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synced 2024-12-21 04:31:30 +03:00
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@ -29,10 +29,9 @@ import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria exposing (controls)
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Extra exposing (Snippet, classSelector, classSelectors)
import Css.Global exposing (descendants)
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (class, classList, css)
import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick, onMouseDown)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1
@ -129,35 +128,33 @@ view config =
menuId =
config.id ++ "-menu"
[ class [ Container ]
, Attr.id config.id
div (Attributes.id config.id :: styleContainer)
[ if config.isOpen then
[ class [ Overlay ]
, Attr.class "Nri-Menu-Overlay"
, onClick (config.onToggle False)
(onClick (config.onToggle False)
:: class "Nri-Menu-Overlay"
:: styleOverlay
Html.text ""
, div [ class [ InnerContainer ] ]
, div styleInnerContainer
[ Html.button
[ classList [ ( ToggleButton, True ), ( WithBorder, config.hasBorder ) ]
, onClick <| config.onToggle (not config.isOpen)
, Attr.disabled config.isDisabled
[ --classList [ ( ToggleButton, True ), ( WithBorder, config.hasBorder ) ]
onClick <| config.onToggle (not config.isOpen)
, Attributes.disabled config.isDisabled
, Widget.disabled config.isDisabled
, Widget.hasMenuPopUp
, Widget.expanded config.isOpen
, controls menuId
, Attr.id buttonId
, Attributes.id buttonId
, config.buttonWidth
|> Maybe.map (\w -> Attr.style "width" (String.fromInt w ++ "px"))
|> Maybe.map (\w -> Attributes.style "width" (String.fromInt w ++ "px"))
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
[ div [ class [ ButtonInner ] ]
[ div styleButtonInner
[ viewTitle { icon = config.icon, wrapping = config.wrapping, title = config.title, dataDescription = config.id }
, viewArrow { isOpen = config.isOpen }
@ -178,8 +175,8 @@ view config =
viewArrow : { isOpen : Bool } -> Html msg
viewArrow { isOpen } =
[ Attr.classList [ ( "Arrow", True ), ( "Open", isOpen ) ]
, Attr.css
[ classList [ ( "Arrow", True ), ( "Open", isOpen ) ]
, css
[ width (px 12)
, height (px 7)
, marginLeft (px 5)
@ -209,25 +206,21 @@ type alias TitleConfig =
viewTitle : TitleConfig -> Html msg
viewTitle config =
div [ class [ Title ] ]
[ viewJust
(\icon ->
span [ class [ IconContainer ] ]
[ Svg.toHtml icon ]
div styleTitle
[ viewJust (\icon -> span styleIconContainer [ Svg.toHtml icon ])
, span
[ classList
[ ( Truncated
, case config.wrapping of
WrapAndExpandTitle ->
TruncateTitle ->
, Attr.attribute "data-nri-description" config.dataDescription
[ --classList
-- [ ( Truncated
-- , case config.wrapping of
-- WrapAndExpandTitle ->
-- False
-- TruncateTitle ->
-- True
-- )
-- ]
Attributes.attribute "data-nri-description" config.dataDescription
[ Html.text config.title ]
@ -247,18 +240,19 @@ type alias DropdownConfig msg =
viewDropdown : DropdownConfig msg -> Html msg
viewDropdown config =
[ classList
[ ( Content, True )
, ( Align config.alignment, True )
, ( ContentVisible, config.isOpen && not config.isDisabled )
, Role.menu
[ --classList
-- [ ( Content, True )
-- , ( Align config.alignment, True )
-- , ( ContentVisible, config.isOpen && not config.isDisabled )
-- ]
, Aria.labelledBy config.buttonId
, Attr.id config.menuId
, Attributes.id config.menuId
, Widget.hidden (not config.isOpen)
, config.menuWidth
|> Maybe.map (\w -> Attr.style "width" (String.fromInt w ++ "px"))
|> Maybe.withDefault Html.Styled.Attributes.Extra.none
|> Maybe.map (\w -> Attributes.style "width" (String.fromInt w ++ "px"))
|> Maybe.withDefault AttributesExtra.none
(List.map viewEntry config.entries)
@ -267,11 +261,7 @@ viewEntry : Entry msg -> Html msg
viewEntry entry_ =
case entry_ of
Single child ->
[ class [ MenuEntryContainer ]
, Role.menuItem
[ child ]
div (Role.menuItem :: styleMenuEntryContainer) [ child ]
Batch title childList ->
case childList of
@ -279,11 +269,9 @@ viewEntry entry_ =
Html.text ""
_ ->
fieldset [ class [ GroupContainer ] ] <|
legend [ class [ GroupTitle ] ]
[ span [ class [ GroupTitleText ] ]
[ Html.text title ]
fieldset styleGroupContainer <|
legend styleGroupTitle
[ span styleGroupTitleText [ Html.text title ] ]
