mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 19:09:01 +03:00
Replace dependence on Modal copy
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,61 +35,115 @@ module Nri.Ui.Modal.V9 exposing
import Accessibility.Modal.Copy as Modal
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Styled.Key as Key
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Browser
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Browser.Events
import Color.Transparent as Transparent
import Css
import Css exposing (..)
import Css.Transitions
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Html.Styled as Root
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css, id)
import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.SpriteSheet
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1
import Task
{-| -}
type alias Model =
type Model
= Opened String
| Closed
{-| -}
init : Model
init =
type By
= EscapeKey
| OverlayClick
| Other
{-| -}
type alias Msg =
type Msg
= OpenModal String
| CloseModal By
| Focus String
| Focused (Result Dom.Error ())
{-| Include the subscription if you want the modal to dismiss on `Esc`.
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions =
subscriptions model =
case model of
Opened _ ->
Browser.Events.onKeyDown (Key.escape (CloseModal EscapeKey))
Closed ->
{-| -}
update : { dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick : Bool } -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update config msg model =
Modal.update config msg model
update { dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick } msg model =
case msg of
OpenModal returnFocusTo ->
( Opened returnFocusTo
, Dom.focus autofocusId
|> Task.onError (\_ -> Dom.focus firstId)
|> Task.attempt Focused
CloseModal by ->
closeModal returnFocusTo =
( Closed, Task.attempt Focused (Dom.focus returnFocusTo) )
case ( model, by, dismissOnEscAndOverlayClick ) of
( Opened returnFocusTo, _, True ) ->
closeModal returnFocusTo
( Opened returnFocusTo, Other, False ) ->
closeModal returnFocusTo
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Focus id ->
( model, Task.attempt Focused (Dom.focus id) )
Focused _ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
type Autofocus
= Default
| Last
{-| Pass the id of the element that should receive focus when the modal closes.
open : String -> Msg
open =
{-| -}
close : Msg
close =
{-| Pass the id of the element that focus should return to when the modal closes.
open : String -> Msg
open =
CloseModal Other
{-| -}
@ -155,7 +209,7 @@ themeToTitleColor theme =
{-| -}
type Focusable msg
= Focusable (Modal.Attribute msg) (List (Modal.Attribute msg))
= Focusable (Attribute msg) (List (Attribute msg))
{-| -}
@ -168,13 +222,124 @@ multipleFocusableElementView :
-> Focusable msg
multipleFocusableElementView f =
Focusable (Modal.multipleFocusableElementView (\attributes -> f attributes)) []
Focusable (multipleFocusableElementView_ (\attributes -> f attributes)) []
{-| -}
onlyFocusableElementView : (List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg) -> Focusable msg
onlyFocusableElementView f =
Focusable (Modal.onlyFocusableElementView (\attributes -> f attributes)) [ Modal.autofocusOnLastElement ]
Focusable (onlyFocusableElementView_ (\attributes -> f attributes)) [ autofocusOnLastElement ]
type alias Config msg =
{ overlayColor : Color
, wrapMsg : Msg -> msg
, modalStyle : Style
, titleString : String
, titleStyles : List Style
, autofocusOn : Autofocus
, content :
{ onlyFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, firstFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, autofocusOn : Html.Attribute msg
-> Html msg
defaults : (Msg -> msg) -> String -> Config msg
defaults wrapMsg t =
{ overlayColor = rgba 128 0 70 0.7
, wrapMsg = wrapMsg
, modalStyle =
[ backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255)
, borderRadius (px 8)
, border3 (px 2) solid (rgb 127 0 127)
, margin2 (px 80) auto
, padding (px 20)
, maxWidth (px 600)
, minHeight (vh 40)
, titleString = t
, titleStyles = []
, autofocusOn = Default
, content = \_ -> text ""
{-| -}
type Attribute msg
= Attribute (Config msg -> Config msg)
{-| -}
overlayColor : Color -> Attribute msg
overlayColor color =
Attribute (\config -> { config | overlayColor = color })
{-| -}
title : String -> Attribute msg
title t =
Attribute (\config -> { config | titleString = t })
{-| -}
titleStyles : List Style -> Attribute msg
titleStyles styles =
Attribute (\config -> { config | titleStyles = styles })
{-| -}
custom : List Style -> Attribute msg
custom styles =
Attribute (\config -> { config | modalStyle = batch styles })
{-| -}
autofocusOnLastElement : Attribute msg
autofocusOnLastElement =
Attribute (\config -> { config | autofocusOn = Last })
{-| -}
onlyFocusableElementView_ : (List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg) -> Attribute msg
