💀 remove Block.V4

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2024-02-09 10:18:38 -07:00
parent 3c06c0fd62
commit cce13b046f
6 changed files with 12 additions and 640 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Nri.Ui.Accordion.V3,upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.Block.V4,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Block.V5,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Carousel.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3,upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.WhenFocusLeaves.V1,upgrade to V2
Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V4,upgrade to V5
Nri.Ui.Mark.V2,upgrade to V5
Nri.Ui.Mark.V3,upgrade to V5
Nri.Ui.Mark.V4,upgrade to V5
Nri.Ui.Mark.V2,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Mark.V3,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Mark.V4,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Mark.V5,upgrade to V6
Nri.Ui.Message.V3,upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.Modal.V11,upgrade to V12
Nri.Ui.Pennant.V2,upgrade to V3
@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ Nri.Ui.SideNav.V4,upgrade to V5
Nri.Ui.Switch.V2,upgrade to V3
Nri.Ui.Table.V6,upgrade to V7
Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6,upgrade to V8
Nri.Ui.TextInput.V7,upgrade to V8

1 Nri.Ui.Accordion.V3 upgrade to V4
Nri.Ui.Block.V4 upgrade to V6
2 Nri.Ui.Block.V5 upgrade to V6
3 Nri.Ui.Carousel.V1 upgrade to V2
4 Nri.Ui.ClickableText.V3 upgrade to V4
5 Nri.Ui.WhenFocusLeaves.V1 upgrade to V2
6 Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V4 upgrade to V5
7 Nri.Ui.Mark.V2 upgrade to V5 upgrade to V6
8 Nri.Ui.Mark.V3 upgrade to V5 upgrade to V6
9 Nri.Ui.Mark.V4 upgrade to V5 upgrade to V6
10 Nri.Ui.Mark.V5 upgrade to V6
11 Nri.Ui.Message.V3 upgrade to V4
12 Nri.Ui.Modal.V11 upgrade to V12
13 Nri.Ui.Pennant.V2 upgrade to V3
15 Nri.Ui.Switch.V2 upgrade to V3
16 Nri.Ui.Table.V6 upgrade to V7
17 Nri.Ui.Tabs.V6 upgrade to V8
18 Nri.Ui.TextInput.V7 upgrade to V8

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@

View File

@ -146,16 +146,19 @@ hint = 'upgrade to V2'
usages = ['component-catalog/../src/Nri/Ui/Block/V1.elm']
hint = 'upgrade to V5'
hint = 'upgrade to V6'
usages = ['component-catalog/../src/Nri/Ui/Block/V4.elm']
hint = 'upgrade to V5'
hint = 'upgrade to V6'
hint = 'upgrade to V5'
hint = 'upgrade to V6'
usages = ['component-catalog/../src/Nri/Ui/Block/V5.elm']
hint = 'upgrade to V6'
hint = 'upgrade to V3'

