module EventExtras exposing (onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref) import Html import Html.Events exposing (..) import Json.Decode {-| This is necessary to use in single-page apps (SPA) when intercepting the `onClick` of `` tags that trigger navigation within the app, as a normal `onClickPreventDefault` will prevent the user from opening the link in a new tab/window. (From ) -} onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref : msg -> Html.Attribute msg onClickPreventDefaultForLinkWithHref msg = let isSpecialClick : Json.Decode.Decoder Bool isSpecialClick = Json.Decode.map2 (\isCtrl isMeta -> isCtrl || isMeta) (Json.Decode.field "ctrlKey" Json.Decode.bool) (Json.Decode.field "metaKey" Json.Decode.bool) succeedIfFalse : a -> Bool -> Json.Decode.Decoder a succeedIfFalse msg preventDefault = case preventDefault of False -> Json.Decode.succeed msg True -> "succeedIfFalse: condition was True" in onWithOptions "click" { stopPropagation = False , preventDefault = True } (isSpecialClick |> Json.Decode.andThen (succeedIfFalse msg) )