module Debug.Control.View exposing (codeFromList, codeFromListWithIndentLevel, view) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Media exposing (withMedia) import Debug.Control as Control exposing (Control) import EllieLink import Example import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import Nri.Ui.Heading.V2 as Heading import Nri.Ui.MediaQuery.V1 exposing (mobile) import Nri.Ui.Text.V6 as Text {-| -} view : { ellieLinkConfig : EllieLink.Config , name : String , version : Int , update : Control a -> msg , settings : Control a , toExampleCode : a -> List { sectionName : String, code : String } } -> Html msg view config = let value = Control.currentValue config.settings ellieLink = EllieLink.view config.ellieLinkConfig in div [ css [ displayFlex , Css.flexWrap Css.wrap , "gap" "10px" , withMedia [ mobile ] [ flexDirection column, alignItems stretch ] ] ] [ viewSection "Settings" <| [ fromUnstyled (Control.view config.update config.settings) ] , viewExampleCode ellieLink config (config.toExampleCode value) ] viewExampleCode : (EllieLink.SectionExample -> Html msg) -> { component | name : String, version : Int } -> List { sectionName : String, code : String } -> Html msg viewExampleCode ellieLink component values = viewSection "Code Sample" <| Text.smallBodyGray [ Text.plaintext "😎 Configure the \"Settings\" on this page to update the code sample, then paste it into your editor!" ] :: List.concatMap (\example -> [ details [] [ summary [] [ Heading.h3 [ Heading.css [ Css.display Css.inline ] ] [ text example.sectionName ] ] , ellieLink { fullModuleName = Example.fullName component , name = , sectionName = example.sectionName , code = example.code } , code [ css [ display block , whiteSpace preWrap , Css.marginTop (px 8) ] ] [ text example.code ] ] ] ) values viewSection : String -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg viewSection name children = section [ css [ flex (int 1) ] ] (Heading.h2 [] [ text name ] :: children ) codeFromList : List ( String, a ) -> String codeFromList = codeFromListWithIndentLevel 1 codeFromListWithIndentLevel : Int -> List ( String, a ) -> String codeFromListWithIndentLevel indent list = let indents = String.repeat indent "\t" in "\n" ++ indents ++ "[ " ++ String.join ("\n" ++ indents ++ ", ") ( Tuple.first list) ++ "\n" ++ indents ++ "] "