mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:11:38 +03:00
Merge pull request #79 from NoRedInk/ink__start-buttons
Ink start buttons
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
module Nri.Ui.Icon.V3
( IconLinkSpaModel
, IconSize(..)
, IconType
, activity
, add
, arrowDown
, arrowLeft
, arrowRight
, assignmentStartButtonPrimary
, assignmentStartButtonSecondary
, assignmentTypeDiagnostic
, assignmentTypePractice
, assignmentTypeQuiz
, assignmentTypeWritingCycle
, attention
, bang
, bulb
, button
, calendar
, caret
, checkMark
, checkMarkSquiggily
, checkMarkSvg
, class
, clever
, clock
, close
, compassSvg
, copy
, custom
, darkBlueCheckMark
, decorativeIcon
, document
, download
, edit
, editWriting
, equalitySign
, exclamation
, facebook
, flag
, flipper
, footsteps
, gardening
, gear
, greenCheckMark
, guidedWrite
, help
, highFive
, icon
, key
, late
, leaderboard
, lightBulb
, link
, linkExternal
, linkSpa
, lock
, lockDeprecated
, logo
, masteryBadge
, newspaper
, notStarred
, okay
, openClose
, peerReview
, performance
, personBlue
, preview
, quickWrite
, rating
, revising
, seeMore
, share
, skip
, sort
, sortArrow
, speedometer
, starred
, submitting
, thumbsUp
, twitter
, unarchive
, writingAssignment
, x
, xSvg
@docs icon, decorativeIcon, link, linkExternal, linkSpa, button
@docs IconType, IconSize, IconLinkSpaModel
@docs activity
@docs add
@docs arrowDown
@docs arrowLeft
@docs arrowRight
@docs assignmentStartButtonPrimary
@docs assignmentStartButtonSecondary
@docs assignmentTypeDiagnostic
@docs assignmentTypePractice
@docs assignmentTypeQuiz
@docs assignmentTypeWritingCycle
@docs attention
@docs bang
@docs bulb
@docs calendar
@docs caret
@docs checkMark
@docs checkMarkSquiggily
@docs checkMarkSvg
@docs class
@docs clever
@docs clock
@docs close
@docs copy
@docs compassSvg
@docs custom
@docs darkBlueCheckMark
@docs document
@docs download
@docs edit
@docs editWriting
@docs equalitySign
@docs exclamation
@docs facebook
@docs flag
@docs flipper
@docs footsteps
@docs gardening
@docs gear
@docs greenCheckMark
@docs guidedWrite
@docs help
@docs highFive
@docs key
@docs late
@docs leaderboard
@docs lightBulb
@docs lock
@docs lockDeprecated
@docs logo
@docs masteryBadge
@docs newspaper
@docs notStarred
@docs okay
@docs openClose
@docs peerReview
@docs performance
@docs personBlue
@docs preview
@docs quickWrite
@docs seeMore
@docs share
@docs skip
@docs sort
@docs sortArrow
@docs speedometer
@docs starred
@docs thumbsUp
@docs twitter
@docs unarchive
@docs writingAssignment
@docs x
@docs xSvg
@docs submitting, rating, revising
import Accessibility.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Css exposing (..)
import EventExtras
import Html as RootHtml
import Html.Attributes as RootAttr exposing (..)
import Html.Styled
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui.AssetPath exposing (Asset(..))
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1
import Svg exposing (svg, use)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (xlinkHref)
{-| -}
type alias IconLinkModel =
{ alt : String
, url : String
, icon : IconType
, disabled : Bool
, size : IconSize
{-| -}
type alias IconLinkSpaModel route =
{ alt : String
, icon : IconType
, disabled : Bool
, size : IconSize
, route : route
type alias IconButtonModel msg =
{ alt : String
, msg : msg
, icon : IconType
, disabled : Bool
, size : IconSize
{-| An icon that can be rendered using the functions provided by this module.
