💀 Remove old table and deprecated sytles

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2019-05-17 15:12:50 -07:00
parent c0c4fb32b7
commit efcf0c049c
3 changed files with 1 additions and 347 deletions

View File

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
@ -80,4 +79,4 @@
"test-dependencies": {
"elm-explorations/test": "1.2.0 <= v < 2.0.0"

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
module DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2 exposing (Keyframe, keyframes, toString)
{-| DEPRECATED. Once we are on elm-css 15.1.0 or later, we should use its
built-in keyframe functionality.
### Keyframe animations
@docs Keyframe, keyframes, toString
{-| A CSS keyframe animation that will have vendor prefixes automatically added.
type Keyframe
= CompiledKeyframe String
{-| Create a CSS keyframe animation with appropriate vendor prefixes
keyframes : String -> List ( String, String ) -> Keyframe
keyframes name stops =
stop ( when, what ) =
when ++ " {" ++ what ++ "}"
x prefix =
++ prefix
++ "keyframes "
++ name
++ " {\n"
++ String.join "\n" (List.map stop stops)
++ "\n}\n"
[ "-webkit-", "-moz-", "" ]
|> List.map x
|> String.join ""
|> CompiledKeyframe
{-| Turn a [`Keyframe`](#Keyframe) into a string that can be included in a CSS stylesheet.
toString : Keyframe -> String
toString keyframe =
case keyframe of
CompiledKeyframe compiled ->

