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module Nri.Ui.Switch.V1 exposing (view, Attribute, onSwitch, disabled, id, label, custom)
@docs view, Attribute, onSwitch, disabled, id, label, custom
import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Accessibility.Styled.Aria as Aria
import Accessibility.Styled.Widget as Widget
import Css
import Css.Global as Global
import Css.Media
import Html.Styled as WildWildHtml
import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors
import Nri.Ui.Svg.V1 exposing (Svg)
import Svg.Styled as Svg
import Svg.Styled.Attributes as SvgAttributes
{-| -}
type Attribute msg
= OnSwitch (Bool -> msg)
| Id String
| Label (Html msg)
| Disabled
| Custom (List (Html.Attribute Never))
{-| Specify what happens when the switch is toggled.
onSwitch : (Bool -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onSwitch =
{-| Explicitly specify that you want this switch to be disabled. If you don't
specify `onSwitch`, this is the default, but it's provided so you don't have
to resort to `filterMap` or similar to build a clean list of attributes.
disabled : Attribute msg
disabled =
{-| Set the HTML ID of the switch toggle. If you have only one on the page,
you don't need to set this, but you should definitely set it if you have
more than one.
id : String -> Attribute msg
id =
{-| Add labeling text to the switch. This text should be descriptive and
able to be displayed inline. It should _not_ be interactive (if it were
ergonomic to make this argument `Html Never`, we would!)
label : Html msg -> Attribute msg
label =
{-| Pass custom attributes through to be attached to the underlying input.
custom : List (Html.Attribute Never) -> Attribute msg
custom =
type alias Config msg =
{ onSwitch : Maybe (Bool -> msg)
, id : String
, label : Maybe (Html msg)
, attributes : List (Html.Attribute Never)
defaultConfig : Config msg
defaultConfig =
{ onSwitch = Nothing
, id = "nri-ui-switch-with-default-id"
, label = Nothing
, attributes = []
customize : Attribute msg -> Config msg -> Config msg
customize attr config =
case attr of
OnSwitch onSwitch_ ->
{ config | onSwitch = Just onSwitch_ }
Disabled ->
{ config | onSwitch = Nothing }
Id id_ ->
{ config | id = id_ }
Label label_ ->
{ config | label = Just label_ }
Custom custom_ ->
{ config | attributes = custom_ }
{-| Render a switch. The boolean here indicates whether the switch is on
or not.
view : List (Attribute msg) -> Bool -> Html msg
view attrs isOn =
config =
List.foldl customize defaultConfig attrs
[ Attributes.id (config.id ++ "-container")
, Attributes.css
[ Css.display Css.inlineFlex
, Css.alignItems Css.center
, Css.position Css.relative
, Css.pseudoClass "focus-within"
[ Global.descendants
[ Global.class "switch-slider"
[ -- azure, but can't use the Color type here
Css.property "stroke" "#146AFF"
, Css.property "stroke-width" "3px"
, Css.cursor
(if config.onSwitch /= Nothing then
, Aria.controls config.id
, Widget.checked (Just isOn)
[ viewCheckbox
{ id = config.id
, onCheck = config.onSwitch
, checked = isOn
, attributes = config.attributes
, Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.toHtml
{ id = config.id
, isOn = isOn
, enabled = config.onSwitch /= Nothing
, case config.label of
Just label_ ->
[ Attributes.css
[ Css.fontWeight (Css.int 600)
, Css.color Colors.navy
, Css.paddingLeft (Css.px 5)
, Attributes.for config.id
[ label_ ]
Nothing ->
Html.text ""
viewCheckbox :
{ id : String