type IconType
= ImgIcon Asset
| SvgIcon String
{-| Used for determining sizes on Icon.buttons and Icon.links
type IconSize
= Small
| Medium
{-| Create an icon that links to a part of NRI
Uses our default icon styles (25 x 25 px, azure)
link : IconLinkModel -> Html msg
link =
linkBase [ Attributes.target "_self" ]
{-| Create an accessible icon button with an onClick handler
Uses our default icon styles (25 x 25 px, azure)
button : IconButtonModel msg -> Html msg
button model =
[ css
[ Css.batch
[ backgroundColor transparent
, border zero
, color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
, fontFamily inherit
, Css.property "cursor" "pointer"
, padding zero
, focus
[ backgroundColor transparent
, sizeStyles model.size
, Events.onClick model.msg
, Attributes.disabled model.disabled
, Attributes.type_ "button"
[ icon
{ alt = model.alt
, icon = model.icon
{-| -}
icon : { alt : String, icon : IconType } -> Html msg
icon config =
case config.icon of
SvgIcon iconId ->
svg [ svgStyle ]
[ Svg.title [] [ RootHtml.text config.alt ]
, use [ xlinkHref ("#" ++ iconId) ] []
|> Html.Styled.fromUnstyled
ImgIcon assetPath ->
img config.alt
[ Attributes.src (Nri.Ui.AssetPath.url assetPath)
{-| Use this icon for purely decorative content that would be distracting
rather than helpful on a screenreader.
decorativeIcon : IconType -> Html msg
decorativeIcon iconType =
case iconType of
SvgIcon iconId ->
[ svgStyle
, Role.img
[ use [ xlinkHref ("#" ++ iconId) ] []
|> Html.Styled.fromUnstyled
ImgIcon assetPath ->
decorativeImg [ Attributes.src (Nri.Ui.AssetPath.url assetPath) ]
{-| Use this link for routing within a single page app.
This will make a normal <a> tag, but change the onClick behavior to avoid reloading the page.
linkSpa : (route -> String) -> (route -> msg) -> IconLinkSpaModel route -> Html msg
linkSpa toUrl toMsg config =
[ EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref (toMsg config.route)
|> Attributes.fromUnstyled
{ alt = config.alt
, url = toUrl config.route
, icon = config.icon
, disabled = config.disabled
, size = config.size
{-| Create an icon that links to an external site
Uses our default icon styles (25 x 25 px, azure)
linkExternal : IconLinkModel -> Html msg
linkExternal =
linkBase [ Attributes.target "_blank" ]
linkBase : List (Attribute msg) -> IconLinkModel -> Html msg
linkBase linkAttributes model =
[ Html.Styled.a
(linkAttributes ++ defaultLinkAttributes model)
[ icon { alt = model.alt, icon = model.icon }
defaultLinkAttributes : IconLinkModel -> List (Attribute msg)
defaultLinkAttributes model =
if model.disabled then
[ css
[ Css.cursor Css.notAllowed
, linkStyles
, sizeStyles model.size
[ css [ linkStyles, sizeStyles model.size ]
, Attributes.href model.url
linkStyles : Style
linkStyles =
[ color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure
, display inlineBlock
, fontFamily inherit
, Css.property "cursor" "pointer"
, padding zero
, visited [ color Nri.Ui.Colors.V1.azure ]
sizeStyles : IconSize -> Style
sizeStyles size =
Css.batch <|
case size of
Small ->
[ Css.width (px 20)
, Css.height (px 20)
Medium ->
[ Css.width (px 25)
, Css.height (px 25)
{-| -}
activity : { r | activity : String } -> IconType
activity assets =
SvgIcon assets.activity
{-| -}
add : { r | icons_plusBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
add assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_plusBlue_svg
{-| -}
arrowDown : { r | arrowDown : String } -> IconType
arrowDown assets =
SvgIcon assets.arrowDown
{-| -}
arrowLeft : { r | leftArrowBlue_png : Asset } -> IconType
arrowLeft assets =
ImgIcon assets.leftArrowBlue_png
{-| -}
arrowRight : { r | icons_arrowRightBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
arrowRight assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_arrowRightBlue_svg
{-| -}
assignmentStartButtonPrimary : { r | assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg : Asset } -> IconType
assignmentStartButtonPrimary assets =
