings settings =
div []
[ Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "visible-title"
, label = "Visible title"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.visibleTitle
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.visibleTitle
, setterMsg = SetVisibleTitle
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -290,7 +281,7 @@ viewSettings state =
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-x"
, label = "Show X button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.showX
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showX
, setterMsg = SetShowX
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -298,7 +289,7 @@ viewSettings state =
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-continue"
, label = "Show main button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.showContinue
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showContinue
, setterMsg = SetShowContinue
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -306,7 +297,7 @@ viewSettings state =
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "show-secondary"
, label = "Show secondary button"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.showSecondary
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.showSecondary
, setterMsg = SetShowSecondary
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -314,7 +305,7 @@ viewSettings state =
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "dismiss-on-click"
, label = "Dismiss on ESC and on backdrop click"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
, setterMsg = SetDismissOnEscAndOverlayClick
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -322,7 +313,7 @@ viewSettings state =
, Checkbox.viewWithLabel
{ identifier = "long-content"
, label = "Display longer content"
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool state.longContent
, selected = Checkbox.selectedFromBool settings.longContent
, setterMsg = SetLongContent
, disabled = False
, theme = Checkbox.Square
@ -332,8 +323,7 @@ viewSettings state =
{-| -}
type Msg
= InfoModalMsg Modal.Msg
| WarningModalMsg Modal.Msg
= ModalMsg Modal.Msg
| ForceClose
| SetVisibleTitle Bool
| SetShowX Bool
@ -347,55 +337,45 @@ type Msg
update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg )
update msg state =
settings =
updateConfig =
{ dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = state.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick }
{ dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = settings.dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick }
case msg of
InfoModalMsg modalMsg ->
case Modal.update updateConfig modalMsg state.infoModal of
ModalMsg modalMsg ->
case Modal.update updateConfig modalMsg state.state of
( newState, cmds ) ->
( { state | infoModal = newState }
, Cmd.map InfoModalMsg cmds
WarningModalMsg modalMsg ->
case Modal.update updateConfig modalMsg state.warningModal of
( newState, cmds ) ->
( { state | warningModal = newState }
, Cmd.map WarningModalMsg cmds
( { state | state = newState }
, Cmd.map ModalMsg cmds
ForceClose ->
( { state
| infoModal = Modal.init
, warningModal = Modal.init
( { state | state = Modal.init }
, Cmd.none
SetVisibleTitle value ->
( { state | visibleTitle = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | visibleTitle = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowX value ->
( { state | showX = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | showX = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowContinue value ->
( { state | showContinue = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | showContinue = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetShowSecondary value ->
( { state | showSecondary = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | showSecondary = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetDismissOnEscAndOverlayClick value ->
( { state | dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick = value } }, Cmd.none )
SetLongContent value ->
( { state | longContent = value }, Cmd.none )
( { state | settings = { settings | longContent = value } }, Cmd.none )
{-| -}
subscriptions : State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ Sub.map InfoModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions model.infoModal)
, Sub.map WarningModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions model.warningModal)
Sub.map ModalMsg (Modal.subscriptions model.state)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user