Id and label should reeeaaally always be passed in for robustness

This commit is contained in:
Tessa Kelly 2022-04-18 18:25:51 -07:00
parent 0d8d258871
commit fc40dafa37
2 changed files with 25 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Nri.Ui.Switch.V2 exposing
( view, label
( view
, Attribute
, selected
, containerCss, labelCss, custom, nriDescription, id, testId
, containerCss, labelCss, custom, nriDescription, testId
, onSwitch, disabled, enabled
@ -16,15 +16,16 @@ module Nri.Ui.Switch.V2 exposing
- extends API to be more consistent with other form/control components
- Use Colors values instead of hardcoded hex strings
- Move the status (selected or not selected) to the list api
- REQUIRE label and id always
@docs view, label
@docs view
### Attributes
@docs Attribute
@docs selected
@docs containerCss, labelCss, custom, nriDescription, id, testId
@docs containerCss, labelCss, custom, nriDescription, testId
@docs onSwitch, disabled, enabled
@ -79,23 +80,6 @@ enabled =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | isDisabled = False }
{-| Set the HTML ID of the switch toggle. If you have only one on the page,
you don't need to set this, but you should definitely set it if you have
more than one.
id : String -> Attribute msg
id id_ =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | id = id_ }
{-| Add labeling text to the switch. This text should be descriptive and
able to be displayed inline.
label : String -> Attribute msg
label label_ =
Attribute <| \config -> { config | label = label_ }
{-| Pass custom attributes through to be attached to the underlying input.
Do NOT use this helper to add css styles, as they may not be applied the way
@ -139,8 +123,6 @@ labelCss styles =
type alias Config msg =
{ onSwitch : Maybe (Bool -> msg)
, id : String
, label : String
, containerCss : List Style
, labelCss : List Style
, isDisabled : Bool
@ -152,8 +134,6 @@ type alias Config msg =
defaultConfig : Config msg
defaultConfig =
{ onSwitch = Nothing
, id = "nri-ui-switch-with-default-id"
, label = ""
, containerCss = []
, labelCss = []
, isDisabled = False
@ -165,14 +145,14 @@ defaultConfig =
{-| Render a switch. The boolean here indicates whether the switch is on
or not.
view : List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
view attrs =
view : { label : String, id : String } -> List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
view { label, id } attrs =
config =
List.foldl (\(Attribute update) -> update) defaultConfig attrs
[ ( ++ "-container")
[ (id ++ "-container")
, Attributes.css
[ Css.display Css.inlineFlex
, Css.alignItems
@ -194,10 +174,10 @@ view attrs =
, Css.batch config.containerCss
, Attributes.for
, Attributes.for id
[ viewCheckbox
{ id =
{ id = id
, onCheck = config.onSwitch
, isDisabled = config.isDisabled
, selected = config.isSelected
@ -205,7 +185,7 @@ view attrs =
, Nri.Ui.Svg.V1.toHtml
{ id =
{ id = id
, isSelected = config.isSelected
, enabled = config.onSwitch /= Nothing
@ -219,7 +199,7 @@ view attrs =
, Css.batch config.labelCss
[ Html.text config.label ]
[ Html.text label ]

View File

@ -32,14 +32,12 @@ example =
, update = \(Switch new) _ -> ( new, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, preview =
[ Switch.view
[ Switch.label "Toggle Off"
, Switch.selected False
[ Switch.view { label = "Toggle Off", id = "preview-switch-a" }
[ Switch.selected False
, Switch.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
, Switch.view
[ Switch.label "Toggle On"
, Switch.selected True
, Switch.view { label = "Toggle On", id = "preview-switch-b" }
[ Switch.selected True
, Switch.custom [ Key.tabbable False ]
@ -47,29 +45,26 @@ example =
\ellieLinkConfig interactiveIsOn ->
[ Heading.h2 [ Heading.Subhead ] [ Html.text "Interactive" ]
, Switch.view
{ id = "switch-interactive"
, label = "Show pandas in results"
[ Switch.onSwitch Switch
, "switch-interactive"
, Switch.label
(if interactiveIsOn then
, Switch.selected interactiveIsOn
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.Subhead ] [ Html.text "Disabled (On)" ]
, Switch.view
{ id = "switch-disabled-on"
, label = "Permanently on"
[ Switch.disabled
, "switch-disabled-on"
, Switch.label "Permanently on"
, Switch.selected True
, Heading.h2 [ Heading.Subhead ] [ Html.text "Disabled (Off)" ]
, Switch.view
{ id = "switch-disabled-off"
, label = "Permanently off"
[ Switch.disabled
, "switch-disabled-off"
, Switch.label "Permanently off"
, Switch.selected False