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synced 2024-12-21 12:41:39 +03:00
Merge pull request #523 from NoRedInk/katies-personal-vendetta
TCR: Segmented Toggle Cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
module Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V9 exposing (NavConfig, Option, Width(..), view, viewSpa, SelectConfig, viewSelect)
@docs NavConfig, Option, Width, view, viewSpa, SelectConfig, viewSelect
Changes from V7:
- remove dependence on Nri.Ui.Icon.V5
- fix icons overlowing the segmented control
import Accessibility.Styled exposing (..)
import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Styled.Role as Role
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css exposing (..)
import EventExtras
import Html.Styled
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr exposing (css, href)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui
import Nri.Ui.Colors.Extra exposing (withAlpha)
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Fonts.V1 as Fonts
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.Util exposing (dashify)
- `onClick` : the message to produce when an option is selected (clicked) by the user
- `options`: the list of options available
- `selected`: the value of the currently-selected option
- `width`: how to size the segmented control
- `content`: the panel content for the selected option
type alias NavConfig a msg =
{ onClick : a -> msg
, options : List (Option a)
, selected : a
, width : Width
, content : Html msg
- `onClick` : the message to produce when an option is selected (clicked) by the user
- `options`: the list of options available
- `selected`: if present, the value of the currently-selected option
- `width`: how to size the segmented control
type alias SelectConfig a msg =
{ onClick : a -> msg
, options : List (Option a)
, selected : Maybe a
, width : Width
{-| -}
type alias Option a =
{ value : a
, icon : Maybe Svg
, label : String
{-| -}
type Width
= FitContent
| FillContainer
{-| -}
view : NavConfig a msg -> Html msg
view config =
viewHelper Nothing config
{-| Creates a segmented control that supports SPA navigation.
You should always use this instead of `view` when building a SPA
and the segmented control options correspond to routes in the SPA.
The first parameter is a function that takes a `route` and returns the URL of that route.
viewSpa : (route -> String) -> NavConfig route msg -> Html msg
viewSpa toUrl config =
viewHelper (Just toUrl) config
{-| Creates _just the segmented select_ when you need the ui element itself and
not a page control
viewSelect : SelectConfig a msg -> Html msg
viewSelect config =
[ css
[ displayFlex
, cursor pointer
, Role.radioGroup
{ onClick = config.onClick
, selected = config.selected
, width = config.width
, selectedAttribute = Widget.selected True
, maybeToUrl = Nothing
viewHelper : Maybe (a -> String) -> NavConfig a msg -> Html msg
viewHelper maybeToUrl config =
selected =
|> List.filter (\o -> o.value == config.selected)
|> List.head
div []
[ tabList
[ css
[ displayFlex
, cursor pointer
{ onClick = config.onClick
, selected = Just config.selected
, width = config.width
, selectedAttribute = Aria.currentPage
, maybeToUrl = maybeToUrl
, tabPanel
(List.filterMap identity
[ Maybe.map (Aria.labelledBy << segmentIdFor) selected
, Just <| css [ paddingTop (px 10) ]
[ config.content
segmentIdFor : Option a -> String
segmentIdFor option =
"Nri-Ui-SegmentedControl-Segment-" ++ dashify option.label
panelIdFor : Option a -> String
panelIdFor option =
"Nri-Ui-SegmentedControl-Panel-" ++ dashify option.label
viewSegment :
{ onClick : a -> msg
, selected : Maybe a
, width : Width
, selectedAttribute : Attribute msg
, maybeToUrl : Maybe (a -> String)
-> Html.Styled.Attribute msg
-> Option a
-> Html msg
viewSegment config ariaRole option =
idValue =
segmentIdFor option
element attrs children =
case config.maybeToUrl of
Nothing ->
-- This is for a non-SPA view
(Events.onClick (config.onClick option.value)
:: attrs
Just toUrl ->
-- This is a for a SPA view
(href (toUrl option.value)
:: EventExtras.onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref
(config.onClick option.value)
:: attrs
[ [ Attr.id idValue
, ariaRole
, css sharedSegmentStyles
, if Just option.value == config.selected then
[ css focusedSegmentStyles
, config.selectedAttribute
[ css unFocusedSegmentStyles ]
, case config.width of
FitContent ->
FillContainer ->
[ css expandingTabStyles ]
[ case option.icon of
Nothing ->
text ""
Just svg ->
[ css
[ maxWidth (px 18)
, width (px 18)
, maxHeight (px 18)
, height (px 18)
, display inlineBlock
, verticalAlign textTop
, lineHeight (px 15)
, marginRight (px 8)
[ Svg.toHtml svg ]
, text option.label
sharedSegmentStyles : List Style
sharedSegmentStyles =