ImgIcon assets.assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg
{-| -}
assignmentStartButtonSecondary : { r | assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg : Asset } -> IconType
assignmentStartButtonSecondary assets =
ImgIcon assets.assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg
{-| -}
assignmentTypeDiagnostic : { r | diagnostic : String } -> IconType
assignmentTypeDiagnostic assets =
SvgIcon assets.diagnostic
{-| -}
assignmentTypePractice : { r | practice : String } -> IconType
assignmentTypePractice assets =
SvgIcon assets.practice
{-| -}
assignmentTypeQuiz : { r | quiz : String } -> IconType
assignmentTypeQuiz assets =
SvgIcon assets.quiz
{-| -}
assignmentTypeWritingCycle : { r | writingcycle : String } -> IconType
assignmentTypeWritingCycle assets =
SvgIcon assets.writingcycle
{-| -}
attention : { r | attention_svg : Asset } -> IconType
attention assets =
ImgIcon assets.attention_svg
{-| -}
bang : { r | exclamationPoint_svg : Asset } -> IconType
bang assets =
ImgIcon assets.exclamationPoint_svg
{-| -}
bulb : { r | bulb : String } -> IconType
bulb assets =
SvgIcon assets.bulb
{-| -}
calendar : { r | calendar : String } -> IconType
calendar assets =
SvgIcon assets.calendar
{-| -}
caret : { r | icons_arrowDownBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
caret assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_arrowDownBlue_svg
{-| -}
checkMark : { r | iconCheck_png : Asset } -> IconType
checkMark assets =
ImgIcon assets.iconCheck_png
{-| -}
checkMarkSquiggily : { r | squiggly_png : Asset } -> IconType
checkMarkSquiggily assets =
ImgIcon assets.squiggly_png
{-| -}
checkMarkSvg : { r | checkmark : String } -> IconType
checkMarkSvg assets =
SvgIcon assets.checkmark
{-| -}
class : { r | class : String } -> IconType
class assets =
SvgIcon assets.class
{-| -}
clever : { r | clever : String } -> IconType
clever assets =
SvgIcon assets.clever
{-| -}
clock : { r | clock : String } -> IconType
clock assets =
SvgIcon assets.clock
{-| -}
close : { r | icons_xBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
close assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_xBlue_svg
{-| -}
copy : { r | teach_assignments_copyWhite_svg : Asset } -> IconType
copy assets =
ImgIcon assets.teach_assignments_copyWhite_svg
{-| -}
compassSvg : { r | compass : String } -> IconType
compassSvg assets =
SvgIcon assets.compass
{-| -}
custom : Asset -> IconType
custom asset =
ImgIcon asset
{-| -}
darkBlueCheckMark : { r | darkBlueCheckmark_svg : Asset } -> IconType
darkBlueCheckMark assets =
ImgIcon assets.darkBlueCheckmark_svg
{-| -}
document : { r | document : String } -> IconType
document assets =
SvgIcon assets.document
{-| -}
download : { r | download : String } -> IconType
download assets =
SvgIcon assets.download
{-| -}
edit : { r | edit : String } -> IconType
edit assets =
SvgIcon assets.edit
{-| -}
editWriting : { r | editWriting : String } -> IconType
editWriting assets =
SvgIcon assets.editWriting
{-| -}
equalitySign : { r | icons_equals_svg : Asset } -> IconType
equalitySign assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_equals_svg
{-| -}
exclamation : { r | exclamation : String } -> IconType
exclamation assets =
SvgIcon assets.exclamation
{-| -}
facebook : { r | facebookBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
facebook assets =
ImgIcon assets.facebookBlue_svg
{-| -}
flag : { r | iconFlag_png : Asset } -> IconType
flag assets =
ImgIcon assets.iconFlag_png
{-| -}
flipper : { r | flipper : String } -> IconType
flipper assets =
SvgIcon assets.flipper
{-| -}
footsteps : { r | footsteps : String } -> IconType
footsteps assets =
SvgIcon assets.footsteps
{-| -}
gardening : { r | startingOffBadge_png : Asset } -> IconType
gardening assets =
ImgIcon assets.startingOffBadge_png
{-| -}
gear : { r | gear : String } -> IconType
gear assets =
SvgIcon assets.gear
{-| -}
greenCheckMark : { r | smallCheckmark_png : Asset } -> IconType
greenCheckMark assets =
ImgIcon assets.smallCheckmark_png
{-| -}
