mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 12:02:19 +03:00
Merge pull request #326 from NoRedInk/tessa/update-modal
Tessa/update modal
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
@ -96,4 +97,4 @@
"test-dependencies": {
"elm-explorations/test": "1.2.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
module Nri.Ui.Modal.V6 exposing
( Model, init
, Msg, update, subscriptions
, open, close
, info, warning, FocusableElementAttrs
, viewContent, viewFooter
, closeButton
{-| Changes from V5:
- Removes button helpers, now that we can use Nri.Ui.Button.V9 directly
These changes have required major API changes. Be sure to wire up subscriptions!
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Button.V9 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V6 as Modal
view : Modal.State -> Html Msg
view state =
{ title = { title = "Modal Header", visibleTitle = True }
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, content =
\{ onlyFocusableElement } ->
div []
[ Modal.viewContent [ text "Content goes here!" ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ Button.primary
, Button.onClick DoSomthing
, Button.custom onlyFocusableElement
, text "`onlyFocusableElement` will trap the focus on the 'Continue' button."
subscriptions : Modal.State -> Sub Msg
subscriptions state =
Modal.subscriptions state
## State and updates
@docs Model, init
@docs Msg, update, subscriptions
@docs open, close
## Views
### Modals
@docs info, warning, FocusableElementAttrs
### View containers
@docs viewContent, viewFooter
## X icon
@docs closeButton
import Accessibility.Modal as Modal
import Accessibility.Style
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Style
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Color
import Css
import Css.Global
import Html as Root
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick)
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.SpriteSheet
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1
{-| -}
type alias Model =
{-| -}
init : Model
init =
{-| -}
type alias Msg =
{-| Include the subscription if you want the modal to dismiss on `Esc`.
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions =
{-| -}
update : { dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick : Bool } -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update config msg model =
Modal.update config msg model
{-| -}
close : Msg
close =
{-| Pass the id of the element that focus should return to when the modal closes.
open : String -> Msg
open =
{-| -}
type alias FocusableElementAttrs msg =
{ onlyFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
, firstFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)
{-| -}
info :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, content : FocusableElementAttrs msg -> Html msg
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
info config model =
view { overlayColor = Colors.navy, titleColor = Colors.navy } config model
{-| -}
warning :
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, content : FocusableElementAttrs msg -> Html msg
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
warning config model =
view { overlayColor = Colors.gray20, titleColor = Colors.red } config model
view :
{ overlayColor : Css.Color, titleColor : Css.Color }
{ visibleTitle : Bool
, title : String
, content : FocusableElementAttrs msg -> Html msg
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
-> Model
-> Html msg
view { overlayColor, titleColor } config model =
{ overlayColor = toOverlayColor overlayColor
, wrapMsg = config.wrapMsg
, modalAttributes = modalStyles
, title = viewTitle titleColor { title = config.title, visibleTitle = config.visibleTitle }
, content =
\{ onlyFocusableElement, firstFocusableElement, lastFocusableElement } ->
{ onlyFocusableElement = List.map Html.Styled.Attributes.fromUnstyled onlyFocusableElement
, firstFocusableElement = List.map Html.Styled.Attributes.fromUnstyled firstFocusableElement
, lastFocusableElement = List.map Html.Styled.Attributes.fromUnstyled lastFocusableElement
|> config.content
|> toUnstyled
|> fromUnstyled
toOverlayColor : Css.Color -> String
toOverlayColor color =
toCssString (Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 color)
modalStyles : List (Root.Attribute Never)
modalStyles =
[ style "width" "600px"
, style "max-height" "calc(100vh - 100px)"
, style "padding" "40px 0 40px 0"
, style "margin" "75px auto"
, style "background-color" (toCssString Colors.white)
, style "border-radius" "20px"
, style "box-shadow" "0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)"
, style "position" "relative" -- required for closeButtonContainer
{-| -}
viewTitle : Css.Color -> { visibleTitle : Bool, title : String } -> ( String, List (Root.Attribute Never) )
viewTitle color { visibleTitle, title } =
( title
, if visibleTitle then
[ style "font-weight" "700"
, style "line-height" "27px"
, style "margin" "0 49px"
, style "font-size" "20px"
, style "text-align" "center"
, style "color" (toCssString color)
toCssString : Css.Color -> String
toCssString =
Color.toCssString << Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.toCoreColor
{-| -}
viewContent : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewContent =
Nri.Ui.styled div
[ Css.overflowY Css.auto
, Css.padding2 (Css.px 30) (Css.px 40)
, Css.width (Css.pct 100)
, Css.minHeight (Css.px 150)