[ padding2 (px 6) (px 20)
, height (px 45)
, Fonts.baseFont
, fontSize (px 15)
, fontWeight bold
, lineHeight (px 30)
, margin zero
, firstOfType
[ borderTopLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomLeftRadius (px 8)
, borderLeft3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, lastOfType
[ borderTopRightRadius (px 8)
, borderBottomRightRadius (px 8)
, border3 (px 1) solid Colors.azure
, borderLeft (px 0)
, boxSizing borderBox
, cursor pointer
, property "transition" "background-color 0.2s, color 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s, border 0.2s, border-width 0s"
, textDecoration none
, hover
[ textDecoration none
, focus
[ textDecoration none
focusedSegmentStyles : List Style
focusedSegmentStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.glacier
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px 3) zero (withAlpha 0.2 Colors.gray20)
, color Colors.navy
unFocusedSegmentStyles : List Style
unFocusedSegmentStyles =
[ backgroundColor Colors.white
, boxShadow5 inset zero (px -2) zero Colors.azure
, color Colors.azure
, hover
[ backgroundColor Colors.frost
expandingTabStyles : List Style
expandingTabStyles =
[ flexGrow (int 1)
, textAlign center
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V8 as SegmentedControl
import Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V9 as SegmentedControl
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 as Svg exposing (Svg)
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Nri.Ui.UiIcon.V1 as UiIcon
{-| -}
{-| -}
example : Example State Msg
example : Example State Msg
example =
example =
{ name = "Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V8"
{ name = "Nri.Ui.SegmentedControl.V9"
, state = init
, state = init
, update = update
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
@ -53,24 +53,16 @@ example =
, width = options.width
, width = options.width
, content = Html.text ("[Content for " ++ Debug.toString state.selectedNav ++ "]")
, content = Html.text ("[Content for " ++ Debug.toString state.selectedNav ++ "]")
, Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "Toggle only view" ]
, Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "Select only view" ]
, Html.p [] [ Html.text "Used when you only need the ui element and not a page control." ]
, Html.p [] [ Html.text "Used when you only need the ui element and not a page control." ]
, SegmentedControl.viewToggle
, SegmentedControl.viewSelect
{ onClick = Select
, options = buildOptions "Toggle-Only " options [ One, Two, Three ] [ UiIcon.leaderboard, UiIcon.person, UiIcon.performance ]
, selected = state.selected
, width = options.width
, Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "Toggle only view without a default" ]
, Html.p [] [ Html.text "Used when you only need the ui element and not a page control but don't want a default." ]
, SegmentedControl.viewOptionalSelectToggle
{ onClick = MaybeSelect
{ onClick = MaybeSelect
, options = buildOptions "Toggle-Only " options [ Do, Re, Mi ] [ UiIcon.leaderboard, UiIcon.person, UiIcon.performance ]
, options = buildOptions "" options [ One, Two, Three ] [ UiIcon.leaderboard, UiIcon.person, UiIcon.performance ]
, selected = state.optionallySelected
, selected = state.optionallySelected
, width = options.width
, width = options.width
, categories = [ Widgets ]
, categories = [ Inputs, Widgets ]
@ -103,21 +95,11 @@ type ExampleOptionSelect
| Three
| Three
type ExampleOptionMaybeSelect
= Do
| Re
| Mi
{-| -}
{-| -}
type alias State =
type alias State =
{ selectedNav : ExampleOptionNav
{ selectedNav : ExampleOptionNav
, selected : ExampleOptionSelect
, optionallySelected : Maybe ExampleOptionSelect
, optionallySelected : Maybe ExampleOptionMaybeSelect
, optionsControl : Control Options
, optionsControl : Control Options
-- , optionsControlSelect
-- , optionsControlMaybeSelect :
@ -125,7 +107,6 @@ type alias State =
init : State
init : State
init =
init =
{ selectedNav = A
{ selectedNav = A
, selected = One
, optionallySelected = Nothing
, optionallySelected = Nothing
, optionsControl = optionsControl
, optionsControl = optionsControl
@ -159,8 +140,7 @@ optionsControl =
{-| -}
{-| -}
type Msg
type Msg
= SelectNav ExampleOptionNav
= SelectNav ExampleOptionNav
| Select ExampleOptionSelect
| MaybeSelect ExampleOptionSelect
| MaybeSelect ExampleOptionMaybeSelect
| ChangeOptions (Control Options)
| ChangeOptions (Control Options)
@ -173,11 +153,6 @@ update msg state =
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
Select id ->
( { state | selected = id }
, Cmd.none
MaybeSelect id ->
MaybeSelect id ->
( { state | optionallySelected = Just id }
( { state | optionallySelected = Just id }
, Cmd.none
, Cmd.none
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user