cp Highlightable.V1 V2

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2023-03-09 15:16:05 -07:00
parent a8a4204b35
commit ec5299193a
3 changed files with 477 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Heading.V3 as Heading
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V1 as Highlightable exposing (Highlightable)
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V2 as Highlightable exposing (Highlightable)
import Nri.Ui.Highlighter.V3 as Highlighter
import Nri.Ui.HighlighterTool.V1 as Tool
import Nri.Ui.Table.V6 as Table

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@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
module Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V2 exposing
( Highlightable, Type(..), UIState(..), Attribute(..)
, init, initFragment, initFragments
, fromMarkdown
, splitHighlightableOnWords, splitWords
, blur, clearHint, hint, hover
, set, toggle
, attributeSorter
, asFragmentTuples, usedMarkers, text
{-| A Highlightable represents a span of text, typically a word, and its state.
Highlightable is the unit by which text-wrapping happens. Depending on how the
Highlighter is initialized, it's very possible for a Highlightable to consist of
just a single whitespace.
## Patch changes
- move asFragmentTuples, usedMarkers, and text to the Highlightable module
## Types
@docs Highlightable, Type, UIState, Attribute
## Initializers
@docs init, initFragment, initFragments
@docs fromMarkdown
## Transformations
@docs splitHighlightableOnWords, splitWords
## UIState related
@docs blur, clearHint, hint, hover
## Marker related
@docs set, toggle
## Attribute related
@docs attributeSorter
## Getters
@docs asFragmentTuples, usedMarkers, text
import List.Extra
import Markdown.Block
import Markdown.Inline
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.HighlighterTool.V1 as Tool
import Regex exposing (Regex)
import Sort exposing (Sorter)
import Sort.Set
import String.Extra
{-| A Highlightable comes in two flavors:
- **Highlightable** | Interactive piece of text.
- **Static** | Non-interactive piece of text. Gets highlighted grudgingly if the
UI is going to get unintuitive otherwise. i.e. does not get highlighted
when hovered etc.
Data for a Highlightable:
- **text**: String to display.
- **uiState**: How the user is currently interacting with the Highlightable.
- **customAttributes**: User-supplied attributes that do not change once a Highlightable is initialized.
- **marked**: Current highlight.
- **groupIndex**: Index that identifies the fragment this Highlightable belongs to.
type alias Highlightable marker =
{ text : String
, uiState : UIState
, customAttributes : List Attribute
, marked : Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel marker)
, groupIndex : Int
, type_ : Type
{-| -}
type Type
= Interactive
| Static
{-| Custom attributes that do not change after initialization.
- `Class`: add a class to the highlight
- `Data`: add a `data-X` to the highlight (you don't need to prepend
`data-` to this name.)
type Attribute
= Class String
| Data String String
{-| A Sorter for Attributes
attributeSorter : Sorter Attribute
attributeSorter =
(\elem ->
case elem of
Class class ->
"class-" ++ class
Data key value ->
"data-" ++ key ++ "-" ++ value
{-| UIState connects user-behavior to the highlightable.
State transitions:
- None (mouse over) Hovered
- None (click & drag over highlightables) Hinted
- Hovered (mouse out) None
- Hovered (mouse down) Hinted
- Hinted (mouse out) None
- Hinted (mouse up while on a different Highlightable) None
- Hinted (mouse up while on me) Hovered
type UIState
= Hovered
| Hinted
| None
{-| -}
init : Type -> Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel marker) -> Int -> ( List Attribute, String ) -> Highlightable marker
init type_ marked index ( attributes, text_ ) =
{ text = text_
, uiState = None
, customAttributes = attributes
, marked = marked
, groupIndex = index
, type_ = type_
{-| Split a multi-word string into multiple single-word highlights.
This is to deal with the highlighter not doing line breaks within a highlight group,
which can look funny if a highlight contains longer text.
initFragment : Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel marker) -> Int -> List ( List Attribute, String ) -> List (Highlightable marker)
initFragment marked index spans =
splitSpan ( classes, text_ ) =
|> splitWords
|> List.filter (not << String.isEmpty)
|> List.map (Tuple.pair classes)
|> List.concatMap splitSpan
|> List.map (init Interactive marked index)
whitespace : Regex
whitespace =
Regex.fromString "\\s+"
|> Maybe.withDefault Regex.never
{-| Similar to initFragment but each word is treated as a fragment,
instead of treating the whole string as a fragment.
Note that we're transforming all whitespace to spaces, so newlines are not preserved
as me move to and from fragments
initFragments : Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel marker) -> String -> List (Highlightable marker)
initFragments marked text_ =
spaceOrInit index maybeWord =
case maybeWord of
Just word ->
init Interactive marked index ( [], word )
Nothing ->
init Static Nothing index ( [], " " )
Regex.split whitespace text_
|> List.map Just
|> List.intersperse Nothing
|> List.indexedMap spaceOrInit
{-| How do we know which elements should be marked, if all we have is a markdown string?
We do some funky parsing to interpret empty anchor tags and tagged spans as highlighted!
fromMarkdown "for example, [this phrase]() will show as highlighted"
will result in a list of highlightables where "this phrase" is marked with the default marker.
fromMarkdown : String -> List (Highlightable ())
fromMarkdown markdownString =
static maybeMark mapStrings c =