guidedWrite : { r | icons_guidedWrite_svg : Asset } -> IconType
guidedWrite assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_guidedWrite_svg
{-| -}
help : { r | icons_helpBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
help assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_helpBlue_svg
{-| -}
highFive : { r | level3Badge_png : Asset } -> IconType
highFive assets =
ImgIcon assets.level3Badge_png
{-| -}
key : { r | key : String } -> IconType
key assets =
SvgIcon assets.key
{-| -}
late : { r | icons_clockRed_svg : Asset } -> IconType
late assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_clockRed_svg
{-| -}
leaderboard : { r | leaderboard : String } -> IconType
leaderboard assets =
SvgIcon assets.leaderboard
{-| -}
lightBulb : { r | hint_png : Asset } -> IconType
lightBulb assets =
ImgIcon assets.hint_png
{-| -}
lock : { r | lock : String } -> IconType
lock assets =
SvgIcon assets.lock
{-| -}
lockDeprecated : { r | premiumLock_svg : Asset } -> IconType
lockDeprecated assets =
ImgIcon assets.premiumLock_svg
{-| -}
logo : { r | logoRedBlack_svg : Asset } -> IconType
logo assets =
ImgIcon assets.logoRedBlack_svg
{-| -}
masteryBadge : { r | masteryBadge : String } -> IconType
masteryBadge assets =
SvgIcon assets.masteryBadge
{-| -}
newspaper : { r | newspaper : String } -> IconType
newspaper assets =
SvgIcon assets.newspaper
{-| -}
notStarred : { r | commentNotStarred_png : Asset } -> IconType
notStarred assets =
ImgIcon assets.commentNotStarred_png
{-| -}
okay : { r | level2Badge_png : Asset } -> IconType
okay assets =
ImgIcon assets.level2Badge_png
{-| -}
openClose : { r | openClose : String } -> IconType
openClose assets =
SvgIcon assets.openClose
{-| -}
peerReview : { r | icons_peerReview_svg : Asset } -> IconType
peerReview assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_peerReview_svg
{-| -}
performance : { r | performance : String } -> IconType
performance assets =
SvgIcon assets.performance
{-| -}
personBlue : { r | personBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
personBlue assets =
ImgIcon assets.personBlue_svg
{-| -}
preview : { r | preview : String } -> IconType
preview assets =
SvgIcon assets.preview
{-| -}
quickWrite : { r | icons_quickWrite_svg : Asset } -> IconType
quickWrite assets =
ImgIcon assets.icons_quickWrite_svg
{-| -}
seeMore : { r | seemore : String } -> IconType
seeMore assets =
SvgIcon assets.seemore
{-| -}
share : { r | share : String } -> IconType
share assets =
SvgIcon assets.share
{-| -}
skip : { r | skip : String } -> IconType
skip assets =
SvgIcon assets.skip
{-| -}
sort : { r | sort : String } -> IconType
sort assets =
SvgIcon assets.sort
{-| -}
sortArrow : { r | sortArrow : String } -> IconType
sortArrow assets =
SvgIcon assets.sortArrow
{-| -}
speedometer : { r | speedometer : String } -> IconType
speedometer assets =
SvgIcon assets.speedometer
{-| -}
starred : { r | commentStarred_png : Asset } -> IconType
starred assets =
ImgIcon assets.commentStarred_png
{-| -}
thumbsUp : { r | level1Badge_png : Asset } -> IconType
thumbsUp assets =
ImgIcon assets.level1Badge_png
{-| -}
twitter : { r | twitterBlue_svg : Asset } -> IconType
twitter assets =
ImgIcon assets.twitterBlue_svg
{-| -}
unarchive : { r | unarchiveBlue2x_png : Asset } -> IconType
unarchive assets =
ImgIcon assets.unarchiveBlue2x_png
{-| -}
writingAssignment : { r | writingAssignment : String } -> IconType
writingAssignment assets =
SvgIcon assets.writingAssignment
{-| -}
x : { r | xWhite_svg : Asset } -> IconType
x assets =
ImgIcon assets.xWhite_svg
{-| -}
xSvg : { r | x : String } -> IconType
xSvg assets =
SvgIcon assets.x
{-| -}
submitting : { r | submitting : String } -> IconType
submitting assets =
SvgIcon assets.submitting
{-| -}
rating : { r | rating : String } -> IconType
rating assets =
SvgIcon assets.rating
{-| -}
revising : { r | revising : String } -> IconType
revising assets =
SvgIcon assets.revising
{-| Inlining SVG styles because styles.class doesn't work on SVG elements.
