Copy over v8 to v9

This commit is contained in:
Katie Hughes 2020-05-22 11:18:41 -07:00
parent 9c8e4e15a4
commit b5fc602a49

View File

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
module Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V9 exposing (Config, Option, Width(..), view, viewSpa, ToggleConfig, viewToggle, viewOptionalSelectToggle)
@docs Config, Option, Width, view, viewSpa, ToggleConfig, viewToggle, viewOptionalSelectToggle
Changes from V7:
- remove dependence on Nri.Ui.Icon.V5
- fix icons overlowing the segmented control
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css exposing (..)
import EventExtras
import Html.Styled
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr exposing (css, href)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra exposing (withAlpha)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.Util exposing (dashify)
- `onClick` : the message to produce when an option is selected (clicked) by the user
- `options`: the list of options available
- `selected`: the value of the currently-selected option
- `width`: how to size the segmented control
- `content`: the panel content for the selected option
type alias Config a msg =
{ onClick : a -> msg
, options : List (Option a)
, selected : a
, width : Width
, content : Html msg
{-| Same shape as Config but without the content
type alias ToggleConfig a msg =
{ onClick : a -> msg
, options : List (Option a)
, selected : a
, width : Width
{-| Same shape as ToggleConfig but with an optional selected. This would ideally
be the same as ToggleConfig but we as Zambonis don't have time in the ticket to
also upgrade all existing uses of viewToggle. Katie is mentally noting this as a
good hackday clean up but if you find it and fix it first, that's great too!
type alias ToggleConfigWithOptionalSelection a msg =
{ onClick : a -> msg
, options : List (Option a)
, selected : Maybe a
, width : Width
{-| -}
type alias Option a =
{ value : a
, icon : Maybe Svg
, label : String
{-| -}
type Width
= FitContent
| FillContainer
{-| -}
view : Config a msg -> Html msg
view config =
viewHelper Nothing config
{-| Creates a segmented control that supports SPA navigation.
You should always use this instead of `view` when building a SPA
and the segmented control options correspond to routes in the SPA.
The first parameter is a function that takes a `route` and returns the URL of that route.
viewSpa : (route -> String) -> Config route msg -> Html msg
viewSpa toUrl config =
viewHelper (Just toUrl) config
{-| Creates _just the toggle_ when need the ui element itself and not a page control
viewToggle : ToggleConfig a msg -> Html msg
viewToggle config =
[ css
[ displayFlex
, cursor pointer
{ onClick = config.onClick
, selected = Just config.selected
, width = config.width
, selectedAttribute = Widget.selected True
, maybeToUrl = Nothing
{-| Creates _just the toggle_ when need the ui element itself and not a page
control. Since this element is used for a selection and not for page navigation,
it seems reasonable to handle nothing being selected. Additionally, this feels
like under the hood it should be radio buttons or something that denotes
selection instead of buttons. Again, Katie is mentally noting this clean up for
hackday but if your heart sees fit, update if you'd like!
viewOptionalSelectToggle : ToggleConfigWithOptionalSelection a msg -> Html msg
viewOptionalSelectToggle config =
[ css
[ displayFlex
, cursor pointer
{ onClick = config.onClick
, selected = config.selected
, width = config.width
, selectedAttribute = Widget.selected True
, maybeToUrl = Nothing
viewHelper : Maybe (a -> String) -> Config a msg -> Html msg
viewHelper maybeToUrl config =
selected =
|> List.filter (\o -> o.value == config.selected)
|> List.head
div []
[ tabList
[ css
[ displayFlex
, cursor pointer
{ onClick = config.onClick
, selected = Just config.selected
, width = config.width
, selectedAttribute = Aria.currentPage
, maybeToUrl = maybeToUrl
, tabPanel
(List.filterMap identity
[ (Aria.labelledBy << tabIdFor) selected
, Just <| css [ paddingTop (px 10) ]
[ config.content
tabIdFor : Option a -> String
tabIdFor option =
"Nri-Ui-SegmentedControl-Tab-" ++ dashify option.label
panelIdFor : Option a -> String
panelIdFor option =
"Nri-Ui-SegmentedControl-Panel-" ++ dashify option.label
viewTab :
{ onClick : a -> msg
, selected : Maybe a
, width : Width
, selectedAttribute : Attribute msg
, maybeToUrl : Maybe (a -> String)
-> Option a
-> Html msg
viewTab config option =
idValue =
tabIdFor option
element attrs children =
case config.maybeToUrl of
Nothing ->
-- This is for a non-SPA view
(Events.onClick (config.onClick option.value)
:: attrs
Just toUrl ->
-- This is a for a SPA view
(href (toUrl option.value)
:: EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref
(config.onClick option.value)
:: attrs
[ [ idValue
, css sharedTabStyles
, if Just option.value == config.selected then
[ css focusedTabStyles
, config.selectedAttribute
[ css unFocusedTabStyles ]
, case config.width of
FitContent ->
FillContainer ->
[ css expandingTabStyles ]
[ case option.icon of
Nothing ->
text ""
Just svg ->
[ css
[ maxWidth (px 18)
, width (px 18)
, maxHeight (px 18)
, height (px 18)
, display inlineBlock
, verticalAlign textTop
, lineHeight (px 15)
, marginRight (px 8)
[ Svg.toHtml svg ]
, text option.label
sharedTabStyles : List Style
sharedTabStyles =
[ padding2 (px 6) (px 20)
, height (px 45)
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 15)
, fontWeight bold
, lineHeight (px 30)
, margin zero
, firstOfType
[ borderTopLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderLeft3 (px 1) solid
, lastOfType
[ borderTopRightRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomRightRadius (px 8)
, border3 (px 1) solid
, borderLeft (px 0)
, boxSizing borderBox
, cursor pointer
, property "transition" "background-color 0.2s, color 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s, border 0.2s, border-width 0s"
, textDecoration none
, hover
[ textDecoration none
, focus
[ textDecoration none
focusedTabStyles : List Style
focusedTabStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.glacier
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px 3) zero (withAlpha 0.2 Colors.gray20)
, color
unFocusedTabStyles : List Style
unFocusedTabStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.white
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px -2) zero
, color
, hover
[ backgroundColor Colors.frost
expandingTabStyles : List Style
expandingTabStyles =
[ flexGrow (int 1)
, textAlign center