init Static maybeMark -1 ( [], mapStrings c )
defaultMark =
{ highlightColor = Colors.highlightYellow
, hoverColor = Colors.highlightYellow
, hoverHighlightColor = Colors.highlightYellow
, kind = ()
, name = Nothing
highlightableFromInline : Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel ()) -> (String -> String) -> Markdown.Inline.Inline i -> List (Highlightable ())
highlightableFromInline maybeMark mapStrings inline =
case inline of
Markdown.Inline.Text text_ ->
[ static maybeMark mapStrings text_ ]
Markdown.Inline.HardLineBreak ->
[ static maybeMark mapStrings "\n" ]
Markdown.Inline.CodeInline text_ ->
[ static maybeMark mapStrings text_ ]
Markdown.Inline.Link "" maybeTitle inlines ->
-- empty links should be interpreted as content that's supposed to be highlighted!
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline (Just defaultMark) mapStrings) inlines
Markdown.Inline.Link url maybeTitle inlines ->
lastIndex =
List.length inlines - 1
addLinkOpening i str =
if i == 0 then
"[" ++ str
addLinkClosing i str =
if i == lastIndex then
str ++ "](" ++ url ++ ")"
(\i ->
highlightableFromInline maybeMark
(mapStrings >> addLinkOpening i >> addLinkClosing i)
|> List.concat
Markdown.Inline.Image _ _ inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline maybeMark mapStrings) inlines
Markdown.Inline.HtmlInline _ _ inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline maybeMark mapStrings) inlines
Markdown.Inline.Emphasis level inlines ->
marker =
String.repeat level "*"
addMarkers str =
marker ++ str ++ marker
(highlightableFromInline maybeMark (mapStrings >> addMarkers))
Markdown.Inline.Custom _ inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline maybeMark mapStrings) inlines
highlightableFromBlock : Markdown.Block.Block b i -> List (Highlightable ())
highlightableFromBlock block =
case block of
Markdown.Block.BlankLine text_ ->
[ static Nothing identity text_ ]
Markdown.Block.ThematicBreak ->
Markdown.Block.Heading _ _ inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline Nothing identity) inlines
Markdown.Block.CodeBlock _ text_ ->
[ static Nothing identity text_ ]
Markdown.Block.Paragraph _ inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline Nothing identity) inlines
Markdown.Block.BlockQuote blocks ->
List.concatMap highlightableFromBlock blocks
Markdown.Block.List _ listOfBlocks ->
List.concatMap (List.concatMap highlightableFromBlock) listOfBlocks
Markdown.Block.PlainInlines inlines ->
List.concatMap (highlightableFromInline Nothing identity) inlines
Markdown.Block.Custom _ blocks ->
List.concatMap highlightableFromBlock blocks
if String.isEmpty markdownString then
Markdown.Block.parse Nothing markdownString
|> List.concatMap highlightableFromBlock
|> List.foldr
-- ensure that adjacent highlights are in a single mark element
(\segment ( lastInteractiveHighlight, acc ) ->
( segment.marked
, case acc of
last :: remainder ->
if segment.marked == last.marked then
{ segment | text = segment.text ++ last.text }
:: remainder
segment :: acc
_ ->
segment :: acc
( Nothing, [] )
|> Tuple.second
{-| -}
hover : Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
hover highlightable =
case highlightable.uiState of
Hinted ->
_ ->
{ highlightable | uiState = Hovered }
{-| -}
blur : Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
blur highlightable =
case highlightable.uiState of
Hinted ->
_ ->
{ highlightable | uiState = None }
{-| -}
hint : Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
hint highlightable =
{ highlightable | uiState = Hinted }
{-| -}
clearHint : Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
clearHint highlightable =
{ highlightable | uiState = None }
{-| -}
set : Maybe (Tool.MarkerModel marker) -> Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
set marked highlightable =
{ highlightable | marked = marked }
{-| -}
toggle : Tool.MarkerModel marker -> Highlightable marker -> Highlightable marker
toggle marker_ highlightable =
{ highlightable
| marked =
case highlightable.marked of
Just oldMarker ->
if oldMarker /= marker_ then
Just marker_
Nothing ->
Just marker_
{-| Split a highlightable into one highlightable per word.
splitHighlightableOnWords : Highlightable marker -> List (Highlightable marker)
splitHighlightableOnWords highlightable =
|> splitWords
|> List.map (\chunk -> { highlightable | text = chunk })
{-| Create list of words intersperse with spaces.
splitWords : String -> List String
splitWords string =
|> String.split " "
|> List.intersperse " "
{-| Get unique markers that have been used.
usedMarkers : Sorter marker -> List (Highlightable marker) -> Sort.Set.Set marker
usedMarkers sorter highlightables =
|> List.filterMap
(\highlightable ->
if String.Extra.isBlank highlightable.text then
|> Maybe.map .kind
|> Sort.Set.fromList sorter
{-| Get a list of fragment texts and whether or not they are marked.
Useful for encoding answers.
asFragmentTuples : List (Highlightable marker) -> List ( Maybe marker, String )
asFragmentTuples highlightables =
|> List.Extra.groupWhile (\a b -> a.groupIndex == b.groupIndex)
|> List.map
(\( first, rest ) ->
( first.marked
|> Maybe.map .kind
, text (first :: rest)
{-| Fetch the text from a series of highlightables.
text : List (Highlightable marker) -> String
text highlightables =
List.map .text highlightables
|> String.concat

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Json.Decode
import List.Extra
import Markdown.Block
import Markdown.Inline
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V1 as Highlightable exposing (Highlightable)
import Nri.Ui.Highlightable.V2 as Highlightable exposing (Highlightable)
import Nri.Ui.HighlighterTool.V1 as Tool
import Nri.Ui.Html.Attributes.V2 as AttributesExtra
import Nri.Ui.Mark.V2 as Mark