View File

@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
module Nri.Ui.Table.V3 exposing
( Column, custom, string
, view, viewWithoutHeader
, viewLoading, viewLoadingWithoutHeader
, keyframes, keyframeStyles
{-| Upgrading from V1:
- All the `width` fields in column configurations now take an elm-css length
value rather than an Integer. Change `width = 100` to `width = px 100` to get
the same widths as before.
- Tables now by default take the full width of the container they are placed in.
If this is not what you want, wrap the table in an element with a fixed width.
- The table module now makes use of `Html.Styled` and no longer exposes a
separate `styles` value.
Check out the [elm-css](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/14.0.0/Html-Styled)
documentation on Html.Styled to see how to work with it.
- The default cell padding has been removed and content is not vertically
centered in its cell. If you need to overwrite this, wrap your cells in
elements providing custom styling to the cell.
@docs Column, custom, string
@docs view, viewWithoutHeader
@docs viewLoading, viewLoadingWithoutHeader
@docs keyframes, keyframeStyles
import Css exposing (..)
import DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 exposing (..)
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 exposing (baseFont)
{-| Closed representation of how to render the header and cells of a column
in the table
type Column data msg
= Column (Html msg) (data -> Html msg) Style
{-| A column that renders some aspect of a value as text
string :
{ header : String
, value : data -> String
, width : LengthOrAuto compatible
-> Column data msg
string { header, value, width } =
Column (Html.text header) (value >> Html.text) (Css.width width)
{-| A column that renders however you want it to
custom :
{ header : Html msg
, view : data -> Html msg
, width : LengthOrAuto compatible
-> Column data msg
custom options =
Column options.header options.view (Css.width options.width)
{-| Displays a table of data without a header row
viewWithoutHeader : List (Column data msg) -> List data -> Html msg
viewWithoutHeader columns =
tableWithoutHeader [] columns (viewRow columns)
{-| Displays a table of data based on the provided column definitions
view : List (Column data msg) -> List data -> Html msg
view columns =
tableWithHeader [] columns (viewRow columns)
viewRow : List (Column data msg) -> data -> Html msg
viewRow columns data =
[ css rowStyles ]
(List.map (viewColumn data) columns)
viewColumn : data -> Column data msg -> Html msg
viewColumn data (Column _ renderer width) =
[ css (width :: cellStyles)
[ renderer data ]
{-| Display a table with the given columns but instead of data, show blocked
out text with an interesting animation. This view lets the user know that
data is on its way and what it will look like when it arrives.
viewLoading : List (Column data msg) -> Html msg
viewLoading columns =
tableWithHeader loadingTableStyles columns (viewLoadingRow columns) (List.range 0 8)
{-| Display the loading table without a header row
viewLoadingWithoutHeader : List (Column data msg) -> Html msg
viewLoadingWithoutHeader columns =
tableWithoutHeader loadingTableStyles columns (viewLoadingRow columns) (List.range 0 8)
viewLoadingRow : List (Column data msg) -> Int -> Html msg
viewLoadingRow columns index =
[ css rowStyles ]
(List.indexedMap (viewLoadingColumn index) columns)
viewLoadingColumn : Int -> Int -> Column data msg -> Html msg
viewLoadingColumn rowIndex colIndex (Column _ _ width) =
[ css (stylesLoadingColumn rowIndex colIndex width ++ cellStyles ++ loadingCellStyles)
[ span [ css loadingContentStyles ] [] ]
stylesLoadingColumn : Int -> Int -> Style -> List Style
stylesLoadingColumn rowIndex colIndex width =
[ width
, property "animation-delay" (String.fromFloat (toFloat (rowIndex + colIndex) * 0.1) ++ "s")
tableWithoutHeader : List Style -> List (Column data msg) -> (a -> Html msg) -> List a -> Html msg
tableWithoutHeader styles columns toRow data =
table styles
[ tableBody toRow data
tableWithHeader : List Style -> List (Column data msg) -> (a -> Html msg) -> List a -> Html msg
tableWithHeader styles columns toRow data =
table styles
[ tableHeader columns
, tableBody toRow data
table : List Style -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
table styles =
Html.table [ css (styles ++ tableStyles) ]
tableHeader : List (Column data msg) -> Html msg
tableHeader columns =
thead []
[ tr [ css headersStyles ]
(List.map tableRowHeader columns)
tableRowHeader : Column data msg -> Html msg
tableRowHeader (Column header _ width) =
[ css (width :: headerStyles)
[ header ]
tableBody : (a -> Html msg) -> List a -> Html msg
tableBody toRow items =
tbody [] (List.map toRow items)
headersStyles : List Style
headersStyles =
[ borderBottom3 (px 3) solid gray75
, height (px 45)
, fontSize (px 15)
headerStyles : List Style
headerStyles =
[ padding4 (px 15) (px 12) (px 11) (px 12)
, textAlign left
, fontWeight bold
rowStyles : List Style
rowStyles =
[ height (px 45)
, fontSize (px 14)
, color gray20
, pseudoClass "nth-child(odd)"
[ backgroundColor gray96 ]
cellStyles : List Style
cellStyles =
[ verticalAlign middle
loadingContentStyles : List Style
loadingContentStyles =
[ width (pct 100)
, display inlineBlock
, height (Css.em 1)
, borderRadius (Css.em 1)
, backgroundColor gray75
loadingCellStyles : List Style
loadingCellStyles =
[ batch flashAnimation
, padding2 (px 14) (px 10)
loadingTableStyles : List Style
loadingTableStyles =
tableStyles : List Style
tableStyles =
[ borderCollapse collapse
, baseFont
, Css.width (Css.pct 100)
{-| -}
keyframes : List DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2.Keyframe
keyframes =
[ DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2.keyframes "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-flash"
[ ( "0%", "opacity: 0.6" )
, ( "50%", "opacity: 0.2" )
, ( "100%", "opacity: 0.6" )
, DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2.keyframes "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-fadein"
[ ( "from", "opacity: 0" )
, ( "to", "opacity: 1" )
{-| -}
keyframeStyles : Html msg
keyframeStyles =
Html.node "style"
(List.map (Html.text << DEPRECATED.Nri.Ui.Styles.V2.toString) keyframes)
flashAnimation : List Css.Style
flashAnimation =
[ property "-webkit-animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-flash 2s infinite"
, property "-moz-animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-flash 2s infinite"
, property "animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-flash 2s infinite"
, opacity (num 0.6)
fadeInAnimation : List Css.Style
fadeInAnimation =
[ property "-webkit-animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-fadein 0.4s 0.2s forwards"
, property "-moz-animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-fadein 0.4s 0.2s forwards"
, property "animation" "Nri-Ui-Table-V2-fadein 0.4s 0.2s forwards"
, opacity (num 0)