onlyFocusableElementView_ v =
Attribute (\config -> { config | content = \{ onlyFocusableElement } -> v onlyFocusableElement })
{-| -}
multipleFocusableElementView_ :
({ firstFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, lastFocusableElement : List (Html.Attribute msg)
, autofocusElement : Html.Attribute msg
-> Html msg
-> Attribute msg
multipleFocusableElementView_ v =
(\config ->
{ config
| content =
\{ firstFocusableElement, lastFocusableElement, autofocusOn } ->
{ firstFocusableElement = firstFocusableElement
, lastFocusableElement = lastFocusableElement
, autofocusElement = autofocusOn
view :
@ -204,11 +369,11 @@ view theme config getFocusable model =
Focusable fst rst ->
fst :: rst
([ Modal.overlayColor (Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 (themeToOverlayColor theme))
, Modal.custom
([ overlayColor (Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra.withAlpha 0.9 (themeToOverlayColor theme))
, custom
[ Css.width (Css.px 600)
, Css.margin2 (Css.px 50) Css.auto
, Css.borderRadius (Css.px 20)
@ -219,7 +384,7 @@ view theme config getFocusable model =
, Css.maxHeight (Css.calc (Css.pct 100) Css.minus (Css.px 100))
, if config.visibleTitle then
[ Fonts.baseFont
, Css.fontWeight (Css.int 700)
, Css.paddingTop (Css.px 40)
@ -231,7 +396,7 @@ view theme config getFocusable model =
[ -- https://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/hiding-content-for-accessibility
Css.property "clip" "rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)"
, Css.position Css.absolute
@ -250,6 +415,121 @@ view theme config getFocusable model =
|> div [ css [ Css.position Css.relative, Css.zIndex (Css.int 1) ] ]
view_ :
(Msg -> msg)
-> String
-> List (Attribute msg)
-> Model
-> Html msg
view_ wrapMsg ti attributes model =
config =
List.foldl (\(Attribute f) acc -> f acc) (defaults wrapMsg ti) attributes
case model of
Opened _ ->
[ css
[ position fixed
, top zero
, left zero
, width (pct 100)
, height (pct 100)
, displayFlex
, alignItems center
[ viewBackdrop config
, div
[ css [ position relative, config.modalStyle ] ]
[ viewModal config ]
, Root.node "style" [] [ Root.text "body {overflow: hidden;} " ]
Closed ->
text ""
viewBackdrop :
{ a | wrapMsg : Msg -> msg, overlayColor : Color }
-> Html msg
viewBackdrop config =
-- We use Root html here in order to allow clicking to exit out of
-- the overlay. This behavior is available to non-mouse users as
-- well via the ESC key, so imo it's fine to have this div
-- be clickable but not focusable.
[ css
[ position absolute
, width (pct 100)
, height (pct 100)
, backgroundColor config.overlayColor
, onClick (config.wrapMsg (CloseModal OverlayClick))
viewModal : Config msg -> Html msg
viewModal config =
[ Role.dialog
, Aria.labeledBy modalTitleId
[ h1 [ id modalTitleId, css config.titleStyles ] [ text config.titleString ]
, config.content
(case config.autofocusOn of
Last ->
{ onlyFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown
[ Key.tabBack (Focus firstId)
, Key.tab (Focus firstId)
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, firstFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tabBack (Focus autofocusId) ]
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, lastFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tab (Focus firstId) ]
, id autofocusId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, autofocusOn =
id autofocusId
|> Attributes.map config.wrapMsg
_ ->
{ onlyFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown
[ Key.tabBack (Focus firstId)
, Key.tab (Focus firstId)
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, firstFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tabBack (Focus lastId) ]
, id firstId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, lastFocusableElement =
[ Key.onKeyDown [ Key.tab (Focus firstId) ]
, id lastId
|> List.map (Attributes.map config.wrapMsg)
, autofocusOn =
id autofocusId
|> Attributes.map config.wrapMsg
{-| -}
viewContent : Bool -> { content : List (Html msg), footer : List (Html msg) } -> Html msg
viewContent visibleTitle { content, footer } =
@ -390,7 +670,7 @@ closeButton : (Msg -> msg) -> List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html msg
closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs =
(Widget.label "Close modal"
:: Attributes.map wrapMsg (onClick Modal.close)
:: Attributes.map wrapMsg (onClick close)
:: css
[ -- in the upper-right corner of the modal
Css.position Css.absolute
@ -414,3 +694,27 @@ closeButton wrapMsg focusableElementAttrs =
[ Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.toHtml Nri.Ui.SpriteSheet.xSvg
-- IDS
modalTitleId : String
modalTitleId =
firstId : String
firstId =
lastId : String
lastId =
autofocusId : String
autofocusId =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user