View File

@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
module Nri.Ui.Block.V4 exposing
( view, Attribute
, plaintext
, Content, content
, phrase, wordWithId, space, blank, blankWithId, bold, italic
, emphasize
, label, id
, labelId, labelContentId
, LabelPosition, getLabelPositions, labelPosition
, yellow, cyan, magenta, green, blue, purple, brown
@docs view, Attribute
## Content
@docs plaintext
@docs Content, content
@docs phrase, wordWithId, space, blank, blankWithId, bold, italic
## Content customization
@docs emphasize
## Labels & positioning
@docs label, id
You will need these helpers if you want to prevent label overlaps. (Which is to say -- anytime you have labels!)
@docs labelId, labelContentId
@docs LabelPosition, getLabelPositions, labelPosition
### Visual customization
@docs yellow, cyan, magenta, green, blue, purple, brown
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Css exposing (Color)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import List.Extra
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra exposing (nriDescription)
import Nri.Ui.Mark.V2 as Mark exposing (Mark)
import Nri.Ui.MediaQuery.V1 as MediaQuery
import Position exposing (xOffsetPx)
{-| Create a block element.
Note that it is important that a series of Block elements be wrapped in a container with "whitespace; pre" set.
This will ensure that line breaks only happen at whitespace, and not directly before an emphasis block in
situations where it would look strange (like if the block started with a comma).
[ css [ Css.whitespace Css.pre ] ]
[ Block.view [ Block.plaintext "Hello, world!" ] ]
view : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
view attributes =
|> List.foldl (\(Attribute attribute) b -> attribute b) defaultConfig
|> render
-- Attributes
{-| Provide the main content of the block as a plain-text string. You can also use `content` for more complex cases, including a blank appearing within an emphasis.
plaintext : String -> Attribute msg
plaintext content_ =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | content = parseString content_ }
{-| Use `content` for more complex block views, for instance when a blank appears within an emphasis block. Prefer to use `plaintext` when possible for better readability.
[ Block.emphasize
, Block.content (Block.phrase "Hello, " ++ Block.blank :: Block.phrase "!" ) ]
content : List (Content msg) -> Attribute msg
content content_ =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | content = content_ }
{-| Mark content as emphasized.
emphasize : Attribute msg
emphasize =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | emphasize = True }
{-| -}
label : String -> Attribute msg
label label_ =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | label = Just label_, emphasize = True }
{-| Use `getLabelPositions` to construct this value.
type alias LabelPosition =
{ totalHeight : Float
, arrowHeight : Float
, zIndex : Int
, xOffset : Float
{-| Use `getLabelPositions` to calculate what these values should be.
labelPosition : Maybe LabelPosition -> Attribute msg
labelPosition offset =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | labelPosition = offset }
{-| -}
labelContentId : String -> String
labelContentId labelId_ =
labelId_ ++ "-label-content"
{-| Determine where to position labels in order to dynamically avoid overlapping content.
- First, we add ids to block with labels with `Block.labelId`.
- Say we added `Block.labelId "example-id"`, then we will use `Browser.Dom.getElement "example-id"` and `Browser.Dom.getElement (Block.labelContentId "example-id")` to construct a record in the shape { label : Dom.Element, labelContent : Dom.Element }. We store this record in a dictionary keyed by ids (e.g., "example-id") with measurements for all other labels.
`getLabelPositions` will return a dictionary of values (keyed by label ids) whose values can be passed directly to `labelPosition` for positioning.
getLabelPositions :
Dict String { label : Dom.Element, labelContent : Dom.Element }
-> Dict String LabelPosition
getLabelPositions labelMeasurementsById =
startingArrowHeight =
Dict.toList labelMeasurementsById
|> splitByOverlaps
|> List.concatMap
(\row ->
maxRowIndex =
List.length row - 1
-- Put the widest elements higher visually to avoid overlaps
|> List.sortBy (Tuple.second >> .labelContent >> .element >> .width)
|> List.foldl
(\( idString, e ) ( index, height, acc ) ->