The `className` property of an SVG element isn't a string, it's an object and so
`styles.class` causes a runtime exception by attempting to overwrite it with
a string. Another workaround is to use the `Svg.Attributes.class` attribute but
since `withNamespace` hides a call to `Html.Attributes.class` we can't do it
svgStyle : RootHtml.Attribute msg
svgStyle =
[ ( "fill", "currentColor" )
, ( "width", "100%" )
, ( "height", "100%" )
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ type alias Assets =
, attention_svg : Asset
, bulb : String
, calendar : String
, assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg : Asset
, assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg : Asset
, checkboxCheckedPartially_svg : Asset
, checkboxChecked_svg : Asset
, checkboxLockOnInside_svg : Asset
@ -94,6 +96,8 @@ assets =
, attention_svg = Asset "assets/images/attention.svg"
, bulb = "icon-bulb"
, calendar = "icon-calendar"
, assignmentStartButtonPrimary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-primary.svg"
, assignmentStartButtonSecondary_svg = Asset "assets/images/assignment-start-button-secondary.svg"
, checkboxCheckedPartially_svg = Asset "assets/images/checkbox_checkedPartially.svg"
, checkboxChecked_svg = Asset "assets/images/checkbox_checked.svg"
, checkboxLockOnInside_svg = Asset "assets/images/checkbox_lock_on_inside.svg"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Examples.Icon exposing (example, styles)
module Examples.Icon exposing (example)
@ -6,174 +6,199 @@ module Examples.Icon exposing (example, styles)
import Assets exposing (assets)
import Assets exposing (Assets, assets)
import Css
import Css.Foreign exposing (Snippet, adjacentSiblings, children, class, descendants, each, everything, media, selector, withClass)
import Headings
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style, title)
import Css.Foreign
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, style, title)
import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V2 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Styles.V1
import Nri.Ui.Icon.V3 as Icon
import Nri.Ui.Text.V2 as Text
{-| -}
example : ModuleExample msg
example =
{ filename = "Nri/Ui/Icon/V1.elm"
{ filename = "ui/src/Nri/Icon.elm"
, category = Icons
, content =
[ Headings.h3 [ Html.text "Icon" ]
, Headings.h4 [ Html.text "Images" ]
, Html.div [ styles.class [ Container ] ]
(List.map viewIcon imageIcons)
, Headings.h4 [ Html.text "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs)" ]
, Html.div [ styles.class [ Container ] ]
(List.map viewIcon svgIcons)
, Headings.h5 [ Html.text "Assignment Types" ]
, Html.div [ styles.class [ Container ] ]
(List.map viewIcon assignmentTypeSvgIcons)
[ viewIconSection "Mastery Icons"
[ { icon = Icon.gardening, background = Dark, alt = "Gardening" }
, { icon = Icon.highFive, background = Dark, alt = "HighFive" }
, { icon = Icon.okay, background = Dark, alt = "Okay" }
, { icon = Icon.thumbsUp, background = Dark, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, { icon = Icon.masteryBadge, background = Light, alt = "Badge " }
, viewIconSection "Stars and Flags"
[ { icon = Icon.starred, background = Light, alt = "Starred" }
, { icon = Icon.notStarred, background = Light, alt = "NotStarred" }
, { icon = Icon.flag, background = Light, alt = "Flag" }
, viewIconSection "Assignment Types"
[ { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeDiagnostic, background = Light, alt = "Diagnostic" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypePractice, background = Light, alt = "Practice" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeQuiz, background = Light, alt = "Quiz" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentTypeWritingCycle, background = Light, alt = "WritingCycle" }
, { icon = Icon.peerReview, background = Light, alt = "PeerReview" }
, { icon = Icon.submitting, background = Light, alt = "Submitting" }
, { icon = Icon.rating, background = Light, alt = "Rating" }
, { icon = Icon.revising, background = Light, alt = "Revising" }
, { icon = Icon.quickWrite, background = Light, alt = "QuickWrite" }
--, { icon = Icon.guidedWrite, background = Light, alt = "GuidedWrite" }
, { icon = Icon.writingAssignment, background = Light, alt = "WritingAssignment" }
, viewIconSection "Student Assignment Actions"
[ { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonPrimary, background = Light, alt = "Start primary" }
, { icon = Icon.assignmentStartButtonSecondary, background = Light, alt = "Start secondary" }
, viewIconSection "Teacher Assignment Actions"
[ { icon = Icon.unarchive, background = Light, alt = "Unarchive" }
, { icon = Icon.share, background = Light, alt = "Share" }
, { icon = Icon.seeMore, background = Light, alt = "See More" }
, { icon = Icon.preview, background = Light, alt = "Preview" }
, { icon = Icon.performance, background = Light, alt = "Performance" }
, { icon = Icon.openClose, background = Light, alt = "OpenClose" }
, viewIconSection "Edit"
[ { icon = Icon.edit, background = Light, alt = "Edit" }
, { icon = Icon.editWriting, background = Light, alt = "EditWriting" }
, viewIconSection "Humans"
[ { icon = Icon.class, background = Light, alt = "Class" }
, { icon = Icon.leaderboard, background = Light, alt = "Leaderboard" }
, { icon = Icon.personBlue, background = Light, alt = "PersonBlue" }
, viewIconSection "Social Media"
[ { icon = Icon.facebook, background = Light, alt = "Facebook" }
, { icon = Icon.twitter, background = Light, alt = "Twitter" }
, { icon = Icon.clever, background = Light, alt = "Clever" }
, viewIconSection "Arrows and Carets"
[ { icon = Icon.arrowDown, background = Light, alt = "ArrowDown" }
, { icon = Icon.sortArrow, background = Light, alt = "SortArrow" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowLeft, background = Light, alt = "ArrowLeft" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowRight, background = Light, alt = "ArrowRight" }
, { icon = Icon.caret, background = Light, alt = "Caret" }
, viewIconSection "Checkmarks"
[ { icon = Icon.checkMarkSvg, background = Light, alt = "CheckMarkSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.darkBlueCheckMark, background = Light, alt = "DarkBlueCheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMark, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMarkSquiggily, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMarkSquiggily" }
, { icon = Icon.greenCheckMark, background = Light, alt = "GreenCheckMark" }
, viewIconSection "Xs"
[ { icon = Icon.xSvg, background = Light, alt = "XSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.x, background = Dark, alt = "X" }
, { icon = Icon.close, background = Light, alt = "Close" }
, viewIconSection "Bangs"
[ { icon = Icon.exclamation, background = Light, alt = "Exclamation" }
, { icon = Icon.attention, background = Dark, alt = "Attention" }
, { icon = Icon.bang, background = Dark, alt = "Bang" }
, viewIconSection "Bulbs and Tips"
[ { icon = Icon.bulb, background = Light, alt = "Bulb" }
, { icon = Icon.lightBulb, background = Light, alt = "LightBulb" }
, { icon = Icon.help, background = Light, alt = "Help" }
, viewIconSection "Locks and keys"
[ { icon = Icon.key, background = Light, alt = "Key" }
, { icon = Icon.lock, background = Light, alt = "Lock" }
, { icon = Icon.lockDeprecated, background = Light, alt = "LockDeprecated" }
, viewIconSection "Time"
[ { icon = Icon.calendar, background = Light, alt = "Calendar" }
, { icon = Icon.clock, background = Light, alt = "Clock" }
, { icon = Icon.late, background = Light, alt = "Late" }
, viewIconSection "Save helpers"
[ { icon = Icon.copy, background = Dark, alt = "Copy" }
, { icon = Icon.download, background = Light, alt = "Download" }
, viewIconSection "Uncategorized (SVGs)"
[ { icon = Icon.activity, background = Light, alt = "Activity" }
, { icon = Icon.compassSvg, background = Light, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.document, background = Light, alt = "Document" }
, { icon = Icon.flipper, background = Light, alt = "Flipper" }
, { icon = Icon.footsteps, background = Light, alt = "Footsteps" }
, { icon = Icon.gear, background = Light, alt = "Gear" }
, { icon = Icon.newspaper, background = Light, alt = "Newspaper" }
, { icon = Icon.sort, background = Light, alt = "Sort" }
, { icon = Icon.speedometer, background = Light, alt = "Speedometer" }
, viewIconSection "Uncategorized Images"
[ { icon = Icon.add, background = Light, alt = "Add" }
, { icon = Icon.equalitySign, background = Light, alt = "EqualitySign" }
, { icon = Icon.logo, background = Light, alt = "Logo" }
|> List.map Html.toUnstyled
