module Nri.Ui exposing (styled) {-| A collection of helpers for working with NoRedInk projects @docs styled -} import Css exposing (Style) import Html.Styled exposing (Attribute, Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (attribute, css) {-| Wrapper around [``]( which adds a data-nri-description attribute to make it easier to tell from Inspect Element where in our code that element was defined. Takes a function that creates an element, and pre-applies styles and a `data-nri-description` attribution to it. bigButton : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg bigButton = styled button "big button" [ padding (px 30) , fontWeight bold ] view : Model -> Html msg view model = [ text "These two buttons are identical:" , bigButton [] [ text "Hi!" ] , button [ css [ padding (px 30), fontWeight bold ] ] [] [ text "Hi!" ] ] Here, the bigButton function we've defined using styled button is identical to the normal button function, except that it has pre-applied the attribute of css [ padding (px 30), fontWeight bold ], as well as `(attribute "data-nri-description" "big button")`. You can pass more attributes to bigButton as usual (including other css attributes). They will be applied after the pre-applied styles. Note: normally `attributeMsg` will be the same as `msg`, but we need them to be different types for special cases when `fn` needs to do tricky things. For example, some elements from the Accessibility.Styled package use the following type signature: div : List (Attribute Never) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg -} styled : (List (Attribute attributeMsg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg) -> String -> List Style -> List (Attribute attributeMsg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg styled fn description styles = -- Cache the computed css style so we only have to do the hashing once. -- Just like in let descriptionAttr = attribute "data-nri-description" description cssAttr = css styles in \attrs children -> fn (descriptionAttr :: cssAttr :: attrs) children