:: List.map viewEntry childList
None ->
@ -312,7 +300,7 @@ iconButton config =
-- Uses onMouseDown instead of onClick to prevent a race condition with the tooltip that can make the menu un-openable for mysterious causes
[ onMouseDown config.onClick ]
div [ class [ IconButtonContainer ] ]
div styleIconButtonContainer
[ tooltip [ text config.label ]
|> Tooltip.primaryLabel
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnHover
@ -320,19 +308,17 @@ iconButton config =
, isOpen = config.isTooltipOpen
, triggerHtml =
([ class [ IconButton ]
, Attr.id config.id
([ Attributes.id config.id
, Widget.disabled config.isDisabled
, Attr.disabled config.isDisabled
, Attributes.disabled config.isDisabled
, Widget.label config.label
++ styleIconButton
++ perhapsOnclick
[ Svg.toHtml config.icon
, extraButtonAttrs = []
, onTrigger = config.onShowTooltip
, isOpen = config.isTooltipOpen
, id = config.id ++ "-tooltip"
@ -375,21 +361,18 @@ iconButtonWithMenu config =
menuId =
config.id ++ "-menu"
[ class [ Container ]
, Attr.id config.id
div (Attributes.id config.id :: styleContainer)
[ if config.isOpen then
[ class [ Overlay ]
, Attr.class "Nri-Menu-Overlay"
, onClick (config.onToggle False)
(onClick (config.onToggle False)
:: Attributes.class "Nri-Menu-Overlay"
:: styleOverlay
Html.text ""
, div [ class [ InnerContainer ] ]
, div styleInnerContainer
[ iconButton
{ icon = config.icon
, isDisabled = config.isDisabled
@ -430,9 +413,9 @@ iconLink config =
[ Attr.href config.linkUrl ]
[ Attributes.href config.linkUrl ]
div [ class [ IconButtonContainer ] ]
div styleIconButtonContainer
[ tooltip [ text config.label ]
|> Tooltip.primaryLabel
{ trigger = Tooltip.OnHover
@ -440,12 +423,13 @@ iconLink config =
, isOpen = config.isTooltipOpen
, triggerHtml =
([ classList
[ ( IconLink, True )
, ( Disabled, config.isDisabled ) -- `a` tags don't allow the `disabled` attribute so we have to use a class to apply disabled styles
, Widget.disabled config.isDisabled
, Attr.id (String.Extra.dashify config.label)
([ -- classList
-- [ ( IconLink, True )
-- , ( Disabled, config.isDisabled ) -- `a` tags don't allow the `disabled` attribute so we have to use a class to apply disabled styles
-- ]
Widget.disabled config.isDisabled
, Attributes.id (String.Extra.dasherize config.label)
, Widget.label config.label
++ perhapsHref
@ -453,8 +437,6 @@ iconLink config =
[ Svg.toHtml config.icon
, extraButtonAttrs = []
, onTrigger = config.onShowTooltip
, isOpen = config.isTooltipOpen
, id = String.replace " " "-" config.label ++ "-tooltip"
@ -472,36 +454,20 @@ tooltip =
>> Tooltip.withPadding Tooltip.SmallPadding
type CssClass
= ToggleButton
| ButtonInner
| IconContainer
| Content
| Container
| WithBorder
| Align Alignment
| Title
| Truncated
| ContentVisible
| MenuEntryContainer
| GroupContainer
| GroupTitle
| GroupTitleText
| Overlay
| InnerContainer
| IconButtonContainer
| IconButton
| IconLink
| Disabled
{-| -}
snippets : List (Snippet CssClass)
snippets =
[ classSelector InnerContainer
styleInnerContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleInnerContainer =
[ class "InnerContainer"
, css
[ position relative
, classSelector Overlay
styleOverlay : List (Attribute msg)
styleOverlay =
[ class "Overlay"
, css
[ position fixed
, width (pct 100)
, height (pct 100)
@ -509,7 +475,13 @@ snippets =
, top zero
, zIndex (int 1)
, classSelector MenuEntryContainer
styleMenuEntryContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleMenuEntryContainer =
[ class "MenuEntryContainer"
, css
[ padding2 (px 5) zero
, position relative
, firstChild
@ -517,18 +489,36 @@ snippets =
, lastChild
[ paddingBottom zero ]
, classSelector Title
styleTitle : List (Attribute msg)
styleTitle =
[ class "Title"
, css
[ width (pct 100)
, overflow hidden
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, classSelector Truncated
styleTruncated : List (Attribute msg)
styleTruncated =
[ class "Truncated"
, css
[ whiteSpace noWrap
, overflow hidden
, textOverflow ellipsis
, classSelector GroupTitle
styleGroupTitle : List (Attribute msg)
styleGroupTitle =
[ class "GroupTitle"
, css
[ Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1.baseFont
, fontSize (px 12)
, color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.gray45
