Adds docs

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2020-07-02 16:39:57 -07:00
parent efde15f98c
commit d66fa40ce6

View File

@ -14,6 +14,33 @@ module Nri.Ui.Modal.V9 exposing
@docs Msg, open, close, update, subscriptions
@docs FocusManager, info, warning
import Html.Styled exposing (text)
import Nri.Ui.Modal.V9 as Modal
type Msg
= ModalMsg Modal.Msg
viewModal : Modal.Model -> Html Msg
viewModal modalState =
{ title = "Modal Title"
, visibleTitle = False
, wrapMsg = ModalMsg
, focusManager =
(\{ onlyFocusableElement, closeButton } ->
{ content =
[ closeButton onlyFocusableElement
, text "Modal Content"
, footer = []
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (..)
@ -151,7 +178,13 @@ close =
{-| -}
{-| Modals should allow the user to tab forwards & backwards through the modal content.
The user should never find their Focus lost behind the modal backdrop!
Use the `FocusManager` to tag the focusable elements in your modal, so that we
know to which element to return focus when the user reaches the last focusable element.
type FocusManager msg
= MultipleFocusableElements
({ firstFocusableElement : List (Attribute msg)