mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 19:21:29 +03:00
Adds more example code
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,13 +46,27 @@ example =
options =
Control.currentValue state.optionsControl
pageOptions =
List.take options.count (buildOptions options state.pageTooltip)
[ ControlView.view
{ update = ChangeOptions
, settings = state.optionsControl
, toExampleCode =
\settings ->
[ { sectionName = "view", code = "TODO" }
[ { sectionName = "view"
, code =
[ "view "
, " { focusAndSelect = FocusAndSelectPage"
, " , options = " ++ ControlView.codeFromList pageOptions
, " , selected = \"" ++ Debug.toString state.page ++ "\""
, " , positioning = " ++ Tuple.first options.positioning
, " , toUrl = Nothing"
, " }"
|> String.join "\n"
, { sectionName = "viewRadioGroup", code = "TODO" }
@ -63,9 +77,9 @@ example =
, SegmentedControl.view
{ focusAndSelect = FocusAndSelectPage
, selected = state.page
, positioning = options.positioning
, positioning = Tuple.second options.positioning
, toUrl = Nothing
, options = List.take options.count (buildOptions options state.pageTooltip)
, options = List.map Tuple.second pageOptions
, Html.h3 [ css [ Css.marginBottom Css.zero ] ]
[ Html.code [] [ Html.text "viewRadioGroup" ] ]
@ -76,7 +90,7 @@ example =
, onSelect = SelectRadio
, options = List.take options.count (buildRadioOptions options state.radioTooltip options.content)
, selected = state.optionallySelected
, positioning = options.positioning
, positioning = Tuple.second options.positioning
, categories = [ Layout, Inputs ]
@ -144,54 +158,77 @@ type Page
| Activity
buildOptions : { options | content : Content, longContent : Bool, tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Page -> List (SegmentedControl.Option Page Msg)
buildOptions : { options | content : Content, longContent : Bool, tooltips : Bool } -> Maybe Page -> List ( String, SegmentedControl.Option Page Msg )
buildOptions { content, longContent, tooltips } openTooltip =
buildOption value icon_ =
( icon, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content icon_ (Html.text (Debug.toString value))
( maybeIcon, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content icon_ (Debug.toString value)
valueStr =
"\"" ++ Debug.toString value ++ "\""
{ icon = icon
, label = label
, value = value
, idString = toLower (Debug.toString value)
, attributes = []
, tabTooltip =
if tooltips then
[ Tooltip.plaintext (Debug.toString value)
, Tooltip.onHover (PageTooltip value)
, Tooltip.open (openTooltip == Just value)
( [ "{ icon = " ++ Debug.toString (Maybe.map Tuple.first maybeIcon)
, ", label = text " ++ valueStr
, ", value = " ++ valueStr
, ", idString = toLower " ++ valueStr
, ", attributes = []"
, ", tabTooltip = "
++ (if tooltips then
("\n\t\t[ Tooltip.plaintext " ++ valueStr)
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.onHover (OpenTooltip " ++ valueStr ++ ")")
++ ("\n\t\t, Tooltip.open (openTooltip == Just " ++ valueStr ++ ")")
++ "\n\t\t]"
, content =
if longContent then
[ css
[ Css.maxHeight (Css.px 100)
, Css.overflowY Css.auto
, ", content = Html.text \"...\""
, "}"
|> String.join "\n\t "
, { icon = Maybe.map Tuple.second maybeIcon
, label = Html.text label
, value = value
, idString = toLower (Debug.toString value)
, attributes = []
, tabTooltip =
if tooltips then
[ Tooltip.plaintext (Debug.toString value)
, Tooltip.onHover (PageTooltip value)
, Tooltip.open (openTooltip == Just value)
, content =
if longContent then
[ css
[ Css.maxHeight (Css.px 100)
, Css.overflowY Css.auto
[ Html.p [] [ Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value ]
, Html.ol [] <|
List.map (\i -> Html.li [] [ Html.text (Debug.toString value) ])
(List.range 1 20)
[ Html.p [] [ Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value ]
, Html.ol [] <|
List.map (\i -> Html.li [] [ Html.text (Debug.toString value) ])
(List.range 1 20)
Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value
Html.text <| "Content for " ++ Debug.toString value
[ buildOption Flag UiIcon.flag
, buildOption Sprout UiIcon.sprout
, buildOption Star UiIcon.star
, buildOption Sapling UiIcon.sapling
, buildOption Attention <| Svg.withColor Colors.greenDark UiIcon.attention
, buildOption Tree UiIcon.tree
, buildOption Premium UiIcon.premiumLock
, buildOption Activity <| Svg.withColor Colors.purple UiIcon.activity
[ buildOption Flag ( "UiIcon.flag", UiIcon.flag )
, buildOption Sprout ( "UiIcon.sprout", UiIcon.sprout )
, buildOption Star ( "UiIcon.star", UiIcon.star )
, buildOption Sapling ( "UiIcon.sapling", UiIcon.sapling )
, buildOption Attention ( "UiIcon.attention", Svg.withColor Colors.greenDark UiIcon.attention )
, buildOption Tree ( "UiIcon.tree", UiIcon.tree )
, buildOption Premium ( "UiIcon.premiumLock", UiIcon.premiumLock )
, buildOption Activity ( "UiIcon.activity", Svg.withColor Colors.purple UiIcon.activity )
@ -204,10 +241,10 @@ buildRadioOptions options currentlyHovered content =
( icon_, label ) =
getIconAndLabel content
(Html.text ("Source " ++ Debug.toString (value + 1)))
("Source " ++ Debug.toString (value + 1))
{ icon = icon_
, label = label
, label = Html.text label
, value = value
, idString = String.fromInt value
, tooltip =
@ -266,7 +303,7 @@ init =
type alias Options =
{ positioning : SegmentedControl.Positioning
{ positioning : ( String, SegmentedControl.Positioning )
, content : Content
, count : Int
, longContent : Bool
@ -279,9 +316,24 @@ optionsControl =
Control.record Options
|> Control.field "positioning"
[ ( "Left (FitContent)", Control.value (SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent) )
, ( "Left (FillContainer)", Control.value (SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer) )
, ( "Center", Control.value SegmentedControl.Center )
[ ( "Left (FitContent)"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent"
, SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FitContent
, ( "Left (FillContainer)"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer"
, SegmentedControl.Left SegmentedControl.FillContainer
, ( "Center"
, Control.value
( "SegmentedControl.Center"
, SegmentedControl.Center
|> Control.field "content" controlContent
@ -308,14 +360,14 @@ controlContent =
getIconAndLabel : Content -> svg -> Html msg -> ( Maybe svg, Html msg )
getIconAndLabel : Content -> icon -> String -> ( Maybe icon, String )
getIconAndLabel content icon_ value =
case content of
TextAndIcon ->
( Just icon_, value )
Icon ->
( Just icon_, Html.text "" )
( Just icon_, "" )
Text ->
( Nothing, value )
Reference in New Issue
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