@ -548,21 +538,39 @@ snippets =
, position absolute
, classSelector GroupTitleText
styleGroupTitleText : List (Attribute msg)
styleGroupTitleText =
[ class "GroupTitleText"
, css
[ backgroundColor Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.white
, marginLeft (px 22)
, padding2 zero (px 5)
, zIndex (int 2)
, position relative
, classSelector GroupContainer
styleGroupContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleGroupContainer =
[ class "GroupContainer"
, css
[ margin zero
, padding zero
, paddingBottom (px 15)
, lastChild
[ paddingBottom zero ]
, classSelector ToggleButton
styleToggleButton : List (Attribute msg)
styleToggleButton =
[ class "ToggleButton"
, css
[ Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1.baseFont
, fontSize (px 15)
, color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
@ -578,25 +586,46 @@ snippets =
, cursor notAllowed
, classSelectors [ ToggleButton, WithBorder ]
[ border3 (px 1) solid Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.gray75
, borderBottom3 (px 3) solid Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.gray75
, borderRadius (px 8)
, padding2 (px 10) (px 15)
, classSelector ButtonInner
--, classSelectors [ ToggleButton, WithBorder ]
-- [ border3 (px 1) solid Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.gray75
-- , borderBottom3 (px 3) solid Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.gray75
-- , borderRadius (px 8)
-- , padding2 (px 10) (px 15)
-- ]
styleButtonInner : List (Attribute msg)
styleButtonInner =
[ class "ButtonInner"
, css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.justifyContent Css.spaceBetween
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, classSelector IconContainer
styleIconContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleIconContainer =
[ class "IconContainer"
, css
[ width (px 21)
, height (px 21)
, marginRight (px 5)
, display inlineBlock
, Css.flexShrink (Css.num 0)
, classSelector Content
styleContent : List (Attribute msg)
styleContent =
[ class "Content"
, css
[ padding (px 25)
, border3 (px 1) solid Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
, minWidth (px 202)
@ -624,27 +653,48 @@ snippets =
, borderBottomColor Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.white
, classSelectors [ Content, Align Left ]
[ left zero
, before [ left (px 19) ]
, after [ left (px 20) ]
, classSelectors [ Content, Align Right ]
[ right zero
, before [ right (px 19) ]
, after [ right (px 20) ]
, classSelectors [ Content, ContentVisible ]
[ display block ]
, classSelector Container
--, classSelectors [ Content, Align Left ]
-- [ left zero
-- , before [ left (px 19) ]
-- , after [ left (px 20) ]
-- ]
--, classSelectors [ Content, Align Right ]
-- [ right zero
-- , before [ right (px 19) ]
-- , after [ right (px 20) ]
-- ]
--, classSelectors [ Content, ContentVisible ]
-- [ display block ]
styleContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleContainer =
[ class "Container"
, css
[ position relative
, display inlineBlock
, classSelector IconButtonContainer
styleIconButtonContainer : List (Attribute msg)
styleIconButtonContainer =
[ class "IconButtonContainer"
, css
[ display inlineBlock
, position relative
, classSelector IconButton
styleIconButton : List (Attribute msg)
styleIconButton =
[ class "IconButton"
, css
[ border zero
, backgroundColor transparent
, color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
@ -659,7 +709,13 @@ snippets =
, cursor notAllowed
, classSelector IconLink
styleIconLink : List (Attribute msg)
styleIconLink =
[ class "IconLink"
, css
[ border zero
, backgroundColor transparent
, color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
@ -675,20 +731,11 @@ snippets =
[ color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
, classSelectors [ IconLink, Disabled ]
[ opacity (num 0.4)
, cursor notAllowed
{-| -}
class : List CssClass -> Html.Attribute msg
class =
Css.Extra.class snippets
{-| -}
classList : List ( CssClass, Bool ) -> Html.Attribute msg
classList =
Css.Extra.classList snippets
--, classSelectors [ IconLink, Disabled ]
-- [ opacity (num 0.4)
-- , cursor notAllowed
-- ]
Reference in New Issue
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