, Css.boxSizing Css.borderBox
{-| -}
viewFooter : List (Html msg) -> Html msg
viewFooter =
Nri.Ui.styled div
[ Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
, Css.flexGrow (Css.int 2)
, Css.flexWrap Css.noWrap
, Css.margin4 (Css.px 20) Css.zero Css.zero Css.zero
, Css.width (Css.pct 100)
{-| -}
closeButton : (Msg -> msg) -> List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs =
Nri.Ui.styled button
[ Css.position Css.absolute
, Css.top Css.zero
, Css.right Css.zero
, Css.padding (Css.px 25)
, Css.borderWidth Css.zero
, Css.width (Css.px 75)
, Css.backgroundColor Css.transparent
, Css.cursor Css.pointer
, Css.color Colors.azure
, Css.hover [ Css.color Colors.azureDark ]
, Css.property "transition" "color 0.1s"
(Widget.label "Close modal"
:: Html.Styled.Attributes.map wrapMsg (onClick Modal.close)
:: focusableElementAttrs
[ Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.toHtml Nri.Ui.SpriteSheet.xSvg
@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ import Css.Global
import Html as Root
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Button.V9 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Checkbox.V5 as Checkbox
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V5 as Modal
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V6 as Modal
{-| -}
@ -45,29 +46,44 @@ init =
{-| -}
example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg
example parentMessage state =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V5"
{ name = "Nri.Ui.Modal.V6"
, category = Modals
, content =
[ Modal.launchButton InfoModalMsg [] "Launch Info Modal"
, Modal.launchButton WarningModalMsg [] "Launch Warning Modal"
[ Button.button "Launch Info Modal"
[ Button.onClick (InfoModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-info-modal"))
, Button.custom
[ Html.Styled.Attributes.id "launch-info-modal"
, css [ Css.marginRight (Css.px 16) ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, Button.button "Launch Warning Modal"
[ Button.onClick (WarningModalMsg (Modal.open "launch-warning-modal"))
, Button.custom [ Html.Styled.Attributes.id "launch-warning-modal" ]
, Button.secondary
, Button.medium
, Modal.info
{ title = { title = "Modal.info", visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle }
{ title = "Modal.info"
, visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle
, wrapMsg = InfoModalMsg
, content =
viewContent state
(Modal.primaryButton ForceClose "Continue")
(Modal.secondaryButton ForceClose "Close")
, Modal.warning
{ title = { title = "Modal.warning", visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle }
{ title = "Modal.warning"
, visibleTitle = state.visibleTitle
, wrapMsg = WarningModalMsg
, content =
viewContent state
(Modal.dangerButton ForceClose "Continue")
(Modal.secondaryButton ForceClose "Close")
@ -78,37 +94,106 @@ example parentMessage state =
viewContent :
-> (Modal.Msg -> Msg)
-> (List (Root.Attribute Msg) -> Html Msg)
-> (List (Root.Attribute Msg) -> Html Msg)
-> Button.Attribute Msg
-> Button.Attribute Msg
-> Modal.FocusableElementAttrs Msg
-> Html Msg
viewContent state wrapMsg primaryButton secondaryButton focusableElementAttrs =
div []
[ if state.showX then
Modal.closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
text ""
, Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, if state.showContinue && state.showSecondary then
[ primaryButton []
, secondaryButton focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
viewContent state wrapMsg firstButtonStyle secondButtonStyle focusableElementAttrs =
case ( state.showX, state.showContinue, state.showSecondary ) of
( True, True, True ) ->
div []
[ Modal.closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
, Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.button "Close"
[ secondButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
else if state.showContinue then
[ primaryButton focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( True, False, True ) ->
div []
[ Modal.closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
, Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Close"
[ secondButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
else if state.showSecondary then
[ secondaryButton focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( True, False, False ) ->
div []
[ Modal.closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
, Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
text ""
( True, True, False ) ->
div []
[ Modal.closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
, Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( False, True, True ) ->
div []
[ Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.firstFocusableElement
, Button.button "Close"
[ secondButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( False, False, True ) ->
div []
[ Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Close"
[ secondButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( False, True, False ) ->
div []
[ Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
, Modal.viewFooter
[ Button.button "Continue"
[ firstButtonStyle
, Button.onClick ForceClose
, Button.custom focusableElementAttrs.lastFocusableElement
( False, False, False ) ->
div []
[ Modal.viewContent [ viewSettings state ]
viewSettings : State -> Html Msg
Reference in New Issue
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