( index + 1
, height + e.labelContent.element.height + 4
, ( idString
, { totalHeight = height + e.labelContent.element.height
, arrowHeight = height
, zIndex = maxRowIndex - index
, xOffset = xOffsetPx e.label
:: acc
( 0, startingArrowHeight, [] )
|> (\( _, _, v ) -> v)
|> Dict.fromList
{-| Group the elements whose bottom edges are at the same height. This ensures that we only offset labels against other labels in the same visual line of content.
Then, for elements in the same row, group elements with horizontal overlaps .
splitByOverlaps : List ( id, { a | label : Dom.Element } ) -> List (List ( id, { a | label : Dom.Element } ))
splitByOverlaps =
-- consider the elements from top to bottom
groupWithSort (\( _, a ) -> a.label.element.y + a.label.element.height)
(\( _, a ) ( _, b ) ->
( a.label.element.y, a.label.element.y + a.label.element.height )
( b.label.element.y, b.label.element.y + b.label.element.height )
>> List.concatMap
-- consider the elements from left to right
(groupWithSort (\( _, a ) -> a.label.element.x)
(\( _, a ) ( _, b ) ->
(a.label.element.x + xOffsetPx a.label + a.label.element.width) >= (b.label.element.x + xOffsetPx b.label)
isRangeOverlapping : ( Float, Float ) -> ( Float, Float ) -> Bool
isRangeOverlapping ( a1, a2 ) ( b1, b2 ) =
(a1 <= b2 && a2 >= b1) || (a1 <= b2 && a2 >= b1)
groupWithSort : (a -> comparable) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
groupWithSort sortBy groupBy =
List.sortBy sortBy
>> List.Extra.groupWhile groupBy
>> List.map (\( first, rem ) -> first :: rem)
-- Content
{-| -}
type Content msg
= Word String
| WordWithId { id : String, word : String }
| Blank
| BlankWithId String
| FullHeightBlank
| Markdown Markdown (List (Content msg))
type Markdown
= Bold
| Italic
parseString : String -> List (Content msg)
parseString =
String.split " "
>> List.intersperse " "
>> List.filter (\str -> str /= "")
>> List.map Word
renderContent :
Content msg
-> List Css.Style
-> Html msg
renderContent content_ styles =
case content_ of
Word str ->
blockContainer =
blockSegmentContainer Nothing
[ text str ]
if str == " " then
span [] [ blockContainer, wbr [] [] ]
WordWithId wordAndId ->
blockSegmentContainer (Just wordAndId.id)
[ text wordAndId.word ]
Blank ->
blockSegmentContainer Nothing
[ viewBlank [ Css.lineHeight (Css.num 1) ] ]
BlankWithId id_ ->
blockSegmentContainer (Just id_)
[ viewBlank [ Css.lineHeight (Css.num 1) ] ]
FullHeightBlank ->
blockSegmentContainer Nothing
[ viewBlank
[ Css.paddingTop topBottomSpace
, Css.paddingBottom topBottomSpace
, Css.lineHeight Css.initial
Markdown markdown contents ->
tag =
case markdown of
Bold ->
strong [ css styles ]
Italic ->
em [ css styles ]
|> List.map (\c -> renderContent c [])
|> tag
blockSegmentContainer : Maybe String -> List (Html msg) -> List Css.Style -> Html msg
blockSegmentContainer id_ children styles =
[ css
(Css.whiteSpace Css.pre
:: Css.display Css.inlineBlock
:: Css.position Css.relative
:: styles
, AttributesExtra.maybe Attributes.id id_
, nriDescription "block-segment-container"
{-| -}
phrase : String -> List (Content msg)
phrase =
{-| -}
space : Content msg
space =
Word " "
{-| Use this helper with `content` when you need to attach an id to a particular word inside of an emphasis.
wordWithId : { id : String, word : String } -> Content msg
wordWithId =
{-| You will only need to use this helper if you're also using `content` to construct a more complex Block. For a less complex blank Block, don't include content or plaintext in the list of attributes.
blank : Content msg
blank =
{-| You will only need to use this helper if you're also using `content` to construct a more complex Block. For a less complex blank Block, don't include content or plaintext in the list of attributes.
blankWithId : String -> Content msg
blankWithId =
{-| Wraps a group of content in a `strong` tag
bold : List (Content msg) -> Content msg
bold =
Markdown Bold
{-| Wraps a group of content in a `em` tag
italic : List (Content msg) -> Content msg
italic =
Markdown Italic
-- Color themes
{-| -}
type Theme
= Yellow
| Cyan
| Magenta
| Green
| Blue
| Purple
| Brown
themeToPalette : Theme -> Palette
themeToPalette theme =
case theme of
Yellow ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightYellow
, borderColor = Colors.highlightYellowDark
Cyan ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightCyan
, borderColor = Colors.highlightCyanDark