{-| -}
styles : Nri.Ui.Styles.V1.Styles id class msg
styles =
Nri.Ui.Styles.V1.styles "Examples-Icon-"
[ Css.Foreign.class Container
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap
, Css.Foreign.class (Cell Dark)
(cellStyles blue)
, Css.Foreign.class (Cell Light)
(cellStyles frost)
viewIconSection :
-> List { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType }
-> Html msg
viewIconSection headerText icons =
Html.section []
[ Text.subHeading [ Html.text headerText ]
, Html.div [ css [ Css.displayFlex, Css.flexWrap Css.wrap ] ]
(List.map viewIcon icons)
type CssClasses
= Container
| Cell Background
type Background
= Light
| Dark
viewIcon : { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Icon.IconType } -> Html msg
toColor : Background -> Css.Color
toColor background =
case background of
Dark ->
Light ->
viewIcon : { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Assets -> Icon.IconType } -> Html msg
viewIcon { alt, background, icon } =
Html.div [ styles.class [ Cell background ], title alt ] [ Icon.icon { alt = alt, icon = icon } ]
imageIcons : List { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Icon.IconType }
imageIcons =
[ { icon = Icon.add assets, background = Light, alt = "Add" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowLeft assets, background = Light, alt = "ArrowLeft" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowRight assets, background = Light, alt = "ArrowRight" }
, { icon = Icon.attention assets, background = Dark, alt = "Attention" }
, { icon = Icon.bang assets, background = Dark, alt = "Bang" }
, { icon = Icon.caret assets, background = Light, alt = "Caret" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMark assets, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMarkSquiggily assets, background = Dark, alt = "CheckMarkSquiggily" }
, { icon = Icon.close assets, background = Light, alt = "Close" }
, { icon = Icon.copy assets, background = Dark, alt = "Copy" }
, { icon = Icon.darkBlueCheckMark assets, background = Light, alt = "DarkBlueCheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.equalitySign assets, background = Light, alt = "EqualitySign" }
, { icon = Icon.facebook assets, background = Light, alt = "Facebook" }
, { icon = Icon.flag assets, background = Light, alt = "Flag" }
, { icon = Icon.gardening assets, background = Dark, alt = "Gardening" }
, { icon = Icon.greenCheckMark assets, background = Light, alt = "GreenCheckMark" }
, { icon = Icon.help assets, background = Light, alt = "Help" }
, { icon = Icon.highFive assets, background = Dark, alt = "HighFive" }
, { icon = Icon.late assets, background = Light, alt = "Late" }
, { icon = Icon.lightBulb assets, background = Light, alt = "LightBulb" }
, { icon = Icon.lockDeprecated assets, background = Light, alt = "LockDeprecated" }
, { icon = Icon.logo assets, background = Light, alt = "Logo" }
, { icon = Icon.notStarred assets, background = Light, alt = "NotStarred" }
, { icon = Icon.okay assets, background = Dark, alt = "Okay" }
, { icon = Icon.personBlue assets, background = Light, alt = "PersonBlue" }
, { icon = Icon.starred assets, background = Light, alt = "Starred" }
, { icon = Icon.thumbsUp assets, background = Dark, alt = "ThumbsUp" }
, { icon = Icon.twitter assets, background = Light, alt = "Twitter" }
, { icon = Icon.unarchive assets, background = Light, alt = "Unarchive" }
, { icon = Icon.x assets, background = Dark, alt = "X" }
svgIcons : List { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Icon.IconType }
svgIcons =
[ { icon = Icon.activity assets, background = Light, alt = "Activity" }
, { icon = Icon.arrowDown assets, background = Light, alt = "ArrowDown" }
, { icon = Icon.bulb assets, background = Light, alt = "Bulb" }
, { icon = Icon.calendar assets, background = Light, alt = "Calendar" }
, { icon = Icon.checkMarkSvg assets, background = Light, alt = "CheckMarkSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.class assets, background = Light, alt = "Class" }
, { icon = Icon.clever assets, background = Light, alt = "Clever" }
, { icon = Icon.clock assets, background = Light, alt = "Clock" }
, { icon = Icon.compassSvg assets, background = Light, alt = "CompassSvg" }
, { icon = Icon.document assets, background = Light, alt = "Document" }