, onCheck : Maybe (Bool -> msg)
, checked : Bool
, attributes : List (Html.Attribute Never)
-> Html msg
viewCheckbox config =
Html.checkbox config.id
(Just config.checked)
([ Attributes.id config.id
, Attributes.css
[ Css.position Css.absolute
, Css.top (Css.px 10)
, Css.left (Css.px 10)
, Css.zIndex (Css.int 0)
, Css.opacity (Css.num 0)
, case config.onCheck of
Just onCheck ->
Events.onCheck onCheck
Nothing ->
Widget.disabled True
++ List.map (Attributes.map never) config.attributes
viewSwitch :
{ id : String
, isOn : Bool
, enabled : Bool
-> Svg
viewSwitch config =
shadowFilterId =
config.id ++ "-shadow-filter"
shadowBoxId =
config.id ++ "-shadow-box"
[ SvgAttributes.width "43"
, SvgAttributes.height "32"
, SvgAttributes.viewBox "0 0 43 32"
, SvgAttributes.css
[ Css.zIndex (Css.int 1)
, if config.enabled then
Css.opacity (Css.num 1)
Css.opacity (Css.num 0.4)
[ Svg.defs []
[ Svg.filter
[ SvgAttributes.id shadowFilterId
, SvgAttributes.width "105%"
, SvgAttributes.height "106.7%"
, SvgAttributes.x "-2.5%"
, SvgAttributes.y "-3.3%"
, SvgAttributes.filterUnits "objectBoundingBox"
[ Svg.feOffset
[ SvgAttributes.dy "2"
, SvgAttributes.in_ "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowOffsetInner1"
, Svg.feComposite
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowOffsetInner1"
, SvgAttributes.in2 "SourceAlpha"
, SvgAttributes.k2 "-1"
, SvgAttributes.k3 "1"
, SvgAttributes.operator "arithmetic"
, SvgAttributes.result "shadowInnerInner1"
, Svg.feColorMatrix
[ SvgAttributes.in_ "shadowInnerInner1"
, SvgAttributes.values "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0"
, Svg.rect
[ SvgAttributes.id shadowBoxId
, SvgAttributes.width "40"
, SvgAttributes.height "30"
, SvgAttributes.x "0"
, SvgAttributes.y "0"
, SvgAttributes.rx "15"
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.fill "none"
, SvgAttributes.fillRule "even-odd"
, SvgAttributes.transform "translate(1, 1)"
[ Svg.g []
[ Svg.use
[ SvgAttributes.xlinkHref ("#" ++ shadowBoxId)
, SvgAttributes.css
[ if config.isOn then
Css.fill Colors.glacier
Css.fill Colors.gray92
, transition "fill 0.2s"
, Svg.use
[ SvgAttributes.xlinkHref ("#" ++ shadowBoxId)
, SvgAttributes.fill "#000"
, SvgAttributes.filter ("url(#" ++ shadowFilterId ++ ")")
, Svg.g
[ SvgAttributes.css
[ if config.isOn then
Css.transform (Css.translateX (Css.px 11))
Css.transform (Css.translateX (Css.px 0))
, transition "transform 0.2s ease-in-out"
[ Svg.circle
[ SvgAttributes.cx "15"
, SvgAttributes.cy "15"
, SvgAttributes.r "14.5"
, SvgAttributes.fill "#FFF"
, SvgAttributes.css
[ if config.isOn then
-- azure, but can't use the Color type here
Css.property "stroke" "#146AFF"
-- gray75, but can't use the Color type here
Css.property "stroke" "#BFBFBF"
, transition "stroke 0.1s"
, SvgAttributes.class "switch-slider"
, Svg.path
[ SvgAttributes.strokeLinecap "round"
, SvgAttributes.strokeLinejoin "round"
, SvgAttributes.strokeWidth "3"
, SvgAttributes.d "M8 15.865L12.323 20 21.554 10"
, SvgAttributes.css
[ if config.isOn then
-- azure, but can't use the Color type here
Css.property "stroke" "#146AFF"
Css.property "stroke" "rgba(255,255,255,0)"
, transition "stroke 0.2s"
|> Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.fromHtml
transition : String -> Css.Style
transition transitionRules =
[ "(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)" ]
[ Css.property "transition" transitionRules ]
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