Magenta ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightMagenta
, borderColor = Colors.highlightMagentaDark
Green ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightGreen
, borderColor = Colors.highlightGreenDark
Blue ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightBlue
, borderColor = Colors.highlightBlueDark
Purple ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightPurple
, borderColor = Colors.highlightPurpleDark
Brown ->
{ backgroundColor = Colors.highlightBrown
, borderColor = Colors.highlightBrownDark
type alias Palette =
{ backgroundColor : Color, borderColor : Color }
toMark :
{ config
| emphasize : Bool
, label : Maybe String
, content : List (Content msg)
-> Palette
-> Maybe Mark
toMark config { backgroundColor, borderColor } =
case ( config.label, config.content, config.emphasize ) of
( Just l, FullHeightBlank :: [], _ ) ->
{ name = Just l
, startStyles = []
, styles = []
, endStyles = []
( Just l, _, False ) ->
{ name = Just l
, startStyles = []
, styles = []
, endStyles = []
( _, _, True ) ->
borderWidth =
Css.px 1
borderStyle =
{ name = config.label
, startStyles =
[ Css.borderLeft3 borderWidth borderStyle borderColor
, Css.paddingLeft (Css.px 2)
, styles =
[ Css.paddingTop topBottomSpace
, Css.paddingBottom topBottomSpace
, Css.backgroundColor backgroundColor
, Css.borderTop3 borderWidth borderStyle borderColor
, Css.borderBottom3 borderWidth borderStyle borderColor
, MediaQuery.highContrastMode
[ Css.property "background-color" "Mark"
, Css.property "color" "MarkText"
, Css.property "forced-color-adjust" "none"
, endStyles =
[ Css.borderRight3 borderWidth borderStyle borderColor
, Css.paddingRight (Css.px 2)
( Nothing, _, False ) ->
topBottomSpace : Css.Px
topBottomSpace =
Css.px 4
{-| -}
yellow : Attribute msg
yellow =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Yellow })
{-| -}
cyan : Attribute msg
cyan =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Cyan })
{-| -}
magenta : Attribute msg
magenta =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Magenta })
{-| -}
green : Attribute msg
green =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Green })
{-| -}
blue : Attribute msg
blue =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Blue })
{-| -}
purple : Attribute msg
purple =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Purple })
{-| -}
brown : Attribute msg
brown =
Attribute (\config -> { config | theme = Brown })
{-| -}
id : String -> Attribute msg
id id_ =
Attribute (\config -> { config | id = Just id_ })
{-| -}
labelId : String -> Attribute msg
labelId id_ =
Attribute (\config -> { config | labelId = Just id_ })
-- Internals
{-| -}
type Attribute msg
= Attribute (Config msg -> Config msg)
defaultConfig : Config msg
defaultConfig =
{ content = [ FullHeightBlank ]
, id = Nothing
, label = Nothing
, labelId = Nothing
, labelPosition = Nothing
, theme = Yellow
, emphasize = False
type alias Config msg =
{ content : List (Content msg)
, id : Maybe String
, label : Maybe String
, labelId : Maybe String
, labelPosition : Maybe LabelPosition
, theme : Theme
, emphasize : Bool
render : Config msg -> Html msg
render config =
palette =
themeToPalette config.theme
maybeMark =
toMark config palette
[ css [ Css.position Css.relative ], AttributesExtra.maybe Attributes.id config.id ]
{ renderSegment = renderContent
, backgroundColor = palette.backgroundColor
, maybeMarker = maybeMark
, labelPosition = config.labelPosition
, labelId = config.labelId
, labelContentId = Maybe.map labelContentId config.labelId
viewBlank : List Css.Style -> Html msg
viewBlank styles =
[ css
[ Css.border3 (Css.px 2) Css.dashed Colors.navy
, MediaQuery.highContrastMode
[ Css.property "border-color" "CanvasText"
, Css.property "background-color" "Canvas"
, Css.backgroundColor Colors.white
, Css.minWidth (Css.px 80)
, Css.display Css.inlineBlock
, Css.borderRadius (Css.px 4)
, Css.batch styles
[ blankString ]
blankString : Html msg
blankString =
[ css
[ Css.overflowX Css.hidden
, Css.width (Css.px 0)
, Css.display Css.inlineBlock
, Css.verticalAlign Css.bottom
[ text "blank" ]

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Test.Html.Selector as Selector
spec : Test
spec =
describe "Nri.Ui.Block.V4"
describe "Nri.Ui.Block"
[ describe "content" contentSpec
, describe "labelId" labelIdSpec
, describe "labelMarkdown" labelMarkdownSpec

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@