, { icon = Icon.download assets, background = Light, alt = "Download" }
, { icon = Icon.edit assets, background = Light, alt = "Edit" }
, { icon = Icon.editWriting assets, background = Light, alt = "EditWriting" }
, { icon = Icon.exclamation assets, background = Light, alt = "Exclamation" }
, { icon = Icon.flipper assets, background = Light, alt = "Flipper" }
, { icon = Icon.footsteps assets, background = Light, alt = "Footsteps" }
, { icon = Icon.gear assets, background = Light, alt = "Gear" }
, { icon = Icon.key assets, background = Light, alt = "Key" }
, { icon = Icon.leaderboard assets, background = Light, alt = "Leaderboard" }
, { icon = Icon.lock assets, background = Light, alt = "Lock" }
, { icon = Icon.masteryBadge assets, background = Light, alt = "Mastery Badge" }
, { icon = Icon.newspaper assets, background = Light, alt = "Newspaper" }
, { icon = Icon.openClose assets, background = Light, alt = "OpenClose" }
, { icon = Icon.performance assets, background = Light, alt = "Performance" }
, { icon = Icon.preview assets, background = Light, alt = "Preview" }
, { icon = Icon.seeMore assets, background = Light, alt = "See More" }
, { icon = Icon.share assets, background = Light, alt = "Share" }
, { icon = Icon.skip assets, background = Light, alt = "Skip" }
, { icon = Icon.sort assets, background = Light, alt = "Sort" }
, { icon = Icon.sortArrow assets, background = Light, alt = "SortArrow" }
, { icon = Icon.speedometer assets, background = Light, alt = "Speedometer" }
, { icon = Icon.writingAssignment assets, background = Light, alt = "WritingAssignment" }
, { icon = Icon.xSvg assets, background = Light, alt = "XSvg" }
assignmentTypeSvgIcons : List { alt : String, background : Background, icon : Icon.IconType }
assignmentTypeSvgIcons =
[ { alt = "Diagnostic", background = Light, icon = Icon.assignmentTypeDiagnostic assets }
, { alt = "Practice", background = Light, icon = Icon.assignmentTypePractice assets }
, { alt = "Quiz", background = Light, icon = Icon.assignmentTypeQuiz assets }
, { alt = "WritingCycle", background = Light, icon = Icon.assignmentTypeWritingCycle assets }
, { alt = "PeerReview", background = Light, icon = Icon.peerReview assets }
, { alt = "QuickWrite", background = Light, icon = Icon.quickWrite assets }
, { alt = "submitting", background = Light, icon = Icon.submitting assets }
, { alt = "rating", background = Light, icon = Icon.rating assets }
, { alt = "revising", background = Light, icon = Icon.revising assets }
cellStyles : Css.Color -> List Css.Style
cellStyles backgroundColor =
[ Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 5) (Css.px 5) navy
, Css.color azure
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.justifyContent Css.center
, Css.backgroundColor backgroundColor
, Css.Foreign.descendants
[ Css.Foreign.img
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 100)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.pct 100)
[ css
[ Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.width (Css.px 160)
, Css.boxShadow4 (Css.px 10) (Css.px 5) (Css.px 5) navy
, Css.displayFlex
, Css.flexDirection Css.column
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.justifyContent Css.flexStart
[ Html.div
[ css
[ Css.displayFlex
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.justifyContent Css.center
, Css.backgroundColor (toColor background)
, Css.height (Css.px 80)
, Css.width (Css.px 80)
, Css.margin (Css.px 10)
, Css.color azure
, Css.Foreign.descendants
[ Css.Foreign.img
[ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 100)
, Css.maxHeight (Css.pct 100)
, title alt
[ Icon.icon { alt = alt, icon = icon assets }
, Text.mediumBody [ Html.text alt ]
@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ styles =
[ -- NOTE: these will go away as the modules' styles are integrated with Nri.Css.Site.elm
[ ModuleExample.styles
, (Examples.Icon.styles |> .css) ()
, (Examples.Page.styles |> .css) ()
, (Examples.SegmentedControl.styles |> .css) ()
, (Button.styles |> .css) assets
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:2ce4ad40a09adb025b699c90a1ebc3506f02d73279f3cc8fac8f4bf03049ea9d
size 1645
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:ae90c41df731bd31325e30383b53995fa5c809b88f2844300dfa964f80f022ac
size 2264
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